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Forced To Be Yours!

Forced To Be Yours!

Hayley R


Sean Dell only cares for two things his family and his family's business. The thing he love most in this world is his brothers, not by blood but at heart. He is very domineering, rude and prideful. Why should not he be all of that when he is the most eligible bachelor in the town? But, what people don't know is that he is also the most caring, protective and strong man. Ava Maxwell is a strong, hard working independent women. She is trying hard to regain her place in the world as the world views her only as an orphan. She works hard day and night, so that she can feed her little brother. But that doesn't make her any less respectable. As she respects herself more than anything else. She learned in a very young age that when life throws lemons at you, You, yourself have to make lemonade out of it. She was at the Dell mansion to organize a wedding. But, she ends up becoming the bride herself. What will happen in Sean's and Eva's life? Will they be able to love each other despite their differences? Will they suffer the wrath of this cruel world and still be together? Keep reading to find out more about Sean and Eva's lives and their trials.

Chapter 1 The beginning of the end.


I woke just as my alarm went off. I get ready for the office. And see my brother, my youngest brother ā€“ Ralph still asleep on my bed.

He came to me last night as he wasn't able to sleep. He looked so peaceful. I would do anything to protect him and his peace. My brothers are my life. And I swear to God, those who even wish to hurt them, I'll destroy them with all the zest I possess.

Just then, my grandma. Came into the room. With the slight knock on the door.

"Oh Sean, you are awake," she says with a beautiful smile, of hers.

"Of course, grandma, what else to expect? I have to leave for the office."

"OK, I was just here to wake Ralph up so that he could take me to the graveyard. As I wanted to convey some flowers and some conversations to your grandfather."

"You do remember right today is his birthday."

"Of course, Grandma, I remember and we are throwing a party in regards to that."

"Of course you are. You and your party is. They never seem to end."

"Come on, Ralph wake up." She urges Ralph to wake up, but he is so soundly asleep.

He doesn't even comprehend anything, his just some sleepy mumble is.

"Oh dear god, I want to sleep."

"It's OK, grandma, I'll take you to the graveyard. Don't worry. Just you can just get ready and I'll take you. I'll be at the front gate. Waiting in my car for you. You can come up when ready."

"Sean. You don't have to do that. I know you have to leave for office, you are busy. I ask some server to drop me there."

"No, it's completely fine. I have to visit Grandpa's grave my self."

"OK, then I'll get ready and come up at the front."

I bent down and kissed her cheek and left my room.

I was just replying to some emails in the back of my car just as my grandmother came up.

"Hi Sean, I'm here. Let's go to your Grandfather and greet him up and of course bother him altogether. She smiles ever so sweetly at me.

My grandparents had the best marriage ever. They loved each other more than anything else, and when he passed away, my grandma was so heartbroken.

It only showed me how love can destroy a person. She couldn't help herself, even if she wanted to. I know she misses him dearly even now.

She has some daffodils in her hand. A really huge bouquet of it actually. I know it was my grandpa's favorite flowers. She always does the same thing. Visit him on his birthday and talk to his stone.

She talks about each and everything that occurred in that year about her parents. About us.

I asked my driver, Robert to drive us to the graveyard.

We arrive at the graveyard shortly. And everything is still the same. Just few more graves at the yard.

My grandma walks up to my grandpa's grave and gives the flowers he bought for him.

She stands there and stares at his grave for a few seconds with regards.

And then she starts to report him as usual.

"They are holding a party today. On your behalf. And, I bought some daffodils for you. I know how much you loved them."

"Today, Sean brought me here. Even though, I asked Ralph to do so, he was way too busy asleep. God knows what he has been doing whole night. Owen, and was also quite busy with his sculptures. So, I didn't even bothered imploring him."

"You really should have met your grandsons. You would have been very proud of them. And you would have asked directly for the grandsons instead of your existing sons. That is how good the three of them are."

"Sean, the eldest brother of all. Is just like me caring, protective and respectable. But he has your rudeness and temper too."

"Owen, the middle one, has now became really famous sculptor. He make some of the best art pieces in the world and is really successful in doing so. However, is very emotional, sentimental and sensitive.

"And Ralph, the youngest one, Ralph is just entertaining. He is outgoing, adored, cared for, but, he is a very flamboyant playboy, just like you. He likes to make his way with a lot of girls."

Then, my grandma laughs sadly.

"It is very unfortunate that you will never get to see them. I really wish that you did."

Then she was done talking to him. About all the things she had to say. We returned home.

There was a lot of crew at home from the Event Organization who was organizing my grandpa's sixty fifth birthday.

There was a lot of clatter and direction being barked off. I just glanced at it for the last time. And went straight to my office.

I've finished two very important meetings at the office.

And, I checked my phone only to find two text messages from Tia. We have a good, friends with benefits relationship till now. But she can gets very clingy. But, she is a very popular model and is a good lay in the bed.

'Hey, Sean Baby.'

'Will you show up with me tonight at the party?'

We're her two text messages.

I roll my eyes at the 'baby' she put in there. It is bizarre.

'Of course.' I text her back. It will be good if I take her with me at the party. Every mother in law in the town would be disinterested in me, hopefully.

I dispersed my self in to work again as I have some very important plans for further of the day.


At, the party....

Every one in attendance came up to meet me. To rub their selves on me. I really do not understand what they expect of me? Do they think if they get in my good graces by licking me souls I'll hand them my property? I seriously have problems understanding them.

This is the twenty seventh person who came up to me and buttered me up on how I am the most powerful people in the city.

What they do not understand is that Money brings power. And, Hard work brings you Money. It is all connected to hard work.

I am also going to lose my cool on Tia. She is constantly informing everyone how good we are together. I mean who does that? Get some respect women.

I made a huge mistake bringing her over here.

"Excuse me, Tia. I'll just go to meet Owen." I told her with dismissal in my voice.

Oh, thank God. I am so much relieved.

I head my way over to Owen and Ralph. They chatting easily with each other.

I join them. "Hey, what's up. Big Bro."

"Don't ask, I am suffering every step of the minute."

The both of them just laughed at my misery. Just then my Uncle came into view, Owen and Ralph's father.

"Here you are Owen, I have been searching for you since the very beginning of the party. Come let us meet Mr. Reed. He is wanting to meet you. And, Sean stop distracting my son from our business." He says very harshly.

"Stop scolding him Mr. Dell. He is not the distracting me. And, I don't want to meet any Mr. Reed." Owen replied bitterly.

He does not even calls his father Dad. He despises him because of his past. I really hope they get past it one day.

Uncle glares at Owen but, then goes away.

The three of decide to meet our mothers together. We first go to my Aunty, Owen and Ralph's mother. She is looking very beautiful in her golden ball gown.

"Hello, there." I drawl to her.

"Hey, Sean. Hey, you two as well."

"Hey, mom. How have you been?" the both drawl as well.

"Just going through it," she says with a sad smile.

"You look extremely beautiful, aunty." I compliment her.

"Thank you, dear. You cleaned up pretty well your self." She says sweetly. She is an incredible woman. She is so strong, she has to be, for her sons. For this family.

After all her husband cheated on her and she is still with him and this family. I respect her for that.

After meeting her we went towards my mother. She is talking with some of her friends so we wait patiently for her to finish with them.

We smile as hear my mother boasting about our family business. She is a bit pretentious, but none the less she is an amazing mother.

My father came looking for my mother and joined him we all greeted them.

"Hello Papa. Hello mum. How is the party going?" I ask them curtly.

"Just perfect dear." My mom says with a bashful smile.

Well, I feel satisfied to hear that.

"How are you boys doing?" My father asks?

"We are good, Uncle." Owen and Ralph replied.

Then we went out on to take breath and talk and smoke on the terrace.

We had to discuss this overly ostentatious party as Owen will call it.

"So, what have you been up to? Still bouncing on that model chick, are you brother?" Ralph asks me with a toothy smile.

"What is your age again?" I asked him while rolling my eyes.

Both of them just laughed at that.

Suddenly we all hear screaming and shouting from the hall.

We rushed back into the hall. Only to see a man set completely on flame.

The security rushed with fire extinguishers. And so did I.

Owen and Ralph pulled me back.

But I pushed them away and ran towards that man with a fire extinguisher.

After some time the fire went off. But it was however, too late. As the man was completely burned. And as I was afraid might as well be dead.

There were hushed whispers all over the hall. And, all I was able to do then was see a life less man completely burnt in front of me.

I need to get it to get her so that I can save my family's name from getting banished.

This wasn't suppose to happen.

We tried our best to settle the matter. I handled everything. Not a single soul will dare talking about the incident that occurred today. It was unfortunate but, nothing that a little money can't buy.

"What were you thinking? You'll never ever risk your life again! Do you hear me, Sean. You didn't even thought about me. How would have I stayed alive if something were to happen to you?" My mother growled at me with utmost anger.

"Its okay, mum. I am fine." I say her back.

"You are fine? You are saying that a burnt hand is fine?" I thought you were more careful than that, Sean. How could you do this to me?"

"I will be fine mum. I just need to rest a little bit. Please, may I have some withdrawal from all of this shit. I am already magnificently tired."

I do need to rest. My hand first like a mother fucker but, I can not say that in front of my family. Everyone is very bothered as it is. So, I just need some time alone. I want to sleep. After the shittiest day of my life, don not I deserve some rest or what?

My grandma looks at me with concern clouding her eyes she also has dried year's on her cheeks. "We will leave you alone, but please take care of your self my boy."

"I will, grandma," I grunt trying not to show my pain a lot.

Next, my dad came up to check up on me.

"He was a worker in our company. We are still trying to find why he did that. Why he tried to commit suicide."

"Okay, dad. But, I already know that. I talked to the police department as well. We will get through this. Do not worry about it."

After that, Uncle showed up.

"The way you handled everything, was really good, son."

Owen and Ralph looked at me shocked to the bone.

That is when I notice they are standing there as well. I did not notice it before, I need to sleep. I can not talk a word anymore.

However, since it was my Uncle. And, for the first time in my life he was praising me I replied, "Thank you, Uncle. I only did what was necessary."

Then, both my father and uncle left my room.

Only the three of us were here now.

Owen looked at me expectantly with questions in his eyes.

I looked back at him with same expression.

Finally he spoke something. Which didn't sit well with me. Considering I just saved a family from ruining.

"A man just died in our house by committing suicide. And not a single person will say anything about it. Why is that, Sean? Why do you have to be so ruthless to be a businessman? Why can't we think that a person just lost his life? that person might have a family of his own. Which would be missing his existence from now on. This is totally unacceptable and I didn't expect you to degrade so much. Just in the name of business. I have always looked up to you. But this is something I might despise you for."

"Do you think I don't realize that a person died in a house? But remember it wasn't mine or anyone else's fault. That person committed suicide and it was completely his fault and we don't even know why he did that. Maybe some rival company paid him to do so, and he did. So don't you dare frat about it to me when I'm in pain. This is the time where I expect my brothers to be at my side but I guess I'm expecting way too much." I say to him my lip thinning in a flat line.

And just when I though that I'll be pissed off at my brothers, with my brothers, Ralph came up to my bed and hugged me.

" I'm sorry brother. I'm sorry from both Owen and myself. I know you're only doing what is best for this family and I realized that you saved all of us alone today. You even tried to save that man, and in the process you didn't care if you burned your hand or your whole body. Sam, sorry for anything that hurt you. And, we will probably leave your room and let you rest." He says with Genuine concern, losing his voice. All my anger, my tiredness disappeared into a mist when I heard his innocent and pure voice.

I truly love my brothers more than any thing in life.

I looked at him and Owen and then smiled. And then I told them.

"We are a team remember. We'll always be together. Always and forever. It is a promise we live by and will never dissipate it."

Owen looked at me with guilt leasing his face. His expression look incredibly remorseful then he came next to Ralph and I and then hugged both of us together. And then he apologized to me.

"I'm so sorry Sean, I shouldn't have said what I did. It was so wrong of me. I know what you did was the best for this family. But I'm concerned about that man's family as well. What will happen to them now? How will we ever compensate his life to his family? His wife lost her husband. His children lost their father. Think about it like that. How will they survive?"

"Don't you worry about it oven. I'll handle everything. I will handle his family, his kids, I'll look after them. I will provide them anything that they will need. So you don't have to worry about it, OK?"

"Goodnight, brother. Will not disturb you anymore and let you get some rest. As we know. You will get ready for office by the Sun comes up." He says with the smirk on his face, but completely at ease now.

"Good night, Sean," Says Ralph with a smile on his face.

With that bid adieu, they left my room without a single word.

And here I am laying on my bed, just me and my thoughts. My hand is hurting and, I'm not able to fall asleep as well as my mind is clouded with thousands of thoughts.

Is. It's true? The things Owen and said that I'm ruthless. I don't care about lives of people. However, should I be like this? No I shouldn't.

But I'm sure there has to be an explanation for everything that went down. And I won't stop until I know what it is.

I even left Tia alone tonight. I don't know how she went home. And I don't even care to be honest. She is just a convenience nothing more. And she knows it.

She has to understand that this thing between us is purely pleasure and means nothing more to me. And I don't or wouldn't explain anything to her.

I know she'll keep her mouth shut about this incident. As she's a smart woman, for herself at least. Not like a 'smart' smart woman. But she is very selfish and she knows when to keep her mouth shut.

I shut down my eyes. An, a beautiful Girl. That has the most bloodiest mouth I've ever watched. Looked at me and smiled that devilish smile towards me. And, the thought warmed my whole body.

She was something else but she was an inconvenience. I had seen her just once. And she completely shut me up.

And no one has ever been able to do so. Because I am Sean Dell and no one. I mean no one disrespects me. Or even dare to speak loudly in front of me. But she did.

I tried not to think about her much and tried falling asleep.

Until I was again swept under the sleep . With a dream, Of that beautiful girl.

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Forced To Be Yours!

Chapter 1 The beginning of the end.



Chapter 2 All the Roads Ends Here



Chapter 3 Is it Ending Already



Chapter 4 Going Down The Hill.



Chapter 5 What Now



Chapter 6 An Accident Again!



Chapter 7 Enemies to Sort of Friends.



Chapter 8 Date or A Friendly Dinner



Chapter 9 Loneliness is Painful.



Chapter 10 Friends Forever!!



Chapter 11 Will Ava Accept The Proposal



Chapter 12 Not A Typical Proposal!!



Chapter 13 Angry At Him, For What



Chapter 14 Sean Is Guilty!!!



Chapter 15 Is This Truly A Goodbye



Chapter 16 So Much Trouble!!



Chapter 17 Who Will Get Ava Out Of Trouble



Chapter 18 He Is The Answer To All of Ava's Problems!



Chapter 19 Ava Said YES!!!!



Chapter 20 Discussing The Marriage Contract.



Chapter 21 Ava In Sean's Office!!!



Chapter 22 Fake Marriage Deal!!



Chapter 23 What Marriage Is Tomorrow



Chapter 24 Bride To Be



Chapter 25 Goodbye Brother!



Chapter 26 A New Life, A New Journey.



Chapter 27 The Painful Journey.



Chapter 28 The Beauty Of Nature.



Chapter 29 Heaven On Earth.



Chapter 30 Breakfast Date or A Business Meeting



Chapter 31 Engaged



Chapter 32 The wedding



Chapter 33 First Marriage Kiss



Chapter 34 Angry Family.



Chapter 35 Wedding Promises.



Chapter 36 Aftermath of an unwanted wedding.



Chapter 37 Wedding Night.



Chapter 38 The next day after getting married.



Chapter 39 Breakfast With Owen.



Chapter 40 Owen Dell, Sean's Brother!
