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Zack and Sophia are like cat and mouse, they just can't stand each. Eventually, they fell in love but kept pretending. Sophia admirer Zack, turns out to be a famous billionaire, whose got a female bestie Angelina and Simon, his male best friend. Sophia so full of troubles and causes some for herself; goes homeless and to her rescue came Zack. The fact is, Zack always shows up at the right time, could this be destiny or he's stalking on her? Who's gonna fall first and what's the story like? Why is Sophia's life a mess and how did she get to meet the young billionaire Zack?



Oh no, it's morning already! I still feel so sleepy and a slight headache.... Peeping through my half closed eyes, I notice the rays of sunlight brightened the room even while the curtains are closed.

Damn it!

This alarm is just too loud and my ears hurt with the sound. But something doesn't seem right; I remember, i did set my alarm and it doesn't sound this loud.

What the heck was that?

I force my eyes open as soon as I heard a hand on the alarm.

Looking at all the unfamiliar arrangements and furnitures. 'How did I get here?' I ask almost in a whisper, before hearing a yawn from the other end of the bed.

I focus my gaze on the male figure, while struggling to clear my eyes from sleep. Everything is flooding back, I now remember. I drank too much last night; but why on earth in a stranger's bed for crying out loud. "Good morning, sunshine!" The young dude moves closer with a smile and trys to place his hand on my naked tommy...... I raised the blanket up!

Fuck, am naked! Oh no, this is bad!

I jump out of bed, this can't be true! We made love last night, because I see our clothes scattered on the floor. Without hesitating, I drag the blanket to cover myself and rush for my clothes.

"Please, don't leave like this! Let's talk about it! Am sorry, okay? We were smashed and things got out of control." He says, putting on his pant.

Is he serious?..... Argh!

The young dude is average, looks young, maybe in his mid twenties. He's got a nice body, shinny black eyes and pink lips, of which I consider normal. He have an innocent look but am not gonna fall for that. He also have a funny looking ears! Am just so irate, that am scared of what will occur of am to stay longer. Who knows, I might just plant a punch and break his nose.

He's on his bed, staring like a helpless child; not enable to say anything. I'd better hurry out as fast as possible, before I explode.

After some minutes of arkward silence while I dress, he walks up to me, "See bae, I love you already, can you be my girlfriend?" Placing his left hand on my bonny shoulder. My forehead skin fold in lines as I furrow my brows.

Now, his crossed it!

'What? You must be insane! What do you really take me for? You should count yourself lucky, I didn't call the police for sexual harassment.' I strike his hand off my shoulder and gather my belongings into my fancy rabbit bag.

'Where is the lav?' I ask and he points to the right door, just opposite where we stood.

Washing my face with the cold water running from the tap, I feel heavy. Looking at the mirror above the sink, 'I look pale!' I mumble. Now remembering am at the idiot's house, with anger, I work out of the toilet, collect my phone from his drawer, where he kept his too! Without a word, I head for the door.

"Wait! Let me drop you off in a better environment, so you'd find your way back home!" He trys to stand up, looking for his car keys, I guess.

A brilliant idea but I need no assistance from him, 'fuck you, plonker!' I walk out and slam the door shut.

So irresponsible! He made me feel cheap, gosh, I don't even get his name.... Whatever, fuck him! Well, frankly, I did and it irritates me so much.

Going home with no cash is just so impossible. Walking down to the road side, after walking pass some group of club girls romancing their clients in front of the hotel. Waving an upcoming taxi, and jezzz, his price is high.

God dammit!

I will now have to trek down to the nearest bus station around, I just pray I don't faint, my tommy is grumping already.


"Charlotte, open up quick, my legs hurt alot!" Someone is banging the door and the voice sounds like that of Sophia. She didn't call to tell me she's coming over!

Opening the door wide enough, Sophia runs to a sofa with her hands covering her sobbing face.

She's crying!

Am confuse and seriously don't know what to do now. Should I ask or let her talk first..... Oh my, what do I do? What might be the problem?

I have to move, I can't watch her cry like that without doing anything, 'Sweetie, what is the problem, you know I got your back anytime?'. I sit close to her and hug her from behind; I pray it helps her feel relax, like that of Olaf hugs in the famous Disney animation, 'Frozen'... 'Is your dad okay?' Now trying to remove her palms off her face.

Finally, she rises her head up! "Dad's okay!" She says with a pathetic sigh.

I walk to the kitchen, get a glass of water and fill it with chilled water from the fridge. Through the open doors, that leads to the sitting room; I see Sophia, staring at the novel I was reading earlier. She must have guessed the content, because I see a smile on her face.

Handling the glass of water, "thank you!" She says, like a baby, avoiding eyes contact tho! Her eyes look red and puffy.... "Please, can I make use of your bathroom?" Sophia says after drinking half of the water.

'Sure! And you owe me some explanations for this drama.' I peck her forehead and she force a smile.

* * *

I furrow my brows, 'what? And withou...? That's not good at all; you've got to run a test.' I exclaim, with anger streaming in.

I still can't believe, asking to date someone you barely know anything about, just because you took advantage. Mtchew! I wish I got to see him, I swear, I'd bury my fist in his face..... I know Sophia wanted to party and get drunk bur I never thought it'd be that bad. I had something to do, that's why I didn't follow.


"The dude looks young and handsome. But due to what he did, I cared less, let alone ask questions.... I was trekking down to a bus station, I got directed to. Well, when I saw some familiar places, then I knew, I've trekked a long way to your street." I hear the shower go on.

'Yeah, truly there is a bus station not distance from here!' Lying down on my bed, with my hands spread out. I know how frustrating it can be for Sophia and I don't wish to be in her shoe.

Sophia opens the door; with my second pink towel wrap around her chest, and her wet hair, dripping water, like a tap that isn't properly offed.... The towel exposes from her thighs, down! Showing off her sexy hips and legs. Even with all her suffers, her shape 8 isn't affected and her skin, spotless!.... I don't think a guy can resist, except he's made uo of brick. Her sparkly blue eyes are just so seducing, her blushi-pink lips and her dimples; she's just so beautiful but life is being unfair to her.

"Hey, you've got food in your kitchen? Am starving!" Sophia yawns and sits close to me on the bed.

'Let me check it out!' I rush to the kitchen, pour in some cereal into a bowl and add milk. 'I've got cereal here, do you mind if I add sugar too?' I ask, standing at the door of the kitchen entrance.

"Oh please, no sugar! Enough milk will do!" Sophia replies huskily.

Carrying the bowl and made my way to the sitted Sophia's sitted on a wooden stool, all dressed up in one of my cloth; drying her hair with the towel she wrapped earlier, 'here!'.

She raises her eyes to meet mine, "thank you so much! And hey, I took your clothes." She chuckles and grin

'It's okay!' Sitting on the bed again and watch her rush the cereal, 'I ran out of food stuffs and the fastest I can prepare.' I say but she's paying less attention, because she's eating like a greedy squirrel with nuts.

Deep down, I wish I can be more help to Sophia. Irrespective of what she's going through, the pains and stress; she's feeling hurt but still smiles and act like everything is all cool.... I love her strong will and respect her for that, she just deserves a better life.


Charlotte just entered the kitchen to get me a glass of water, I stared around and notice she was reading a novel, titled, 'Shadow of Night'. Am not surprise because she just loves reading romance stories, but doesn't have a romantic life... She keeps saying, "single life is the best." Crazy girl, I just keep wondering who broke her heart!

Charlotte is a tall natty girl, well, maybe not too tall. She's well mannered and have a nice skinny body. Her shoulder length brown curvy hair, pink lips and full dark eye brows; drives men crazy but no man drives her crazy!

Charlotte, only believes in fairytale dudes! To top it, she's a die hard fan of the Korea movies and her favorite is 'Moon lovers; scarlet hearts'. I'd remember watching it with her! And her favorite Korea character is Lin Min Hoo!

She's just too fairy! Lol...

Well, Charlotte is more like an elder sister than a friend. She's just too caring!

As I eat the cereal, she broke the silence, "so did you get the job you applied for?" Rising her left brow, expecting a positive response I believe.

'I didnt!' I reply and swallow the last mouthful of the cereal, before I continue, 'they need three cleaners at the company and some persons had applied long before I did.' My voice was shaky..... Tears are forming up!

Charlotte walks up to me and rises my face so our eyes could meet. "Dear, it's okay! You will for sure get another." She gives me a sympathetic grin and pecks my forehead.... Looking into her eyes, tells she isn't happy too.

'Okay, okay, am sleepy!' I yawn; drop down the bowl on a stool and strench myself on the bed. 'Talk to you later! Now, I've got to rest my body. And my headaches badly too! Today have got to be marked somewhere as the worst day of my life.'

"Shut up and sleep!" Charlotte smirks but I know my words got to her.

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