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The secret of the Forest

The secret of the Forest



I didn't know why but I was always so drawn to the forest. I would often go there to empty my mind.. it felt like the trees listened in a way.. I never felt alone. so I would sit in the forest and talk to the trees until one day I could have sworn the trees talked back... I couldn't be losing my mind.. could I?

Chapter 1 The trees and my thoughts

I always found the forest comforting. The smell of the leaves and the forest floor. In here I didn't have to worry about anything or anyone else. I was free to be me. I had always been a free spirit in this way. I never really followed the rules and everywhere I went there seemed too be some form of trouble.. but in here I could just simply BE and sit for hours admiring the beauty of my surroundings and soaking in all the smells. I walked to my usual spot today and pulled out my notebook, I started to draw the scenery that I was so entranced by.

"All done" I said with a smile as I placed my hand on the tree behind me. "and still you're even more beautiful than I can draw" I say in an amusing tone. I would often pretend the trees could understand me. What better a friend than someone you can tell anything to and them not repeat it? "I brought you something" I said to the tree as I reached in my bag and pulled out a plant, I began to dig a small hole and place the plant in the ground as the wind blew slightly and the leaves rustled with it. It felt like a thank you from the forest. I always respected the forest and knew better than to ever abuse the beauty and power of nature. I carefully pushed the rich soil around the plant I had brought and patted it down. I wasn't sure what kind of plant this was, just that the local plant shop was throwing it away so I offered ten dollars to let me take it instead and they humbly agreed. So, this mystery plant was going to live right here in the forest where it belonged!

I gathered a few stones and was careful to place them around the plant so that it was extra sturdy and wouldn't be so easily trampled by any wild life. "I'll see you later" I said to the forest and began my walk home...

I walked all the way to the edge of the forest and cut through a neighbors back yard before arriving at my cozy apartment. I lived alone, but nobody knew that. IT was my shared secret with the apartment manager who knew how hard life was for me growing up. As long as I went to school, paid my rent, and worked in the office I was able to stay in this apartment where I did not need a co-signer.

I made my way into my apartment and headed straight for the shower! I didn't mind having getting my hands dirty digging in the forest earlier, but working in the office I needed to be clean and presentable! I sat in the warm water for a while letting the steam relax me and the warm water run over my face. I rinsed my conditioner out of my thick dark brown hair and it was time to get dressed. UGH! Another night in the office but I knew I had to be here. It was my agreement with the apartment manager that I had to work if I wanted to keep renting my apartment under the radar.

I made my way over to the desk and flipped the lamp on. "Time to get to work" I muttered to myself.

I began scanning and organizing paperwork and invoices and before I knew it I had gone through stacks of papers. I looked at my smart watch which read11:01pm had I really been here for this long?! I came into the office at 5pm. Well, less to do tomorrow I guess. I made my way back to my apartment and passed smooth out on my couch *BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP* *BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP* it was my alarm for school 7:00AM was here fast and showed no sympathy for my tiredness. I couldn't afford another 5 minute snooze so I quickly sprung up and got dressed. I was wearing my black tank top and a dark leather jacket, my dark blue jeans that clung to my skin, and my favorite black boots. My long thick hair hung over my shoulder in waves and no makeup was needed. My eyelashes had always been thick and dark looking like I wore eyeliner when I didn't. I washed my face and grabbed an orange before heading out the door to walk to school.

Why would I not be surprised that Samantha Robson would be waiting for me in the parking lot.. She was my childhood bully and loved to cause trouble for me any chance she got! She was blonde and not very attractive, but she thought she was God's gift to man. She had wide hips and large boobs that she always desperately tried to show off under her shirt. underneath all that makeup she was a pimple-face she had acne scars but you couldn't tell because she wore the highest quality foundation... As I walked up the stairs Samantha was leaning on the railing chewing some gum as if she was pretending she hadn't noticed me like the snob that she is.. she waited until I got real close before sticking her leg out in attempt to trip me, but I knew better than that. I wasn't an idiot and this girl was seriously dense! I stepped over her foot before she tried to snatch my phone out of my pocket but before she could I side stepped and turned. "It's not nice to take things that don't belong to you" I winked and continued my walk to class. Samantha was not pleased!

In first period she tried to tell the teacher that I had purposely bumped into her in the hallway but the teacher brushed her allegations off and began roll call .... I zoned out on the clock I couldn't wait for today to be over so I could get back to the forest.

Before I knew it, it was the end of day and I was happy to walk out of the building and head straight over to my spot in the forest. Of course it wouldn't be that easy... Samantha and a few of her clones were waiting for me in the parking lot again.. "Don't you ever get tired of this?" I questioned as I tried to avoid the group, but they surrounded me. "You'll get what's coming to you, bitch!" Samantha said as she tried to push me, but I was quicker than her and again I side stepped causing her to fall flat on her face. "We really don't need to do this" I said as I looked back at her but she had no voice of reason. she got up and turned with her hand ready to slap me but I grabbed her wrist before she could.. she struggled to break free of my grip before I finally let go and turned to walk off. Her clones stood there in shock and Samantha shouted in the distance behind me "Watch your back, bitch."

I sighed a sigh of relief as I walked into the forest and headed to my spot.. how was this possible... the plant I had just planted yesterday had grown and had a single white flower which was beautiful and elegant in a ray of sunlight that peaked through the forest tops and shone down in that spot.

I sat with my back leaned against the tree trunk and pulled out my book to begin sketching the beautiful flower of the new plant. Something was different about this flower. I had never seen one before but it was familiar and strange. I sat there admiring its beauty for a long time before heading home again...

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