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Trapped by the handsome ceo

Trapped by the handsome ceo



He kept on kissing me even when I pushed at his chest. I found myself kissing him back, though I wanted to resist, I found myself wanting more of him. He cupped my breast through my flimsy nightwear and I found myself moaning out loud. "Are you sure that you hate me Emily" he whispered into my ear softly "I...I ....oh my God !!!!" ************** Emily knows how to get on someone's nerves, I thought as I gulped down the brandy. I must admit, I chose her because she is the only female who has ever rejected me, the first one that has ever made me use force, pursuit, and threats on her She intrigues me and each time she challenges me, I always want to show her who the boss is That is what I did a while ago, she dared to challenge me and I used the only method that calms her down and that is by threatening her.

Chapter 1 Are you crazy miss


The shrilling of the alarm woke me up, still feeling drowsy from not having enough sleep, I switched off the alarm.

The door to my room opened and my mom walked in.

"Get up Emily or you will be late for work." She said as she opened up the window,letting the sun drift into the room.

"Can't I just sleep a bit more, just a few more minutes mom,a few." I begged as I turned to sleep again

"Stop being lazy and get up, didn't you say that you had a presentation today?"She asked and that got me out of bed.

"Oh no! the presentation, I won't make it on time"I said as I dashed off to the bath room to take my bathe.

My colleagues and I have been working on this presentation for days now.

I often come late from work just because of it and now that the day is finally here, i had to wake up late, I thought as I put on my shoes and ran straight down stairs.

"Why are you in a hurry dear?"my dad asked as I hurriedly gulped down the fruit juice mom had made for me.

"She woke up late and today is the day for her presentation at work" my mom answered in my stead.

"Good bye mom, goodbye dad"I said as I waved off to the both of them and then I left the house.

I couldn't afford to wait for the bus so I took a taxi.

Some other day,I might berate myself for going to work late but now,I will just have to get to work early.

He drove through the busy streets of los Angeles.

While he did his thing, I brought out my laptop and began to finish the set up to the presentation.

"We are here miss"He said to me and quickly I payed him and got out of the taxi.

As If being late wasn't enough, I had to bump into some one and that made my laptop fall.

"Oh no! Oh no!"I said as I knelt in front of the broken laptop to pick it up.

I tried to turn it on only to see that it wouldn't turn on and if the laptop develop some problem, then the presentation will just have to be delayed because all the work we did is on it.

"Are you okay miss" The guy who I had bumped into asked.

"Okay! Is this being okay?" I asked as I showed him the broken laptop

"I didn't mean to bump into you and you should have watch where you were going"He said and I felt like punching his face.

"I was getting out of a taxi and you were walking on the free street, don't I have a right to get mad at you!"I yelled at him.

"Look miss, I have to get to an appointment soon and you doing this will delay me"He said as he stared at his watch.

"Why don't we just do this! I will give you my number, you can call me later and make any complaint about your laptop and i will settle you hand somely but right now I have to get to that appointment"He added as he turned to leave.

Quickly I obstruct his path making him stop.

"Miss!" He called a bit more impatient.

"Mr! I didn't do all this to get your stupid money or to call you, as you must know,am also going to a very important meeting and all I had was in this laptop and..........."

"Okay you need the money now right,Well wait!"he said bringing out some notes from his wallet and then he took my hand and pressed the notes into it.

"This is all I have with me, if you had called me later on, I would have given you more than this, so now, we have even the score"He said as he moved past me again.

Angryily I went after him and when i got to his front, I pushed him so hard that he lost his balance and fell on the floor.

"Are you crazy miss!" He asked looking quite furious.

" You think your damn money is every thing right! A simple sorry would have done the thing yet you kept on being arrogant through and through, just how much do you posess that you flaunt it around"I asked feeling so very angry

"Your money wouldn't do it Mr! so have it back,I think you need it more than i do, to help wash off your damn arrogance"I said as I threw the money on him.

"How dare you?"

"No how dare you,Just who do you think you are! Or no I know who you are, you are nothing but a mannerless jerk, your parents didn't train you properly"

"Watch your wo.........."

"You haven't been told this before right! Well I just did, that will give you some thing to think about, you arrogant jerk"I said as I left him sitting on the floor.

Serves him right, I thought as I took the lift that will take me straight to my quaters.

As soon as I got there,I was crowded by my colleague.

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