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Truths Left Untold

Truths Left Untold



Five adolescents, an unintended truth and one candlelight. It's the annual moonlight festival and Ana is finally granted her very wish; To be invited into one of the town's most prestigious storytelling group, where her crush and their friends find it fun to tell creepy stories, without excluding the romantic ones. But as this once in a lifetime night turns out not to be ordinary, a secret left buried for decades is exposed in a manner least expected. A secret that makes Ana wonder if it was better left untold. {•Thinking she has succeed in fleeing from her haunting past, it takes a few years and a suspicious visit to make Bianca realize that she can only delay her destiny, not escape it•} ~~~

Chapter 1 It Begins



Why do humans have to be so curious?

To have an eagerness for acquiring information, although it doesn't affect them anyway whatsoever.

It probably runs in our blood as it seems to be functioning in mine at full percent.

I wish I did a better job controlling it cause that way, I wouldn't be in this situation I've found myself wallowing in.

Our temporary speaker seemed to notice my anxious attitude as she pauses where she is in the story and turns to me, with a devilish grin spread on her freckled face.

"Ana, you seem pressed. Why don't you rush outside before you pee your pants here scare-dy cat," She brings her tongue out and even with the dim moonlight, her green eyes essence still lights up the place as she tosses her hazelnut hair backwards in laughter.

"Pardon?" Acting like she didn't speak out clearly, I pull put my left ear a bit.

"No, don't say that Cata. She'll probably pee on her way there because we all know little babies like her are afraid of a little darkness too," Aaron shines his teeth at me as he and the rest begin to laugh.

In mockery of me.

Clenching my fists, I'm about to try to defend myself when it gets taken care of.

"Hey don't make fun of Ana guys. You know she's our guest for the night, so let's stop pestering her and try and make this a memorable night for her everyone," Edward says boldly which makes her look away and Aaron sneer.

Looking up to Edward's blue eyes, I feel a grateful look take over my face.

I could have prevented this from the beginning but something about going against the rules thrilled me.

Which led me to where I am today.

Today's Friday, a day just like any other.

But what makes this one so special is the rare storytelling night which happens every six months and one just has to occur today.

And not only that, but it also marks the day when my pleas are finally paid attention to.

Since the town has a rule about little kids ending at the age of twelve staying at the toddler storytelling group, I've had to stay and listen to little kids talk about the time they lost their first tooth.

So being twelve with the mind of an adult, I try my best to look forward to those meetings without attempting to stab my ears out from their terrible stories.

And that made me start applying for at least one night to stay in the teen section and I think after two years, my rejected and most likely burnt letters have finally been answered.

But in truth, about 80% of our youth including my annoying older brother don't care about storytelling, especially the ones that go on in the middle of the night.

The time they could use to snore away.

So when Mother found out I've been invited, she doesn't look back when agreeing to drop me at the place.

But seeing that wasn't what the older kids did, I made sure she left me at a less crowded and far distance before walking the rest.

So arriving early, I'm not surprised to see that Edward, our host was already there with his mat and everything.

He always takes things seriously. From school work, to chores.

I wouldn't be surprised if all he dreams about is work.

It later turns out that I'm not the only one here for the first time as although she's fourteen, Catalina still had to sneak away from her mother's protective reach to attend today's one of a kind event.

How do I know? Cause she straight forward bragged about it.

So when later on Behead begins to narrate a story about two people that fall in love over a dare, I find myself slowly dozing off, until Diya slaps my shoulder.

"Hey! Why are you so aggressive?" I frown before shoving her.

"Why are you such a little kid," She shoots back.

Did I mention I'm underaged?

"I'll love to back you on this Diya, but I have to admit she has a point. This story is so boring and overused that I rather go babysit my younger sister," The last girl in the group says with a yawn.

Although I've never seen her before, she seems to be one of the usual members

Raising his hand, Edward tries removing the figments of leftover sleep from his eyes. "Permission to dismiss Aaron from ever trying to tell us a story?"

"Permission granted," They all raise their hands as I do the same after seeing I and Aaron were the only ones left.

"So what should we do?" I ask when I see everyone look down, feeling pretty confused.

Never had I thought my first night could be so... Uneventful.

"Listen kids, I think the adults should take over from here," Cata adjusts her coat and casually walks to the middle where I later learnt the speaker sits.

"Cool. Where is she?" Diya looks around mockingly before she sends her a dirty look.

"Me of course you dimwit. Now listen up little children as I bring you all into a world that existed not too long ago. Where I assume were no radios, cellular phones like our parents use, and most especially, no video games,"

That last one sends shutters through my soul as my eyes shut temporarily while I wonder what a world could be without Nintendo.

Opening them after sometime, I wait for her to continue.

"There once was a woman named Bianca. With raven hair that shone like ivory, adventurous eyes that always held danger, and red soft lips that could captivate any man. But aside from having all these amazing qualities, there stood one that she held deeply. She was sad,"

Eager to hear more, I adjust my nightgown before laying on my empty belly.

Suddenly, her words stopped feeling like they were coming out of her mouth, but felt like lyrics from a melodic tune.

She was sad because she just turned 20 and still couldn't achieved the things she deeply wished for in life. Everything seemed to be crumbling in front of her and there were many reasons for that.

Although she was rich, she was poor in spirit. Even though she was pretty, she felt like the world's ugliest creature. And besides The fact she had people that loved her back in her homeland, she still felt like the loneliest person ever.

She had reasons for that though.

Her older sister had passed away several years ago, but she was still mourning. Her sweetheart back in high school had left her a long time ago but she was still hung up on him.

So feeling like the world is against her, Bianca decides it's time to take some drastic measures.

To end the midnight tears, lonely night movies and pain that looked like was occupying a space permanently in that broken heart of hers.

So having the rope ready, a small stool set and the farewell letter to her loved ones already sent to the right destination, Bianca waits patiently for that special day when all her sufferings will come to an end.

The day She would take her own life.



First chapter up everyone!

So I've decided not to wait before editing and will start editing each chapter to the best I can so to give my future readers an enjoyable time.

A/N: Do you truly think humans are noisy? And if so, do you have experience?


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