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"I tried to keep myself away from her but she stepped in my bubble and ignited the desire for her again. Her smell , her touch , her smile everything is disturbing me. When she praised me I thought may be there was a chance for our relationship but the next second she reminded me of her boyfriend shattering my hopes all over again" "Anger, sadness, anxiety, fear , jealous, happiness and love my heart is feeling all these emotions right now which I never knew they were existed inside me until I met him" What will happen when a metropolitan headstrong girl meets a village soft man? She is rude and practical He is calm and sorted She believes in money He believes in others happiness Does the Newton's law of attraction ever work between them?


"Remember that money can't buy love "


Happy reading .....

Mihra Kapoor's pov

"Mom I want to tell you something ", I lifted my eyes from my plate to her while placing the spoon aside it. I know my mom, she will never deny whatever I want but still today I was feeling tension. What her reaction would be at my decision. I think she will definitely accept it because for her my happiness comes first and other is rest. She loves me alot , though she is single mother but never let me feel loss of my father around me. Dad passed away with heart attack when I was seven. Since then she takes responsibility of our lives. She never even think about her life , I asked her why she didn't get married after dad death but she simply smiled and told me.He was my husband and will always be.There is noone can take his place in my life. It's just because he isn't with us ,it doesn't mean I forget him or his love. My love for my husband is eternal , he gave the love which can be with me until my last breath. My respect for her increased to infinity , I love her very much. She is both my mom and my dad.

Mom looked at me doubtfully while continuing her breakfast. Sometimes she was so rigid with me when it comes to boys. Why was I thinking so much to say about my feelings. Usually I wasn't this typo who had filter to her mouth. I didn't think much before I say something. But today i wasn't normal like I used to. I took a deep breath and ready to tell her.

"Mom I love someone and he proposed me yesterday "

Her hand stopped at her lips as she heard my words and her eyes directed to me. She left the spoon in her plate and wiped her hands off.

"If it's a joke , let me tell you I didn't like it ", she said calmly.

"Mom it's not a joke ..I seriously love him ", I stressed out.

"Did you forgot your rules chart ?",she asked me little bit loud.

"No mom . How can I forget it , it's living rent free in my head " ,I said rolling my eyes.

"Then I don't need to remind you about last rule "

"Mommm the only rule it's is no boyfriend , no boyfriend and no boyfriend. You have mentioned it ten times .."

She strictly told me no for boyish things and boyfriend.

"Because it's the only thing I want you away from your life "

"Trust me mom Sirish is a very good person and my classmate. He is born with silver spoon mom and perfect match for our status ",I pouted while playing with the spoon in my plate.

"How can you say that he loves you too ? "

"Because he told me himself with a red rose and asked me for marriage with a diamond ring ",I showed her my full teeth while proudly flashing my ring finger to her.

"How can you wear his name ring so casually ? It's how I raised you ?", Her voice was deep making me startle.

"Mom don't be dramatic it's just a ring and how can someone deny this beautiful diamond ", I said watching my finger , it's twinkling so brightly.

"Just remove it already ", mom shouted suddenly getting up from her chair. I never seen her this much serious before , what's my wrong here to wear a ring ?

"No mom ... please understand my life will be settle down happily and richly. Don't you want your daughter called to be a billionaire 's wife " , I said raising up from my chair.

"Money isn't everything sweety when will you realise this simple thing "

"Mom I don't want to realise any simple thing ,I am happy with what I am. I want to marry Sirish and spend my life with him. This year we complete our studies and Sirish will join his parents business .After he will come here to ask you my hand and you will say yes "

"No .. never gonna happen this . Just forget him " ,she yelled at me.

"Why mom ? Why you are snatching my happiness from me " ,I shouted back.

"It's not real happiness sweety which you are thinking. This money, status and luxury these are just temporary things which can provide you only comfortable not love. But for a marriage love is important sweety ,you need a real life partner who could understand you , support you and stand by you all the time "

"That's what I am telling you mom , Sirish won't leave my hand for anything. He really cares for me and I trust him "

"It can't happen .. it's wrong " , She warned me all seriously and I didn't understand why she was not understanding me.

"Why are you saying no without knowing him ?"

"Because I am telling you so "

"Why mom ? Why are so adamant .."


"You are already a wife of someone "

I was stilled not understanding what she was just said. I was taken ? I was married to someone without my knowledge.

"Stop kidding me mom , I am standing here right infront you all unmarried. I think you are mistaken "

"No Mihra , I am not mistaken.This is the truth you belong to someone "

I felt like earth moved underneath my feet. How the hell I married ? When and with whom ?

"Mom I am serious , my head would explode any moment stop this married thing ", I shouted irritatingly.

"I want to tell you this truth on your twenty third birthday which is two months. Your marriage was declared when you are born "

"What ?" ,I asked her baffled totally.

"Yes , your husband name is Abhiman .. Abhiman Malhotra "

My steps halted hearing her and I placed my hand on the chair taking support. No this can't happen with me. I wasn't married. I never allow this marriage.

"You will and you have to because it's your father wish too. He is your father's bestfriend son. Your granny last wish to knot you with him. He was five at that time and you were two years old. She made him wear you a wedding chain and taken promise from us as his wife. We hid this matter all this while because she wanted to know you when you turn twenty three untill you will be with us without any information about your husband "

"This is bullshit mom .... in what century we are living in and you guys are still stinging to that old customes. For god sake I have every right to call off this bloody marriage. I won't agree to this never ....", I yelled in frustration.

What the hell they were thinking about me. Was I toy or something that they can give away to anyone. I was a little baby at that time , not even know how to spell husband word correctly and they got me married.

"Trust me Mihra .. Abhiman is a perfect life partner for you. It's just he is not like you metropolitan students , he is so pure like his mother , he is so hardworker like his father and he loves you like anything. Whatever he is today, only because of his talent and hardwork "

"Not like us means ??? Are you telling me like he is from some poor village ", I laughed.

"Yes he is from village ...

"What ??? Seriously are you lost or what ? You are knotting me with a village man . Ewww I hate illiterate people "

I would pass out definitely just at the imagination . Me marrying a village man , oh god just kill me already.

"He is also enough rich to take care of you next seven lives "

"I don't care if he is rich or not . It's simple that I don't want that village guy.Why can't you understand mom ? Eww I can't even imagine me standing beside him "

"Mihra use words wisely , you are talking about your husband and I can't hear anything bad about him .You have to work on this marriage Mihra "

"Over my dead body ", I screamed on her face which earned a slap from her.

I held my cheek with tears in my eyes . I never imagined she will slap me . I rushed upstairs to my room cursing the bloody Abhiman.

"I hate you Abhiman ..I hate you "

This was the only mantra on my lips while tossing on my bed left and right.I decided to call Sirish and tell him everything.I immediately called him and he picked it up on fifth ring .What the hell was taking him so long ? He should be pick it on first ring.


. 1500 words

I am new here but not new for writing.

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Assalamualaikum doston !

Hola family ! How was the chapter ?

So the first chapter is here .Tell me your views .

Whom do you support mom or daughter ?

What will Mihra do now ?

Need your love peeps !

@authorshazshaik on Instagram.

AllahHafiz 💙💙💙

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