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Kyle's Second Wife

Kyle's Second Wife

Gurleen Kaur


A beautiful love story of Alicia , a sweet and innocent girl and a handsome and billionaire businessman , Kyle Smith. Alicia is forced to marry Kyle by her father who wasn't ready to agree for her marriage with Kyle but Kyle used her father's darkest secret to make him agree. Kyle and Alicia meet before their wedding and Alicia starts to develop feelings for him but the thought of being forced into this marriage never left her mind . Kyle doesn't want her to think of their marriage as a forced one. After marriage, she gets to know that Kyle is hiding lots of secrets about his past life from her. Kyle also wants to find someone to solve a mystery which is related to Alicia's father's darkest secret and her father is trying his best to hide that person from Kyle because he doesn't want Alicia to know about it. Kyle and Alicia both dreamt of living a happy life together as a family as Alicia was also falling in love with him after the marriage but what will happen after Alicia will know all the truth Kyle is hiding from her ? Will they be able to live together like a happy family as they both dreamt ?

Chapter 1 Where is my Fiancée

"Dad , How can you promise me to someone? I am a girl , not a thing to be given that easily."

At the dinner , Samuel William announced the news that left his daughter shocked .

"Enough Alicia , You are marrying Kyle and that's it. I don't want more discussions over this topic and if you dare to do anything stupid, be ready to face the consequences." Samuel said and stood from his chair . He was about to go upstairs when Alicia again tried to say "Dad , but I don't want to get married this early ."

Alicia was wondering why her father, who loves her a lot , would force her to get married but she couldn't say anything because she knew that it wouldn't be good for her , if she refused or did anything wrong . She could only cry on her destiny .

Samuel ignored Alicia and looked away . Her Mother , Lily Said "Samuel , how can you promise our daughter to someone ?"

Samuel ignored his wife too and said "Lily , make your daughter ready to be Kyle's bride. Her wedding is after two days and she is not allowed to step out of the house till then. I don't want to talk about this any more . Finish your dinner and go to sleep. "

Alicia started crying after hearing this . Lily hugged her and said "I am sorry my child , I can't convince your father to change his decision."

Lily accompanied her to her room after the dinner . After crying for a while , Alicia fell asleep . Lily looked at her innocent face and kissed her forehead before leaving her room . She was feeling sad for her daughter but she couldn't do anything because she was not strong enough to go against her husband's decision .

Samuel was in the study room . His head was resting on the chair with eyes closed . His phone started ringing . He lifted his head to look at his phone and saw Kyle's name on the screen . He picked up the phone from the table and answered the call . A deep voice arrived in his ears .

"Hello , Mr. William ."

"Hello , Mr. Smith."Samuel said .

"I want to meet Alicia ."

"Is there anything important ?" Samuel got worried thinking about why Kyle wants to meet Alicia .

"Can't I meet my fiancée casually ?" Kyle asked . There was anger in his voice .

You can but ....

Before Samuel could finish his sentence , Kyle cut him off saying "Oh , you are afraid that I will tell her the truth about our deal that you're using her to save yourself from your crimes ."

"Please , don't tell her . She will start hating me , if she gets to know about what I did and also about the deal ." Samuel said . He was really worried because he already broke his loving daughter's heart . He doesn't want her to hate him for the rest of his life .

"Don't worry , I will not tell her anything for now because I am not able to find anything against you and as for the deal , you better know you have to save your business and yourself ." Kyle said and Samuel replied " I know ."

"One more thing , Don't tell her that I was married before because I know that she doesn't know anything about my first marriage . I know she will not like me in the beginning but after sometime , she will love me madly and I will always keep her happy . I will come tomorrow to meet her. Good night ." He said and cut the call .

Kyle is a famous and powerful businessman . His wife divorced him two years ago and he hates her the most in this world . His parents always forced him to get married again but he didn't listen to them . He saw Alicia two months ago at a party and wanted to marry her since then as he found her different from all other girls who wanted to throw themselves on him .

Samuel was not ready for Alicia's marriage with him as he knew that he was married before and later his wife divorced him , so Kyle used his own ways to make him agree . Samuel knew that Kyle holds the power to destroy him and his business which he established by working hard for two years . He was feeling angry at himself for why he introduced her daughter to Kyle and also for destroying her daughter's happiness for a business but he can't afford to lose his hard work .

After the call with Samuel , Kyle was trying to sleep . His eyes were continuously staring at the ceiling and his lips were curled in a huge smile as he was thinking about Alicia , when he saw her for the first time .

Flashback of two months ago ,

"Nice to meet you , Mr. Smith ." Samuel said .

"Nice to meet you too , Mr. William ."

Kyle was discussing something with Samuel when he saw a girl behind Samuel who was walking in their direction with a smile on her face . She was looking gorgeous in her blue dress which matched the colour of her beautiful and shining eyes . Kyle was mesmerized by her beauty .

Dad ....

She stood beside Samuel and looked at Kyle . Kyle was not able to take his eyes off her . He was lost in her beautiful smile and beautiful deep ocean blue eyes .

"Mr. Smith , Meet my beautiful daughter Alicia and Alicia, Meet Mr. Kyle Smith ." Samuel said, introducing them to each other .

"Hello , Nice to meet you ." Alicia said with a smile .

"Nice to meet you , Alicia . You are very beautiful."

Alicia blushed at his comment and said "Thank you , Mr. Smith . Dad , I am going to get myself a drink ."

She smiled at Kyle and left them alone . Kyle was looking at her back while she was walking away from them . Samuel looked at him and said "She doesn't like to attend such business parties and to talk to others ."

"It's okay . She is really beautiful ." Kyle said and smiled.

When Kyle got home from the party , his mind couldn't stop thinking about Alicia's smile and her eyes .

Back to present

Kyle smiled when he thought that Alicia would be his forever after two days . He didn't know when he fell asleep .

Next day , he woke up with a huge smile on his face . He was going to meet Alicia . He got up from his bed . After taking shower, he went to his closet and started choosing his outfit to wear today . After fumbling with the clothes for a while , he finally decided to wear a black shirt and blue jeans with a blue jacket . He wore the clothes and set his hair by applying some gel . He went out of the house and started driving to Alicia's house . He brought a bouquet of red roses for her on the way and put a card between the bouquet .

At Alicia's house , Lily was busy preparing for Kyle's welcome with the servants . Samuel was in Alicia's room .

"Kyle is coming to meet you . I hope you will be on your best behavior in front of him ." Samuel said while holding her hand . He was feeling sad from inside for hurting her but he can't be soft hearted in front of her right now . He has to be strict with her so that she marries Kyle and his business would be saved .

"I will be nice to him ." Her eyes were full of tears while saying this but she held her tears back from falling . She didn't want to cry in front of her father and to make him feel that she is weak . She didn't want to show that she is weak. She has to go through this and she needs to be strong for herself .

"There's one more thing , I want to tell you ." Seeing that she was silent , he continued saying "I know you hate me at the moment because you are thinking that I am forcing you into this marriage but when you will know and understand the reason why this all is happening, which I can't tell you now , I hope you will understand me and will not hate me at that moment for my decisions ."

Alicia looked at him and asked "Why would I hate you after knowing the reasons ?"

Samuel hesitated and said "You will understand once you will know the reasons ."

Alicia looked down at her hands and Samuel said "After marriage , always agree with him to whatever he wants without any arguments and be obedient . As for now , I want you to forgive me . I love you , Alicia and for me , you will always be my little girl ." He said and left the room . The tears which Alicia was holding from so long started coming out of her eyes rolling down on her cheeks .

Samuel just came down when the sound of a car stopping reached his ears . He came out of the house with Lily and saw Kyle walking towards them with a bouquet of red roses in his hands , which he brought for Alicia .

"Welcome , Mr. Kyle Smith ." Samuel said and forwarded his hand in Kyle's direction .

Kyle shook his hand and said "Thank you , Mr. William ."

"Meet my wife , Lily ." Samuel said while holding Lily's shoulder .

"Nice to meet you , Mrs. William ." Kyle said with a smile.

Lily smiled and said "Please , come inside Mr. Smith ."

They all came into the living room . Samuel and Kyle sat down on the sofa . Lily went to the kitchen and brought the snacks and drinks she prepared for Kyle. She sat down beside Samuel .

Samuel looked at Lily and said "Go and bring Alicia."

Before Lily could get up from the sofa , Kyle said "Mr. William , I want to talk to her in private . If you don't mind , Can I go to her room to talk with her ?"

Samuel was not ready for this but he knew he had to say yes . He was trying to get the idea about what's going on in Kyle's mind by looking at his face . After thinking for a while , he said to his wife "Lily , take Mr. Smith to Alicia's room ."

Lily stood from the sofa . Kyle also stood up and started following Lily upstairs . When they reached in front of her room , Lily knocked on the door but didn't hear the voice of Alicia . She got worried and opened the door only to find that Alicia was nowhere in the room .

"Where is my fiancee , Mrs. William?" Kyle asked angrily and in a loud voice .

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