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A short story book with lots twists...filled with lovely and caring personalities..

Chapter 1 Prisoner of his love


"Leave me alone Mr Khan I am not your wife for God sake believe me " she shouted pushing him with full force.

"You are my wife and nobody can change it understand " he said gripping her face in his hands.

"Why are you not understanding it I am not your wife I am not Amal" she shouted angrily while falling down on the floor making him restless.


"I want to know everything...please don't hide it from..."


"The fear of not being able to know yourself is the worst thing that can ever happen to someone..."

She was a girl who was scared of the world around her...unknown to her own identity...drowning herself in the darkness of the high walls of the luxurious mansion...was it just her unnecessary fear or something more heartbreaking than this...

Zala Kamal Shah...a name everything fear to utter...but with the immense power he got there was still something missing...his heart was in pain...the girl who he cared like a doll was suffering something mysterious...

A simple secret was making their life miserable a painful past was hunting them.


A story full of secrets

Her unknown identity

And his stubbornness

Join their journey for full course of adventures.

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