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Rejected and Insecure

Rejected and Insecure



The book tells about a boy whose siblings hold responsible for the unfortunate death of their beloved mother. His father loved him it was no doubt but his brothers were far from that. Despite their wealth and huge mansions, he could only hope it changes for the better. But as years went by he could only shape to their assaults and retaliate in full force. His father having noticed the change of attitude in his son decided against it and preferred to be harsh and negligent but it all was about to end when Fred the eldest of them all stepped into the show. The home was a wreck, a messy oblivion someone had to fix, and fixing it was far from easy, he had to break hearts, cause pain, reject and reunite. On the other hand, Chris who is the main character fights not only for the love of his brothers but for the love of a girl betrothed to his enemy

Chapter 1 How does that echo

The Beginning...

Edited! (I'm editing the book! Ya!)

"Oof," Christy huffed as she sat on the sofa.

"Are you alright?" Daniel popped his head from the mini bar, staring at his pregnant wife.

"Uh, yeah, the baby is getting heavier, do you think it is a girl?" She rubbed her big tummy, deep in thoughts.

Daniel chuckled, "this is the trillionth time you're asking." He walked up to her on the sofa handing her a cup of milk.

"What? I have the right to ask, 'cause all our four kids are boys, maybe this one is a girl." She smiles still staring at her tummy.

"Yeah, yeah, tell you what? Is a boy, and he has brown hair and blue like gray eyes." Daniel said.

"Uh-huh cause you can see through my stomach, I bet the baby looks exactly like me, is not fair all our sons look like you!" She stared into his gray eyes with a pout.

"C'mon babe, is not my fault, my genes are stronger than yours, maybe this time you have a little chance." He smirked, and Christy rolled her eyes.

"Yeah? I'd like to see your face when the baby is just like me, I've already told my baby to look like me and a lot of stuff about you." She narrowed her eyes.

"Like what?" He raised a brow.

"Wanna know? Why don't you ask our baby?"

"Sure!" Daniel leaned closer to his wife's belly and pressed his ear gently against her skin, "tell me, buddy, what did mum say about me? Huh? Oh, I see, no way!" He regained his posture with a frown.

"What did you hear?"

"You really told him that? Aww, that's nice of you, you told him how lovely I am." He grinned.

"Did I?" She looked around innocently with a smile.

"You didn't? Ouch! I'm hurt." He held his chest faking a hurt expression, she rolled her eyes, suddenly wincing at the kick she received.

"Are you alright dear?" Daniel asked with worry clearly sounding in his voice.

"Yeah, this one punches more than all the rest, what a troublemaker we've got here?" Christy smiles down at her belly where her little one rests.

Daniel sighs while grinning, he kisses her on the cheek.

"What's that for?" She asked.

"I guess I just can't resist the urge, your eyes are begging for it, have I told you how I always get lost in the blue ocean of your precious eyes?"

Christy smiled, returning the compliment with a kiss. "I love you so much!"

"I too."

"Seriously this baby is heavy! I hope he is not the huge type." She exclaimed, wrapping her arms around her belly.

Daniel leaned in to whisper to the child, "don't mind her bud she can be mean at times, please come out quickly, I wanna hold you."

Christy rolled her eyes with a sigh, "like he'll listen to you." She shook her head.

"Kids always listen to daddy," he grinned, standing up as he made his way back to the minibar.

"Ow!" Christ mumbled rubbing her stomach. "Please stop kicking." She felt another kick from the child with many other ones coming.

"Ouch! Ow! Ow!"

"Daniel! DANIEL!!" She screamed, shutting her eyes and clenching her jaw.

Daniel dropped the glass he was holding racing to his wife, "breath, honey, breath."

"The baby is coming! He did listen to you!" She yelled, squeezing his hand.

"Okay calm down. Henry!" He called out nervously grabbing his key.

"Sir?" The Butler came running in.

"Take care of the boys! Call dad, do the necessaries-"

"God!!! Daniel! It hurts!" She screamed, digging her nails in his arm.

"Here, lemme help you," he helped her up and they made their way through the stairs to his car.

"I can't hold it anymore! I can't!" Christy screamed.

"Breath, babe breath, please do that for me, we're almost there," Daniel said as he boosted his speed.

Christy breathed out so fast, till she lost it again, "it hurt so much! Argh!"

"What will be the name of our baby?" Daniel blurted out trying to distract her from the pain.

"I don't know!" She yelled, squeezing her eyes shut.

"Try please, I know you can make it to the hospital! Please!"

"Christina if it's a girl, Christopher if it's a boy!" She blurted out.

"What have you budgeted for the baby?"

"I'll spoil him a lot, I'll cuddle and kiss him a lot, he'll be my angel! I'll cherish HIM! Ow!" She pants with sweats running down her body.

"Good honey, we're here!" Daniel carelessly packed his car, before hopping down and running to his wife at the back seat he managed to get her down, and they were quickly attended to.


Daniel spaced in the hall while waiting for his wife to be out, that's what he's been doing for the past three and half hours. He can't bring himself to sit, he's never done that before and he won't do it now, he is an experienced dad with the birth of four boys, but something wasn't right, she had never taken so long in a labor room.

Finally, the door flips opened, the doctor walked out removing his mask, Daniel ran up to him all nervous.

"How is she? How is the baby?" He blurted out.

"Congratulations Mr. Jackson, the baby is a boy in good health, but.." The door trails off looking away.

"But what?" Daniel's breathing hitched.

"Your wife, she had a huge complication, and her womb was weary, she didn't have the strength after giving birth to four boys in good health, we tried all we could but she didn't make it."

The moments the words left the doctor's lips Daniel found himself shedding tears something he hasn't done for years, he was a strong man nothing could make him cry, but the news came like a hurricane breaking all his solid barrels taking away all his happiness, his heartaches, and a burning sensation erupted on his head, he heard the doctor screamed trying to stop him, but he shoves him right away and barges through the door. He ran to the bed where his wife lay lifelessly with a white sheet over her head, he yanked it down.

"Please Christy wake up! The boys are waiting for you! The baby is okay, please don't do this to me! I can't live without you, to hell all my wealth I love you!" He screamed burying his head on her chest, tears streaming down his cheeks, she wouldn't open her blue eyes for him to be lost in them, she wouldn't smile! All he wanted was his wife! Was it too much to ask?

He stayed with her till the nurses pulled him away.

"I want to see my son," he said to the nurse, and she showed him the way to the nursery.

"Here, you can hold him." She lifted the sleeping child out of his crib.

He put his hands out, reaching for the child softly. He didn't stop staring, she was right he was blond just like her, the baby started moving slowly, his tiny hands reaching up to rub his eyes, he flipped them open blinking tiredly. Daniel was once again lost in the blue ocean of the child's eyes, how he wished he could tell her she was right. A tear slipped from his gray eye landing on the baby's face who flinched, he didn't help the smile that crept to his lips. The child was so innocent unlike some fathers, he knew the child had nothing to do with his wife's death, he leaned his face against the child's and closed his eyes cuddling with the baby.

That same day he checked out of the hospital with the baby returning back home, the boys were all asleep, he laid the baby in a beautiful crib. Christy had decorated the room five months back, she was so impatient to see her fifth child she was always talking about him, she had the bright idea to choose the room close to theirs so each time the baby cries she'll be right there humming to him.

The child didn't seem comfortable. His blue eyes were glossy with tears as he cried.

"Shush Christopher," Daniel said in the hope to hush the child, but it was futile, then he recalled the lullaby Christy would sing to hush the boys.

You're my star, my treasure from God. A gentle star, peacefully asleep, shining bright like the sun. Sleep oh little one like a star. Sleep peacefully in your dreams. I'll be there with my lullaby. Sleep, my child. Sleep a future...

By the time he was done singing the baby was asleep, he couldn't help the tears that came flowing, he sank down on the foot of the crib, running a hand through his hair.

"Daddy?" A soft voice came from the doorway.

Daniel quickly snapped his head in the direction of the voice, and there stood his first son who just turned eight.

"Why are you not in bed?" He asked.

"I wanted to see mummy and the baby first, where is mummy? Why are you crying?" He asked gently, hugging his stuffed bear.

"Come here, big boy." Daniel opened his arms wide, the little boy went straight to his daddy's comforting arms.

"Mum is in heaven, In a better place." He whispered.

"Where? My teacher said if your parents say such, that means that the person is dead and they don't want us to know so we won't be hurt. Is m-mummy dead?" His little lips quivered.

"Who said that?!" He frowned, making a mental note to report to the school. Then Daniel hesitated and sigh, the boy was so smart, "yeah mummy is gone, you'll never see her. Again." He buried his face in his palms, sobbing quietly.

"I understand daddy, please don't cry," he hugged his father, allowing his own tears to fall.

"Good boy," Daniel mumbled, hugging his son, "thank you."

"What's the baby's name?"


The boy stood along with his daddy who lifted him, allowing his little legs to wrap around his waist as he stared down at the baby.

"He looks like a mummy," Daniel just nodded in response. "He didn't kill mummy, did he?"

"No! baby no," Daniel mumbled, not taking his eyes off the sleeping child as he spoke. "He's innocent."

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