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Fallen Angel

Fallen Angel



His life is at the verge of death, only one can save him, the blood of a fallen angel. Alexis, 26, seeks to have a longer and healthier life which was definitely far from what he was currently living. He has just three months more or he dies of the strange illness that keeps recurring. That was when he met her, a vibrant and absolutely cool Sheila, a fallen angel. With her identity completely hidden, they both fall in love but the expiration of the three months are close by. How would Alexis react after finding out that the one he loves was the very one he had been searching for to kill and live longer? Would Sheila sacrifice her life for Alexis to life knowing fully well that is his only antidote? Would Alexis die? Or would Sheila let go of her life for him?

Chapter 1 Meeting Him

Chapter 1

Alexis POV

I woke up with a slight headache but it wasn't unexpected. I have always been this way, falling sick almost every time no matter how much I tried to remain healthy.

I got up from my bed and placed my hand on my forehead, taking in a deep breath. I shook my head and got out of bed.

Alexis, 26, CEO of Reeds Enterprise. To almost everyone out there, I was the perfect figure, cute, handsome, manly and rich, just the perfect type for all ladies but still yet I remain single.

All my life, I have been leading a sickly life so how in the world am I supposed to stay for long with a lady?

I am quite sure that ladies would not love to be with a guy who gets sick suddenly without a reason to be and so, I decided to choose the life that suit me the most, remaining single while having fun with ladies whenever I was at my best.

This was mainly to debunk rumors of me being a gay of some sort.

I moved into the bathroom and took a long refreshing bath. I wrapped a towel around my waist and found my way to my closet, picking a random white shirt and dark jeans.

I dressed up quite sluggishly as the headache grew worse, indicating that this day wasn't going to be one of the days that I was healthy.

"Good morning" I heard the pretty familiar voice, Kim, my private manager.

I called him private because he was managing my personal life and not the company actually.

"Kim" I mumbled and he rushed over to me.

" How are you feeling today sir?" He asked and I held my head, shaking my head slightly.

"Not very well as I say" I mumbled and in few seconds, he was handing me some pain relievers and a glass of water.

"You know this won't work so much. Let's just go to the hospital" I said, standing up.

"let me help you" Kim mumbled.

"No, I can get to the car myself" I replied and found my way out of my room.

I hated being pitied so much and that's why my illness has always been a secret.

"What's going on in the company?" I asked him.

"Boss, you really can't be asking about business right at this moment, you are not feeling too good at this moment" he replied worriedly.

"I... I am going to be fine" I replied him, holding onto my throbbing head.

"You are getting worse, we should go see the doctor" he added.

"And what the heck can he do to help me? All of his medications never work for me, none had ever worked" I replied him.

"But perhaps he has new drugs that might help" he suggested.

"There is no such thing that can help me. Perhaps like mum said, I need to visit a witch doctor " I replied him.

"That's...you have never believed in things like this" Kim said to me.

"Yeah, I have never believed such but then when things push you to a certain stage, you find out that you simply have no option than to go to things that you have never believed in" I replied him.

"Your voice is getting clearer,I think the other hours of the day would not be so bad" Kim noted out.

"I think so too, get prepared, we are going to work right at this moment"I said to him.

"I think we can have the board meeting tomorrow,you are the CEO, you definitely can postpone do so"

"And how sure are you that I would be this okay tomorrow?"


"Enough Kim, you see getting on my nerves already" I said and got off my bed.

I was already good at least, I was not feeling as weak as I was doing earlier and I was grateful that I was having the quick recovery today.

"Pick the proposal on my study table up and meet me downstairs" I said to him and walked to the living room.

By the time I was downstairs I was feeling like nothing had happened to me already. I sighed softly and shook my head at the mysteriousness of my situation.

"I am back boss" Kim said as he ran down the flight of stairs.

"Are you with it?"

"With it"

"Have you notified the others that the meeting would still be scheduled for today?" I asked him.

"I have done so, I have endured that everything is in place"


I turned and walked out of the mansion with Kim behind me, I got into the backseat of the car and Kim got in beside the driver.

"Move" I ordered and the car slowly moved away.

The car moved, gaining momentum gradually and in few minutes, we were high up on the express way when the car suddenly jerked.

I diverted my gaze sharply towards the front.

The car jerked once more and the car slowly stopped, jerking to an halt.

"What's going on?" I asked as the car came to a total stop.

"The... The car seems to have a little bit of problem" Kim replied and I stepped out of my car with a pissed off expression.

"Kim" I called and he stepped out of the car along with the driver of the car.

"Kim get a car down here" I said to him and turned to the driver.

"Did you conduct the daily check on cars that I ordered?" I asked him and his nervousness gave him out totally.

"How many times do I have to tell you that you need to check my cars everyday?" I asked him.

"I...I am sorry,I promise that would not happen in the future" she said with multiple bows.

"Kim, prepare his sack letter" u ordered.

"Sack? Please do forgive me boss, I promise you...."

"Enough, I am not in the mood to listen to your ramblings, pay him the salary for this month and have him leave here Kim" I said to Kim.

"Yes boss"

We all waited at the express way for about five minutes before the car I asked for arrived.

I grabbed my suitcase from Kim.

"Find your way to me"

With those words, I got into the car,threw my briefcase to the other side of the car and zoomed off.

I checked my wristwatch.

"Heck, I think I am going to be a bit late" I mumbled and stepped hard on the accelerator.

"Aaaaaaaaargh!" I heard a loud scream and I quickly stepped on the brakes of the car.

Did I just hit someone?!

My eyes widened and I gulped down, who could be so stupid to walk carelessly in this type of road?

I stepped out of the car slowly and approached where the person laid, clad in nothing but overall white, her dark hair was in sharp contrast with the garment she was wearing.

She slowly raised her face up and there was the most enchanting face my eyes had ever seen.

Was this.... Is this really human?

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Other books by plankiechan

Desired By The Demon Prince

Desired By The Demon Prince



"Wh... What are you doing?" She stuttered out her words in a soft whisper as his hands caressed her face gently. "What do you think I am doing, Jia Li?" His deep, hot voice questioned her. His voice made Jia Li gulp down, he sounded so hot, so sexy. "I am... I am your father's bride" she pulled away from him with the last resolve inside of her. "I might be truly too young for your father but... But he is the king and you are his son and..." she began rambling. He threw his head backwards, his hair flipping. "I do not care" he pulled her back to him. With his face leaned close, eyes gazing into each other and his arm wrapped around her waist. "If you don't want this, it's okay to run away" he whispered huskily to her and Jia Li gulped down hard. Her mouth went dry but she made no attempt to get away from him. Her decision was made clear. Their lips met, entangling them into a romance never meant to be heard of. * Born on the night of a dark moon, he was bad news enough. His mother, his father's favorite dying during his birth was more bad news. For these, prince Xuhai was isolated and avoided by every other person in the palace and was called the demon prince. An isolated life stripped Xuhai of feelings and emotions. All he wanted was to become king and prove everyone wrong about him but the day he set his eyes on her, Jia Li, his life goals changed slightly. He wasn't only going to become king, he was going to build a love life with her but that wasn't going to be easy, not when Jia Li was his father's young bride and his elder brothers all want the same throne seeks to sit on. (An historical romance)

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