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Swt Neetarh


"Do you fucking know how much this shoe cost? You bitch!" He shrilled as the whole place echoed with the sound of his voice and she raised her head to look at him. NORAH STARK is a twenty two years old girl caught in between chasing her dream and attending college, though she kept reminding herself that college was never her calling; but at the same time hope to escape from her cunning and selfish stepfather who was always at the verge of giving her out to men years older than she is just for money. Her dream was at the verge of turning into reality when she finally travel to attend the fashion audition she has hoped-for but is it going to turn out well? LIAM BENITO-grew up to be arrogant and rude, serve right from birth as a king and worshipped as a god. Her encounter with Liam at the airport turns out disastrous and only for her to find out that the same man who humiliated her was the owner of the fashion company she has dreamed of all her life. How is she going to cope with him in the same company? Will she be able to turn her back on her dream after coming this far? Can the two even get along? Especially when he only cause pain and misery to those who crosses his path.

Chapter 1 Episode one


"Norah! Norah!" I yelled her name for the second time. Gosh! What kind of stubborn headed girl have I gotten? I hissed and walked to her room, stepping vigorously on the floor as I could also hear the sound of my own footsteps.

On getting to the room, I could hear them chatting and laughing. I stormed inside the room without knocking on the door, walking straight to Norah and dragging her by the ear.

"Ouch! That hurt Mom!" Norah said with groan.

"Good afternoon ma'am Nina." Her friend, Mia spoke.

"How are you dear?" I asked with a miffed tone and stared deeply at Norah with a glare. "Don't tell me you have gone deaf not to hear me calling out your name." I stated and let go of her ear.

"I'm sorry mom, but we were so engrossed in the gist and I didn't hear a thing." She replied and stood up from the bed. I became calm and gave her the list of stuff I need from the grocery store.

"Be back before 6pm, don't mess with me." I warned before I walked out of the room and headed for the kitchen.


"I will be leaving too since you want to run an errand for your mom. You heard her Norah! Be back before 6pm." Mia mimicked mom and I was forced to laugh.

I gave the list a quick glance as I was satisfied with what was written on it. I almost rolled my eyes when I sighted the last option. "Butter" it was mainly for my step-father.

I and that man have never been on the same side. I feel like he is so jealous I get most of the attention from mom and there is nothing he can do about that. Hopefully when I get an opportunity to leave this house someday, I will do that without second thought. I was actually hoping my saving grace will be the day I get admittance into college. But school has never been my calling. I had to force myself just to scale through highschool. How am I going to achieve my dream when am stucked in this house huh?

"Hey! Aren't you going?" Mia jerked me out of my thought as she patted my shoulder.

"Uh! I am." I mumbled. I walked swiftly to my wardrobe and rummaged through it, finally; my hands rested on a pair of cloth. I changed what I was wearing into a tight blue jean and a big brown shirt with swirled of white on it. We stepped out of my room as I felt mom's presence in the kitchen. I could hear the sound of plates and running water obviously gushing out from the tap.

"Are you really serious about the whole dating thing? Norah you need to give someone a chance you know; not all men are like that scumbag you dated." Mia voiced out as she played with her fingers.

"I have told you countless times that I don't like being reminded of that fool." I added in gritted teeth and with a deep breath I was slowly calming myself.

The awful memories I was trying so hard to erase seems pointless when it came flashing right through my mind.

"I didn't mean to offend you okay; just think about it for a sec." She stated almost like a whisper. Suddenly; she turned with a force and faced me. " why don't you get married to Mr Baker huh? since he asked for your hand in marriage, and he can sponsor you for the modelling career you dream of, besides you don't want to hear the word college." She added.

"God forbid! I rather become a nun than marry that old man." I spoke immediately.

"How do you plan on getting money to travel for the New York fashion audition huh? You aren't even sure they are going to pick you when you get there." She stated with concern.

A smirked displayed on my lips and she looked at me with beady eyes. "What are you thinking? Don't tell me you're planning on doing something nasty." She voiced out in curiosity.

"No! Far from that..." I said and she looked relieved. On getting to a particular route, Mia left as she took the other way after waving me goodbye.

I got a cab immediately as I headed for the grocery store. Fortunately, I got everything I needed, just then the urge for an ice cream started. I licked my lips as I began to imagine the taste of vanilla. I peeped at the change in my bag and there was no much money in it. I cursed and mumbled few words. Is better I get a job, staying broke sucks.

I went back home and met my stepfather sitting with his legs crossed in the sitting room.

"Good evening." I said but he didn't utter a word.

I rolled my eyes as if he could see what I was doing and walked over to the kitchen with my bag and kept the stuff I bought from the store. Mom was not inside the kitchen, so I guess she was in her room.

I walked out of the kitchen as my eyes drifted to the wall clock in the sitting room. It was ringing 5.30pm and I wanted to watch a series so badly, it was a movie I have been following for months now. But with the way my stepfather was sitting in the parlour, I knew there will trouble if I harmlessly change the channel.

With slow steps, I moved to the couch and sat on it. Still; he didn't spare me a stare. "I want to watch a series I have been following for long, can I use the remote?" I asked politely.

He acted dumb. "Really?" I whispered to myself.

I stayed quiet for almost five minute and I was getting impatient already. I stretched my hands towards the remote on the glass table and changed the channel. His dark angry eyes stared at me. "Are you insane?" He fired with an intense voice.

"I'm sorry! You were not saying anything so I thought I could changed the channel. Besides you were not paying attention to what was displaying." I said calmly as I tried to also defend myself from his choleric state.

"So you think you have the right to use the remote without my permission?" He questioned with a scoffed. "You are so useless; a girl who does not want to go to school but only stay at home and watch nonsense. What more can you call such person huh?" He spoke in miffed tone.

I was already boiling due to his insult. Mom has warned me several times not to reply back whenever it happens. She just want peace to reign and my stepfather does not seems like someone who wants that.

Just when I was about replying him, mom stepped out of the room in a rush. "What in Christ sake is happening? Can't you two just behave normal for once?" She voiced out in a bleary tone.

I closed my mouth shut and didn't say a word. Fred (stepfather) moved over to her and whispered something into her ears before they walked back to the room.

I sighed and lost interest in what I wanted watching. I was beginning to get pissed off with everything. I switched off the television as I moved to my room. Immediately I entered; I groaned and laid on the bed. Then a thought flow through my head. Why don't I check for any vacant job online huh? I dragged my laptop close to me and switched it on. I scrolled through it but could not find what seems to be of interest to me, with a growl I turned it off.

I decided to text Mia if she got home safely. It was late already I could have gone to her house. I was so fed up with this place, just the way my stepfather nags can make someone go insane.

Immediately I texted her, she replied.

Bitch! Was she waiting for me to text her first? I smiled and shook my head.

"I told my cousin about you; and he seems super into you. He wants to meet you when he visit Florida." She texted and I gasped.

"No! You didn't!" I replied, so anxious on her next reply as my fingers couldn't stay off my keyboard.

"Of course I did. I have more to tell you, can you come over tomorrow?" She texted again. I laid on the bed while curiosity got the best of me, so many thought filled my head. I don't trust Mia's moves sometimes, she always act before she thinks. I hope she hasn't done something worst.

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Chapter 1 Episode one



Chapter 2 Episode two.



Chapter 3 Episode three.



Chapter 4 Episode four.



Chapter 5 Episode five



Chapter 6 Episode six.



Chapter 7 Episode seven



Chapter 8 Episode eight.



Chapter 9 Episode nine.



Chapter 10 Episode ten.



Chapter 11 Episode eleven.



Chapter 12 Episode twelve.



Chapter 13 Episode thirteen.



Chapter 14 Episode fourteen.



Chapter 15 Episode fifteen



Chapter 16 Episode sixteen.



Chapter 17 Episode seventeen.



Chapter 18 Episode eighteen



Chapter 19 Episode nineteen.



Chapter 20 Episode twenty.



Chapter 21 Episode twenty-one.



Chapter 22 Episode twenty-two.



Chapter 23 Episode twenty-three



Chapter 24 Episode twenty-four.



Chapter 25 Episode twenty-five.



Chapter 26 Episode twenty-six



Chapter 27 Episode twenty-seven



Chapter 28 Episode twenty-eight



Chapter 29 Episode twenty-nine



Chapter 30 Episode thirty



Chapter 31 Episode thirty-one



Chapter 32 Episode thirty-two



Chapter 33 Episode thirty-three



Chapter 34 Episode thirty-four



Chapter 35 Episode thirty-five



Chapter 36 Episode thirty six



Chapter 37 Episode thirty seven



Chapter 38 Episode thirty eight



Chapter 39 Episode thirty nine



Chapter 40 Episode fourty
