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Her Sweet Tyrant

Her Sweet Tyrant

Harley Summer


Life has an absurd way of dealing with people. Maybe some of us were just never destined to be happy. Hailey Rui a 20year-old lady, With no social life whatsoever had spent all her life trying to please her father but got nothing but agony in return. When her father decides to place the benefit of the Rui Company above her and get her married to the Next Heir of the SKL Group. Hailey's life comes crashing down and she seeks from help from a stanger, a devil is disguise in order to evade her marriage. She literally jumps from a frying pan to fire. Javion Yamaji is .......... Well no one really knows anything about him except the fact that he was from the prominent Yamaji family and a Cold hearted Monster who didn't even shed a tear after his Mother's death. He takes intrest in the innocent yet alluring little readhed, Hailey Rui when he finds out that she is engaged to the person who wrecked his life and he decides her life a living hell. But what happens when the tables turns insted? When his naive little kitten shows him a world that he never knew even existed?

Chapter 1 Behind her smile

Chapter 1

"Gosh! The rich are so rude, they are so likely not to face any hardships yet they act like they own the world" An old Lady scoffed behind Hailey Rui.

Some rich kid had knocked her down with his scooter, scattering her groceries all over the floor without even stopping to help.

"Here mam, let me help you with that" She offered and bent down to pick up the fallen before neatly arranging them back into her paper bag.

"Thank you, one piece of advice though. stay away from the rich, they could wreck one's life" The Old lady harrumphed before walking away.

Hailey smiled at the disappearing figure, she was right and her life was solid proof of the advice she had just given.

"Young Miss, it's time to go" her butler ushered her back into the car.

She had only pleaded with him to have a pee break just to breath some fresh air.

She felt like a prisoner in her world.

She was surrounded but all alone,

No friends,

No loved one,

All by herself.

The butler drove across the busy highway joined the long queue of cars at a connecting road, the traffic lights were red.

Hailey sat up and stared at a commercial board when something caught her eye.

"Hun Zarinna?" She mumbled.

A young lady with Sunflower blonde hair and perfectly tanned skin and Ocean Blue eyes. She held a 'Fizo' drink in her hands advertising the product. If beauty was a person it was Zarinna Monre.

Hailey's hands clutched tightly onto her brown uniform, she bit her lips hard, trying to fight back her tears but they didn't listen, her vision started to get blurry and she bit herself harder. The taste of her blood stopped her from further hurting herself.

A tear slid down her cheeks, followed by another. She bent her head and wiped the blood away from her lips before wiping her tears.

Crying wasn't going to solve anything, she learnt that since she was seven.

The car started to move once again towards the Rui's mansion and in less than 10 minutes she arrived at her home.

She alighted from the car, gazing at the mansion in front of her and let out a sad smile.

As she walked into the living room, the sounds of laughter greeted her. There they were, the perfect Rui family.

Her father was seated next to her beautiful stepmother and stepbrother 'Dante'. Without her in their midst, they were a perfect triangle family, while she was like the hidden daughter.

"Hailey you're home, come here" her father beckoned after noticing her presence. She sighed and moved her wiry legs towards their direction. She removed her light glasses and wiped them against a shirt, so as not to look at her father.

"How was school?" Her stepmother asked.

"Great, she nodded and forced a smile.

She took a glance at her father and noticed he wore a weird expression on his face.

" Hailey, have you been eating street food?" Her father roared causing her to flinch.

"N-no I -I haven't" She denied.

Since when she was 10 she had been forced to convert to a vegetarian by her father, so when the family ate normal food, she ate vegetables. So what in the world made her father think she had started to eat junk food now?

"Then what is the red ketchup stain on your face?" He asked. Ketchup? Hailey looked at her reflection in a mirror and gasped. Her pale white cheeks were smeared with a red substance.

It must have been when she wiped the blood away from her lips, she remembered wiping her tears away with the same hand but there was no way she was going to tell her father that she had bitten herself while crying.

"Uh- No father its uhm blood, I pricked my hand with a paper pin earlier, I must have wiped my face without knowing" she lied.

"Awwwwwn you poor thing, you must have been working so hard. Darling you don't need such a stressful, as you could just become a Model or an actress think of it" her stepmom coaxed.

Hailey almost went berserk and her hand curled up in a fist. She bit herself to avoid giving a reply.

She thought back to when she nursed those silly ideas in her head. She still remembered all that happened that day.


"Dad I want to become a singer, I know you are concerned about the company, I could sign a four-year record deal and come back to............" The Thirteen-year-old Hailey had hardly completed her statement when her father struck her hard on the face.

"After all that I've done for you, you still decide to give up the company hun? You want to follow the footsteps of your slutty mother?" He growled and Hailey trembled in fear.

" Ducan!" Her father called out.

"Sire" a guard came rushing in.

"Escort the young lady to the box room she isn't feeling well, let her out in three days" he ordered.

"B-but da--" He slapped her again, pulled her hair and flung her across the floor roughly.

"Get her out of here before I run out of patience" He yelled and threw an ashtray at her. The guard quickly did as he was ordered.

The box room was just a small dark room with poor ventilation and no electricity. She was provided with 2 flashlights and was fed twice a day. The room had a small restroom, a plastic box where wasn'tes were stored and a pile of algebra and commercial books. The physical pain instead thing compared to the emotional pain she felt that night.

The room was like a mental asylum that was specially made for her. The first time she got sent there was when she was seven. She was so scared that she cried for a whole day. But she realised it wasn't helping at all, crying was only a waste of time so she focus on her studies instead.

Her father also forced her to take judo lessons and go to cram school at such a tender age. It was said he always wished for a boy but he got a girl instead so he went Ahead to shape his young daughter into a great successor. He also forced her to learn some politically related topics and laws.

When she was seventeen all her life almost lost its meaning when her father came back with a man referring to him as her half brother. She didn't want to believe that what she had worked so hard for was going to be given to some weird guy who just popped out of nowhere.

Instead of giving up, she worked harder, hoping her father would notice but he never did. He was only bent on showing his perfect son to the Insteadworld. The only time she got a praise from him was when she had gotten into the prestigious Camelot Junior College of Commerce on a full scholarship.

Now she was twenty and still trying to please her father.

"Whatever" her father scoffed, snapping her out of her chain of thoughts. Hailey bowed slightly and hurried out of the room. She put down her bag and stared at her reflection in the mirror.

She didn't understand why her father hated her so much. She never even got to meet her mother, she was told that she died at childbirth and her nanny takes her to visit her grave once every month. She wasn't even allowed to have friends at school because she was always being watched.

She looked nothing special, her skin was pale white, her reddish Auburn hair was ragged and unkempt, her gemstone green eyes had lost their shine. She scoffed at her image and went to take a bath.

She dressed in a simple outfit and carried her bag, before hurrying out to cram school.

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