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group of three girls go to a private chalet to spend three days as a holiday in the mountainous forest side. And to add to it there is a wild wolf who is roaming outside and the caretaker who is an ex murderer. Jeremy their friend is supposed to join them but goes missing before he even reaches there and they end up getting stuck with no light and phone connection. And many more stories ..

Chapter 1 Into the moonlight

Its a very dark rainy night. Because of fog outside nothing could be seen. Darcy was packing her bags to go with her family to her uncles mansion which was, pretty far away from town. In middle a, forest was there and was famous among the village folks for its being haunted and for it's wild animals.

Thats why her father had told them to pack all of their things, fast and to set out on the journey as soon as possible. As she was combing her curly hair. On the mirrors surface drops of mist was there because of the coldness of the weather. She looked at her reflection. She was a blonde nice looking young woman.

" Its 9 30 in the night hurry up the carriage is, already down. Where is Darcy your sister " her father was shouting from downstairs.

" Im all set up lets go. Percy is already downstairs " Darcy said and took her bag and started going down the stairs. Percy her sister was a straight haired brunette with dark blue eyes.

Below their maid was also waiting for them. They all took their luggage, locked their house and went inside the carriage.

The horseman said " Sir waterman wouldnt have been better if we had taken this journey in day time. As you can see its going to get darker and is a stormy night to began with.. "

Their father said " lets get going now its okay we two man are, enough with this two girls and i have my gun with me in case we need it. "

Their carriage started.

Percy was very quiet looking outside the window. " I have a, not good feeling about this journey she said. " What happened " her sister asked " dont think so ".

Their horse trodded along as the moon came up from behind the clouds lighting their way as the night grew more silent and darker.

After some time Percy slept. Then got up as the carriage had halted. " What time it is " she asked. Darcy replied " its 11 30. " So why have we halted here. Then. "

Their father came and opened the carriage door. " Its an inn here. Let's rest and eat something there " he said.

" It looks so spooky and isolated. And kind of dilapidated too Do you think its a good idea, to halt here " Percy asked. " I am not hungry lets just finish with the journey " Darcy said. " But there is no inn around for a, mile now so lets eat something " their father said.

Darcy said " Let's go inside and see " and they all went inside. A woman was, at the door. All her teeth were crooked and she had a, sinister smile on her lips." She looks sinister to me " Darcy said to Percy.

Slowly they entered the inn. Darcy was still feeling sleepy so she ordered coffee and her father and sister and the maid asked for juice.

There was a curtain in the inn which separated the dining room from the kitchen.

After few minutes that same woman came with their order trays. As soon as she came Percy saw that there was, a patch of blood on her apron. " Whats that" she asked her. " Its nothing as while cutting meat that spot came " she told and went.

Percy was not convinced. Later afer sometime she saw that the woman was watching them from thr curtains. As her shadow could be seen.

So Percy told, this, to her sister and later, when her shadow was not there both of them went to look inside the kitchen. And they saw that the woman was holding a big butcher knife and was laughing.

" This womans, a murderer lets get out of here fast. I knew it when i saw her apron " Percy said. So both of them informed their father, maid and the horseman and all of them started running away from there outside.

" Fast get inside the carriage " their father said. As soon as, they were in the woman came bursting outside the door and ran after their carriage for sometime.

Darcy said " you were right when you said that there was something fishy here. " And they all heaved a, sigh of relief.

Soon they were on their way. Rain had started to pour down more heavily.

" Wasnt she that woman we had, rumours of, a psychic who leers customers into her inn and murders them " Darcy said.

" I think so whatever we shouldn't stop in anywere now " Percy said.

After some time the voice of horseman could be heard. " The wheels have broken sir and we are in middle of the forests now " he said breathlessly.

Darcy exclaimed " what are we, going to do now? " " Its okay dont worry the horseman will fix the wheel " their father said. " Its so cold out here and i am shivering. Percy just lets go inside and sit in the carriage. "

From distance howling of a wolf could be heard. " Isn't that an wild animal, now what are we going to do " Percy said.

" Girls dont worry just go and sit inside the carriage we will handle this " their father said as he removed a cigar to smoke.

Inside Percy removed her novel to read. " Seriously are you in the mood to read.. I knew we shouldnt have come only at this time. Daytime travel was better. " Percy said. " But our uncle wanted us to come as soon as possible Percy " Darcy told her.

" What if that wolf or some bandit comes here. After that inn incident iam having doubts " Percy said.

" Im worried about father and the horseman outside. And look at her how peaceful shes sleeping " tthe said looking at their maid who was, fast asleep all along.

Suddenly their father was shouting from outside something. " Now what was that " said Darcy with a jerk.

Both of them came rushing out. Darcy screamed when she saw that her father was standing in front of a hound. He was trying to ward it of with a stick.

The horseman was running towards the forest. The hound scratched their father's leg. Few moments later the horseman came with a branch lighted with fire and with this he drew the hound away.

The maid was crying with fear looking at all this.

As soon as the hound ran away because of the firebranch. All of them were breathless. Fast they fixed up the tire and started on their journey again.

After sometime only the sound of the horse hooves and raindrops could be heard.

Then the horseman at last said " sir your uncle's manor has come. " And the girls alighted gleefully quick to retreat into the warm warm manor away from outside cold. As it was a eventful trip and they just wanted to sleep.

So they all went inside. Their uncle was woken up by the butler. He said " i was s worried that you people took this journey in such a weather. "

Their father Mr Waterman said " it was more then the weather but its a long story of adventure. Tomorrow will let you all about it . "

Darcy and Percy went to their respective rooms and their maid was also shown the service quarters.

The butler said " would you all like dinner and hot soup after this long journey. " " Sure we are famished "Darcy said.

After getting refreshed and putting their luggage in their bedroom. They came down to the dining hall. Their uncle Mr Wrench was sitting on the table. " I have had my dinner as its too late at night now but i wouldn't mind some soup with you to accompany u all " he said.

The butler served cheese soup and roasted sandwiches. " So you girls have planned what you are going to do during your stay here " their uncle asked. " First of all we would like to do some horseback riding tomorrow as its a very

picturusque land and we would like to see the dukes castle too " Percy said.

Suddenly a handsome man entered the chambers from upstairs. He looked like he just had gotten from sleep.

Darcy was surprised. Who was this handsome stranger in uncle wrenchs house! " Meet Tom bradford hes my friend duke of Bradburrys son. He has especially come to see me and my new horses as he has quite a, fetish for them. "

" Hello pretty ladies " he said with a, smile. " Sure i can teach you some horseack riding tomorrow if your interested. "

" I am surely " said Percy and the wine glass in her and was almost going to fall. Darcy looked at her sister and said " what are you doing Percy.. " At this Tom gave a smirk. Their father said " so my girls you have got company here now " with a laugh.

After their dinner they all retired. To their respective rooms. As Darcy was brushing her hair the butler knocked and said " do keep the windows closed at night miss because from the forests the wild animals hoot can be heard thats y " and went. " That was strange " Darcy said.

" Isnt he handsome that dukes son " Percy said. " I just want to sleep please stop talking now " Darcy said and switched off the bedside lamps.

In middle of the night the full moonlight was falling on their bed. Making a cool glow all around it.

Later in the night Darcy heard a noise. She got out to check what it was. She saw Tom opening the front door and walking out into the forests at midnight! Was he sleepwalking.

Darcy had to stop him. So immediately she got down and woke up the butler. Both of them ran after him. Tom was going towards the forests in a, trance walk. He was just about to fall when Darcy and the butler woke him up. " You are walking in sleep get up " Darcy said shaking his, arms. " Not again i have this habit of walking in sleep rarely " Tom said falteringly as he woke up and they all went inside the house.

Later in the morning Tom was all up and dressed when both Darcy, Percy and their father and uncle came downstairs to have breakfast. " So you seem to be in a, hurry to go on a horse back riding " their uncle said. " Yes i am. You both are joining me too arent you. By the way it looks like a, rainy cloudy sort of day. So dont forget to take ur unrellas " Tom said and went towards the stables.

" Dont go too far riding out. In this weather you may get lost " their father said as, Darcy took a cup of tea in her hands. Percy was, eating her cream roll. " This is nice who made this " she asked. " Tom made it. He likes to cook sometimes " their uncle said.

Darcy said " thats a, little surprisingly all rounder " with an awe and they all chuckled. The butler said " wait till you try the coffee too made by Mr Tom " and poured them. " Sure " Darcy said. Outside the clouds were rumbling. " It looks like its going to turn into a storm. Should we go riding in this weather " Darcy said with a hint of worry in her voice.

Later in the night Darcy heard a noise. She got out to check what it was. She saw Tom opening the front door and walking out into the forests at midnight! Was he sleepwalking.

Darcy had to stop him. So immediately she got down and woke up the butler. Both of them ran after him. Tom was going towards the forests in a, trance walk. He was just about to fall when Darcy and the butler woke him up. " You are walking in sleep get up " Darcy said shaking his, arms. " Not again i have this habit of walking in sleep rarely " Tom said falteringly as he woke up and they all went inside the house.

Later in the morning Tom was all up and dressed when both Darcy, Percy and their father and uncle came downstairs to have breakfast. " So you seem to be in a, hurry to go on a horse back riding " their uncle said. " Yes i am. You both are joining me too arent you. By the way it looks like a, rainy cloudy sort of day. So dont forget to take ur unrellas " Tom said and went towards the stables.

" Dont go too far riding out. In this weather you may get lost " their father said as, Darcy took a cup of tea in her hands. Percy was, eating her cream roll. " This is nice who made this " she asked. " Tom made it. He likes to cook sometimes " their uncle said.

Darcy said " thats a, little surprisingly all rounder " with an awe and they all chuckled. The butler said " wait till you try the coffee too made by Mr Tom " and poured them. " Sure " Darcy said. Outside the clouds were rumbling. " It looks like its going to turn into a storm. Should we go riding in this weather " Darcy said with a hint of worry in her voice.

In the morning she woke up. The weather was still cloudy and wss raining cats and dogs. " Today how we will return in this weather " Daisy was thinking. When there was a knock on the door.

Darcy opened the door. It was the maid with the breakfast. " So what do we have here. Okay so you have brought muffins and coffee " Darcy said. " They all are waiting for you downstairs " the maid said and went.

After fast finishing her coffee. Darcy went downstairs. Earl and Tom both were playing chess. " So early in the morning what you two doing playing chess " Darcy asked.

" After a long time we are catching up on our chess " Tom said. " It looks like its going to be a rainy day so by evening you can return home if it rains less. Till then let me show you my book collection " Jack said.

" Sure and i would like to borrow one or two books too to read " Darcy said. " And i will pay you a visit too at your uncle Wrenchs house " Jack said. At this Tom had a look of unhappiness on his face seeing how Jack had a growing friendliness with Darcy. But why was he even caring. He laughed at himself.

In the library Jack had an exclusive collection of all the classic novels. " So where is ur mother " Darcy asked. " She died when i was small and my father has gone to the city or you could have met him " Jack said.

" I hope you are not telling her about the hauntedness of ur mansion too now " Tom said. " Whats that " Darcy asked surprised. " Is there a, ghost here ." " No actually on no moon nights some shadow can be seen inside the mansion. My father had seen it once too. Imyself dont know much about it " Jack said.

" Im sure your father must have seen some thief " Tom said. Darcy got up the ladder to pick up a huge encyclopedia her feet slipped and she started falling down. Immediately Jack caught her while Tom looked on surprisingly.

As Darcy was browsing through the books. There at her uncles house Percy was worrying where her sister was. " A message has come they are at that earls place " said their father. " And today if rain lessens they will come. "

At the earls mansion Tom was saying " it looks like the rain is, lessening we can go back. " " The messenger has already delivered our msg. " " Why you are in such a hurry you can stay here one more day its good to have company " Jack said.

The butler came inside the room. " The messenger has returned but he says the roads are fully flooded with water so its better if you all dont make ur trip today. "

" See i told you let the rain subside little bit then you can return home tomorrow " Jack said.

" No wonder " Tom said with a smirk. " What you said " Darcy asked. " Nothing i was just saying that Jack wants to become ur friend here " Tom said. Darcy said " its nice of him to entertain us like this. " " Im feeling good you people came along was, feeling bored and lonely by the way " Jack was saying as they all entered inside the main hallroom. The butler said " so i tell the horseman to not remove the carriage no. " "Ofcourse dont be a fool its not safe in this, weather to travel " Jack said.

So later during the day. As Darcy was climbing up the stairs she again slipped her foot and fell down. A, sprain ankle she got. A doctor could not be called for as it was a storm outside. But Jack bandaged her foot as it was a sprain ankle and guessed that it would need rest of one week atleast.

" So i guess i will return tomorrow and you can stay here " Tom said. " Yes you can go ahead if you want she will return after shes healed " Jack said.

" A, string of happenings are going the moment we left for riding " Tom said. " No a, series of adventures are happening the moment we left our mansion " Darcy said as the butler brought her hot chicken soup.

Percy was trying to take a nap. But couldn't because she was feeling restless. Outside the garden in the backyard all the flowers were drenched with rain water.

As her father knocked on the door she opened it and he said " after this rain stops and ur sister returns we can take a tour of this whole area. I know you are feeling bored sitting up in the, room. "

" Yes i know " she said. Just then their doorbell rang. As the butler opened the door he was surprised to see Tom alone having returned.

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