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The Odd Billionaire

The Odd Billionaire



Since Traizle was still young, they, along with her two younger brothers, had already experienced the violent hands of their mother. All her mother wants is to buy what can make her more beautiful and elegant, but she cannot sustain the love and care that her children need. One day, their parents separated. Their father left to live a new life with his new family. After a few months, when they wake up, there are also no traces of their mother. Traizle took on the heavy responsibility of looking after her siblings in order for them to live and survive. A well-known multi-billionaire met a well-known person in need of money. What will happen to both of them?

Chapter 1 1

After getting off the motorcycle, Traizle immediately got her phone from her mini bag. Dialing the person who ordered from their snack bar, but it seems like the line isn't available. Traizle tried to text the person, but got no reply at all.

"Don't tell me that this is a freaking prank." Traizle said, trying to shake off the thought that it was a prank.

Looking at the food she brought. both handlebars of her motorcycle, and a full pack on the container with two large plastic bags.

Thinking of the money she might waste if it was a prank, she tried to dial the number again, but it was still not available.

"Deliveries for Mr. Zarsuelo!" She shouted. Thinking that the person is near her and is waiting for the delivery as well, yet still, to no avail.

Ten minutes have passed, and the food is already cold. No Mr. Zarsuelo is present, and no one is returning calls or texts. The line was always busy and it seems like it will stay busy as it is.

Traizle sighed with disappointment. The money she will get turns into a bubble. Her only hope that the person would approach her and get the food, since it was too obvious based on her appearance, is now gone.

"I was tricked," She said that made her laugh a little. "What do they think? We have a lot of money. That is why it is okay to do something like this?" She asked herself.

She put on her helmet, sadly riding the motorcycle.

"Damn that Zarsuelo!" She shouted angrily, which made the passersby look at her.

Some of the people were confused as to why she was mad, and some of them thought that she was not in her right mind.

Now that everybody is looking at her, they are now murmuring that she got tricked.

To avoid the people's sympathy, she started her motorcycle's engine and drove away.

"Oh?" Her co-worker said while looking at the orders she was holding. "What happened?" He asked.

"Got tricked," Traizle answered. "When I got to our meeting place, he was not answering my calls and texts. The line said that it was not available, so I waited for half an hour and here I am." she added with annoyance.

"You got tricked?" The owner of the snack bar asked when she saw Traizle with the foods.

Traizle nodded her head. The owner approached her and got the bags full of food with her.

"I will reheat the food," The owner said. "I will help you sell this. You go and make your deliveries." the owner added, determined to help her sell the food.

Traizle's other co-workers pat her shoulder, saying it is alright.

They can definitely relate to the feeling of being tricked. As a delivery man or a courier, there is a day that you might get tricked by the tricksters.

Seeing how Traizle's facial expression turned sad, it meant she had lost a large amount of cash.

Traizle is known by her co-workers for being a money saver. Losing money even though it is only a peso will make her sad already, thinking that she is wasting money.

She can't afford to lose even a single cent because she has three mouths to feed: her two younger brothers and herself. Her dad and mom separated years ago. Her dad has a new family and he never gives any financial support to them. They assumed that their mother would continue to carry out her responsibilities because she is their mother, but months later, their mother is looking out for herself. Drinking with her amigas, buying things only for her and gambling heavily.

One day, when they woke up, there was no mother around, yelling or whatsoever. She even brought her things with her without saying anything to them. Traizle, as the breadwinner of her family, works her ass off to support her two younger brothers.

Hours have passed. She is now on her way home with her motorcycle, which may die anytime because it is too old already. She got it from her former neighbor that moved to another city, giving it to her since it is old.

"Why are you late?" Lyndon, her eldest younger brother, asked when she came to their house.

"I tried to ask our neighbors if they wanted to buy the food in the snack bar," Traizle shared as she sat while removing her shoes. "I was pranked by someone, ordering food for almost a hundred people. When I got there, no one named Zarsuelo showed up." She added and threw her shoes on the shoe rack.

"Don't you think it was a prank already? For almost a hundred people, order is not really common, isn't it?" Her brother asked.

"We talked formally. He did not sound like it was for a prank." Traizle answered and opened her bag to get the food inside.

Even though the owner of the snack bar helped her to sell the other foods, since it is midnight already, there are only few customers passing by her snack bar.

"Did you guys eat already?" She asked while handing Lyndon a footlong.

"Yes, we did. Layzen tried to wait for you, but he fell asleep right after." Lyndon answered and started to eat the footlong.

"And you?" Traizle asked again.

"And me, what?" Lyndon answered, confused by her sister's question.

"Why are you still awake?" She replied. "You still have classes tomorrow morning, and here you are munching on my food." she added.

Trying not to sound like she was scolding him, but it already looks like one.

"Isn't it too obvious?" Lyndon answered after swallowing the food. "You ar

e too late. I am worried that something bad happened to you while on your way," he added apathetically. "And you handed this food to me, what am I going to do with this? Should I just stare at it?"

"Thanks for your apathetic concern," she replied. "And yeah, you can just stare at it." she added.

"Anyway," Lyndon said. "Based on your story a while ago, I don't want to burden you more, but I really need to buy books this week," Lyndon shared. "I was told by my adviser to buy books, since I am the mighty one in our class who still does not have. Yeah, I do not want to burden you, but I needed to force you." he added, laughing, after drinking some water.

Traizle pulled her bag and got her wallet.

"You have eight subjects, right?" Traizle asked, making Lyndon nod his head. "Tomorrow, buy four books first. Buy the subjects that you will take tomorrow morning. I will text you when it is your break time, to give you another sum of money for the other four books." she explained and handed a sum of money.

"How about our daily expenses? Budget? Everything?" Lyndon asked continuously.

"You don't have to worry about that, I will handle everything. Just study hard and get high grades, your payment for my super hard work." Traizle said.

"Is taking care of Layzen not enough already?" Lyndon asked jokingly.

Lyndon is in charge of taking care of Layzen, their youngest brother, while Traizle is at work.

"It is your responsibility as his older brother." She answered.

"Well, I am kinda responsible for him." Lyndon replied.

"What's with your kinda?" Traizle responded.

"I was not able to play at the computer shop with Layzen. My team lost because of me. Layzen was busy clicking, thinking that he was playing." He shared something that made both of them laugh at their younger brother.

"You should give your phone to Layzen, if you are going to play at the computer shop. Download some games for kids, so that he won't bug your game." Traizle gives him advice.

"I will do that tomorrow," Lyndon answered. "About my school expenses. Don't worry, Sis. I applied for a scholarship last week. We have to wait for confirmation before passing the other requirements." Lyndon shared after drinking water. "Let us just hope that I might be one of the pre-qualified, so that you can stop working on your other sidelines." he added.

"You have to make sure to maintain your grades, Lyndon. That will be a big help to us, I won't quit my sidelines as long as we are not okay," Traizle explained. "Clean those crumbs first before going to sleep." she reminded Lyndon.

She is thankful enough to have an understanding brothers.

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