No nope
It has be a whole huge humiliation. I knew hanging out with them was a terrible idea but I didn't know it would be this terrible. It's like I'm still sleeping and I'm in a suffocating dream, and there's no way out. my eyes is twitching at my phone, and my veins are breaking out my skin. My heart is pounding in a hard beat.
I launch from my bed. tossing my phone behind me, and I hear it bounce on my huge white bed.
When mom told me, I couldn't believe it, and she's grounding me for a whole two weeks. How on earth did I get into this mess?
I get dressed for school. even if I know everybody will be laughing their lungs out at me, that does not stop me from looking my usual best. I just need to wave it aside. If I can bear ridding with my mom to school for two weeks, I can certainly get pass this. I take a lot of time looking at myself In the mirror to be sure I'm all good and prepared to be mocked.
"Sam!" My mom shouts my name from downstairs, her voice jangles in hast.
This is tough and restraining. I'll be a punctual student for two weeks. Morally good, personally upsetting.
"Coming!" I snap a reply and walk out of my room.
As I walk down the stairs, I see my mom pacing around the room like a man whose waiting for his wife outside the labour room.
She looks up and sees me. She stops pacing and turns to me, placing her hand on her hip and pushes it to one side. It's like she's posing for a camera except she's frowning, and you are not suppose to frown for cameras.
She purses her lips, and anger is swimming in her blue-ocean eyes. Well she's my mom, Regina Raymond but she goes by Gina. She's like the queen of Seattle. She have this perfect body, long chocolate-brown hair, glowing skin that is equally soft, and an average height.
I forge a smile. my hand still clutch to the handrail, and the other on the straps of my schoolbag -which is on one shoulder.
"Do you really have to put on makeup?" She growls, and her eyes scrutinise my dress.
"Isn't that dress too short?"
I look at my flora gown that is little above my knee. And now I think it's not short enough.
"Mom it's not, The heels make them look so," I say, and she looks down at my 4inch cut-out leather heels and back at my face.
"You sure do know how to look good," she tells me.
"So narcissistic," she mutters
and pick up her red handbag from the Table, along with her car-keys.
She places the handbag on the crook of her elbow and sashay outside.
I look at her and shake my head. She's wearing a blue curvy gown, knee-length with a little back slit, and she's questioning me about what I'm wearing? She shouldn't do that when she's the worst at it, but equally the best at it.
She drives with grease lightening, making me feel nauseous. Finally we get to my school, and she stops the car. I glance at my reflection in a rare-view mirror.
"You look beautiful already," she says sarcastically, and I smile at her as I climb down the SUV, about to head to my den of mockery.
"I love you!" she shouts out to me from the rolled down window, and drives off before I could say it back.
wonder were she's in a hurry to. Probably one of her patient is dying and desperately needs help. My mom is a neurosurgeon, she owns the best hospital in the city, and she takes her work very seriously, creating less time for herself and for me. Well I don't really care, she has never really have my time anyways, and I'm so use to it.
I feel like sprinting after my mom. I can't even turn to school, and see those mocking faces. I tight my lips and look down the road.
"Sam!" a tiny sweet voice screams my name.
With and idea of who that is, my tight lips spreads into a warm smile. I turn, flipping my dark straight hair. feeling a little cocky cause of her.
Yeah, that's Tracy, my tan-skin slender best friend. She's standing close to the school building. She waves at me. And I stride towards her, paying less attention to the Murmurers.
She has always got my back since we were kids, and I have always gat hers.
I reach her, and we peek on each others cheeks.
"It's nice to see you not in a bikini Sammy Raymond," she teases, and I chuckle -almost forgetting my plight.
We discuss as we enter inside the school. As we walk up the hallway, practically everyone's eyes are darting at me, a mocking smile fixed on their faces. Only few have the courage to laugh out loud.
Tracy pulls me closer around her arm. I know she's being a sweetheart, but this is awkward.
"What are you doing?" I whisper, looking forward.
Three girls sashays pass us, cackling and looking at their phones, then at me. Yeah I know what they are looking at. A half naked picture of me that isn't me. Why would someone fake this?
Tracy let go of me, and swivels to them. "Yeah, laugh. Your ass ain't sexy as hers." She huffs
as she rotates two fingers at their asses. she faces front, and we continue striding to class.
"Thanks," I tell her, beaming.
She gives me a warm hearted smile, and pats my back. "I gat you boo."
Of course she does.
"You know that isn't my ass right?" I asks her.
She Purses her lips and shrugs slightly, then she strides forward.
I pause.
"Tracy?!" I yell, and I hear her chuckles.
I can't believe Lucian dared me to wear a bikini. I did it because It was just me and his stupid friends, I didn't think his psycho friends were going to edit a fake boobs and ass of me. I'm never playing truth or dare again, not after last night.
We get into the classroom and Lucian winks at me. He is my second best friend with the blond messy hair. Yeah I'm friendful, at least I was. Lucian have a great sense of humour, but sometimes he takes it too far. And even if he annoys me at times, I just still love him. Plus I can't stay angry at him for that long, and he so knows that.
I roll my eyes at him as I sit, just to give him a fake I hate you look.
Tracy sits on her desk which is a seat away from me by my left.
Later Mrs Huston, our chubby literature teacher walks into the class, her blond hair rests on her shoulders.
"Hi everyone," she says standing in front of the class room, a novel held in her hands.
Mrs Huston class is my favourite of all, but she ain't my favourite. She don't like me for some reasons I don't know, but I don't really care. I hardly bond with people.
"How was your night, Sam?" she asks me sarcastically, and almost everybody burst into laughter.
"It was nice," I reply scornfully and glare at Lucian, he cringes.
"Before we get started, I would like for our new student to introduce himself," Mrs Huston says, with her hands stretched out towards a guy who happens to be sitting at the next seat by my left, a meter space away.
He stands up, and I look at him from his head down to his toes. As he edges to the front of the class, I notice how shabby his baggy blue Jean looks.
He stands in front of the class, and brings out his right hand from the front pocket of his jean. And brushes his loosed strands of hair of his low ponytail -off his face, and I stare more at his long luscious dark hair.
He sighs and then,
"My name is Morgan white, I'm seventeen. Just moved from Tacoma to Seattle," he introduces himself.
"And also I'm nothing like my appearance, in case you are wondering," he jokes, and everybody including Mrs Huston laughs, except me.
I have a strong feeling that Mrs Huston and all my classmates already likes him, I would have probably like him but his clothes tells a lot about him. It's cheap, and I don't do cheap.
My eyes meets Tracy, whose head is pushed forward and her dark eyes is starring at him more lustfully than I was.
I slowly shake my head.
After Morgan finishes, he goes back to his seat, and I prevent my eyes from starring at him again.
Mrs Huston starts to teach about a novel called 'Midsummer night dream' by William Shakespeare, and everybody seems to be enjoying it, including me.
The bell rings and everybody starts to leave the class.
"We'll continue from page four, you can read ahead," Mrs Huston announces.
Me and Tracy walk together out of the class down the hallway. And just in a few minutes everybody has forgotten about the naked picture of Sammy Raymond, and that's because they knew it was faked. The editor just made my ass and boobs extremely big, and people just finds it funny. Thank God the pictures has been deleted.
"Did you see the new guy? He's so hot," Tracy says enthusiastically.
I don't think I'll hear the end of this. Tracy has this thing with guys, she calls it true love and she searches for it in every guy she dates. At first the guys are so perfect, then in a week or two they become an assholes
"He's just so handsome, how can a guy be that cute?" She adds.
"Well he's cute," I agree, which is kinda hard for me.
We stop at my locker, and she leans besides it. I open it and take a pink lipstick and rub it on my lips, looking at the little mirror hanged at the door of my locker.
"But did you see he's cheap clothes? They look ratty and shabby -why would anyone dress in those?" I add, and gently smack my lips.
"Seriously Sam, with you everything is about money. Can't you just love something, anything that is not connected to money? Considering you have it a lot," she groans, and I roll my eyes.
"I can't, cause there's nothing to love."
"Well I kinda like him." She says with those dreamy eyes, like she can see him kissing her all over.
I'm not surprise at all. I just have to give her the pleasure of having a phantom dream. The part I hate is when her dream becomes an asshole then she acts like an asshole, and then turns me into her nanny. through out the week, my life will be hell. She either calls yelling or crying on the phone. I won't even have a good night sleep, cause she will be on the phone all night. And as a friend, I'm just giving her a listening hear. But whenever she sees another new guy, she just jumps right in -despite my warnings. I try not to use I told you so on her, cause that only makes matter worst.
I bring forward my bag, zipping it down.
"Tracy you just met him," I say monotonously, just so I said it, again.
"Sammy there's something called love at first sight."
I bring out a novel (the fault in our stars)
"And of all guys you choose a wretch," I tease her, swirling the novel at her face.
She holds my hand and I tug it down.
"I know he's cute and You are searching but trust me, you'll find someone cuter than him." I scorn at my choose of words.
I don't think there's any guy in this world that is as handsome as him.
"Don't settle for a wretch cause you are one of the best," I add.
Me and Tracy look to our left, and I see him standing beside Tracy. I startle and drop the novel.
He walks towards it and pick it up.
Other books by favour edwin