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What the Moon Brings

What the Moon Brings

Sith Lordess


An accidental meeting turns into a life changing event. When Tanisha learns the truth of her life will she stay or will she run away. She knows of werewolves..but fae, vampires and more.. what else doesn't she know about?

Chapter 1 First meeting

Chapter 1

I looked back. They were still chasing me. I kept running, my heart beating in my chest. I could hear their footsteps catching up with me. What the hell?! I literally stepped out of my favorite book store and right into trouble.

I kept running, ignoring my wolf begging me to let her out so she could handle it. Too many humans , too risky. She understood, but she also wanted to save us from whatever these guys wanted. They didn't smell lycan although I wasn't going to take the time to be absolutely sure. I turned into an ally .......and a dead in. Flight not fight it is then. I started mentally preparing myself, overlooking the fact that I no longer heard footsteps

I stared at the edge of the alley expecting one of the three at any moment, but a single guy is who appeared. He didn't have the scent of any of my would be attackers nor did he look like he wanted to fight. "Are you ok? I'm not going to hurt you. I saw your uh, problem and they won't be after you for a bit.If ever" He was gorgeous I don;t believe in love at first sight but maybe second or third. I'm not sure. Let me look again

He was coming closer with his hands out. "Lycan!" My wolf exclaimed. Like us. Friend, Unmated. Introduce us hurry" You'd think I'd never met a guy before. Calm Taryn. I've got this. I raised my hands to allow him to scent me as well. "Thank you. I'm Tanisha. I don't know you. Rogue?Passer?Lost one?"

He smiled. "Lost one would probably be the closest to correct. I'm Jaren. Nice to meet you. You from the Firnwinds pack?" I noticed his smile was genuine and he didn't look the last bit sad or embarrassed about his status "Why were those guys chasing you. They weren't human but not lycan either."

I answered him, considering this new information" I don't know who they were or where they came from. I left Bits and Books and they called my name when I stepped out and my wolf said danger so I ran." Not lycan. I had never encountered any beings other than humans or lycans so I had no idea what I was dealing with here but hopefully the pack could help. Being the betas daughter had to be good for something other than being spied on all the time.

He nodded. "And your pack?"

"You're dead on. Firnwinds" I confirmed

"I was headed there myself. Seeking haven. How do you think my chances are?"

I mulled it over. "Well. Saving the betas daughter will get you some points. How long had your parents been rogues? Have you ever been in a pack...do you even really want to be in a pock?" For some reason I was hoping he would say yes. I wanted him to join our pack. We were a small but tight knit group and with proper training he would fit perfectly. Besides...he was really handsome and new. Most of the guys in our pack were like brothers to me.

I boldly grabbed his hand. "Lets go"

While we walked, he told me about himself. Son of rogues. Last time he could even remember being around a pack , he was 3. Both parents now deceased, of course, otherwise he wouldn't be considered a lost one. He didn't know his pack of origin, so he couldn't appeal to them. He was lonely. It has been almost 6 months he had been on his own and he didn't like it at all. By the time he had finished, we were at the entrance to the compound. The huge trees obscured most of the homes from view but being so close he could see a few and I'm sure he saw the barn and the pond. I am very proud of our land. Good for running. Great for relaxing

"I turned to him with a huge smile."Welcome to Firnwinds"

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