A teenager, Camila Greyson who was always known for having bad grades because of her movie marathon falls in love with an older guy unknowing to him. She got a lot of discouragement from her friends and families to leave him, but she was adamant, insisting that age was just a number. She however started to dislike him when he started to hurt her feelings with his words and actions. But still she needed someone to put her through her studies. Now, Camila is on a crossed road, not knowing whether to fight for her love or let him go and move on with the one that has been crushing on her since forever.
"Happy graduation Camila!" Everyone yelled as I walked into the room which was meant for my graduation party or could be referred to as an after party as I had already celebrated my graduation party with my friends at school
I just finished high school and am looking forward to going to college.
I'm Camila Greyson, an eighteen years old average girl, five feet tall, slender, petite form, blue eyes, round face small heart shaped lips and as for my long thick hair, it was pale gold in colour
My grades was nothing to talk about as I never got an A, always a D or a C
I'm not the studying type, but I still try to do my best just to make my father happy
I'm the only daughter of one of the famous man in the world
My dad is greyson Levi, the owner of *GRAYSON'S ENTERPRISE* one of the most biggest companies in the world
He is the richest in California and the eight richest man in the whole world, but I don't act anything like I'm his daughter
I'm one crazy girl that loves having fun rather than listening to my dad's instructions and studying
I am so happy that I'm finally out of high school.
My mum is dead
Died a painful and unforgettable death
She was knocked down by a hit and run driver when she was about crossing the road to get into her car and didn't make it alive before we got to the hospital
We couldn't do anything about it since no one saw the driver that was behind it
Even when the incident happened two years ago it still felt so fresh in my memory.
I I'm not alone.
I have two brothers; Lincoln and mateo
They could easily be referred to as trouble makers.
Mateo is 21 years old
He is a flirt, a playboy and an unserious fellow, but behind his naughty character is a cute jovial guy who is very playful and understanding.
For his facial appearance ; he has a dark brown hair, brown eyes, thin lips and oval shaped face.
Lincoln is the eldest and behaves much like our father, strict and a bit harsh at times.
He acts like a father figure to both I and mateo whenever our dad was not around
He is 23 years old, brown hair, brown eyes, not so thin lips, six packs and muscular shaped body
He has always been over protective over me ever since we were little and I being the only girl in the family of four was treated like a princess, but I wasn't all spoilt and naughty.
"Wow... I can't believe we are finally out of high school" Ryan squealed into my ears, standing beside me
Ryan is my best friend.
We have been best friends since we were little and our friendship is close to being 12 years.
We ended up been schoolmates, classmates, and even seatmates
We are so fond of each other, sharing each of our secrets to each other
He is a straight A student, but that doesn't mean that he is a nerd
He is nothing close to that as he is just like me, the fun type.
He had tried putting me through so as to be an A student like him but I wasn't just ready.
Ryan is 19 years old, six feet tall, has strong abs, slim but muscular, has hazel green eyes, full kissable lips, jet black hair, square jaws and pointed nose
He was every girl's crush back then in high school as he's always given an award in being the most handsome guy in school, but I was never one of his crush
He is like a brother.
His parents are rich, but aren't popular.
"Yeah. Still like a lovely dream" I drawled my reply.
I had no other friend apart from Ryan because I wasn't the type that keeps too many friends, coupled with the fact that all the friends I have been having in the past were all jerks
My dad, my brothers and my bestie are the only people in my life and they are all male- so amazing
Life with them was nothing but fun
One could guess life with them as mess-with-me-once-and-regret-your-life
Surrounded always by guys had taught me how to be confident and bold, but I was scared as death when it comes to fighting.
That was my weak point
I had no idea how to fight, but what was the need learning how to fight when I had two brothers and a bestie who are being over protective over me?
"See ya later" Ryan said to me absentmindedly staring at some girl and walked off.
He isn't that much of a player like mateo but he likes to flirt with girls
I groaned in frustration and went ahead to grab a drink.
A guy approached me, one who I guess was one of my brother's friend since I couldn't recognize his face
"Camila, happy graduation! You are now a big girl" he said checking me out
I knew that which made my skin pinch and claws.
It had always been like this; guys trying to flirt with me, but my brothers don't give them a chance as they always get rewarded with either a punch or a kick, I wonder what's gonna happen to this one
"And those lips.... I could die for it" he said seductively licking his lips in a provocating manner as he brought his face closer to mine ready to kiss me
I felt sick in my stomach instantly
I have never kissed before
The thought of exchanging saliva with someone else wanna make me puke
I was thinking about slapping his face off but before I could put my thought into action a cold breeze blew and the guy was no longer standing next to me
I gasp when I saw mateo push him hard against the wall punching him hard
"How dare you try to touch her?"Mateo yelled at him angrily.
Mateo wasn't the type that gets angry easily, like he barely gets angry and seeing him angry now only frecks me out
Lincoln glared hard at me making me a bit scared and told Ryan to take me upstairs.
Luckily for me our dad wasn't in the country so he wasn't gonna know about any of these.
"Cami let's go" Ryan said calling me the usual name he calls me *Cami* but my brothers prefer calling me cam
I shook my head stubbornly
"Damn you!" he cursed under his breath before carrying me over his shoulder and matching upstairs to my room
I kicked, fought, struggled, but he didn't let go off me.
He got into my room, shut the door behind us and put me down
"What were you thinking flirting with that guy?" He yelled obviously pissed
"What!..... I.... I Wasn't flirting with him"
"He almost kissed you damn it!"
"I... I... " I trailed off as the door opened and Lincoln and mateo walked in
Mateo had a normal expression on while Lincoln was looking pissed just like Ryan
"What was that stunt you pulled out there?"
Lincoln asked.
"I....." I tried explaining but he cut me off
"I haven't asked you for an answer yet. What did you think you were doing flirting with that jerk?" He half yelled scaring me to the bones
"Lincoln calm down" mateo said
"Don't fucking tell me to calm down" he half yelled again and turned to me
"Try this nonsense again and I'm gonna teach you discipline"
He said and walked out of the room
Mateo mouthed an "I'll go and talk to him" before walking out of the room and shutting the door gently
I just stood fixed to my position not able to say a word.
I looked over at Ryan and saw his gaze soften a bit.
"Why is he..... blaming me.... like I did... something wrong?" I asked with a cracked voice
"It's okay cami. We all know Lincoln. He doesn't mean those words" Ryan said closing the gap between us
"You guys don't even know exactly what happened yet you decided to ruin my day"
"Come on. It's okay. Don't be a cry baby" he pouted his lips and I hit him hard on his chest making him wince
"You did same"
"I only said what I saw"
"You could have asked what happened" I cried in frustration.
"Mind you guys I'm eighteen. My life shouldn't bulge"
"Go tell that to Lincoln" he teased and I pounced on him making him fall to the ground.
I woke up the next morning with heavy eyes because I watched movies all through out the night
I wanted to sleep back but I know exactly what will happen if I go downstairs for breakfast late.
We have so many rules in the house and one of them is coming for breakfast at exactly 7:00am, anything aside that would require a scolding
And I couldn't do without watching movie for a day, like it is my hobbie and I'm proud of it, though my brothers frowns at it, even my dad
They claim that that's the reason behind my bad grades.
They stopped me from watching movies at night but I still sneakily watch at night till the next morning either from the TV in my room or from my lap top or from my iPod.
I sluggishly removed the duvet from my body and checked the time from the light stand.
A light gasp left my mouth when I saw that it was just five minutes to seven AM
I had just five minutes to get dressed and go downstairs but it wasn't even enough time as I usually spend close to thirty minutes taking my bath
I quickly got off the bed, slipped my flip flops on and got into the bathroom
I did my business and took a quick bath
When I was done I didn't take much time in finding what to wear
I just wore a pink tank top and a black shinny leggings .
I packed my hair in a messy bin and by the time I was done it was already 7:10AM.
I quickly grabbed my phone and headed downstairs
When I got to the dinning room Lincoln and mateo were already there but weren't eating yet
Mateo was operating his phone while Lincoln just sat there, both waiting for me
"Ah! Alas!" Mateo exclaimed when he sighted me drawing Lincoln's attention to me.
"You are late" Lincoln said in his usual tone and my lips twitched
"I'm sorry. I had a problem packing my hair" I lied hoping he won't notice but who was I kidding
These two were far smarter than the devil.
Mateo chuckled lightly knowing that I wasn't telling the truth while Lincoln just stared at me plainly.
"Your hair is in a messy bun. You're lying. You woke up late right?" Lincoln asked but I didn't know what to reply him with as my head was blank
I just played with the tip of my top
"Did you have a movie marathon last night again?"
"She obviously did. I'm sure she didn't even rub her body lotion this morning" mateo said between laughter and I just rolled my eyes at him
"You better talk to your sister"
"She's also your sister duh"
"This one? I doubt" Lincoln said and signalled for the cook to bring the food
I scoff mentally as mateo got up, pulled out a chair for me and kissed my cheek before sitting back.
The cook served a lovely meal of chicken likka masala.
The chicken was marinated in yogurt spices and served in a tomato cream sauce and served with rice
For dessert, we had chocolate covered strawberry mint cheese cake
"Dad is coming back tomorrow" Lincoln said mid way into our breakfast and we just nodded.
I was a bit excited because he said he had a surprise for me.
After we were done eating I excused myself to get ready for my shopping
I wanted to go the mall to get somethings since I would be starting college on Monday and today being Saturday was the only spare time u had to get my stuffs
I was gonna be attending the same college as mateo and since it was just a 20 minutes drive from our house I decided to go from home instead of staying in a packed up hostel filled with strangers
Ryan was also gonna be attending the same college.
When I got upstairs I put on a denim jacket, a pair of black sneakers and a black face cap.
I put a dab of perfume behind each ear before shoving my credit card into my pocket and heading downstairs
"Do you need me to drive you to the mall?" Mateo asked
"Nop. Am going with Ryan" I said before scurrying out of the house
I met Ryan outside and he waved at me for me to come over
Actually Ryan's house is next to mine
Our room is opposite each other, so sometimes we stay by the window talking to each other.
I walked over to him and got into the front seat of his car while he got into the driver's seat.
"Good morning bestie" I greeted
"Good morning princess" he said as he did his seatbelt after which he did mine making me groan.
I never liked putting on a seatbelt, it kinda felt so uncomfortable
Ryan turned on the FM and allowed the blazing music to fill the whole car before hitting the road.
We got to the mall not too long and we both got down.
We headed straight in and a bell rang to recognize our presence
I led the way to the movie section and started looking for a CD to buy
"Are we here for movies?" Ryan asked in disbelief.
"Duh! You should know your friend by now" I said not looking at him
"Of course. I know you and that's why I'm not gonna stay here with you. Meet me at the clothes section I need to pick up some few things" he said and walked off
My eyes sighted a movie
A movie I had fantasized about, but haven't been opportuned to watch it since I haven't seen it in any movie store, but here it was.
Out of joy I rushed to it and was about taking it but someone beat me to it as he picks it first.
I turned almost immediately and my eyes met with that of a Greek god
Chapter 1 Graduation party
Chapter 2 Movie marathon
Chapter 3 Mr Jaxon
Chapter 4 What group reading
Chapter 5 Beauty without brains
Chapter 6 Physics assignment
Chapter 7 Brianna
Chapter 8 I love her
Chapter 9 Result of what happened two months ago
Chapter 10 Finding a solution
Chapter 11 Home tutor
Chapter 12 Finding out the truth
Chapter 13 Getting out
Chapter 14 Dinner night
Chapter 15 Gone too soon
Chapter 16 Finding out the truth
Chapter 17 Saving a life
Chapter 20 What went WRONG
Chapter 21 Getting married
Chapter 22 Freaking out
Chapter 24 Getting laid
Other books by Omo Peters