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Maria LuĂ­sa Braga de Almeida is a sixteen-year-old teenager who lives peacefully in Belo Horizonte alongside her mother, Anna Braga, her aunt Aline and family friend, Ícaro. Until a tragedy forces the young woman to live with the influential family of her father, the candidate for senator, Thiago de Almeida, whom MalĂș had never heard of. In her new residence, in the city of Curitiba, the young woman discovers that around her there is a network of lies and intrigue that controlled her life until that moment. Now MalĂș needs to unravel the secrets of her past, to find out what made her father abandon her. As well as facing what the future holds... without her voice.

Chapter 1 Prologue

Belo Horizonte, June 25, 1998.

Maria Luisa. – Anna says, running her hand over her belly over the beige dress she wears.

She is lying on the grass with her boyfriend, Thiago, looking up at the blue sky that Anna believes is the color of her lover's eyes.

- What has my mother's name on? – Asks Thiago, leaning over his girlfriend.

- The baby's name will be Maria Luisa. – Anna replied smiling.

- My mother will surely love the tribute. – Thiago comments, smiling too. He looks at his girlfriend's belly, passing his hand and murmurs - Maria Luísa...

- Yes. – answers the blonde with long flowing hair.

-But what if it's a boy? – Asks Thiago.

-It will be a girl. – Anna replies confidently.

-How can you be so sure? – Asks the black-haired boy.

- I dream about her. – Anna replies thoughtfully - Every night I dream about my beautiful girl with hair as black as night and eyes as blue as this sky. She will be like you in many ways.

- So, you don't really know if it's a girl? – Asks Thiago.

- No. – Anna answers taking a deep breath while caressing her belly - Confirmation only at five months.

- In two months. – concludes Thiago. He runs his hand over Anna's belly - I hope I'll be back when I go to find out the sex.

- Yes, he will be. – Anna affirms - I'm sure that by then your father will be in better health and will be able to meet his granddaughter.

- You should go with me. – proposes Thiago, sitting down - That way you would already meet the whole family.

- You know I can't. – Anna refuses, hugging Thiago's back - I'm in exam season, I have my job that they'll definitely send me away when they find out I'm pregnant. I need to save as much money as possible.

- I already told you that I'll support you two... That we're getting married, you don't have to do any of that. I have money for both of us... Three. – argues Thiago.

- I don't want to. – Anna refuses once more - For now I prefer to stay like this. At least until I meet your family.

- Don't worry. – Asks Thiago - They'll love you... Just like me.

- I love you Thiago. – Declares Anna - Don't forget that.

- I won't forget. – Answers Thiago, kissing his girlfriend. -Promise you'll quit your job from now on.

- But how am I going to pay my rent? – Asks Anna worriedly. - Support me?

- Here. – Says Thiago, taking a key from his key ring - This is the key to my apartment, stay in it until I get back.

- I can't accept it. – Anna refuses, embarrassed.

- Please, I just want you to have a smooth pregnancy. – Asks Thiago - I'll be back soon and we'll see a better place.

- Fine. – Anna agrees reluctantly, taking the key. -Just until you get back.

- I'll be back before you know it. – Says Thiago smiling.


Belo Horizonte, September 1998.

Anna walks calmly along the sidewalk holding her shopping bags, only two blocks to the apartment. As soon as he turns the last block, he notices a beautiful black car parked, he's sure it doesn't belong to anyone who lives on that street, because he's become everyone's friend. He approaches the car and checks that the license plate was for Curitiba, ParanĂĄ. That information brought a smile to Anna's face that had long since disappeared. He's back, thinks running towards the apartment.

She nervously opens the apartment door, realizes that the room is empty, but that she inhales a different feminine scent from hers. He checks the kitchen, the bathroom and when he gets to the bedroom, he finds a female figure. A woman in her late fifties, with beautiful black hair pulled back in a bun, wears a black suit and sunglasses.

- Hello – greets Anna curiously with that imposing figure - Can I help?

- Are you Anna Braga? – asks, the lady standing up elegantly. She takes off her glasses showing the beautiful pair of blue eyes.

- Yes – Anna answers - And who are you?

- Maria Luísa Assunção de Almeida – the woman answers - Thiago's mother.

- Nice to meet you. – Anna says, holding out her hand happily, but is repelled by the woman's icy gaze - I've heard very good things about you.

- Well... I can't say the same about you – the woman replies, making Anna frown without understanding - My son asked to come to you and send you a message.

- That's great! – exclaims Anna, running her hand over her belly, calling Maria Luisa's attention - We were worried.

- Thiago told you not to wait any longer for him. – reveals Maria Luísa - He said you should move on and forget that you ever had anything.

- Which? As well? – Anna asks shocked - He couldn't have said that... He was happy... He was happy with the arrival of our daughter!

- Daughter? – Maria Luísa asks with a look of contempt – Well, know that my son, like me, doesn't believe it's his... How long have you been together? One year... Two?

-Almost a year... – Anna replies.

-But it's not a year old, right? – Asks Mrs. Almeida - How do you think my son will trust a person who may be giving the blow to the belly. Someone who agreed to live in the apartment and live practically at the expense of it. Look, I know it must be hard for you to have invested so much in my son, but know that you won't achieve your goal. If this child is really his, we will give him a decent pension. But that's all you'll have of our family.

-I don't want your money! – Anna reacts, upset – I want my Thiago! Please, let me talk to him. I know it was a misunderstanding.

- He doesn't want to talk to you. – Maria Luisa claims - And now I know why. ... You are insistent, cunning... With that saintly face, you manipulate him, poison him against his family. But you don't fool me. I've known worse than you.

- Please... – Anna pleads. - I love him, I never wanted anything from him. I just want to love him and for him to love me... And I want him to meet his daughter.

- Don't force a situation, dear. – Maria Luisa - Who can guarantee that this child is his? From what I've seen you may be with that child's father right now.

- How dare you? – Anna asks, offended - I would never do such a thing...

-Well... How am I supposed to know it's not like that? – asks Maria Luísa - After all, you don't even have a family... It can be anyone who just wants to get along... A woman of life.

- Stop! – Anna shouts, slapping her mother–in–law. - Don't you ever dare say such a thing about me again!

- Finally, the little saint from the hollow wood showed up. – says Maria Luísa, getting ready - Give me the keys to the apartment. Get back on the street, it's what you deserve.

- Here. - Anna hands over the keys to Maria - You can stay... I just want you to remember the harm you're doing to Maria Luisa.

- Who is Maria Luisa? – asks Maria Luisa intrigued.

- Your granddaughter. Maria Luisa. – Answers Anna, seriously.

-Do you really think putting the same name as mine will make you accepted in the family? – Questions the skeptical matriarch - How silly you are.

- You have nothing to do with the choice of my daughter's name. – Anna counters -It's the name she deserves... She will live up to the name different from you.

- Look, Anna. – begins Maria Luisa thoughtfully - know that I'm inclined to make a deal.

- I don't want any deals with you. – Anna refuses angrily.

-It's not for you, but for this child who is not to blame for anything. – the matriarch replies dryly.

- I don't need your handouts – Anna claims.

- This child will need support. – Maria argues - So stop being falsely proud and accept the proposal that Thiago made.

- Thiago would never make such a proposal. – Claims Anna.

- But wasn't it a proposal that made you move here? – Asks Maria Luisa.

- It was. – Anna admits bitterly - But it's because I made this mistake that I won't make any deal... ever.

- I bet it will, when you press it. – Maria Luísa comments, narrowing her eyes - Even more so now that it's on the street.

-I won't. I'll find my way... – Anna retorts seriously. She opens the wardrobe and takes out her few clothes, tossing them into her old suitcase.

- You don't have to leave now. – says Maria approaching -I'll allow you to stay until the end of the week.

-No. – Anna refuses nervously. She closes the suitcase and faces Maria - You can stay... With everything. But know that I don't believe anything I said... As soon as Thiago shows up, I'll tell him.

- As you wish. – Maria Luisa agrees, opening her purse - But if you get tired of being proud, take my card. As soon as he calls me, I'll tell him to send the pension.

- Keep your card. – Anna counters, holding the suitcase in both hands.

-Young fool. – Maria Luisa comments, putting the card in Anna's jacket pocket - I know you'll call.

Anna turns and leaves the apartment practically running. He didn't think his day would end like this. It's on the street and has nowhere to go. He sits on the sidewalk crying, he can't believe that Thiago would be behind all that. He runs his hand over his belly, where the baby kicks hard. Now it's you and me against the world.

She dries her tears and starts walking down the street, when she finds Aline, a young woman with red punk hair who lived in the front building, Anna was the only one on the street who talked to the girl. She stares at the worried blonde as she approaches.

- Are you okay? – she asks holding Anna's arm, which is staggering. - What are you doing out here? And what bag is this?

- His mother touched me from the apartment, I'm on the street. – Anna replies stupidly.

- Come, let's go to my house. – determines Aline taking the pregnant woman's suitcase - Come live with me.

- You don't understand. – Anna claims crying - I can't pay you.

- Anna, don't worry. – Assures Aline - One day you'll return this favor. What I can't do is leave her here in the middle of the street. We will.

- Thank you, Aline. – Thanks Anna, touched - I promise that one day I will return the favor.

- I know. – Agrees Aline walking beside Anna.

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Other books by paulinynunes





Ulrich shrugged off his shirt with a challenging nonchalance, revealing his muscular torso bathed in the dim light permeating the room. His golden eyes glinted with predatory intensity as he commanded Phoenix to do the same. "Take off your dress," he said, his authoritative voice echoing through the chamber. "And lie down on the bed." "Why?" she asked, her voice trembling. Ulrich locked eyes with Phoenix, his golden gaze sparking with determination. "Because it's an order, slave." ------------------------------------------ In the dark Northern Vale, Ulrich reigns as the cruel Alpha king feared by all packs. His sole desire is to conquer each pack and solidify his dominion, but a curse spoken by Gaia, the enigmatic Seer, casts a shadow over his empire. Ulrich can only have an heir if he finds a mate from his original pack—a seemingly impossible task after his pack was annihilated when he was still a young wolf. Disregarding the prophecy, Ulrich watches his chosen mates, one by one, succumb during childbirth, leaving him without descendants. Determined to avert the downfall of his empire, he calls upon his best werewolves to find a woman with black hair and blue eyes, a descendant of his ancient pack. Years of searching pass until hope arises with Phoenix, a slave from the plains of the kingdom. Phoenix is sold to the Alpha king, accepting her fate with resignation. Ulrich proposes a deal: if she bears him a child, she will be freed. However, fate has more in store for them than a mere arrangement of convenience. Will the Alpha King overcome his own cruelty for the woman he loves?

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Chapter 1 Prologue



Chapter 2 CapĂ­tulo 1



Chapter 3 CapĂ­tulo 2



Chapter 4 CapĂ­tulo 3



Chapter 5 CapĂ­tulo 4



Chapter 6 CapĂ­tulo 5



Chapter 7 CapĂ­tulo 6



Chapter 8 CapĂ­tulo 7



Chapter 9 CapĂ­tulo 8



Chapter 10 CapĂ­tulo 9



Chapter 11 CapĂ­tulo 10



Chapter 12 CapĂ­tulo 11



Chapter 13 CapĂ­tulo 12



Chapter 14 CapĂ­tulo 13



Chapter 15 CapĂ­tulo 14



Chapter 16 CapĂ­tulo 15



Chapter 17 CapĂ­tulo 16



Chapter 18 CapĂ­tulo 17



Chapter 19 CapĂ­tulo 18



Chapter 20 CapĂ­tulo 19



Chapter 21 CapĂ­tulo 20



Chapter 22 CapĂ­tulo 21



Chapter 23 CapĂ­tulo 22



Chapter 24 CapĂ­tulo 23



Chapter 25 CapĂ­tulo 24



Chapter 26 CapĂ­tulo 25



Chapter 27 CapĂ­tulo 26



Chapter 28 CapĂ­tulo 27



Chapter 29 CapĂ­tulo 28



Chapter 30 CapĂ­tulo 29



Chapter 31 CapĂ­tulo 30



Chapter 32 CapĂ­tulo 31



Chapter 33 CapĂ­tulo 32



Chapter 34 CapĂ­tulo 33



Chapter 35 CapĂ­tulo 34



Chapter 36 CapĂ­tulo 35



Chapter 37 CapĂ­tulo 36



Chapter 38 CapĂ­tulo 37



Chapter 39 CapĂ­tulo 38



Chapter 40 CapĂ­tulo 39
