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Uncharted Territory

Uncharted Territory



Myth is a human mother of two girls aged 6 and three boys aged 16. She has never known love until having her children both products of fleeding relationship with selfish men. Myth's life has never been easy however she was determined to give her children the best she could. She worked three jobs to be able to afford their living expenses, even though they didn't have much their family was happy. She thought she was complete until she saw him and everything changed... Her world turned upside down as she fights her uncontrollable desire. She and her children forced to rediscover themselves. Everything they knew of themselves and their world was wrong. How will Myth handle these events? Will she surrender to desire? Will she be able to protect her children from the world they are being thrown into?

Chapter 1 Sprinkle Pancakes

Myths' POV

BZZZZZZ! BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP! BZZZZZZ! I roll over to smack at my phone to no avail, it still mocks me, vibrating and screeching at me to wake-up... I set up in bed grabbing my phone pissed at myself for setting the puzzle lock. As I solve the simple puzzle to shut off the annoying alarm I realize I need to get up and get started on breakfast.

I roll out of bed and rush to get dressed for work, black pants with the cafes work shirt. As usual I quickly put on eyeliner and some mascara, adding a brown nude shade to my lips and eyes. I stop to look in the full length mirror to make sure im not forgetting anything as I throw my hair up into a neat top knot. Yep looks right, a 6'2 giant draped in a garbage bag. These clothes really do nothing for my figure.

I head to the kitchen to prepare the boys their birthday breakfast. My triplets were born october 4th, 16 years ago. They are now the same age i was when i gave birth to them. A terrifying thought, however I've busted my ass to make sure my children lead a better life than I ever thought about.

As I start breakfast I begin to hear the chorus of alarm's. I finish the the bacon and start fixing their plates, placing them in their spots. For the girls I go ahead and pour their cereal into their bowls and have their eggs and bacon to the side. The girls are only 6 but like their brothers they have a hefty appetite. To finish it all off i get the gifts I've prepared for the boys and set each one in front of their plates. I really hope they like them, we may not have much but I always try to get them something i feel they'll enjoy.

The first one to make it into the kitchen is Alexander with Alona on his hip. I cant help but be proud of my boys, they always take such great care of their sisters and honestly me as well. Alexander stands 6 foot the same as his brothers with a slightly dark complexion. All three are copied and pasted when it comes to hight, skin, and muscle. They are all built with impressive muscles they didn't have to work for. To be honest i have no idea where it came from, their father was pale and scrawny as for me im curvy sporting an hour glass figure, with a decent amount of muscle.

They all three look so alike, yet, at the same time they couldn't be more different. Alexander as a square shaped face with greens eyes that hides specks of bright amber and keeps his light dusty brown hair short and neat in a fade. His facial features are prominent and well defined unlike his brother Damien who has very soft features on his heart shape face. He is the opposite of Alexander in many ways but none bad. His eyes are a burning amber with a dark green lining around the edges and a few specks finding their way in the center of his iris. He likes to keep his hair longer on the top with faded sides, most days he has it in a bun, that i cant help but find adorable. Then their is my Nicholas, he favors me the most. Luckily im somewhat attractive or he would have been doomed. Nicholas has my eyes, one amber and one a mint green with swirls of dark green. He has my diamond face shape with soft features. He likes to keep his hair faded with the top long enough to smooth over sporting the cutest hard part.

"Good morning momma, you know you didn't have to do all of this." Alexander greeted me, as he ran his rough hand through his dark auburn hair, still holding Alona.

"I know i didn't have to, i wanted to... How could i not make a fuss over my baby boys? Im so lucky to have you all and this is the least i could do for you." I replied, with a smile stretching across my face. I meant every word too, my boys gave me light when i only had darkness. They are my saviors, though they'll never know it.

Alexander sighed knowing it was pointless to drag this on. I watched as he walked over to me repositioning his sister whom was still half asleep.

He leans over to kiss my cheek "love you momma" he tells me as he pulls away.

I cuff his face with my hand and kiss his forehead "i love you too, Ally bear" i giggle knowing he hates his nickname.

"Mom please don't with the nickname, Im 16 now. Cant we just let it die?" He whines.

"Never my love" I laugh, as I walk away to get the OJ from the refrigerator.

I can feel him roll his eyes at me as he walks to place Alona in her seat.

"Good morning, mom." Damien and Nicholas say in unison, as they enter the room with Amara in tow.

As Amara stumbles to her seat directly beside her sister the boys come over to me both kissing each cheek.

"You know you didn't have to do this Ma." Damien attempted to scold me, I say nothing just answering back with a look.

"Yeah, Mom. You do enough already, you don't need to add to it." Nicholas added.

Right as I opened my mouth to protest Alexander chimed in "You both know its pointless, so set down and lets enjoy our breakfast."

They really are sweet boys, they would do everything for me if i let them. They have always complained about how Im working myself to death, always wanting me to slow down. Little do they know that lights a fire in my heart to work harder and give them more.

"Mommy, where's our sprinkle pancakes and presents?" Amara whines out.

Alona chimes in with "Yeah, we want presents too!"

"Now girls, you know its your brothers birthdays. When it's yours, you'll get the same." I tell my little beauties. Identical twins with fiery personalities, my girls are a force to be reckoned with and that brings me pride. They only have one difference, Alona is albino unlike her sister whom is dark complexed with jet black hair. Other than that they look alike in every way; same diamond shaped face, same slim build, they are both even 55 inches tall, exact. Alona has very light blue eyes with a hint of pink when the light hits them and Amara has the darkest blue eyes I've ever seen. I have always wondered if Alona wasn't albino, would she have the same dark blue eyes that her sister has.

Both the girls sigh and begin the chow down on their food, as they side eye their brothers presents. With that everyone digs in. As I lean with my back against the counter, sipping my coffee, I notice Damien look up at me with a slight glare.

"Ma, where's your plate? Why arent you eating?" Damien's body is tense as I hear him growl lowly

I wonder if they are finally developing mood swings, I've honestly been waiting for the "angry-moody-rebellious-teen" phase. My thoughts where interrupted when i heard a low growling oming from Alexander.

"Don't talk to her like that!" He roared

Ok this is getting out of hand, i thought to myself, seeing the boys intensely eyeing one another. Both of them on the edge of their seats like they were ready to brawl at any second. I calmly stood straight placing my coffee on the counter i had previously been leaning on.

"Boys! Enough!" I commanded, my tone cold and frim showing no signs of warmth nor weakness. I stare at the both of them holding their gaze, both now, squirming in their chairs, trying not to concede. Finally they both hold their heads down in submission. I absolutely hate getting strict with them, but i cant have them fighting one another. Not only would it break our little farm house, it would break my heart.

"Mom... I-in their defense n-neither was wrong. They w-weren't right... B-but they w-weren't c-completely wrong." Nicholas interrupts, stammering, struggling to find his words. He has a nervous stutter but if he calms himself he can control it easily. I turn my gaze on him and watch as he winces. I already know what he's wanting to say but i feel its important for him to speak his mind. He needs to practice grounding himself and stating his thoughts clearly.

I nod signalling to him that he's fine and i want him to finish his thoughts. He relaxes slightly, his eyes focused back on his plate, and continues, "D-damien..." Still stammering, he takes a deep breath attempting to center himself and restarts, "Damien, doesn't like it when you don't fix yourself food and honestly.... we don't like it either... You need to eat momma, we want you to be healthy..." He pauses for a moment to refocus his eyes on mine, finding some confidence he firmly but not aggressively states "You deserve more than our scapes. So, i understand Damien's anger. It wasn't directed at you, but instead for you. It wasn't right the way he spoke to you, it was disrespectful. I didn't like the way he spoke to you either but I knew you would handle it. Alexander felt the same way but verbalized his dislike. He was trying to defend you, when you didn't need defending. Neither was wrong for their feelings nor for stating their minds, but they were both out if line with their anger." Nicholas takes a deep breathe in and shuts his eyes... Im very impressed, this way be the best he's spoke under pressure. My admiring is interrupted as he goes to finish his argument, "So maybe go easy on them? Their anger stemmed from love." With that he finishes, his eyes dropping back to his food.

I cant help but chuckle to myself, these boys, always so dramatic. "Alright Nicky pie," i watch as he rolls his eyes at the nickname he's always hated, causing me to smile in return. "I agree with you, and i think i have the perfect idea. Since both were right and wrong i think its only right they get rewarded and punished" i watch as the boys tense up with confusion and worry evident on their faces, but not a one willing to speak. I lean back onto the counter, picking my coffee up and taking a slow sip, my eyes fixed on the boys the entire time. I watched as their nerves got the better of them, they just couldn't be still under my gaze.

Amara was the one to break the silence "what are you going to do?!" Impatient as always.

"Yeah mommy! We want to know!" Alona adds

I cant help but giggle at these two adorably impatient girls. The boys relax some at the sudden outburst, worry still painted on their faces. "Training will be one on one with me. We will be doing hand to hand combat, and defense. Once training is complete you will both spare with me. As for Nicholas, you can skip training or sparring." I paused to gage the boys reactions. As expected they weren't to happy with their bother, as for Nicholas, he couldn't help but smile. "I was really proud with how you not only stood up for your brothers but held yourself. You spoke with confidence and were firm, never once showing you're anger. I want you all to remember expressing you're emotions is important but expressing them with a level head is most important." Damien and Alexanders faces were pale, yet i saw a glimmer of excitement in their eyes. Nicholas on the other hand was content with the turn of events, still smiling to himself.

"Mommy, mommy, mommy! We want the train too!" The girls said together.

I laughed at their jealousy, if only they knew how much their brothers wished they didn't have to train. "Alright, you can train with us but you will have to be patient and wait for me to finish your brothers training first." The boys had a love hate relationship with training, i'll leave it at that.

The girls seemed satisfied with that answer and began talking to each other about how strong they were. I was enjoying their excitement when Damien grabbed my attention, "Im sorry Ma, i shouldn't have spoke to you like that. I just don't like the idea of you going hungry." I almost teared up at that statement when Alexander added,

"Momma Im sorry for not letting you handle it yourself and Damien Im sorry for trying to fight you" its amazing how he changed his tone mid sentence. He went from soft and loving to talking out his teeth real fast, its kind of impressive.

Damien only replied with a look, screaming fuck off. Not really happy with him ignoring his brothers apology, but he's trying to keep his anger under control and that's something im proud of.

"Baby doll, Im not going to go hungry. This isn't like the old days, i promise. Things are different now, we have a stable home and our own mini farm. We may not have much but we have enough. Don't worry so much Dame, thats my job" i winked. He smiled back at me and i can see in his eyes he trusts my words. I truly understood his worry's, before i barely had enough to make sure the kids were fed so more often than not id go hungry... Once they figured it out they never let me go a night without seeing me eat at least something, even if it was one piece of bread. That lasted from the time the boys were 6 until they were 13. I couldn't be mad at them for the trauma i caused "Now that, that's settled. Open your gifts!" The girls seem to be more excited to watch than the boys are to open.

Nicholas is the first to open his gift "Oh wow! I love this! Thanks Mom!" He practically yells from excitement. Nicholas is my artist, he absolutely loves drawing. So I thought he'd enjoy a leather back art book sporting a wolf on the front, along with some new pencils. The sight of him grinning ear to ear as he flips the pages in his hands makes me happy.

Next one to get theirs open is Alexander "This is the newest Dark Pack book! It just came out! Thanks momma, i cant wait to read it!" He yells unable to control his volume. He loves that fantasy, action series. Its all he's been talking about for months.

Damien is the last to open his, "wow its a song book so i can write out my music! And a wolf head guitar pick? Thanks mom!" Damien smiles as he twirls the guitar pick in his fingers.

I wait for them all three to pay close enough attention and see what i left in the books... But i don't think they'll notice today.

I cant help but smile as i watch my children interact happily, seeing their smiling faces. The girls continually demand to see and know about each gift asking a million questions. The boys ginning and taking their time answering their sisters. I cant hold back my happiness and feel as silent tears flow down my face. I look at them and see the life i always wanted growing up but could never have.

I don't remember much of my family but most of what i do isn't good. I ran away at the age of 14 and my life only got harder, but hey, at least i was free. Seeing my children and their happiness makes everything I've ever faced worth it. I wouldn't change a single thing in my life because all of it lead me to this moment.

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