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Breaking Everett Pierce

Breaking Everett Pierce



"Are you not gonna ask me anything? Where I'm going, who I'm meeting with, when will I be back?" I gave him a sweet smile. "Darling, I'm through it after all the shit you made me feel. Have fun." I winked, and with that, I turned my back at him, heading towards the stairs to sleep. ++++++++++ From being a secretary to being Mr. Pierce's wife, it sounds like true love between the boss and secretary. But then, it was not the case. Mr. Pierce offered Lauren a contract marriage to avoid all the marriage arrangements made by his parents. He hated being tied down, and by marrying a weak girl, he knows he can still fool around, and enjoy his desires to the fullest. Lauren had her heart beating for only one man, Everett. He's seen to be respectful, kind, generous, and a humble man with a good heart. Not until she actually got to know him. All those ear-pleasing adjectives were all a facade, and underneath was a manipulative, arrogant, self-centered Everett Luca Pierce. Her marriage felt like hell; getting cheated multiple times but can't do anything about it, rejected, and having to cry silently every night. But what if... the time has come for Lauren to finally stop crying? And this time, she's gonna be... Breaking Everett Pierce.

Chapter 1 Mr. Pierce

"Mr. Pierce, the CEO of the Kiyoto Corp. refused to meet with you."

"Fuck! How long do they want us to keep biting their tails? If they think that we'll be chasing after them forever, they can suck their dicks. Find another one from the list of trusted companies to substitute. We no longer need them to be our business-partner."

"Noted, sir. Also, your conference meeting will be held after lunch."

"Okay. Prepare the materials so that I'll have something to look after if the presentations gets too confusing."

"Of course. And Mr. Pierce, I got a new list of eligible ladies you might want to get in touch with after Miss Rory. Would you like to check it now, or once the working hours end?"

Miss Rory was the famous model, that unsurprisingly, he still got tired of. I don't know what's inside this man's head that he would still dump a beautiful girl like Rory Williams.

"Are you that slut secretary? Gosh, why the hell would he fucking dump me for a girl like you?! This is a big insult!"

"No, ma'am. You seem to be stuck in some confusion. I am nowhere near his type, and that would never happen. I'm just his right hand at work, and I get extra salary to do outside-work duties for him. Like this."


And BAAM! A cold water full of ice was thrown in my face. On a restaurant. For a fault that I didn't commit. All for a man names Everett Lucas Pierce.

The memory was still fresh in my mind. Damn, pretty girls are scary.

"Ms. Parker? Are you even listening?"

"Oh- I... I'm sorry, sir. I just remembered how much I had to go through to successfully break up with the girls for you."

"So what? You're paid to do it. Do you have any complains? I would take it, but just expect for your salary to decrease."

"No, sir. I am very okay being slapped, thrown, get poured, and whatever your crazy exes would do."

"I thought so. Now get out."


'Fuck you!'

If only I could scream those very two words in his face, I will.

I mean, yeah, sure, I like him. But that doesn't mean that I was going to be blind for him. My mind is still sane, and so is my heart. My feelings are still functioning well, and I'm glad to know that a part of me hates him, too. Mr. Pierce was selfish, arrogant, and he thinks that everyone in the world just love him. I think hating him was normal. I'm glad I'm still normal.

Let's just hope it'll stay like this forever.

"Yoru asa made. Zutto soba ni ite," while making another schedule for Mr. Pierce for tomorrow, I couldn't help but hum the Japanese version of Doja Cat's "Say So". It's very good, and cute, I like it.

"So since tomorrow is Friday, then the Charity Ball and Bidding will take place. Holy-"

I couldn't help but panic. I haven't prepared any dress for tomorrow's event. It's not just any other parties we attend to. This time, it's full of successful men. Probably politicians, known celebrities, and more businessmen like Mr. Pierce would be gathered tomorrow. And yet, here I am, humming a Japanese version of a song with nothing prepared.

"Pick up the phone, pick up the phone. Please pick up, please pick up." I couldn't help but mutter, biting my nails out of anxiety.

After some few rings, Alyssa, my best friend who owns a small Hair Salon and Spa business, finally picked up.

"Hey, babe."

"Alyssa, help."

"Whoa, chill. What happened?"

"Do you have some spare time later? Probably at 7 PM?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Please accompany me. Tomorrow is a big day for me since I'll be attending a special event with my boss tomorrow. I have to buy some dress and shoes. Mr. Pierce himself told me that I should not look like a nun like I always do."

"Hold up – he called you what?!"

"A nun. Well, back to the topi-"

"That son of a bitch!"

"Alyssa, please. Hear me out, first."

"I'm listening,"

"Accompany me later, okay? Since I trust you and your sense of fashion. Help me pick the right shoes and dress."

"Sure, sure. I would be very glad to do that. Where will we meet?"

"Don't worry. I'll visit you at your spa."

"Nice. See ya."

"See ya. Thank you. Bye."


It felt like a heavy weight was lifted off my shoulders. At least, I'm assured that someone will be helping me later.

My phone's alarm notified me. It was finally lunch time.

Right, Mr. Pierce told me that he'll be having lunch with his best friend, so I didn't have to go run North and South just to give him his exact orders.

Thank goodness.

I took the opportunity to nap. I was sleep deprived, and I didn't have any proper sleep the moment I started working for Mr. Pierce.

Even though he had lots of negative traits, he didn't get to the top with nothing. He proved himself that he was deserving. He was a workaholic man, and I admire him for the fact that he was able to work productively, and still having time to enjoy himself.

I can't even remember when was the last time I was able to laugh freely. For the past two years, I had to support my little brother to attend college. I also had to save up for my own condominium unit. When I was finally accepted to work, it was an unspoken obligation for me to provide my little brother's monthly allowance. My mom was just a simple baker, running her own Cake shop.

I was left in a mountain of responsibilities. I don't think getting out of them would be too soon. Two more years and maybe I'll start finding love. Laurence will be able to graduate two years from now, and when that time happens, maybe I'll be able to chill a little and pause from working too hard. I missed having fun. I wonder how it feels like...

Hmm... What should I do?

Maybe when I'll be able to save up enough money, I'll buy a small lot somewhere in the countryside. After that, I'll build a simple house, and if things gets too hard for me, maybe that house will be my getaway place to recover.

That sounds nice.


"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry for slacking off! I will not do it again-"

"Yo, chill."

"Oh, Josh. Hey," I smiled at him, taking my glasses of to rub my eyes.

"Have you taken lunch already? Lunch break is almost over. Your food's getting cold."

"Oh, you bought me some? Wow, thank you," I couldn't help but give him a gentle punch on his chest.



"No... Nothing."

"Thanks for the food. I was really tired. I wasn't able to sleep well, lately."

"...no problem. I'd love to do it for you. I can buy you food whenever you want."

"Oh, no. Please, it's fine. Thank you so much. You're so kind, J."

"Stop with the compliments. You're gonna make me like you more."


"Forget about it. Enjoy your lunch, okay? Take care of your health, dummy."

"Yes, sir! Roger!"

Josh and I burst into laughters. The lobby before Mr. Pierces office are filled with our chuckles. I didn't have to mind since he isn't around, anyway.



"Thanks for the lunch. And thanks for making me laugh. It may sound very simple, but it means a lot to me. Thanks."

"Shut your mouths. I can literally hear your annoying laughs inside my office," surprisingly, Mr. Pierce's door opened, revealing him, standing there without his blazer, but just in his white long sleeves and messed up tie.

Since when did he arrive?

"I'm sorry, sir," I apologized.

"And who the fuck are you?" Mr. Pierce asked, shooting his question to Josh.

"I am from the Marketing department, sir. I came here to visit Ms. Parker."

"Well, get back to your floor. Lunch is almost over. I'm not paying you to come and laugh outside my fucking office."

"Certainly, sir! I am very sorry!"

Mr. Pierce didn't say anything. He just leaned on his door, shooing poor little Josh away.

When Josh was finally out of sight, Mr. Pierce pointed at me.



"Get inside."

"Err- Yes, sir."

He went back inside his office, and after fixing my appearance since I took a very short nap, I followed him.

The moment I closed the door, I was immediately caged between the arms of Mr. Pierce, and I was left defenseless in front of him, my back was pressed against the door.

"M-Mr. Pierce?"

Cold, steel blue eyes, and hot breaths fanning my cheek. My heart felt like there were horses racing. I could feel my heart beats in my ears, and despite the room being air conditioned, I felt hot.

My legs weakened as those familiar blue orbs with the color of the ocean stared into mine, very intently, as if he was reading my whole life through my eyes. What the hell is happening?

Seriously, what is going on?!

Mr. Pierce's gaze travelled from my eyes down to my lips, then back to my eyes. His face was inches from mine.

After a few more minutes of the very close contact, he made distance, and then he went to the center table in front of his personal desk, pouring himself some wine.

"I don't know what that little boy sees in you."

"He has a name, sir, and its Josh."

"Josh, whatever. I don't care. But seriously, he must be blind."


"I mean. Look at yourself. You wear long skirts, loose white polo, and your hair is always on a low bun. You wear ugly glasses, and there's nothing really special with your features. Did you cast a spell to the unfortunate boy?"

"Did you call me in just to rub those words in my face?"

"Yes. Why? You want me to lower your salary?" He gave me this annoying look. His eyes looked like he was challenging me. His lips turned to a smirk as he watched my every facial reaction at his provocation.

I knew that I should be standing up for myself. But in that very moment, no matter how much I wanted to tell him that what he was doing was a bad thing to do, I couldn't even say anything. He was stating facts, and who am I to deny those? I was indeed unattractive. I don't deserve to be liked by anyone.

"May... May I take my leave?"

Fuck. Why did I even stutter? How stupid of me!

I didn't want him to think that his words hurt me. I don't want him to get the last laugh, and yet, even my own voice failed me.

"Oh, sure. Go on. I can even offer you some tissues. Want some?"

I smiled at him dryly before taking my leave.

The moment the door clicked as it closed, my legs grew its own mind as it started running on its own towards the nearest comfort room.

Since not a lot of employees are working on the floor of the CEO, the comfort room was luckily empty.

I entered the last cubicle at the very end of the room, and as soon as I got inside, tears came running down like a river. Like a storm that was not capable of being tamed. In order to make fewer sounds, I took out my handkerchief, biting it to muffle each sob.

I wanted to quit the job. So bad. But I couldn't. I have responsibilities, and if I quit the job now, I would have to start working at the bottom once again.

No. I will not quit. This is just another obstacle that challenges my strength. I have to be strong. My little brother needs me.

"Uhm... Lauren?"

Holy shit.

Clearing my voice, I answered.

"Yes, Sophia?"

"Girl, do you want to talk about it? I'm ready to listen. It's okay," she said in a soothing voice.

Sophia is one of the secretaries of Mr. Pierce. However, I was the main secretary. Sophia's hired to do some researches and background checks about something, and she'll report it to me, while I make the finalization to present to Mr. Pierce.

"I... I'm just overdramatic. Don't mind me."

"...really? Will you be okay?"

"Yes. Uhm... thanks for the concern, Sophia."

"You can always talk to me about it, okay?"

"Yes, Soph."

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