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"Could you slow down a bit..." She pleaded as the car seemed to move faster than she could blink. "Slow down? With all those maniacs coming after us?" He couldn't believe he was stuck with this loose mouth for a girl. A girl! Not just any girl... But her? Steven must have loved to see him this way. "Uh...why is that beeping?" She asked staring at the red light in front of the rear mirror. "Shit!"........

Chapter 1 Amelia.

"When exactly are we going to go in Ava?"Emma asked in a whisper.

"Yes, when? We can't have anyone running into you two there" Jaden asked over the earpiece

"Just a little while longer you two". The security guy is still at the gate. If we jump in now...we would get caught. Just hold on"Ava coaxed.

She kept her eyes on the guard while hiding quietly in the bushes hoping he would leave that spot that he seemed to love suddenly.

"Are you sure Amelia wouldn't get mad at you two for doing this?"Jaden asked

"Would you look at that Emma? Someone is trying to bail out on us" Ava accused.

Jaden leaned on the car seat till he finally agreed with them in a defeated sigh.

"Maybe he deserves this then" he adds.

"No one breaks our friend's heart and gets away with it! How could he break up with her on her birthday? That is just cruel!" Emma pointed out.

"And we're doing this to do what? Get back at Amelia's ex?" Jaden asked

"If you hurt one of us, you hurt all of us!" Ava offered

"Why did I get dragged into this? Jaden asked again for the third time that evening.

"You have a car" the girls chorused.


"He's gone. Come on"

Ava and Emma moved slowly out of their hiding spot and jumped into the compound. They sneaked to the back door and found their way up the stairs.

"It's dark in here Ava" Emma whispered.

"Hold on to my hand Emma. We're not going to get even so easily, are we? Come on" Ava took Emma's hand and took their steps up the stairs carefully.

"You know, you could use this motivation of yours on something else you know?" Jaden teased.

"If you want to be a killjoy, you can as well keep an eye out for us. Just in case our dearest one shows up" Ava advised

They arrived at the second floor and no longer than that, they found Joel's room.

"Well, well, well, look what we have here" Ava shuts the door quietly behind her.

"May our revenge begin" Emma and Ava did a fist bump and the duo went to different corners of the room.

Emma took Joel's laptop and knocked out all the letters on the keyboard.

Ava toilet papered the entire closet after which she poured a little something into all the body care products in the bathroom.

Emma pulled open his wristwatch drawer and gasped in surprise.

"My, my, my, look what we have here" she muttered. Ava joined her and gasped in shock too.

"These watches cost thousands of dollars," Ava pointed out.

"That jerk! Yet he never got her a birthday present! Such a jerk!" Emma picked one of the wristwatches.

"Now you're never going to wear them again" she smashed the glass on the watch and placed it back on the shelf as though nothing happened. She repeated the process for eight other wristwatches and was soon content.

"You girls need to get out of there! Joel is around" Jaden announced

"What? I thought he's not showing up until later at night?" Emma asked

"Get out of there! Now!"

"I was going to pour some water on his bed!" Emma whined.

"Let's go " Ava pulled Emma out of the room, closing the door quietly. They hurried down the stairs and made use of the back door, jumped over the fence in the gardens and were soon in Jaden's car.

"Success!" Ava cheered as she gave Emma an high five.

"Who would believe that you two are fully grown, women?" Jaden asked as he drove off.

"Depends on who's asking" Emma offered.

Jaden flicked his tongue.

"Where are we headed now?" Jaden asked

"The club!!!" The girls cheered loudly

"I texted Amelia, she's got no choice but to come with us" Ava pointed out

"We're going to get Amelia?" Jaden asked



Amelia wiped the bow of sweat on her forehead as she took one more look at the wall clock...

Her shift was over. Like thirty minutes ago!

She waited patiently for Diya to show up before heading for the change room. She worked in a luxurious cosmetic store and her shifts were from the afternoons evening

"I am so sorry" Diya mouths as she heads for the change room.

At least she didn't have to wait an hour before Diya showed up.

A few minutes later, Diya walks out of the change room in her uniform heading toward Amelia's position.

"I'm so sorry. I lost track of time "

Amelia smiled.

"It's fine"

She walked straight to the change room to change into something more comfortable. A pair of jeans and a random hoodie. She strapped her bag on and headed out of the store quietly.

The sound of thunder seemed to alert her a little. She's been like a zombie all afternoon and much of everything that happened at the store was more of a blur.

And now, it's about to rain...

And she's got no umbrella...

Just magnificent!

"Surprise!" Emma and Ava chorused as soon as the windows of the car went down.

Amelia regarded them for a minute.

"No. I am not in the mood to go anywhere with you guys" she replied as she walked on.

"It's about to rain. Get in " Jaden instructed.

She couldn't deny a ride...not when the weather is changing...

Amelia took the offer and joined Jaden in the front seat.

"Come on Amelia. You've been like this for more than two weeks now. We're starting to get worried about you Melia" Ava said, holding her friend's shoulder from behind.

"I'm fine. There's nothing to worry about" she said pointedly.

"If we have no reason to worry then let's go party. All we ever do is work our lives out. We never got to loosen up a little " Ava pleaded.

"I'm not in the mood for this you guys really" Amelia sank onto the seat...

"If it would make you feel better, I popped out all the letters on that jerk's keyboard" Emma offered.

"What?" Amelia's eyes grew wide open, she turned to face Emma who offered her a shrug.

Ava wanted to wipe Emma's mouth shut with a decent slap on the chin.

What happened to the don't tell Melia part?

"Yeah, what?" Ava asked Emma with a meaningful look.

"What? She's not supposed to find out?" Emma asked....

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