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Desirable Twins

Desirable Twins



Opposites of each other, these twins are on a quest to find their significant others. Sapphire has always been the better daughter, obedient and level-headed, until she meets the daring Zyrian who brings out the rebel in her. Emerald is the black sheep of the family, wanting nothing to do with her family and just wants to live without being responsible for shit. But then she meets the goody-two-shoes artist Sean who is all about family and responsibility and she is on a mission to make a minion out of him.

Chapter 1 Newsflash


I unlocked the front door and tiptoed into the house, making my way up to her room. When I peeped in, she was sleeping peacefully, just like a baby; curled up in her white blanket.

I got on the bed next to her and waited, she would definitely notice my presence and maybe this time I'll scare her.

It took about three minutes before she turned over to me, stirring awake as she opened her eyes.

She smiled, stretching.

"Good morning." She yawned.

"Do you ever get scared? I could have been a burglar?"

"Well, try wearing a burglar mask next time and I just might get scared. But make sure there are no eye holes, because if I wake up to see those beautiful eyes, I can't be scared." I got off the bed, feigning annoyance.

"Whatever. Shouldn't you be getting ready for work like thirty minutes ago? I didn't expect to catch you in bed." She got off the bed too and stretched some more.

"Not today. God knows I needed that sleep." She walked into her white bathroom and I followed her. "Today is a special day, I have to go home." I rolled my eyes. Home to her meant our parents' house.

"What's going on there? Your Dad's celebrating buying another country?" She paused between putting toothpaste on her electric toothbrush.

"When did Dad ever buy a country? And no, it's something way different. I'm the one celebrating."

"What are you celebrating? Your Dad finally promoted you?" She threw the toothpaste and toothbrush away suddenly.

"I'm already CEO, what could he possibly promote me to? Owner?" Why was she getting mad? Something was definitely off. I took her hands and made her look at me.

"Sapphire, you know I'm just joking. So, will you tell me what's really going on?" She dropped our hands and hugged me instead.

"I'm sorry I got mad at you, I didn't mean to yell."

"You know I'm not as fragile as you are. It's okay, I can't be upset with my lookalike." She broke off the hug to frown.

"You're my lookalike. I'm a whole two days older than you are."

"And that's why you are the more responsible one. Now quit stalling and tell me what's really bothering you." She looked away fast.

"Can I tell you over coffee? I'll just brush my teeth and meet you downstairs."

"Fuck that! What is going on Saph? I've only seen you this nervous before and that was eight years ago. Now just spit..."

"I'm getting married." She blurted out. It took me a moment to process that information. First, my sister had no boyfriend, she had never dated anyone, ever! Second, even if she met someone and didn't say anything to me, which isn't possible, it's too soon to be getting married. So I had just one conclusion, our messed up parents were forcing her to get married to some dude for their fucking company's sake.

"Who is he?" I asked, trying to suppress my anger.

"Emerald, calm down..."

"Just tell me who he is. Do you know him? How old is he? Does he even know what you look like? When..." I trailed off and left the bathroom, leaving the room as well and making my way downstairs. Before I could open the door, Sapphire caught my arm and pulled me back.

"Where are you...?"

"To your fucking parents house!" I yelled. "They have no right, absolutely no right to control your life like that."

"And how do you know I'm not the who made this decision?"

"Because you're so used to kissing their ass, you think this is your decision. I..."

"Well, someone has to be the responsible daughter. We can't all just renounce our family and go have the easy life." I stilled. Was she...?

"Are you saying this is my fault? You think my life is easy?" She blinked fast and tried reaching for my hand but I shrugged it away.

"Wait... I didn't... I'm sorry."

"Now I understand why you would hide it from me, obviously I can't comprehend how you would throw your life away like this. Good luck with your marriage." I opened the door and stormed out to my Toyota Corolla; driving away.

Fuck it! Fuck it all!

Why couldn't things just be normal? Why couldn't I have normal caring parents like everyone else? Why does everything have to be about money to those people? And using Sapphire like that? There's no way on earth I'm going to let them.

I changed course to my parents house, getting there a good fifteen minutes later. The security had the gates locked, of course they wouldn't just let me in.

One of them began approaching me when I rolled down my window and stuck my head out.

"If you don't want to fucking get shot, go back and open the damn gates." He stopped in his tracks and spoke into his walkie talkie.

I couldn't take it anymore as I got down from my car and walked towards the gates.

"Miss, we'll have to frisk you..." I hit him hard on the groin, taking out my anger on him.

"Oh my God! Just open the gates for her." I heard Dad's voice and looked away from the guard. He was still wearing his PJs and looked really pissed. Just the reaction I was hoping for.

The gates were open and I walked straight up to him.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Leave my sister alone." I warned.

"What are you even talking about?"

"The stupid arranged marriage. She has done enough for you people already, you can't take her future away."

"She agreed to it."

"Because you forced her. Because all her life she has been living just to please you and it's never enough. You keep taking and taking, but now it's gone too far. You can't force someone to get married, this is the 21st century."

"Get off my property Emerald, or I might just forget you are my daughter and..."

"I'm not your daughter anymore. You disowned me, remember? Or is old age kicking in?"

"Wasn't that what you wanted? To renounce your last name and live your life however you want? You lost the right to talk to me the moment you changed your last name. You don't even have any right to Sapphire anymore." I grabbed his collar.

"You can't take away the bond my sister and I share, you can't ever."

"Emerald!" Sapphire was there, trying to pry my hands off her precious Dad.

"Get your hands off him." Before I could turn to Mom, she pushed me back and slapped me across my face.

"Mom, stop!" Sapphire stepped between us.

"How did you turn out to be this way? Where did we go wrong with you?" Mom demanded. It just made me smile, wiping my cheek.

"Maybe you should look in the mirror, you might find your answer staring back at you." I looked at each of them in turn; from Dad to Sapphire to Mom.

"You all deserve each other. I'm happy I'm not a part of this."

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