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The Perfect Assistant

The Perfect Assistant



And the only times when I do happen to misbehave, it's for a perfectly legit reason. On reflex I shrink away from her when she comes close to me, reaching out a hand. "It's ok sweetheart, come here, I'm not going to hurt you, it's lunch time." She says in her usual calming tone. The word is that this woman is the best there is, to get mute kids to talk, fix their problems, and things like that. That she was the best in the country, world even. Also that she's fixed every kid/adult/teenager that's come her way. Except for me. She was just hired a week ago, because of me, and she keeps trying to make me come out of my room, and a few times she almost used force. As you can probably already tell, I don't talk. A lot of people have been hired to try to help me, with all my problems, but none of them work. I guess I'm permanently broken. Giving the lady a glare, I stand up on my own and move towards the door. People know I don't like physical contact. Actually, I despise it. I'll go crazy if someone touches me, I'll totally flip out. Just one of the reasons why they're keeping me here in this place.

Chapter 1 Thinking

Aurby's POV

"Aurby!" My co-worker Sarah semi- yelled from across the counter.

"A couple just walked in. Do you think you could show them to their seat and give them some menus?"

"Yeah, sure thing," I rushed over to them and escorted them to a booth.

"Here are your menus. Can I start you two off with something to drink?"

They nodded and begin to quote a list to me as I smiled politely at them, ignoring the throbbing pain in my feet as I wrote it down.

"Alright, I'll be right back with those and hopefully by then I can see if you're ready to order," I walked to the back to make the drinks, and as I did Sarah sauntered past me again.

"Ariella, more people," she whispered and nodded towards the line.

"I can't multi task; isn't my relief supposed to be here?" I questioned, but only got shoulder shrugs as a response.

Pressing my teeth together, I brought the drinks back to the couple and was about to seat more people until they stopped me. "Uh, miss, we're ready to order."

I let out a 'whoosh' of breath and took down their orders before placing them on the ticket holder for the chef. Surely, they would later complain about my attitude, but the ache in my feet didn't allow me to care.

"Hey, excuse me, I haven't ordered yet," a mother with her son yelled. Boy, can I not wait to find a new job and get the hell out of here.

"I'll be right with you, " I responded, calmly.

I approached a man in the waiting area who had been waiting for a while. He had dirty blonde hair and was fairly well built as he wore a grey suit with a blue tie.

We didn't get many like him often. I escorted him to a seat as well as handed him a menu.

"Can I get you a drink?" I offered, with a smile.

"I'd like a coffee, dark, " he told me, returning my gesture with boyish charm. I nodded and was about to walk off until he continued.

sighed before chuckling inwardly. "Eat or be eaten, right Sara? Isn't that what you've always told me? Now Headquarters left that account open - on the table. If I didn't pick it up someone else would have and you know this. "

"You really have lost your mind," He shook his head, and smiled at me. I didn't give a damn about how long he's been in this business. It was time for fresh blood and my father knew this. If he had thought I wouldn't make smart decisions I wouldn't be in the position that I am.

"You really have lost your mind," He shook his head, and smiled at me. I didn't give a damn about how long he's been in this business. It was time for fresh blood and my father knew this. If he had thought I wouldn't make smart decisions I wouldn't be in the position that I am.

No matter how much I had to go through to get here, I'm here. And I am here to stay.

"Give my regards to Vera," I hissed, hinting he should leave as I waved him out, nonchalantly.

He glanced at me over his shoulder once more before heading to the elevator. As he did, my personal assistant, Katerina approached me.

"We have a leak in bonds," I informed her. "Find out who the fuck it is, right now."

She nodded and walked off to comply with my demand. I decided to go into the elevator myself. Once I stepped in, something caught my eye.

More like someone. A woman. I hadn't seen her here before. There was someone in my building that I didn't know. Surprising. I had seen her walking as I was getting interrogated by Sara, but I didn't bother to ask who she was because I was sure if she was worth my time our paths would cross again. She looked down shyly so I didn't get to see her face clearly. Only her brunnette hair.

It was kind of... Cute? I bit my lip and tilted my head. Most women approach with their boobs out, if they accompany any, and wide smiles ready to see what I have in my pockets or in my pants in general.

Perhaps she isn't aware of who I am.

I laughed to myself at the thought. The elevator door dinged, snapping from my thoughts before it opened and I walked out.

I tried to catch another glimpse of the petite woman as she went down a separate walkway, but Favour, my blonde account manager approached me. "Daniel, will you be attending the Vera Secret meeting tonight?"

"Yes, I will be, why?" My eyebrow raised.

"I was hoping I can catch a ride."

The familiarity in her eyes let me know she wasn't talking about a car ride and frankly, I had no problem with giving it to her. She grinned at me waiting for my response.

"I got time."

"And no need to go back and forth. I don't have that kind of time. Just get me an egg and cheese omelette, thank you."

"A man, who likes to get right to it," I nodded, aiming to seem impressed. "I'll have that out for you."

I put the order on the rack and decided to have a seat as Sarah would most likely get the next people seated.

"Tired?" The chef asked, the corners of his lips pulling back sympathetically. I nodded in response, and after a few minutes, he handed me Mr. Business Man's order.

I walked it over to him and sat it down. He was in the middle of drinking, and I noticed he tried to quickly swallow what he had in his mouth before I could walk away.

"Hey, you look tired out. Why don't you take a break and sit with me?"

I shook my head and let out a small laugh.

"Oh, no thanks. I can't do that now. I have to go-"

"If you don't I'll be a very unhappy customer and I know you don't want that," he pouted, jokingly.

Hesitantly, I gave a sharp nod and hastily sat down in front of him, trying to look everywhere except at him. I don't like to watch people while they eat. I looked down at my watch and sighed when I saw I was supposed to be able to clock out fifteen minutes ago. I tapped the table with my fingers, awkwardly, until I felt a cold hand over mine.

"Yeah, that's not helping," he chuckled, and I looked down, bashfully. What was I doing here? Why'd he care where I sat down?

"You don't have to be shy. I am not going to bite you. Unless, of course you ask me to."

His dark brown eyes glanced at me expectantly. As though there was no way I would find his joke unfunny, and when his brows furrowed in confusion, I looked down. I felt so small sitting at the same table as him.

"Hey, hey. I'm joking. Lighten up."

"I'm sorry, I just-Why am I sitting here?" He took another bite of his omelette and wiped his lips with his napkin, stretching the silence. "Well, I figured you needed a break and why eat alone when there's a pretty girl like you here."

"Oh wow, um thanks," I cringed at my own words, which only caused him to laugh. I wasn't very good with conversating with people either. I didn't know what to say most of the time, unless I was talking to someone whom I have known for a long time. And even with those people, I am sometimes lost. Although, this guy seemed really nice; not like most guys who looked the way he does.

"Alright. Well, I'm done here. Thank you for sitting with me." His hand reached out for mine and I instinctively flinched at the sudden blast from the past.

"I'm Matthew by the way and you are.. " my hand planted itself in his as I watched him attempt to read my name tag. "Aurby."

"That's me," I murmured, sounding so stupid. Once he released my hand, he pulled out his wallet and placed the money, including a fifty dollar tip on the table like a real gentlemen.

"Pretty name for a pretty girl. Here's my business card in case you ever want to get out of here... I hope to see you again."

I nodded in thanks and grinned as I put the card in my back pocket. Picking up the money, I put it in my apron before stacking his plate and cup and bringing it to the kitchen.

"Aurby, I'm so sorry I'm late, my daughter was at this after school thing, and I -" My relief had finally showed up and was ready to throw her excuses before I cut her off.

"It's fine, Clara," I hugged her as she put on her apron, then took off mine.

"The good news is you're here and you have a hell of a night ahead of you. "

She groaned in frustration but went straight to work. I almost flew out of the door and was happy to see my ride still waiting outside. I jumped into my best friend, Maddie's, red Nissan and off we went.

When I finally made it home, I just wanted to sleep. It was already eight-forty. I went to undress for a hot shower when something fell out of my jeans. I bent down to see it was the card Nicholas had given me. It read 'Sinagon Headquarters' on the top and underneath 'Mattew Leonard.'

I unexpectedly smiled when I saw his name, but quickly dismembered it once I realized what I had done. Was he offering me a job there or did he want me to call him? I wasn't going to call him because I've only met him today, but I was going to research the company name. They must pay more than what I make now.

I waited until after I got out of the shower and dressed in my usual pajamas that consisted of black, boy shorts with an oversized white shirt. I grabbed my phone and searched up the name and as I expected, hundreds of results came up. On their website there the man was himself: Matthew Leonard; CEO.

I was sort of confused what a guy like him was doing at a restaurant like that? As I scrolled down the page, I didn't see any job openings. They looked all full to me so I pressed 'back' and scrolled down more until my eyes met something interesting.

Sinagon Headquarters in rivalry with SEO limited. Who would have thought businesses had actual rivals? SEO Limited was highlighted in blue so I clicked the link and what I saw brought a smile I hoped to keep.

'Looking for Interns. Apply now.'

If I was going to be able to buy myself a car this was deffinetly the place to start.

"Sensational, Daniel," The principle owner of a company SEO trades from applauded my smart thinking. Oh, what a kiss ass he is. I'm enjoying every second if it.

"Really?" I responded, proudly, straightening my black suit lines.

"Yeah, I also heard you were opening in Miami," he said, looking very impressed.

"Yeah actually, in April," I informed him, feeling proud of myself as he nodded in approval. The only thing he needs to worry about is his lousy off shore bank accounts.

"Excuse me, Mr. Daniel" my intern, Kim, walked in.

"Your 2'oclock is waiting. "

I undid my leg - as it was folded over the other while we sat in my conference room and walked out along with Sara following behind me

"Thank you, Kim. I'll just show our guest out."

"You're doing very well for yourself, Daniel," he placed his hand on my shoulder in which I followed his movement.

"I'm very proud of you."

"Ahh, well couldn't have done it without you," I lied.

What a great bullshiter I am.

"Learned from the best."

He stopped me as we walked and pulled me to the side.

"Look, this is probably bullshit, but one of my guys said that there was one of your executives sneaking around one of the accounts for Sinagon."

"If you're so sure it's bullshit, why are you asking me," I asked, trying to maintain composure.

"Because they heard it from someone inside your angency," he whispered to me, leaning in.

"Just don't want you making that kind of mistake, Daniel."

Was that a threat? This little bitch-

He was lucky I needed his friendship, but more importantly someone in SEO is a tattle-tale, and I deffinetly don't like those.

sighed before chuckling inwardly. "Eat or be eaten, right Sara? Isn't that what you've always told me? Now Headquarters left that account open - on the table. If I didn't pick it up someone else would have and you know this. "

"You really have lost your mind," He shook his head, and smiled at me. I didn't give a damn about how long he's been in this business. It was time for fresh blood and my father knew this. If he had thought I wouldn't make smart decisions I wouldn't be in the position that I am.

"You really have lost your mind," He shook his head, and smiled at me. I didn't give a damn about how long he's been in this business. It was time for fresh blood and my father knew this. If he had thought I wouldn't make smart decisions I wouldn't be in the position that I am.

No matter how much I had to go through to get here, I'm here. And I am here to stay.

"Give my regards to Vera," I hissed, hinting he should leave as I waved him out, nonchalantly.

He glanced at me over his shoulder once more before heading to the elevator. As he did, my personal assistant, Katerina approached me.

"We have a leak in bonds," I informed her. "Find out who the fuck it is, right now."

She nodded and walked off to comply with my demand. I decided to go into the elevator myself. Once I stepped in, something caught my eye.

More like someone. A woman. I hadn't seen her here before. There was someone in my building that I didn't know. Surprising. I had seen her walking as I was getting interrogated by Sara, but I didn't bother to ask who she was because I was sure if she was worth my time our paths would cross again. She looked down shyly so I didn't get to see her face clearly. Only her brunnette hair.

It was kind of... Cute? I bit my lip and tilted my head. Most women approach with their boobs out, if they accompany any, and wide smiles ready to see what I have in my pockets or in my pants in general.

Perhaps she isn't aware of who I am.

I laughed to myself at the thought. The elevator door dinged, snapping from my thoughts before it opened and I walked out.

I tried to catch another glimpse of the petite woman as she went down a separate walkway, but Favour, my blonde account manager approached me. "Daniel, will you be attending the Vera Secret meeting tonight?"

"Yes, I will be, why?" My eyebrow raised.

"I was hoping I can catch a ride."

The familiarity in her eyes let me know she wasn't talking about a car ride and frankly, I had no problem with giving it to her. She grinned at me waiting for my response.

"I got time."

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