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Love at First Kiss

Love at First Kiss

Blue Heart


Aya is a simple girl and hardworking student. Even though her family is poor, she is full of dreams to lift her family out of poverty. On the very first day of Aya's class, something unexpected happened to her and that changed her destiny in an instant. She bumped into the most handsome student ā€“ Hiro Chan in their school. And as they fell on the grass, their lips kissed. Since then, Aya's life has changed. She used to be quiet and concentrate on her studies, but now Hiro keeps messing up her mind and her heart. Every time their eyes meet, there is some kind of spark that pulls the two of them to get closer. Like a rainbow that is colorful and beautiful to look at, that's how Aya felt when she was with Hiro. They eventually fell in love with each other. Beautiful as the love rainbow was, it also disappeared in the sky. A motorbike accident took away all the happy days she and Hiro had. Aya's world has become dark and lost its color. Everyone blamed her for what happened to Hiro and it also caused their separation. Those beautiful memories were replaced by heartaches and sadness. It is undeniable that our mind forgets but the heart will never forget! Will they lose each other and never cross paths again? Or will the destiny bring them together and allow them to regain their former love? Let's start the journey and find out more!

Chapter 1 Stupid Girl! Stupid Kiss!

It's a fine morning for the first day of Aya's class. She woke up early so that she wouldn't be late for school.

Her cell phone rang when the alarm struck.

"Five minutes, five minutes..." Aya said to herself while her eyes were closed and she reached her phone on the side of her bed, and turned the alarm off.

Later on, her phone rang again after five minutes. Aya opened her eyes and stood. She went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and take a bath.

After taking a bath, she immediately put on her uniform and fixed herself. She wiped her hair and brushed it with a comb.

After that, she grabbed her bag from the small table and went out of her room.

She saw her mother sitting by the table, while drinking some coffee.

"Oh Aya, you'll go to school now?" Her mother asked her.

"Yes, mother," she replied.

"Wait, have some breakfast first," her mother insisted.

Aya grabbed one loaf and took a bite from it.

"This is fine. I'll go now, I might be late," she told her mother.

Then her mother gave her some money, "Alright. Take this. It's your allowance."

She received the money and put it in her pocket. She finally said her good bye and immediately went out of the house.

Aya waited on the side of the road for a bus. She finally climbed to one after some minutes of waiting. Then, she alighted when she reached the school.

Aya will be facing a new life and a new school. She's studying at Zenia University, where it is one of the famous universities in the main city. Aya's family is not rich unlike most of the students who go to this school. However, she was able to get a scholarship, and tuition became less.

She's fourth year of high school this school year, and she's eager to study more so she can graduate and be top 1 in the class. By means of that, she could find a good job for her future, then she'll be able to help her family.

Aya is just a simple girl, not that pretty, and not popular in school. She's quiet and her focus is her studies. Due to her perseverance, she got good grades in her exams.

She's not allowed to have a boyfriend and love life is out of her system. She's not interested in having a relationship. She just wants to do her studies and not be interested in boys.

But destiny cannot be interfered...

When Aya reached the school, she noticed that there were many girls in groups and swarming outside the gate. They were shouting and it appears that they were swooning over someone. Their voices were so high pitched and it really caught her attention.

She decided to walk near them to know what was happening. The necks of the girls were elongating like it was someone very important.

Aya saw a luxurious black car that stopped at the gate. The door of the vehicle opened and someone stepped down from the black car. Then the girls shouted and they cannot get hold of their admiration for this person. their stomachs had butterflies and they almost jumped to their feet.

When she was almost near the gate, Aya saw the face of the boy, wherein the girls were lost in their voices. It was as if they saw a celebrity and they were all ready to welcome him.

He's tall, handsome, and has a pointed nose. He has very attractive eyes and has a strong appeal especially to girls. Almost every girl in the school goes crazy for him, who wouldn't? But Aya does not feel the same.

"Its... Devil!" Aya told herself while piercing her eyes through him.

"Huh, I thought it's going to be a good day, but it's not," she added.

He's Hiro Chan, the 'Prince Charming' of the school as they say.

I don't know why many girls like him. This Hiro is so boastful! Yes, he's handsome, rich, knows how to dress to get the attention of the girls, but his attitude? No! His attitude sucks! Just a bad boy right there.

He ignores all the girls, and the girls in their cutest eyes waits for him in the halls, watches him as he walks and the short murmur becomes a loud talk. Everybody makes a room for him as he takes over the space. He's used to it, and he never cares for anyone.

Even many girls give him gifts of sorts and of course, letters, he doesn't take the time to open them, but he just puts them in the trash.

But even with his trash attitude, or he's such a snob, many girls still like him. They couldn't go near him because one look from him would make them tremble and in one incident, a girl fell unconscious! That's absurd, but it's the truth.

But not all the girls fell for him, like me. Yes! Me! I will never ever like him! He's so much pride in himself! When I see him, my blood heats up! He's so annoying! He makes my day bad! Why do I have to see this awful guy today, hmmp!

After that, Aya immediately walked inside the campus.

But, while she was walking in the vast area and trees of the school, she collided with someone making her tripped to the ground. They both fell to the grass. A split-second like in the movies slows down the time as they land on the ground.

Their eyes locked with each other and their lips touched, in which they didn't mean to, while lying on the grass.

Aya could not move, because the man was on top of her. Their lips touched each other. She could feel his lips on hers. She couldn't believe that this guy was on her face! The tense in her eyes was evident. It was so fast! She suddenly felt like sweat was dripping on her forehead, even though there was none.

"This... Devil! Hmmp! Shocks! This shameless guy! He got first on my lips! Grrrrr!" Aya shouted inside her thoughts.

Few seconds later, while their lips were still joined with each other, they became aware of their locked eyes. She inhaled Hiro's fragrant breath.

Aya tried to push Hiro, and Hiro shortly stood from where they accidentally fell.

"Shame on you! Why did you bump into me?" Aya told him while she stood. She brushed off her uniform and made sure no dirt was on her. She avoided his eyes while looking at herself.

"Me? It's you who bumped into me!" Hiro replied while he curled his brows.

"Ah, so you're putting the blame on me?! Huh? You're the one who suddenly shows up from nowhere... bumps and k-kisses me!" Her nose flaring and her eyes glaring at him.

However, Hiro just stared at her with his piercing eyes from her head to toe.

Then he said, "Hey miss, I don't have time for this. Stupid girl!"

Then, he suddenly got his bag from the ground, turned around, and walked away. It was as if that moment didn't happen.

"Hey, wait, where are you going? We're not finished talking yet! You moron! Devil!" She shouted that he could've heard her words, but it seems he didn't even bother.

"Shame on him. That daredevil! Ugghh!" Aya said as she stomped her feet on the ground.

She wanted to scream but the words that came from her mouth were, "He is my first kiss! Why?! Of all of the people, why does it have to be that devil?! My gosh!"

Aya can't do anything about it, because Hiro just left her. She wanted to slap him so bad, her hands cold in her sudden anger. Unfortunately he had gone nowhere. He just left like that.

Meanwhile, Hiro thought of the incident.

"That girl! Tsk! Why would she be blocking the way?!" He said to himself while walking, his posture was straight and his face was serious.

Hiro immediately went to his classroom. His classmates stopped what they were doing when they saw him. The girls screamed in their seats, and their eyes were on him.

He went to his seat, it was at the back, beside a window. It is his favorite seat because he could relax his mind.

While he was looking at the window, he thought of what happened.

It's his first kiss, and it was with that girl.

Hiro drew a deep breath. He doesn't have a girlfriend. Even though many girls like him, he just ignores them. Whether a girl is rich or pretty, he is turned off once he knows that she likes him. Especially the girls who give him letters, or gifts and scream when they catch sight of him. He is irritated and disgusted with girls like that.

He hasn't met the girl of his dreams. The one who he will fall heads for. Because of that, he has never kissed any girl in all his life.

"Just now!"

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Love at First Kiss

Chapter 1 Stupid Girl! Stupid Kiss!



Chapter 2 He is my classmate



Chapter 3 She become his slave



Chapter 4 Lunch and Kisses



Chapter 5 Meet my cat



Chapter 6 My Cat, My girlfriend!



Chapter 7 The Rumor



Chapter 8 Locker Room



Chapter 9 Are you a stalker



Chapter 10 Our New Maid



Chapter 11 Intimate Lunch



Chapter 12 Got you!



Chapter 13 Who is Hiro's Girlfriend



Chapter 14 Her Rival



Chapter 15 Hiro's Heroism



Chapter 16 Hiro's Shirt



Chapter 17 The Jealousy



Chapter 18 Field Trip



Chapter 19 He is Concern



Chapter 20 Looking at her



Chapter 21 My Real Hero



Chapter 22 Baggage in his heart



Chapter 23 The hidden heartache



Chapter 24 Under the strong rain



Chapter 25 The Closer, the better



Chapter 26 Great Meal



Chapter 27 Who is the visitor



Chapter 28 Monica's plan



Chapter 29 Tension and Pretended



Chapter 30 Evil plans



Chapter 31 Heart Scars



Chapter 32 Allegation



Chapter 33 Think first before act



Chapter 34 Rumors



Chapter 35 Hold Me Tight



Chapter 36 Engagement Ring



Chapter 37 Memories is gone



Chapter 38 Holding On



Chapter 39 They meet again



Chapter 40 Memories
