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Forced Desire

Forced Desire

Miss Rhe


Carina Swan is a self-taught painter with a lively personality, but all changes when she meets the man she believes can alter her life for the better, but she is mistaken. This man will be the one capable of inducing nightmares in her. However, she uncovers a past that can serve as a warning to her mind not to fall in love with this guy. In the past, she lost her memories and suffered brain damage, and this guy she despises is actually her husband. However, how can this happen? Read the novel what happen next!

Chapter 1 New Client

"Carina, you have a new client!" Her co-artist told her and she is thinking now if she wants to be a full-time artist or just to force herself to manage the business farm of her parents.

"Really?" she asked her friend with a surprise on her face.

"Yeah, really. So this guy just gave me his calling card but I think I may not come tonight, can you just save my ass and be the one to go there to paint him?"

"Ariella? Really?" she rolled her eyes and glared at her friend. Ariella is praying for her to say yes at this time.

"So you are going for a date tonight and you didn't even tell me before? Or yesterday?" she asks her friend and sighs with disappointment, "Do you think... that this Client pays bigger?"

Because she's been painting and giving all her best for all her life but nothing changes, she's always been a normal figurative painter.

Ariella kissed her cheek happily and said, "Yes because he is Chris Sebastian Donovan!"

Carina freaked out and she can't believe that she will have the chance to paint this man.

"Oh my god, no way!" she said happily and she chuckles while reading the calling card if it's true.

"Gotcha! I will put this in my resume that I paint the hottest billionaire in town so that everyone will ask for my service!"

Ariella's phone suddenly rings and Carina guesses it's Ariella's boyfriend. "But just remember that this guy is just a stranger to you, even if his name is well-known, you don't really know him."

"Okay, okay, you can go now..." she told her while nodding her head like she can't do anything if her friend goes out with her boyfriend.

"Why can't you just find a boyfriend rather than being bitterly single?" Ariella said while she took her bag and ran to the doorway, "Because men are just a headache to me."

"My boyfriend is my inspiration, Carina. Remember that!" Ariella said and left in a splash.

Now that she is alone, she tried to call the number of Mister Sebastian.

It's ringing, but the first ring, no answer.

The second time, she heard a baritone voice that answered her call.

"Who the f*ck is this?!"

She gulped and became nervous. "Am I talking to Mister Chris Sebast-"

"You are late! You're supposed to be here at 8:30 pm."

"Oh sorry about that, but can you tell me where I can find you?---sir?"

Mister Sebastian groaned and sighed, "Okay meet me at my penthouse. I will text you the address." Then the call ended.

"Why are rich people always so arrogant and acting like they are spoiled brat?" she asked herself and sighed. She takes all her things and puts them all in her baggage.

Then she just received a text message from that man that there's no need for her materials because he already has them in there. She sighed and put her things inside again.

"Oh my god, this guy is insane; is he a painter? Why won't he let me take my own belongings?" She simply took her favorite brush and stuffed it inside her purse.

When she first came, she was taken aback by the level of grandeur and all of the extravagance that she couldn't afford even if she painted ten times a day.

"Hi, I'm looking for Mister Chris Sebastian?" she said to the man who was facing his back at her, and the hot and attractive man simply turned around and faced her.

She gulped, she thought that her own breath was taking away from this man's beauty.

"Hi..." he said, "Sorry...I don't remember your name? Are you sure you are the same woman that I just talked to?"

She smiles nervously and says, "Actually, I don't want to lie to you, Mister. My friend just has important things to do, so I am the one who's been sent here to do her job."

Carina just stared at the man, thinking to herself that this man sounded different from the man she had just talked to on the phone.

"Sorry if I'm late," she apologized as she bowed her head, and the man in front of her quietly chuckled and replied, "Sorry, my brother is only playing with you. He's the one who answered the phone for me, and you're not late; you're right on time."

When Mister Sebastian glanced at her gaping mouth and remarked, "Perfect," she only looked up and parted her lips before closing them.

"Pardon?" she asked confused then she proceeded to gather the materials that are needed to sketch him.

"Perfect, I said..." Mister Sebastian gulped as he repeated his word, his eyes observing her every movement. She then simply put her long hair in a ponytail, and Mister Sebastian gulped as he realized that this woman has the ability to make him feel something on the inside.

"Are you all set, sir?"

"Yeah..." Carina bit her bottom lip as Sebastian removed his white V-neck t-shirt, she can't deny that this man is a work of art, his masculine and well-chiseled figure is perfect for her next creation.

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