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The Reunion

It was class reunion time and Ummie Anderson was not ready to face her high school sweetheart Brandon White. He left her to pursue his dream while she was pregnant with their daughter. Now it was seven years later, she has raised a beautiful and talented daughter and she didn't want anything to do with him... until he comes back to town that is. Old feelings start to emerge as she spends more time with him. Could she give him a second chance? Brandon Cherry realized he made a huge mistake leaving Ummie the way he did. She was as lovely as he remembered, and she had a beautiful daughter. He wanted to be back in her life but would he let her back in? Miracle did not want to go to her high school's class reunion nor did she want to see the face of the man who broke her heart. Johnny Wilson. She should have been over him and the fact that he slept with her sister before they were to get married. She should have been over him and yet when she sees him old feelings reemerge. Could she learn to forgive him and move on? Bethany Williams had married the big bad boy of high school Brendan Williams. They have been married for almost eight years now with a now an eight-year-old daughter. But lately Bethany has been feeling sick and she was losing weight. When she goes to the doctor she learns the sad truth.

Chapter 1 Ummie and Brandon

"So then I told Gypsie that I wanted to be part of the Magical Girls" Ammie spoke quickly as Ummie drove. They were headed to Ammie's school. "And what did she say honey?" Ummie asked "she has the nerve to say that I am not old enough" Ammie said almost in disbelief. "I told her that I was only 7 and she was just a year older than me. Then I told her that she wasn't part of the Magical Girls either just because they were her sisters that didn't mean anything" Ammie said and huffed out a breath. Ummie wanted to laugh but Ammie would think her rude.

Her seven-year-old was currently talking about her nieces' pop band that her sister currently managed. "Ammie, you know your Aunt Jenny said you could join when you are older. Besides you have dance and school to worry about right now. Not to mention to sing in the church choir and dance on the dance team at church. You have a lot on your plate right now and you're only seven" Ummie said. She saw the disapproving look in her daughter's hazel eyes. "She even said the same thing to Gypsie. Gypsie only goes with them on tours because I and your Aunt Daisy have busy schedules." Ummie added as they pulled up to the school. "Remember Thursday they are having a concert in the park" Ummie said. Ammie beamed "I'm so excited!" she cheered as she grabbed her unicorn backpack and opened the door. "Have a good day sweetie!" Ummie called to her daughter as she rushed up the stairs to catch up with her friends. Ammie turned around and gave a big smile and gave her a big wave. As Ummie drove off her thoughts went to Brandon, thoughts of the man that left her seemed to pop up a lot lately. Her phone's car began to ring, the caller ID said it was her sister Jenny. She reached out and pressed the button. "What's up sis?" She asked, "I got a call from Tasha... about the class reunion" Jenny said from the other end with a mouth full of food. "You couldn't wait until you finished eating to tell me?" Ummie asked "You're my sister I can call you whenever I want... anyway she wanted me to tell you that since you were on the school counsel you have to be there" Jenny said. "Bullshit" Ummie snapped, she was glad her daughter wasn't in the car. "You keep cursing like that you are going to get struck by lightning" Jenny teasingly. "I refuse to go to that thing Jen..." "Awe come on, you get to see Miracle, Bethany, and all of our other friends we haven't seen in a while..." "Not to mention Brandon White... my daughter's deadbeat father" Ummie said cutting her off. "Hun you didn't even tell him you were pregnant when he left" Jenny said. "He shouldn't have left me in the first place" Ummie snapped her voice almost cracking. Brandon had told her he loved her and then had bailed on graduation night... a night they were supposed to spend together. "Honey" Jenny said sadly "You know what your problem is?" she asked. Ummie didn't answer so Jenny continued "You need closure. You need to talk to Brandon, that is why you need to go to this reunion. I heard he was coming to town early" Dammit. Ummie didn't want to run into him before the reunion. Something in her heart was excited about seeing him, another part of her was terrified of seeing him again. "Look, I just don't want you to so bitter. It shows all the time and I think Ammie can see it" Jenny said. Ummie wanted to hang up on her sister because she knew that she was right. "Look, I have to get going." Ummie snapped and hung up the phone before Jenny could say anything. Ummie had to get ready to sell these houses. "Brandon!" Tony called waving to him as he was coming down the escalader. Brandon waved back to his longtime friend with a smile on his face. He walked to him, dropped his bags and gave him some dap. "Hey Tony, it's been a while" Brandon said. "Too long man" Tony said hugging him. Tony had recently contacted him over social media to tell him about the class reunion. "How have you been?" Brandon asked as he picked up some of his bags. Tony picked up the other and they fell into step heading towards the door. "Pretty good, me and Tasha have been married for almost 8 years and two beautiful children. Tessa and TJ." Tony said beaming with pride about his family. Brandon sort of envied him for it. "And you? I saw in a magazine that you were Number 1 top Bachelor millionaire" Tony teased. "I'm probably the only one on that list then" Brandon said. They both laughed, "I heard you were coming to town and thought I'd come to greet you" Tony said. Brandon nodded, the taxi driver came to help with the bags as they came out the door. "Thanks man, I appreciate it" he said. "By the way... I wanted to ask... How's Ummie?" Brandon asked, she had been on his mind a lot recently. "From what I heard from Tasha, she is fine. A great realtor from what Tasha told me and she has a daughter" Tony said. Brandon's heart dropped, was she married? "She's not married... she is very single as Tasha pointed out" Tony said as if reading his mind. Brandon let out the breath he was holding. "You're relieved? You think you still have a chance with Ummie?" Tony asked. Probably not... after him leaving her the way he did. He probably had no right to come back into her life, but he wanted to. "So where are you staying?" Tony asked later over coffee. "Mama begged me to stay at the house with her. She refused to let me stay at a hotel" Brandon said looking at his cup. He was half thinking about Ummie. "How is Mrs. White anyway?" Tony asked, "she's great. She told me she always sees Ummie at church" Brandon said. "Oh yeah, Ummie's daughter is almost in everything at the church" Tony said with a laugh. Brandon laughed "just like Ummie" Brandon said. "Yeah" Tony said with thought "have you heard from Johnny?" Tony asked "he's a big time lawyer" Brandon said. "Yeah... and Tasha has been trying to get in contact with Miracle but no luck so far" Tony said. Brandon inhaled sharply. "No one wants to face their past. This reunion is like hell" Brandon said. Tony chuckled "you'll get through it man" he said. His phone began to ring "Oh that's Tasha, got to pick up the twins" Tony said getting up and leaving. "See you man" Brandon said waving him off. Brandon's thoughts went back to Ummie. "Brandon White!" he stopped his coffee cup and turned in surprise. It was Ummie's sister Jenny, "Jen" he said with a tight smile. She rushed over to him with a bright smile on her face. "Hey hon" she said taking a seat "what are you doing here?" Brandon asked looking around hoping Ummie didn't show up. He wasn't ready to face her. Jenny tapped him on a hand "Ummie isn't here" Jenny laughed. "I see" Brandon said, "I came here for myself. My girls are having rehearsals for their show on Thursday... They have been edgy all week" Jenny said. "Your girls?" Brandon asked "oh yeah, my girls formed a pop band called Magical Girls. You should come and check them out" Jenny said. There was probably a 100% chance that Ummie was going to be there. He had to get out of here before Jenny drug him into her matchmaking... and he would let her. "Sorry I..." "oh please" Jenny begged "I'm inviting everyone to the concert that is coming back to town..." "Ummie will be there?" Brandon asked "well of course they are her nieces and y... I mean her daughter loves them" Jenny said. Brandon sighed "look if you don't want a seat next to her, I can rearrange it" Jenny said. Brandon sighed again it wasn't that he didn't want to be with her it was the exact opposite. "You don't have to do all of that. I'll come" Brandon said. Jenny beamed "thank you! Thank you!" Jenny exclaimed, she looked down at her watch and gasped "gotta jet!" she said and rushed off. Brandon sat there suddenly excited to Thursday. "And this is the master bedroom" Ummie said as she opened the double doors. The young wealthy couple of Krystal and Stephen Berry were looking for a new house to start a family. Krystal looked around the room in awe "it's lovely! What do you think honey?" Krystal asked, "how much will this all be?" Stephen asked cutting to the chase. "Steph why are you so worried we can cover it" she said walking over to them. "Is this a good neighborhood? Are the schools great here?" Stephen asked snapping Ummie out of her thoughts "Oh yes, my daughter goes to the elementary school it is great academically. Umm the neighborhood is great as well. My sister is a psychologist and she lives down the road from here" Ummie said with a smile. "This town is great and if you are looking to have a growing family this is the place to be" Ummie added. "See Steph, this place is perfect. I am just really excited to be moving in with you..." Krystal said she stopped as if to say more. She walked to her husband and took a deep breath. "I have something important to say" she said looking shy. "What is it honey?" her husband asked. "I...I am..um. pregnant" Krystal said tears brimming her eyes. Her husband looked so excited "oh honey!" he exclaimed pulling her in his arms. Ummie was suddenly taken back to when she found out she was pregnant with Ammie... she was alone and scared and Brandon was nowhere to be found. Ummie cleared her throat breaking the happy couple's celebration kiss. "I'm so happy for the two of you...err... three of you..." "we'll take the house" Stephen said hugging his wife. "Okay then, we can do the paperwork here or back at my office..." "here would be fine" Krystal said. Ummie felt wetness on her cheeks as she walked to her car to get the papers. She lifted her hand to her cheek and realize she was crying... but why? She quickly took the sleeve of her silk white blouse and wiped her eyes. There was no time for tears, she grabbed the papers and headed back into the house. The husband had made sure that his pregnant wife was comfortable in her chair in the kitchen. Ummie felt a sob in her throat, she quickly swallowed it down and gave them the papers. "Just sign here, we can get the deposit and the house is all yours." Ummie said with a smile. As the husband signed the papers Ummie felt the wife's gaze on her. "Are you alright Ms. Anderson?" she asked. Ummie quickly waved her off with a smile hoping it would reach her eyes. "I'm fine Mrs. Berry, really I am." Ummie said. The paperwork was complete and the transaction as well. Ummie waved them off as she drove off. It was almost three o'clock and she wanted to be early to pick up Ammie. "Bran!" His mother exclaimed rushing to him to get a hug before he could even put down his bags. "Hey mama" he said, they began to walk to the house. "I'm so happy that you could finally come home" she said. "Ma, I see you every holiday and almost every weekend." He laughed "cause I fly up there! I'm tired of getting on those planes and mess... that kind of travel is not for me honey" she said waving him off. Brandon looked up at his old home. He had tried countless times for his mother to move up to New York with him. He offered to buy her a new house and everything. She constantly refused saying the house held so many memories. "You know Ummie comes to church every Wednesday and Sunday" she said. "So I've been told... what are you getting at ma?" Brandon asked, first was Jenny now his own mother. "What? She is just so beautiful you two are soulmates. I've been praying that you two would get back together" she said. She done got God into it now. Brandon thought as they entered the house. He put his bags on the couch, "you've been cooking?" Brandon asked, it smelled like Thanksgiving when he was younger. "Of course, I cooked chicken, collards, mashed potatoes, mac n cheese..." "Ma..." Brandon said on laugh "I was excited you were coming, and my hands started cooking" she said with a smile. "Go put your bags up and I'll fix the table" she said as she went into the kitchen. Brandon grabbed his bags and headed to his room. Nothing had changed except the bigger bed, but his mother pretty much kept everything the same. He began to look around, his gaze went to a picture on his nightstand. He went, sat on the bed, and picked it up. It was the prom picture of him, Ummie, and all their friends. His gaze stayed on Ummie, she looked so happy and she was looking at him. "Bran" his mother said peering into the room, he turned and looked at his mother. She looked at the picture and sighed "you all were such good friends back then...I remember all of them used to come to Thanksgiving dinner... everything" she said. "Yeah" he said looking back at the picture. "Ummie comes over sometimes with her baby girl" she said. "She does?" Brandon asked surprised his mother nodded. "Yep, I keep mistaking Ammie for my granddaughter" she said with a sigh. "She's just so adorable and so much like Ummie" she continued. The ding of the timer went off in the kitchen. "Oh the cake is done" she said and turned to leave. Ummie's car phone rang and she answered it, it was her youngest sister Flower. "Hey hon" Ummie said, "hey big sis" she said from the other end. "How was your day?" Ummie asked "it was great. I love helping my patients out" Flower said on a sigh. "What happened to you today?" Flower asked, "I cried today at work" Ummie said. She didn't know if it was because Flower was her younger sister or that she was a psychologist, but she could tell her this stuff. "Oh, honey why?" Flower asked "well I had these clients that bought this house... they were a new married couple... the wife announced she was pregnant, and you should have seen the husband's face. He was so happy and so in love with his wife..." "umhm how did that make you feel?" Flower asked "I ached honey. I went out to my car to get the papers for them to sign and the tears just came" Ummie said. She was glad she had just dropped Ammie off at dance practice. The tears were falling again, Flower was quiet for a little bit. "Flower?" Ummie asked "I was thinking of how to put this but I'm just going to come out and say it... You really need to talk to Brandon and forgive him" Flower said. Ummie couldn't believe Flower was saying this... never mind she could believe it. "FORGIVE HIM!" Ummie exclaimed. "Yes" Flower said softly. "This thing you are holding on to is eating you alive. You don't have to make up with him or get back with him... I'm not saying that. Forgive him for you, acknowledge the pain he caused you." Flower said "God said to forgive those who hurt you didn't he?" Flower added, bringing in her husband's words. "Don't use Berry's words on me" Ummie snapped. "Ummie, I'm serious" Flower snapped. Ummie sighed both of her sisters were right. This thing wasn't healthy and if she didn't do something about it soon it would affect Ammie. "You're coming to Bible study this Tuesday?" Flower asked, "Berr is teaching on Forgiving and Unforgiving" Flower added. "Yeah... I think I'll come" Ummie said. "Good... also Brandon is already in town" Flower said. "Flower..." "Tasha told me that Brandon told Tony that he kept asking about you" Flower added. "Flower" Ummie snapped. "why are you telling me this?" she added. "Because I want you to know that Brandon still thinks about what he did to you. He feels terrible about it. Maybe he needs closure too" Flower said. "Screw his closure" Ummie snapped. "Ummie" Flower said on a sigh. "You also haven't done right" Flower added. "What?" Ummie snapped "you haven't told Ammie, Brandon, or his mom that they are family and you constantly take Ammie to see her because you feel bad about her not knowing who her granddaughter is" Flower snapped. "Why you..." Ummie grumbled. She hated that her sisters told the truth about her. "Look I have to go inside to see Ammie" Ummie snapped she sometimes she hated talking to her sisters because what they said was exactly what she needed to hear. "Okay, love you hon" she said and hung up the phone. Ummie got out of the car to get Ammie. Her mind was churning, the town was small and soon enough she would run into Brandon and she had to be prepared for it. She opened the doors to the Foxy Dance Academy. Young girls and boys were getting ready for their Fall pageant and of course Ammie was the lead of the play. Ummie looked at her daughter so proud of all she was accomplishing. "Do it again Ammie" Foxy called out. Foxy Thompson was actually Miracle Thompson's sister. Ummie sometimes questioned if bringing Ammie here was the best move considering what Foxy did to Miracle. But Jenny had recommended her because she also helped with the Magical Girls choreography which Ammie jumped on and of course she couldn't say no. In the corner of Ammie's eye she saw her mother. "Mama!" Ammie exclaimed breaking her pose and rushing to her. Foxy looked at her a little annoyed, Ummie scooped Ammie up in her arms. "Sorry" Ummie said, "you know parents are supposed to be waiting outside" Foxy snapped. "She's the only one here" Ummie laughed, "Because she needs extra practice" Foxy snapped. "She is the lead and I don't want to look bad" Foxy added. "She always practices at home" Ummie reassured her. "See I told you Ms. Thompson" Ammie teased. "Go get your bag honey" Ummie said. Ammie raced to the back room to get her bookbag. "So your reunion huh?" Foxy said as she grabbed a bottle of water. "Unfortunately" Ummie said on a sigh "you think Johnny or Miracle will show up?" Foxy asked, Ummie tensed "I have no idea, if you want that info ask Tasha she's rounding everyone up" Ummie said. "I see" Foxy said looking at her bottle of water with thought. "I ruined everything between me and Miracle" she said on a sigh. Ummie looked at her surprised this was coming out. "You know, that happened eight years ago. Once you forgive yourself... I think you can try to make amends with Miracle... if you really want to" Ummie said. Before she could say anything else Ammie came running to them. "I'm ready to go" Ammie sang. Ummie turned to Foxy, "We should meet for coffee tomorrow and finish this conversation" Ummie said. "at 12?" Foxy asked. "Sure" Ummie said, "come on mommy" Ammie said dragging her to the door. Who was she kidding? She had no right to preach forgiveness when she wasn't up for doing it herself. "Are you okay mommy?" Ammie asked snapping Ummie out of her thoughts. "Oh I'm fine honey" Ummie said glancing at her through the review mirror. "Aren't you excited about your performance?" Ummie asked turning her daughter's attention to her. "I am... a little nervous" Ammie said. "You will do fine honey" Ummie said. Her car phone began to ring "Hello?" Ummie asked "Hey sis" it was Jenny. "Hey Auntie Jenny!" Ammie exclaimed. "Hey Baby girl" Jenny beamed from the other end of the phone. "Hey Jen" Ummie said, she was hoping she wouldn't bring up their earlier conversation. "Ummie you wouldn't believe who I ran into today" Jenny said from the other end. She could hear her daughters rehearsing for their performance on Thursday. "Bethany? Tasha? Miracle?" Ummie asked "no! Brandon White!" Jenny exclaimed with excitement. Something told Ummie she had something up her sleeve. "Why should I care?" Ummie asked, "well because you used to..." Ummie pulled up to her house just in time. "Oh look I'm home! I'm really tired good night" Ummie said quickly hanging up the phone. "Hey" Ammie protested. Ummie undid her seat belt, got out of the car and proceeded to help Ammie out. "Who is Brandon White? Why you hang up on Auntie Jenny for?" Ammie whined. "Nothing honey" Ummie said as she rushed her into the house. "Why won't you answer my questions?" Ammie snapped at Ummie. She sighed "Brandon White was a high school sweetheart of mine" Ummie said on a sigh. "Oooo" Ammie teased and also your father, Ummie wanted to say. Ummie threw the car keys in the bronze bowl closest to the door. "Do your homework" Ummie snapped "I did it already, Tessa helped me out with the math part" Ammie said. "I'm starving" she added. Ummie walked into the kitchen, "we can have some chicken and mixed veggies!" Ummie called out. "No veggies!" Ammie called out. Ummie laughed as she proceeded to make dinner. Her thoughts went to Brandon again. She wondered what Jenny said to him. "So you're going to Jenny's daughters concert" Tony said with disbelief from the other end of the phone. "It surprised me" Brandon said "you know there is a hundred percent chance you're going to see Ummie right?" Tony asked, that was what Brandon was sort of hoping for. "Maybe that's what I want" Brandon said. "A death wish?" Tony asked "no" Brandon said. "Jenny told me everyone was coming" Brandon added hoping that would change the topic. "Well I'm not going... have to work but the kids will probably wear Tasha down to take them they love the Magical Girls" Tony said with a chuckle. They talked a little longer about sports and other things. After getting off the phone Brandon stared up at the ceiling thinking about Ummie. He wanted to make everything up to her but how would he? Brandon grabbed his cell phone cause he sure as hell couldn't sleep. He best get some work done while he was here.

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