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Pregnant For My Sister's Husband

Pregnant For My Sister's Husband

Sashly Levis


"When are you going to tell your wife that you got me pregnant?" Brittany questioned aggressively. "The last time I checked, I was drugged by you, none of this is my fault. You of all people know that I would never cheat on my wife, nor do I wish to be with another woman," Steve spat angrily. Growing up, every woman threw themselves at me, but I only had eyes for one woman. Her name is Sue Wright. I fell in love with this woman because she's the only woman that has ever rejected me. After trying for one year and three months to get this woman, she finally gave in and just a month later, we got married. But little did I know Sue's sister, Brittany was madly in love with me. Ever since there's no peace!! Why did Brittany drug, Steve? Is Brittany in love with her sister's husband? If you're still reading then it means that I've gained myself a reader. Join me and read this novel, it will be worth the read.

Chapter 1 I'm pregnant with your husband's baby

Standing in the elevator, beside the man I fooled myself that I love. I spoke out the words that we're dying to get out of my system... "When are you going to tell your wife that you got me pregnant, Steve?" Brittany questioned aggressively.

"The last time I checked, I was drugged by you, none of this is my fault, you of all people should know that I would never cheat on my wife nor do I wish to be with another woman," Steve spat angrily.

"Try telling that to your wife, you think she's gonna believe a word you say? You have two days to tell her, you think you could just use me and handle me like garbage, you bastard?!" Brittany questioned angrily.

As the elevator came to a halt, a bunch of thoughts flew around in my head. Listen, I didn't cheat on my wife intentionally, I was drugged by her big sister Brittany. Sue and I have been going through some rough patch lately, in cases where she's pushing me away, she's refusing to have sex with me and whenever I try to find out what her problem is, she gives me glares, but I wouldn't risk the foundation that Sue and I have build together, I wouldn't just throw 12 years of marriage away.

Brittany's POV

As I rushed to the nearest bathroom that was next to my office, my heart leaped in pain... Who knew love could hurt this much? I was stupid enough to think Steve would leave his wife for me, I'm jealous of my sister, there I said it, she's the one that makes men's eyes lit up, she's the one every guy wants, she's always in the spotlight and I just wish I could be in her shoes, I just want to be loved, so getting pregnant for my sister's husband was the first thing that flashed through my mind, but I was wrong again.

I pushed all my thoughts away, as I stepped inside of the well-furnished bathroom, and just when I thought I was alone my eyes met with the eyes of the bitch that took everything away from me.

"What's wrong with you Brittany?" Sue questioned worriedly.

She has the nerves to ask me what's wrong with me as if she cares... The last thing I need right now is someone looking down on me, so with a glare, I responded... "Ask your husband," Brittany mumbled in a harsh tone, as she looked at the ceiling, not wanting to face her stupid sister.

"Ask my husband what?" Sue asked eager to find out what was happening.

"That I'm pregnant with his child, you took Steve away from me when I ran away, but now that I'm back, I'm taking back what's rightfully mine," Brittany grinned evilly, as she slammed the bathroom door as she walked out.

Stunned that my little sister had the guts to utter such lies about my lovely husband, made me sick on the inside, I know Steve would never do such a thing.

"How would you know that Steve isn't cheating on you? The guy literally has men that worship him for having such a killer body and you know it too," Sue's inner self cries.

Pushing back the thoughts that were forming in my head, I quickly washed my hands, then search for Steve. After all, they say that there's two sides to a story, and I want to hear Steve's part of the story.

I have a feeling that the truth is gonna hurt, but the truth can only hurt for a while. Walking down the familiar hall, I pulled my phone out of my black purse and called my Assistant... "Are you ready?" Sue questioned her Assistant, as she held her Galaxy 90 ICU phone to her pierced ears.

"Ready for what?" Ashley asked unknowingly...

"We have some men to hunt down that raped those poor babies, bring my M16, the snippers, 4388 weapons, the knives, the gloves, pepper spray, batons, my hammer... I want every killing material, we won't leave any trace, I want it clean, those bitch raped my cousins and I'm gonna make those assholes pay," Sue said aggressively.

I've been working for the FBI for 16 years, my whole life I've been serving the Americans by protecting innocent people, I'm the one in charge but when things gets messy, I step in and trace down bad guys that think they can get away with rape, murder, etc. But nobody messes with family, and when I say no one, I MEAN NO ONE!!

If it ever reaches the point where someone has to trade their life for one of my family members, I'm willing to DIE.

Not knowing what to say to my wife, my lips perved upwards and uttered the words that were at the tip of my tongue... "I've been searching for you, Sue,"

Hearing the voice of my husband, I slowly tilted my head in the direction I had heard Steve's familiar voice. Getting straight to the point, I spoke up... "What do you have with my sister?"

"What do you me--an?" Steve stuttered, as his briefcase fell on the ground, revealing the contents inside.

"What are you doing with a pregnancy test?" Sue gasped, as she sank to the floor in tears.

"Baby, I can ex--plain," Steve stuttered lost of words, not making any attempt to take up the pregnancy test off the ground.

"Wh--o, did you get preg--nant," Sue questioned once again, as tears roll down her cheeks.

"Let's discuss this later when we're home honey," Steve pleaded, as he went down on his knees, trying to put his point across.

"You really have the audacity to call me honey, it's over Steve. I can't believe you did this, you can be with the woman you got pregnant because I'm filing for a divorce," Sue shouts angrily, in an irritated voice.

I was beyond angry right now, and whenever I'm angry I shed blood!! I sobbed quietly, as I went outside of my company. Where did I go wrong? I know that I've been distant from my husband, but the reason I didn't want to have sex with him is because I'm pregnant.


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