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Mrs Bride, Mr Groom

Mrs Bride, Mr Groom




Chapter 1 1: Battered Bride

Victoria sat in front of the dressing mirror as her best friends worked on her hair and face.

It was her wedding day today, she had wished earnestly for it to come, and seeing herself dressed in a wedding gown made the butterflies in her stomach flutter. Her face had been wearing a broad smile since she woke up, she was getting married to the man she loved; the only man she found worthy to be a good husband to her and a perfect father to her children.

Having a perfect family with a perfect man was all she desired and Miles was the only man she found perfect, he had always been there for her, supporting all her decisions and choices, trusting her undoubtedly and showering her with love and Victoria wanted nothing else than to spend forever with him, and today she was getting married to him.

She could remember vividly the day she met Miles as if it had only happened yesterday, she could clearly see his smile, hear his funny ascent and her heart leaped of joy as she remembered the way he pronounced her name.

"Aren't you the most beautiful bride ever?" Ellen, one of her best friends, said with a teary voice as she placed the last flower in her hair and Victoria raised her eyes to look at herself in the mirror, and indeed she made a beautiful bride.

Her hair was perfectly combed, partitioned from the sides and pinned entirely at the back, some strands of her hair had been left to fall to her face.

The beautiful stones which had been embedded in her neatly sown wedding dress reflected lights, adding more beauty to the dress.

The combination of the thread work done on her wedding gown and her beautiful face made her look more like a fairy tale princess.

"I am so happy this day is happening," Lisa, her other best friend, said as a tear dropped from her eye.

"Lisa," Victoria called, looking at her with teary eyes.

"Come here," Lisa said and pulled Victoria in for a hug. Lisa couldn't help holding back her tears and ended up crying on Victoria's shoulder.

"Come on Lisa, you are going to mess up her dress, it's a big day for her today, you wouldn't want her to walk down the aisle with a messed up dress." Ellen said and Lisa pulled out of the hug.

"My bad, I couldn't control the emotions, I just love that our girl is getting married."

"And to the man of her dreams." Ellen added and Victoria nodded.

Miles really was the man of her dreams and she wanted to marry him right away, she had longed to be addressed as a 'Mrs.' and now she was not only going to be addressed as 'Mrs.' but 'Mrs. Taylor'.

'Mrs. Victoria Taylor'. She thought to herself, and her smile grew to contented laughter.

"Already imagining yourself in the room with Miles?" Ellen asked, and Victoria's face got tinted with a blush. "Oh, please, put that face away and make sure to tell me all about it."

"Ellen," Lisa called and Ellen have her a shrug. "You don't expect she tell you... On a second thought, I think I want to hear it too. In details too."

Victoria chuckled. " We'll see how that goes."

The door to the room opened, and an elderly man walked in beaming with smiles. He went to stand in front of Victoria, and she stood up to be at the same height with him.

"I've always known you'd make me proud." He said and caressed her cheek.

"Thanks, Dad, I'm so glad you're happy."

"I'm happier to see you happy. Come, it's time, I don't think Miles can wait any longer" Ralph said and fixed her veil. She put her hand around her father's arm and headed for the wedding ground.

The wedding ceremony was being held on a beach as Victoria had wanted, she wanted an airy and open place, a place where nature would bear witness to their union, and she got exactly that. The sun shore at a mild temperature, adding both beauty and life to the ceremony.

Her gown dragged along as she walked down the aisle with her father, Victoria saw the guests stand up on either side watching her as she made her way to the altar, and it made her feel like a queen-well of course, she was the queen.

Seeing her man stare at her made her heart drop to her stomach, and a feeling of nervousness clouded her. She saw her man dressed handsomely in a blue tuxedo, his hair combed perfectly with hair falling to the right side of his face.

She could see his blue eyes from where she was, and she guessed happiness made it brighter. Handing the bouquet to Ellen, she climbed the altar, standing in front of the guests and facing her soon-to-be husband, Miles let out a weak smile and Victoria wondered if he was as nervous as she was.

"Please," the priest said, signalling to the guests to take their seats.

"We have gathered here today to join these two young souls as one," the priest began.

Victoria's heart rushed down to her stomach and she prayed that the priest would say whatever he had to say fast so that nobody would interrupt their wedding, not that she was expecting anyone to, but she knew things happen.

"With nobody standing against this marriage, please Mr. Miles and Ms. Victoria, repeat after me. I and say your names..."

They did as the priest instructed.

"Promise to honor and care for each other, in sickness and in health, in wealth and in......" they pledged.

"Wait," Miles said, cutting them short. Victoria's heart dropped to her stomach and the butterflies in her stomach began fluttering with full velocity.

This was undoubtedly how it had happened the last time, and she wished it wasn't what was about repeating. She looked at the guests and met their eyes fixed on them, looking as if they could see their souls, she looked back at Miles and met his eyes, it lacked that shade and tint she had always seen in it, and she wondered what the problem was.

Miles stood stuttering, he wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to put it, Victoria wasn't the type of person to be treated as he wanted to, but he had to, for his life and his mother's, he had to do it. Looking at Victoria right in the eye, he said;

"I'm sorry, I can't continue this marriage, I don't feel satisfied with you, I want something more than just you, I need someone with whom I will feel contented and satisfied, and you are not that person.

I am sorry this had to happen, you are a good person, Vicky, and I hope you find your soul mate soon." Miles said and walked down the aisle, without looking back, he headed for his car and drove off.

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