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The Scarlet Bride

The Scarlet Bride



Elise Skylar lives in a city where money does the talking and the richest people walk like they own the place. She aspires to be an actress, to be known for her talents. However, all her dreams seemed to slowly disappear. Everything is getting out of hand when an audition she participated in went wrong. Was it even an audition? Son of a famous business tycoon, Aiden Salvador is the C.E.O. of one of the biggest companies in Devont City. He has it all yet there seems to be something missing in his life. His cool, calm world suddenly caught fire when a certain audition occurred in the search of his wife took place. Watch and get tangled with the story of Elise and Aiden as they fight, tell and accept each other's differences. Will they rise from the burnt ashes together as husband and wife? Or will everything just burn down leaving nothing? Is there anyone to blame? Will they separate in the end or will they try to get along?

Chapter 1 Cherry Chapstick

The world is the stage and we are the main characters of our own story. Our choices are the future. Our future.


A round of ugly sobs filled the hallway as another contestant failed to impress the judges. Her sobs were irritating to the ear since they sounded rehearsed to me. Eyes were all on her and ears listening to her cry. Mascara was running down her cheeks along with her tears which she furiously wiped away. This already happened twice in today's audition and it honestly fucking terrified me.

Judging by the way the woman was clinging to who seemed to be her boyfriend, she was royally rejected. Or she was just being a drama queen off-screen. There were plenty of them.

"I can't believe they rejected me!"

Her boyfriend rubbed her back in a soothing manner. He looked decent, a normal guy in everyone's eyes compared to his pink-haired girlfriend, who looked like she was going to kill someone who dares insult her further. "Don't feel down, babe. I'm sure they don't know real talent when they see one."

Real talent, my ass... your girlfriend clearly doesn't fit the role of an innocent farm girl. She should've tried something else...

I shook my head in disapproval as they walked away and went back to what I was concentrating on a moment ago.

A college dropout like me wouldn't be here if they were seeking instant cash-unless they were really good at acting and have already gained fame. Acting was what I hated back then, never really entertained the idea of becoming an actress until eighth grade. The day our annoying English teacher decided to make me the main character of this play one of the students made.

It was a complete disaster at first, but as I was acting in front, pouring out monotonous words that were supposed to be full of passion-I decided to make fun of the weak protagonist.

I happened to find one of the kids sleeping with a kernel of popcorn stuck at the entrance of his nose. My young self decided to scare him. Roaring my next lines which stirred him awake. The popcorn flew from his nose and at the person seated in front of him. Seeing that funny thing, the crowd was energized once more at how comedic it was. With just that one decision, I gradually tried my best to make them pay attention.

That was how I came to love acting... to make people jump with energy even at such a boring scene. Not every day is filled with action and thrills unlike in the movies.


The woman before me stood and went into the door where one of the stage crew was beckoning her to hurry up. I stared down at my watch to see that the audition was close to ending.

Can I even make it?

My thoughts were answered when the woman walked out and I was called. Giving my bag in the safety of one of the staff. Heart pounding so loudly I thought it would burst; I stood up and walked down the path to another success or failure. If I get the role, I would rejoice but if I didn't... I just wasn't fit for that role. Simple as that.

As soon as I stood on the stage, bright yellow lights shone down at me. My whole being felt exposed and the slightest mistake would unravel all my hard work. Cold. I only felt cold as I stood there for them to evaluate with their piercing eyes. Memorizing those short lines, just two sentences repeating over and over in my head for this one moment... I won't let it go to waste.

"My name is Elise Skylar. Twenty-two years old and auditioning for the part of Mary, the farm girl."

One of the judges, a man in a gray suit, waved at me to begin. I took in a sharp breath, repeating the two sentences that they handed out in my head, and began. I could do this. I could do this!

Acting like I was digging something heavy from the ground-basing my actions on this movie I saw-I wiped the nonexistent sweat off my forehead and stared at what I imagined as the horizon.

"Ah... another day here in this little ol' farm. But I think today's going to be a good day for apple pies!" I sing-songed.

Hand gesturing to what I marked as the sun, I gazed at the lights. The brightness made my eyes water as I stood there. The judges started debating that I almost screamed out in agony. When are they going to give me the signal?

"Alright, you can move now Miss!"

Heaving a sigh of relief, I relaxed and watched as they continued to talk in hushed voices. I know this all too well. The exchanging of opinions. It's either they take me or not. Lips in a tight line, I waited for their decision.

One of the men cleared his throat and they all stared at me, finally arriving with their answer. "Miss... Skylar, right?"


"Miss Skylar, I like the way you delivered the lines-you even acted like you were digging and then looking up at the sky, love the transition." he then gestured at me. "But... your hair."

Reflexively, I touched the strands that stopped short on my shoulder. "What about it?" I didn't like how long it was before, always getting in my way so I had to cut it short. "Is there something wrong with it?"

He nodded. "Yes... it's so short! There's nothing wrong with it, but Mary here has long hair-"

"Why are you making such a fuss over this?" The woman next to him frowned at her fellow judge. "So what if she has short hair? She can always wear a wig-"

"I don't want Mary to wear a wig!" The man countered fiercely. "Last time it took so long for us to shoot because Marie Antoinette's big ass wig keeps falling off!"

Are they seriously arguing about this right now? I internally sighed. They should've stated it in the beginning and not let countless women audition only to be told their hair doesn't fit the character. I feel bad for the pink-haired woman earlier. No wonder she was sobbing, even if it sounded fake.

"Enough! I'm the director so follow my lead!" That shut off the other judges' opinion. Turning back to me, the man smiled sweetly. "Sorry about that dear... but we can't take you in. Mary has a lot of scenes that require immense work. Wearing a wig is no problem but it's a hassle-a lot of hassle. Good acting anyways. Wish you luck, Miss Skylar."

So that was it.


I left the stage and exited the area, heading straight for the restroom after taking my bag.

I need to take a piss real quick!

Once inside one of the cubicles, I did whatever I needed to do. Piano notes resonated around the restroom, phone vibrating. Who could be calling me? Body tingling slightly, I flushed the urine and went towards the faucet to wash my hands. After drying my hands quickly, I answered the call.


"Hey sweetie, how are you?"

"Mom..." Looking up at the mirror, I stared at my own reflection and cringed. I look awful! And my lips... Pulling my bag, I zipped it open and fished my chapstick out. "I'm okay. How about you? How's granny?"

"I'm fine. She's in her bedroom right now, taking a nap. Is it raining over there?"

"Nah, it isn't." I applied the lip balm before placing it in the safety of my bag again. Tasting the cherry flavor, my gaze landed on my wavy short dark brown hair. Wondering what was wrong with it. "I understand that you're in another part of the country but it's quite sunny here at Devont City."

"Ah! Sorry about that." she laughed, "It's been like forever since I left."

The fact that Mom left because she didn't want to stay where she's always reminded of her past mistakes remained in my head. Tattooed forever in my head and blood. I am a product of her past, after all. But other than that, I knew she was on the hunt for another man to rekindle her fire. I rolled my eyes, knowing she'll flirt with any handsome British man that stayed in grandmother's inn.

Fighting the urge to scold and demand her to go head back home, I forced a smile instead.

No use pleading with her. I know where I got my stubbornness...

"Mom, please take care." I mumbled to the phone. "And please don't pick up any handsome British man you see off the streets. You might scare people off."

"There you go again! I won't bring back any British man. Don't worry about me or your grandma, sweetie. To be honest, I'm quite worried about you all alone in the city. Don't you want to stay here?"

I shook my head. "You know I can't do that..."

Mom sighed on the other line. "I know... you love acting very much and you don't want to spend your whole life in a small town. It's quite peaceful here though compared to the bustling city. By the way, how did the audition go? Did you get the part?"

It was silent for a couple of seconds, just me staring at my own reflection. Seeing my blue eyes start to get glassy, I cleared my throat and smiled bitterly. Keeping it all in. I hated crying and that's one of the reasons why I didn't like drama. Quite ironic for an actress not to like drama.

"No. I didn't get the part."

The other line was silent as well until Mom spoke. "I see. Don't get disheartened about it, Elise. There's always next time... don't give up hope."

I knew she didn't want me to continue living this way. She did envision me becoming a businesswoman and taking up Grandma's inn. However, my likes and her dreams for me were different. I'm glad she respected that, but she's still butt hurt over me quitting college. Said that education is still important even if my job is in the showbiz industry.

God, I'm such a disappointment at times...

Putting on a determined face, I slammed my hand on the counter. "Don't worry, Mom! I won't let your efforts and mine go to waste. I will not let this get in my way to stardom!"

I could almost see her smiling brightly at me. "That's the spirit, Elise! Be the actress you want to be, don't let others bring you down. Oh, you didn't mention why they didn't take you. What did they not like?"

"Um... my hair?"


Explaining to her almost felt impossible as she rambled how stupid the man was- he indeed was. "Mom, calm down! To be honest, I didn't even like the part. I can't act like a farmer girl when I've been raised in the city."

"I swear if I see that man-what does he look like, huh? I swear I'll make him bald and ask if he's fit as a director with that shiny head of his!"

Mom soon calmed down, much to my relief. "Mom, I have to go. I need to be somewhere else... I also need to clean the apartment. Alex won't be pleased if she comes home to a dirty place." Images of Alex Bay-my best friend and classmate until high school-angry was hard to picture out. I never saw her angry and imagining it is already giving me chills.

"Yeah, sure sweetie. I also need to go and attend to some guests. They're quite a lot today."

"That's good. It means business is booming."

"I'll call you again, okay? Please don't eat too much ice cream tonight."

I smirked at her last sentence. "Yes, Mom." No promises! "Talk to you later, bye!"

"I mean it, Elise Skylar! Do you want to get diabetes?! Don't make me spend a lot on hospitalization you little-"

"Love you, bye!" This time, I hung up faster than I ever did and pocketed my phone. Did she read my thoughts? How did she know? Is that some sort of mother's instinct? So creepy...

After making sure I looked decent, I crumpled the paper that had the two lines of Mary. There's no use for that now. Throwing the trash into the bin, I took one last look in the mirror before leaving the restroom. It was growing quite hot in there.

Exiting the theater, a fancy car was parked in front. I couldn't help but look at it in disdain. Rich people...

Suddenly aware of girly squeals, I eyed a line of girls at the opposite side of where I auditioned. Is there another audition there? Observing the women, they were looking quite ecstatic. Some were even talking quite animatedly to whoever accompanied them. Huh, they're all brunettes. Don't tell me they're not interested in blondes or redheads... Seriously, there are wigs and hair dyes. This is the twentieth-first century. We have technology!

Walking up to see how long the line was, my eyes widened. It's like they're lining up for a Christmas sale instead of an audition! Is it really such a nice role? Who's the director? What movie is this?

Curious, I approached one of the women. "Uh, excuse me! But what are you auditioning for?"

I must've looked stupid to them for the women stared at me and laughed like the little bitches they are. A frown settled on my face. Huh... so they won't answer me, eh? Fine then, I don't need to ask you! Irritated, I ignored them and opted to ask another person, specifically the blonde woman facilitating the line. She was obviously having a hard time quieting them down.

"Excuse me, Miss. What is it they're auditioning for?"

Maybe this is a famous book turned movie that's quite popular with teenagers... I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case. Who wouldn't want to be the next female star to be paired up with a hot actor?

Finally noticing me, the woman faced me. "Audition? Are you interested? If you are, please line properly and set an example for these kids. They're quite rowdy for their age."

I stifled a laugh. "Um, no... I don't think I want to- the line is super long and I have other stuff to do. But is it a popular movie? Who is the director?"

"Movie?" Confusion was what she gave me before realization dawned upon her. "Oh! Oh no, this isn't for a movie. This is an audition on who'll be the bride for Aide-"

Before she could even utter her next words, the door to the cinema opened and the women started pushing one another. It was like a race for whoever gets in first.

"Hey! Let me through!" I yelled, being pushed by the contestants. Being swept by a wave of women into the cinema was not how I wanted this day to go.

"Oi! Let me pass!"

Who knew the sea of women would sweep me away like a lost boat, changing the course of my life forever...

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The Scarlet Bride

Chapter 1 Cherry Chapstick



Chapter 2 No Blondes Allowed



Chapter 3 Say what now



Chapter 4 Aiden Salvador



Chapter 5 I'm not impressed



Chapter 6 Run, Run, Run



Chapter 7 Seeking Compromise



Chapter 8 You Want Me To Do What



Chapter 9 A Nightmare



Chapter 10 Engaged to the Idiot



Chapter 11 The Wedding of the Year



Chapter 12 The Scarlet Bride



Chapter 13 Honeymoon



Chapter 14 To Paradise



Chapter 15 Wet and Wild



Chapter 16 Piña Coladas



Chapter 17 Welcome to Spain



Chapter 18 Don't Fall Too Fast



Chapter 19 British Accent



Chapter 20 Double Trouble



Chapter 21 Going Up!



Chapter 22 God Save Elise



Chapter 23 Bonjour!



Chapter 24 Reality Strikes



Chapter 25 Hello Again



Chapter 26 You don't own me



Chapter 27 Home Sweet Home



Chapter 28 Lights, Camera, Kiss!



Chapter 29 My Sunshine



Chapter 30 Wrath of Elise



Chapter 31 Violets Are Not Blue



Chapter 32 Pink Lipstick



Chapter 33 Do You Like Me



Chapter 34 Silly Boy



Chapter 35 Leather Seats



Chapter 36 Never The Same Again



Chapter 37 Elise Skylar



Chapter 38 Two Sides of A Coin



Chapter 39 Rumors and Lies



Chapter 40 Velvet Tears
