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"John" Chad called puffing out a smoke from his cigarettes. "yes boss" the guy replied with his head bow, he dare not look into his eyes, except he has a death wish. "where's the girl?" he asked in his usual husky voice. "she's gone sir" the guy replied and Chad left out a wicked smile. "Get her for me, I need her right now," Chad said sounding authoritative. Meet Chad Owen. He's heartless, infact a devil incarnate, he is cold, he doesn't behave like normal human. he was feared by everyone, you dare not look into his eyes unless you have a death wish. I heard that, no one has ever seen his face before, apart from his family members. Meet Codelia George. a beautiful and intelligent lady, she has the most innocent look ever. she doesn't know who her parents are, some said she's a product of rape. she's living fine with her aunt until this sickness started. she need Alot of money for Operation. What happen when her aunt told her she doesn't have a dine for her Operation. what happen when her aunt told her to work with her, so she can get the money for her Operation. "I can't keep wasting my money on you" that's what her aunt told her, when she heard of her sickness. what happen when CODELIA, stole the cold hearted chan money? How did they even meet? Did you think her Aunt is heartless. Did you wanna know about codelia family. there's only one way to know.

Chapter 1 Codelia

Authoress P.o.v

He watched as the ball roll down the teeing ground, then fall into the cups. His boys clapped their hands and cheered him up.

"I don't need it, stop cheering me up" he said and waved his hand to stop them and they stopped immediately.

he stood up and walked to his room. "Boss we have caught the thief" his right hand man reported.

"where's he?" Chad asked as he reached for his tobacco pipe. " he is outside boss" The guy replied without looking at his face.

"You no what to do, bring him to me!" he ordered. "yes, boss!" the guy said and ran out, few minutes later he came back with a guy.

"He is here boss!" the guy said and Chad raised his head up a bit. "Who sent you?" Chad asked the guy his right hand man brought in firmly.

the guy didn't replied him he keep looking at his face, though he can't see his face because he was putting on a mask.

he stared and studied the girl expression, with a smirk playing on his lips. "f*cking answer my question!" Chad yelled.

he took a glass from the table and throw it at him and the guy was fast enough to dodge it.

His right hand man raised his hand up to slap the guy and Chad stopped him. "who sent you?" Chad asked again.

"nobody" the guy replied and glare maliciously at him secretly, unfortunately Chad saw him he moved closer to him and hold him by his neck.

"how dare you glare at me" Chad said and throw him across the room. "Ah" the guy winced in pain.

"Did you think am joking with you, did you know who I am?" Chad asked angrily. he slapped him hard across his face, when he saw the guy looking at his face.

"you don't look me in the eyes when am talking, I am not your ancestors mate" Chad said and the guy nod his head and place his hand on his cheek.

"Who sent you?" Chad asked again. "Am not gonna tell you who sent me, go ahead and kill me" the guy said.

"WOW, bravo I love people like you" Chad said and Walked to the setter table in his room, he opened the drawer and brought out his gun.

"I can't keep wasting my time with someone like you, because time is golden" Chad said.

without thinking twice, he sent a bullet to the guy d*ck. " Ahhh" the guy grunt in pain and fall down died.

"Drag him out!" he ordered. "Alright boss" the guy replied and Chad went back to the chair. a woman walked inside Chad room with a tray and she dropped it on the table.

she looked at Chad and smile to herself. " my son" she said dragging out a chair.

" Anna, what are you trying to do?" Chad asked. " am trying to seat and eat with you my dear son" the woman said.

" I am not your son, I don't have a mother" Chad yelled. " calm down am still your mother and I will always be your mother" the woman said.

" you're very cr*zy for spatting that nonsense out of your mouth, I am f*cking paying you, so that means you're my slave.." Chad said emphasizing the word slave.

" Try to treat me like your mother, I gave birth to you with this stomach of mine" the woman said touching her tommy.

" I will blow off your head, if you don't get out of my room" Chad said and brought out his gun. and the woman ran out, like someone whose pant is on fire. " fool" Chad said and open the food she brought.


"How's your exam?" I asked my best friend peace. "oh it was very stressful" she replied stretching her body.

"why won't it be, stressful when you don't read" I said. " hmm, miss know it all, am sure you will get married to your books one day" she said.

" yeah thank you, am sure you wished to be like me" I said bitting on my apple.

" I don't wish to be like you, I wanna be like myself" she replied me. " fool" I muttered. " I heard that" she said and throw pillow at me.

" I dodge it" I said and throw it back at her. " Codelia!" she called. " what happen my daughter?" I replied her.

" what did you cook?" she asked. " I didn't cook anything" I replied her. " don't tell me you haven't eaten since morning" she said.

" yeah, I haven't" I replied her and she walked closer to me and drag my ear.

" ouch, it hurt what have I done to you?" I asked faking tears.

" did you wanna kill yourself" she yelled and I covered my ear with my palm.

" bring down your voice" I said. " don't tell me to bring down my voice" she shouted angrily.

" God this girl is gonna murdere me with her voice" I said. " You're crazy" she shouted again.

" you're a fool" I also yelled. " fool" she yelled again, very good we are in yelling competition now.

" codelia jokes apart, you shouldn't joke with your heart, you need a lot of food to survive, remember you have ulcer" she said.

" yes I remember mum" I replied. "good girl, you know mum loves you" she said.

"And I hate you too daughter" I replied and she gave me a knock on my head. "witch" I said.

I took another apple and take a bite, just then I felt a pain in my chest and the apple fall down from my hand.

"Ahh" I grunt and hold my chest in pain. "keep pretending baby" peace Said.

"Ah " I grunt in pain and fall on the fall. "wow my friend is a good actress" she said. "I am in pain" I shouted.

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