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Fallong for A Demon

Fallong for A Demon



"I'm going to marry you," there was no emotion in David's voice. He did not ask, but simply stated that she was still indebted and that she should be happy. She finally stopped crying. She gave him a ferocious stare. He goes insane if he believes she will allow him to do what he wants. Not to the man who treated her badly. "Never will I marry a demon like you!" she grumbled. She screams at him, filled with rage.But weeks later he drags her to a judge to marry her. She was powerless to intervene. And do nothing when, despite what had happened, she began to fall in love with him.

Chapter 1 1

Chapter One

"Hello there, teacher. You're still lovely in the afternoon." David smiled as he leaned against the door jamb.

Lucy gave him a friendly smile. "Are you lost?" she jokingly asked.

"Martin asked me to pick you up," he said as he sat in the armchair in front of her desk. She couldn't help but laugh because he barely fit in the chair. The armchair appeared to be a stool in comparison to his body size and height.

He is her boyfriend's cousin, as well as a childhood friend. Lucy's brow furrowed. Martin had not informed her of their plans for the day.

"He didn't say anything about us meeting," she explained. She took up her cellphone and examined it, speculating that her boyfriend had texted her.

"It was a surprise, actually," he shrugged. "I shouldn't even tell you he's asked to pick you up. So don't make a fuss because I said that," with a laugh, he said.

She smiled as well. Her fiance enjoys surprising her, so she is unsurprised by what David said. "You really, you're always ruining your cousin's strategy," she jokingly remarked, rolling her eyes at him. "Let's go, and maybe he's already bored."

He simply laughed and rose to take the books she was holding.

They walked to his Land Rover, which was parked across the street from the main building. He even opened the car door for her before taking the wheel.

"Where will you take me?" she inquired as he sat behind the wheel.

"Surprise, remember," he said quickly, making her smile and shaking her head.

She had dozed off during the trip. She sat up straight and looked out the window. Lucy could no longer see any houses as they drove through a cornfield.

She looked at her wristwatch, which read 4:45 p.m. She was taken aback; they only had half an hour to travel? She knows it's far from town because there's no traffic in the province.

"David, where are we?" she inquired. He doesn't respond and drives on with a blank expression. He remained silent and did not respond to her question. "Are we still far away?" she asked again, but he didn't respond, so she decided to remain silent and gaze out the window.

The car turned after about fifteen minutes. She could already make out a hut. They came to a halt in front of it.

"Here we go," he said finally.

"Is Martin already there? Why doesn't anyone seem to be there?" When they got down, she inquired about David. He refused to budge. She, on the other hand, followed him as he walked towards the hut. He pushed open the door and led her inside.

It's dark inside. There was a knock on the side of the door, followed by a 'click' and the lighting turned on all around her.

The hut's interior is clean and lovely. There are furnishings such as a sofa and a bed. There is also an electric fan and a television. Inside, there is also a kitchen and a bathroom.

"'Hey, David, why is Martin not here? Where is he?"

"He isn't here. We're the only ones here, aren't we?" He said it coldly as he walked closer to her.

"W-what exactly do you mean?" She could no longer control her emotions. She had started to feel nervous. "I-I'm going home," she said as she passed him when he grabbed her arm.

"You can't go home!" he exclaims vehemently. His grip on her tightened. His lips were curved in a playful smile that gave her goosebumps.

"I-I'm going home. I-I don't want this kind of joke!" She tried to keep her voice steady. She was terrified by his actions. He didn't seem like the David she knew. He's like someone else. His evil smile terrified her as well.

"I said you couldn't go home!" he yelled angrily at her, then pushed her so hard on the bed that she was startled. She was gripped by fear. She dropped the books she was holding. She was about to slap her shoulder bag on him when he grabbed it and threw it somewhere.

She tried to get up, but she was stopped when he slammed into her. Because of what he did, she was taken aback.

"What are you talking about, David? I'm heading home!" She screamed in terror as she struggled to get away from him, but David was far too powerful for her.

As he violently destroyed her blouse, she took a deep breath. She attempted to cover her nakedness, but he violently yanked her hand away. David pressed her hands against his knees, immobilizing her.

"Let go of me!" she yelled at him, but no one seemed to hear her. When David destroyed her bra, she sobbed. Her breasts are already on display for him.

"Don't! Please, David, have mercy on me and allow me to return home..." she begged.

"You're so lovely, Lucy," he exclaimed, his eyes glistening with desire. She was enraged at him. Her eyes widened as he lowered his head and took up on the crown of her breast.

She cries out to him, struggling. She pushed him hard after freeing her hand. She jumped to her feet and dashed to the door, but before she could take a single step, he was all over her hair. She sat back down on the bed, and before she could get up, she was slapped across the face.

With the force of the slap, she fell onto the bed.

She was dizzy. She also had a bloody taste on her cracked lip. When he landed on her top, she saw him take off his clothes and pants and was only wearing boxer shorts.

He gives her another hard slap after she punches him. She lost the ability to fight as a result of her strength.

She appeared frail. Her tears were inexcusable.

Please, God, help me...

He grabbed her chin with both hands and faced her.

"Lucy, you're mine! I'm the only one who can claim ownership of you!" he declares emphatically.

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