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"I don't take off my clothes when I f*ck. I don't think I should do that with you as it's no news or mystery to you what I must be hiding. Yeah, Leilani?" Leilani breathed heavily, shook her head. "Please..." A thunderous sound erupted. It was a slap from Tarzan as he hit Leilani hard across the face. Leilani fell on the ground with a scream. She was momentarily blind. "Strip!" Tarzan thundered and revealed the long wipe in his hand. * A story about love created from a deep hatred and passion for revenge. Don't miss this bumper package and read on!

Chapter 1 The beginning of the passion




This story is rated 18+ with lots of violence, curse words, séx scenes and hate.



He is powerful, frightening . He mesmerises and controls the mind with a glance.

And a king, even though people always thought he was too young to rule a large nation like "The Hearties"

He's too powerful, too handsome. He's like a god.

After having a rough and tough childhood, there was no other choice for him.

He became ruthless, cruel and anything else that could be classified as hate.

King Tarzan Mackenzie isn't the regular or normal king like the ones we know. He isn't a bit close to being normal.

He was feared by his people, dreaded by both old and young.

He has many rules but there was one he never joked with.

Meeting his gaze. No one who tried it has ever escaped the wrath and punishment.

Tarzan's eyeballs were blue, deep ocean blue, scary and sexy.

Tarzan will do anything to avenge his dark past, his sufferings and traumatized life.

It was those days when slaves were brought and sold.

Then his biggest wish for vengeance came into the picture when he met his worst nightmare from the past.

Leilani Guetta.

And she was automatically enslaved by the powerful king. He has always been cruel to his slaves, treated them like animals and when Leilani Guetta showed up amongst his newest slaves, he did worst things to her and in brutal ways.

What happened years back between Leilani Guetta and king Tarzan Mackenzie?

What transpired between them in the past when they were younger?

It will be shocking to many, amusing to some people and yet amazing to others.

Don't miss this wonderful ride and a bumper package.

Episode one.


"When are the new slaves arriving?" King Tarzan's cold voice sounded from where he stood; in front of the window, watching the slaves working on the farm.

His messager, Salvador bowed still as he answered, "My Lord, there has been a delay as one of the new slaves is slowing down the others. She is seriously sick and at the verge of death."

Slowly, Tarzan turned to look at the older man with his eyes red with anger. His sharp features and handsome face had gotten used to the constant frown and furiousness and was already part of him. "What are you saying? That my money will go to waste?"

Still bowing, Salvador shook his head immediately. "No my Lord. Hugo is getting her treated up in the dessert. He will bring you the slaves you paid for. Complete."

King Tarzan turned back to the window. "I need them here in the next hour. There's a lot of work to be done."

"Yes my Lord." Salvador replied and quietly left the room.

King Tarzan turned away from the window and walked into his study.



The Hearties nation is owned and ruled by the twenty six year old king Tarzan.

A bloody cold hearted king who would never take no for an answer or ever accept apologies. He was merciless, cruel and pure evil.

His people shudder at the mere sight of him. No one ever wanted to get into trouble with king Tarzan because it meant death and digging one's grave.

He was a powerful king despite his age. Older kings pay homage to him for his wealth and power, affluence and his great command of respect.

The Hearties kingdom was sure to be the largest in all things. Money. Fame. Power. Slaves. Riches. Farm products and many more.

With all these, other kingdoms were under them and king Tarzan practically ruled over them too.


"Move it!" Hugo yelled at the slaves as he dragged the chain with the other boys. The slaves were stubborn and had made things really hard for them.

"Max, take the sick maid to the physician. She must not die." Hugo ordered as soon as the other slaves were secured.

Max quickly did as he was told while Hugo went to inform the king of their return.


The palace was extremely large, beautiful and big. It took Hugo several minutes before he finally got the king's chamber. As usual, his personal guards, Roman and Pavo stood side by side at the door.

"Tell the king we are here. He should come and check the new slaves I brought in." Hugo said, panting slightly.

The mean looking guards nodded and Pavo turned and knocked at the door. "The slaves are here my king."

"I will be out." King Tarzan's grumpy voice reached them.

Few minutes later, the tall king dressed in black came out of the door and his guards followed immediately as they proceeded to the slave's yard with Hugo.


King Tarzan stood outside the large hut with his guards while Hugo rushed into the hut to get the slaves.

He arrived with them, kneeled them in front of the king who glared down at them, his eyes calculative and daring.

"There are nineteen slaves here. What happened to the remaining one?" King Tarzan asked, still staring at the slaves.

"She has been taking to the physician my king." Hugo quickly replied.

King Tarzan turned angrily, his eyes cold. "Go bring her immediately. No treatments for any slaves! No nothing. How many times should I tell you that? Do I kick you out and replace you, Hugo?"

"She is very sick my king. I thought I should take her to the physician so she wouldn't die." Hugo quickly replied, his voice unsteady. He has always been trying to avoid getting into trouble with the king as the slave guardian.

"Go bring her here. Now." King Tarzan's voice was dangerously low and Hugo scurried off immediately. He knew his head was on the line.

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