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Superhuman Society

Superhuman Society



We have all atleast once dreamt of having a supernatural power, haven't we? But... What if most people in this world had supernatural powers? Can you call it supernatural then? Would having these powers change anything about your lifestyle? Welcome to the world of this story... 500 years ago, during the time of World War 1, some people started developing superpowers out of the blue... The war had to be stopped because of the new variables but that hasn't changed everything... The eastern side of the world called it God's gift and stopped focusing on technological developments... Welcome to this world stuck in the cold war era... Where the world is divided between the Eastern Force and the Western Force... But there are a lot more sub-divisions and wars in these two sides as well... Our MC, a loser in Japan, the eastern side is someone with a rather useless ability and uses eastern technology to make up for it... And thus is hated by most people... Can he make a name for himself and prove his worth? Keep reading to know it... It's probably worth it...

Chapter 1 A New Beginning

[The screen is black]

??- It's been 500 years since our world changed... It was the time of the World War...

[In a battlefield]

*Everyone had their hands placed on top of a gun which they seemed to worship*

An army commander- Destroy them!!

A subordinate*Lifting his hand*- That's it? Couldn't you think of something else to say, sir?

Army commander- Well... Why don't you say it?

Subordinate- You're the new commander for Christ's sake!

Army commander- Umm... Then I pass the commandership onto you...

Subordinate- I'm quite sure that isn't a usual term... And... That isn't an ordinary thing you can merely do...

Army commander- Well... Nothing is ordinary on a battlefield... You might even see a person floating... Is a person considered to do that? No... But they might...

Subordinate- Like that's going to occur...

Army commander- You never know...

Subordinate- Oh... I know... It's absurd... I don't even know why I'm following you... I should've stayed back at home with my family...

???- Everyone! Stand on guard! An Individual is floating!!

Subordinate- I don't think it's the time to jest Henry!

Henry- I'm not jesting! Look out!

*A screaming person comes flying at them*

*They duck, attempting to evade that attack*

Subordinate- This isn't real... I must be dreaming... It's time to wake up... *takes a revolver out of his pouch and makes an effort to shoot himself in the head*

*The projectile stops mid-way in the air*

*The commander has his arm towards the direction of the bullets*

*The subordinate looks at him*


Subordinate- I don't think it's the time for that kind of lecture, sir... Something is wrong...

Commander- Well... I don't know... Maybe the booze gave me telekinesis...

Subordinate- YOU'RE DRUNK?!

Commander- Shhhh!!! I don't want the others to know... They might ask me for some of it... You know... It's really pricey...

Subordinate- For Christ's sake!! Henry!! Help me!!

*The subordinate looks at where Henry was, only to find a beheaded corpse which shocks him enough to freeze him*

*The commander looks at the subordinate's hand, which was emitting a flame which was slowly melting the gun*

Commander*running towards the subordinate*- HEY HEY HEY!! YOUR HAND!!

*Slaps the gun out of his hand*

Subordinate- What the hell is happening---

Commander- Snap out of it!! Control the flame!!

Subordinate- HOW?!

Commander- Try saying "stop"!!

Subordinate- This is not the time!! Someone killed Henry!! He is dea---

*A scythe cuts through the commander's hand*

??- Awww... I intended to cleanly behead him... I guess it takes some time to master a power such as this...

*A girl with a scythe hand sneaks up from behind him*

Subordinate*petrified*-W-What have you done...

??- Eliminated a pest... Let's face it... He wasn't suited to be the commander... So... I'll be taking command from now on...

Subordinate*trembling*- H-How could you kill him like that?! We are on the same team!!

??- Well... He isn't dead yet...

Subordinate- W-Wha...?*Tilts his head downwards to see the commander gasping for breath*

??- What happened? Don't you want to hug him?

Subordinate- My leg.... It's frozen...

??- Ah... You're too scared to do anything huh?!



*A few number of people stand behind the subordinate at first, but seeing a lot of people on the opposite side, they too join the other side, leaving only the Subordinate and the dying commander on one side*

??- Let the Matriarchy begin!!*Attempts to slice off his head*

*The Subordinate, being cornered, loses his humanity and his instincts kick in*

*He turns into a human torch and burns everything around him, including the commander*

*He finally gains back control after getting severe burns*

Subordinate- C-Commander!! Are you okay?!

Commander- S-Save me.......

Subordinate*bawling*- I AM SORRY!!

Commander- Why are you crying? It's.... Okay..... You only tried to protect me...

Subordinate*bawling*- I am... Sorry!!

Commander- If this were any other occasion... I'd have said that men shouldn't cry... But... You've done enough to deserve to cry... You have done enough..... You can cry now...


??- The thing you saw just now was my form of the first instance of an ability being activated... This thing called ability is something which suddenly appeared in this world and changed the course of history... The nations had to stop the world war because of this weird situation... There were just too many variables... Both sides had people with abilities which made them literal monsters... Well... We've been stuck in a cold war since... The League of Nations was formed in order to deal with this cold war situation but the terror still resides inside people's hearts... In addition to the horrifying weapons, the world now holds multiple espers... 99.98% of the world is made of espers... The western espers fight with firearms as well as their abilities while the eastern ones treat this power like magic... Like something God gave them... This made them stop caring about technology for some reason... I don't know why... I'ven't read about it because I don't like studying History all that much... Oh well... Back to the point... Some people have great abilities while some have some weird abilities... There was this one guy... Who had the ability to make his hair grow faster and longer... He did go down in history as the man with the longest hair... But his ability was useless at best... Except for the fact that he helped soldiers climb on top of the Great Wall Of China with his hair as a rope... There are many weird and useless abilities out there... Like... The one my mother has... Her ability is to get glimpses of different dimensions when she sleeps... And... I'm telling you... Some dimensions are weird... Like... Very weeeiiird... One day she woke up screaming about a dimension that had parasitic hamsters who lived in people's butts and controlled them... And... She was horrified... And... Due to that... I can never look at a hamster in the same way...

*The sound of a clock striking is heard*

Well... I'm gonna get ready for school now...

[The screen lights up showing a bedroom]

??- So... What kind of school can you see in a world as weird as mine? *Starts putting books in his bag* *picks up a book saying maths 11* Oh wait... That belongs to my senior... I don't remember why I took it... I don't like maths much either... I'll have to return it later *finishes packing the bag* So... You might be surprised to see this... But... The world is dark... Really dark... Literally... *Opens the curtains* *From the window some buildings are seen which are very high and the sky is dark* Well... There was someone in history... Who had the quirk to create permanent dark clouds... Which will never rain... But he'd've to collect moisture for that... So... What did he do? He went around the world collecting moisture for 50 years... And... Ended up using that to cover the world with a layer of clouds... Though it looks like this, it doesn't rain that much... So... It's better to not carry an umbrella around... You don't know when it'll rain either... The sky is always dark... *Opens the door to his room* Oh well... Time to start another boring day... *Goes out of the apartment* *Starts running down the stairs* You know... It's hard living on the 12th floor... It takes a lot to go down... I know that an old couple lives on the floor above mine... And... I don't even want to guess how many days they need to get to the first floor... *An old man comes sliding down the railing*

Old man- Gotta live my life to the fullest!

*He turns around and goes down another floor, sliding down the railing*

??- Umm... Okay...? So... That's how the people who live on the floors above me go down... I'll keep that in mind... I don't think I can manage sliding down the side of the stairs...*Tries to slide down the rest of the stairs but falls down* *Gets to the first floor by walking with an injured leg* *Opens the door and gets into a world, full of tall buildings and a dark sky* Oh well... I forgot... Today is Monday... The rickshaws don't run today... I gotta walk there... With this injured leg... I wanna die---

*A random guy takes his bag and starts running away*

??- HEY!! STOP!!*Chases him*

*He follows the thief for his bag, completely forgetting the pain in his leg. A man with four hands was walking with really huge rods in his hands, which the thief jumped over, confusing the man. He trips, and the end of one of the rods ends up hitting him, causing him to end the chase*

Four arms- I'm sorry!! Are you okay kiddo?!

??- Stop that thief!!

Four arms- You need to go to the hospital...

??- The money I need to go to the hospital is with that thief!! *Reaches for his pocket*

*A black car with golden highlights stop beside him before he can take out something from his pocket*

*The window slides down and a gourmet boy looks at him*

Gourmet- Well... Seems like you're in quite a pinch...

Four arms- Hey kid!! That's a traitor!! Run---

??- Kazuto-senpai!

Kazuto- Well... I've gotten your back!!*Hits the accelerator, and within a moment, he strikes the thief and the bag flies up in the air, from where a bird-guy takes it*

Haisha- MY BAG!!

Kazuto- Well... That was certainly dumb...

Haisha- BUT MY BAG!!

Kazuto- He took it mid-air... What am I supposed to do? Get out of my car and actually chase him down?

Four arms- UGH!! *Throws one of the rods at the bird guy. The bird guy gets hurt and drops down*



*A bunch of thugs surround the place*

Four arms- Hey kids!! I can say you're strong... If you kill all of them... I'll pay you handsomely... I don't want my name to be ruined---

*He sees both of them get into a car and drive away*

Kazuto- Ugh!! I was supposed to pick up Kaori but I guess I now have to drop you off at school as well...

??- But aren't you dating Kaori-senpai? I can't just walk into your date...

Kazuto- Well... If you want it that way... You can go there, walking... But if your crush avoids you because you're reeking of your pathetic sweat, don't come to me, sobbing like a loser...

??- Now that you put it that way... I am compelled to take the ride...

Kazuto- Well... She would just ignore you regardless... We're treated like traitors here... So... I don't see any point in you tagging along...

??- Well... I'm gonna stay here anyways... My leg hurts really badly...

Ken- It's upto you... I don't even care at this point... Just make sure you don't embarrass me in front of her...

*The car stops somewhere and a girl's voice is heard*

Girl*trying to open the door*- Oh, Haisha... You're tagging along?

Kazuto- Yeah... I attempted to get him to walk... But he's just too frightened that he'd stink when he reaches our destination... And... He won't go away... Guess I can't just throw him out of the car...*Gets out of the car to open the door for her*

Haisha- *in his mind* Yeah... My name is Haisha... Pretty girly right? Yeah! I know! It literally means loser... I don't even know why my parents thought it would be cool to call their son a loser...

Girl- Haisha! Haisha!

Haisha- Oh... Kaori-senpai... Sorry... It wasn't my fault... I didn't want to get in at first...

Kaori- What? What happened exactly?

Kazuto- Seems as though he's communicating with the readers...

Kaori- Communicating with the readers?

Kazuto- Yeah... It's because of his ability... He has the ability to communicate with people from another dimension who are "reading" what's occurring in our world through him... He is probably narrating something...

Kaori- Wait! What?!

Kazuto- Yeah... He severed his connection with the last dimension so... I guess... It's a new beginning for him... He'll have to explain everything that's happening to the new readers... So... He's gonna space out a lot today...

Haisha- Sorry for that... I was just telling them the meaning of my name...

Kaori- Okay! That's a weird ability! Well... Anyways... Let's get going... Why are we still talking here...

Kazuto- Yeah... And remind me to implement the option to open the door while sitting in the driver's seat... I don't like walking up to open it everytime...

Kaori- Awww... Don't lie like that... I know you get a kick out of acting like a gentleman...

Kazuto- Ugh!! Let's just get going...*Starts the car*

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