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Mysterious Mates

Mysterious Mates

Martins Black


A bond mysteriously formed. Or was it tampered with? After a promise of a new mate to Connor, he suddenly felt like he was sharing the bond of the pack with someone but he did not pay attention to it as he did not want to have high hopes after the pain he went through for losing his mate, Anna. But then a strange lady comes to his pack, claiming him as her mate. He was uncertain about accepting her. One thing he did not know is that he had just opened his pack to vipers. They slowly crawled their way in and a predestined lady who was promised and destined to fight for them comes to light. How does the trail of Pain and sorrow drive in between Connor's fate for a mate?

Chapter 1 P R O L O G U E

"See you in the next world."

Pain. Misery. Anguish.

Was all I felt as I watched my mate– my Luna, slowly closed her eyes as she gave up the ghost. Heavy rain poured down the roof of the hut and the thunder strikes rang loud, piercing the darkness with its light. My brows itched together and my fists clenched tighter as pain pierced through my heart and broke it into million pieces

Tears blurred my vision as my body shook violently at the breaking of the bond between us. I fell to my knees and held unto my chest as it squeezed with hurt. It was painful. I reached out for her hands and held it in mine with my teeth gnashing. We are going to go through this together. Just like we have always promised ourselves.

"Annabella." I choked out as the tears began to roll out of my eyes in drops.

"You fucking promised to be here forever. Till we grow the fuck old. Tell me why you are leaving me alone in this world?" I growled angrily at her even though I knew deeply she could not hear or even reply me. That she was gone. And that too forever. The rain echoed through the walls of the small hut as thunder struck noisily as if escorting my Luna to the great beyond. Back to the souls and stars alignment.

I closed my eyes and relaxed against the bed as a ridiculous smile played on my lips.

I could feel the pack's bitterness coupled with mine. We had just lost our beloved Luna to death. They should be bitter and sad. Even the entire earth should be!!!

The door creaked open and Ryan, my Beta, stepped in. He did not move any further. He knew all too well not to.

"Let us go for run in memory of her." He barely spoke the words. I rose up to my feet and exhaled. Anna has been on this sick bed for months and yet we could not find the cause or even the cure of her disease. She just died. Just like that. Am I even a worth of being her mate?

I closed my eyes as I remember her last words - "Connor, you are not allowed to be sad. You are the Alpha. Alphas don't get sad. Alpha's don't cry. They are strong."

I scoffed as the end part. Strong? Even Alphas themselves know that they can't do without their Lunas. They were their supporting shoulders and now mine is gone. I don't even know when I will get to see her again. Moon goddess, you must definitely be kidding with me. I don't even have an heir yet!

I passed by him and stepped out of the small hut. We had moved her in after her condition exacerbated. The rain did not stop pouring. It must be Anna's way of pacifying us. And guess what? Before me, knelt my pack. My entire pack. They were all soaked in the rain with their heads bowed.

Tell me what loyalty is and I will show you my pack.

I smiled sadly and tore off my shirt as the rain soaked poured on me. I looked up to the sky and saw just how bright the moon was shining. Selene must be really happy that another soul joins her shining palace tonight. Fuck you!

Tenor, my wolf, did not even wait for me to do anything, instead he clawed at me and morphed into our black wolf. He took instant control and I let him. He need to mourn his mate. He really need. He shook aggressively as the rain poured down on his fur. Bones cracked and reformed behind me and Tenor stood all high and mighty. They all looked at their Alpha who was in great despair.

Tenor bent his head and slowly howled so loud that it felt like the heavens opened up and accepted his howl of pain. Of grief.

He turned around and sprinted across the field and the pack followed after him. The earth shook to its core at every paws hitting the ground as if they wanted it to feel the pain that it had cost them. Their grief, their sorrow, their despair. Everything. Completely.

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