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The Alpha Luna

The Alpha Luna

YOung Chuks


Extract from the story. "Mom I can't be the Luna of that wicked Alpha"Melissa complained. "You have to.it is part of our tradition Melissa,and you need to serve him anything he wants.you would belong to him forever and you can't run away if you have a plan for doing so."Her mom. "Curse the tradition Mom,curse it.which sort of tradition is this,when someone is forced to be the Luna of a wicked Alpha."Melissa yelled. "No matter how much complaint you make Melissa you would still be the Luna of the Alpha and that's it"Her mom concluded and left her confused. "How can I be the Luna of a wicked Alpha?,when some of my mate are out there having better life but I'm stuck with parents who now wants to make me a Luna of a wicked Alpha.it is a cruel tradition."She thought to herself. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Synopsis What happens when a young human werewolf is forced to be the Luna of an Alpha?. Things might get complicated right?. Well,get ready for this journey. And follow it till the end.

Chapter 1 Meditation, Nightmares

Alpha Ramon,the most dangerous alpha in the pack sat on his specially made couch and began to take a look at the pack.he was the most feared and most wild Alpha.

He controls the other werewolves and made sure they did whatever he wanted and if they dare not to do so,they would get into the werewolves jail and would be there two or three months.

That was how wicked he is. There is something about him that makes him unique from and that's his Power.

His Power is said to be the greatest in mankind..his power can create another werewolf and turn it into his servant.

And that is one of the reasons why other werewolves feared him.

"How dare you disobey my order?He asked with his deep voice which echoes through the park.

"I'm sorry Alpha Ramon,I did it for the safety of everyone"The werewolf apologize.

"I didn't tell you to defend or save me,I told you to make sure the boundaries between us and the zombies are close..so what is the safety in it"Alpha Ramon yelled.

"I'm gonna spare you today but if you fail to obey my orders next time, just know that you won't be able to feel your Bones again."He warned.

The werewolf whom he was yelling at left immediately back to the park and continue to work with the others.

Despite the fact he took them as slaves,he still some of them he took as his army.Not to defend him but to defend the park and make sure Zombies does not enter.

Zombies,are set of people who sucks and eat people's brain.They have been enemies for thousands of years and haven't settle it.

The werewolves has been planning on how to kill them, anytime they come to attack them.

Alpha Ramon went back into his main domain and stayed there for a while.he was doing his normal meditation..he crossed his legs and placed his hand on his legs.

He does it whenever he has a nightmare.


"No...."Melissa shouted as she woke up from bed..

Her parents rushed into her room to know what way happening to her.

"What's wrong?"Her dad asked but she was still panting heavily that she couldn't reply.

"I had a nightmare,a strange nightmare"She said taking a deep breath.

"What happened in the nightmare?"Her mother asked with the enthusiasm of knowing what happened to her in the nightmare.

"I saw two beast,one was a werewolves while one was a vampire..they were chasing me..one was after my brain and the other was after flesh"She replied.

"Gosh, when did you began to have the nightmare?"Her dad asked her and she began to itch her hair trying to remember when are started having the dream.

"It was the day mom told me that I would be the Luna of the greatest Alpha in the park"She blurted out.

"Does that seems to be the reason why you are having the nightmare?"Her dad asked.

"I don't know if it's the reason why I'm having the nightmare"Melissa replied.

"Do you know what Melissa?,just forget about the nightmare.. it's nothing to worry about,as time goes on it would stop"Her mother chipped in.

"Mom,I can't just forget about the dream..It is a serious situation that you and dad needs to be concerned about,if theirs nightmare continues..I don't know what might happen to me"Melissa said.

"Let's go darling,the nightmare us nothing to worry about..she would just get over it"Her mother said holding her dad's hand.

Melissa's mother gave Melissa a wink and left her room.she didn't know why she gave a wink,but instead of thinking about the wink.. she shrugged it off her mind then began to think about the nightmare.

The nightmare was not something she had everytime,but ever since her mother told get about her been the luna of the most feared Alpha in the park,the nightmare began.

She doesn't have a bestie or friends which she could ask what the nightmare means and that's because of her parents..

They never allowed her to have a friend or a bestie, instead they would lock her up at home or she would just go to school then come back home immediately.

That was her normal routine..and everytime she complains about it,they would always tell her "they were doing it for her good"but she always wondered why they keep telling her the same thing.

Sometime,she would cover her face on her pillow, shedding tears and at the same time regretting that she was never born as a werewolf.

Yeah,she is a werewolf and that's the reason why she is been forced by her parents to be the Luna of an Alpha,not an ordinary Alpha but a Dangerous Alpha.

Melissa was already preparing for school,she didn't wanna go late because of the tests and practicals they were having.

And also the preparation of their prom and burn-fire night.

It was a tradition I her high school to always have prom and burn-fire night every year.

She has never been a prom queen ever since she joined the school,but she was praying and hoping to be the winner thks year.

Many Girls are desperate and dying to be the queen but not only a queen,but the queen of the most Charming and hottest guy in their school whom was Dave Madison.

Melissa continue to prepare for school, bathing, wearing her clothes, brushing her hair, adding little make-up and placing her bag on her shoulder..was her normal routine.

She prayed silently, hoping she was gonna have a good day at school..

Everyday are bad luck for her, because no one likes her and anytime she tries looking for a friend..she never gets any.

She walked out of her room and climbed the stairs leading to the sitting room.

Her parents were having dinner but she didn't bother to join them, Instead she walked out of the house.she was still annoyed on what her mother said earlier.

She had a car which she drives to school everyday.. since it was a rich high school,if you don't have a car that means you are actually from a poor family. Most people who doesn't have a car had been embarrassed by the school bullies and since she didn't want to get embarrassed or humiliated,her parents bought her a car.

She got into her car,then turned on the ignition.

She sighed deeply then began to drive out of the house.

There weren't any gate she would have to open,so she drove out with ease.

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