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Kinnat marnie writes


Being a girl who once knew love,who once had a family,who once live richly with a blessed parent. Sophie Kim is just a young teen who lost her parent at a young age leaving her to struggle to meet end meet. Her father died in a terrible accident which left her and her mum in sorrow and pain. They lost their richness,money and property into the loaners hand. Her dad is a debtor. Broken by this.Her mum who was a singer and also kept her singer only into her life.She sang for her husband only. But since he died and to live was unbearable.Her mum started singing on the street. One day her mum died and she was taken in my Ryan mum the billionaire wife. She felt her life will be in mysery not knowing she was going into the hand of people who will cherish her. She was happy not until Ryan the billonaire son started dissing her and always finding fault in whatever she does. In the long run they both fell in love and their life changed when Ryan father died and his girlfriend ditched him for another guy. What will happen when She fell in love with the billionaire son that got ditched by his girlfriend? WILL SOPHIE BE ABLE TO CURE HIS HEART? Find out!🩸🩸🩸🩸

Chapter 1 PROLOGUE


Mum bought in a new girl dressed in a casual dress and she was wearing a hoodie cap with a hoodie dress into the house.

I cared less about her.

Mum faced me smiling at me.

I hold my girlfriend hand squeezing it lovingly.

"Who's she?" I asked mum who was still smiling.

The girl hung her head low.

"She is Sophie our new maid.She's just a kid and I hope you'll like her"Mum said flashing me her usual smile.

Like her?What's she insinuating?

"Mum A maid?But I don't think we need one"I frowned.

"Yes that's true mum she should leave"My girlfriend chipped in.

"I understand you two but right now we need her"Mum insisted.

"That means she's staying with us right?"

"Yes so see her face"Mum smiled.

"No need mum,it's alright,One thing...She need a mask because I can't tolerate seeing her face"I smirked.

"I don't get you"Mum squinted.

"Mum just a mask for her"I snorted and walked out with my girlfriend.

Sophie Kim

After being addressed to Ryan the so called bilionaire son whom reacted rudely to me now I knew my life might be a deep mess.

I didn't even glimpse at him since I hung my head low.

He is my role model...I'm a fan of him too when we are still very rich but right now life sulks.

I'm so happy Mrs Lee took me here after founding me on the street mourning mum death.

I so much love mum.Should I tell them about my talent of singing?Eww no!Not when Ryan himself cared less about me.

Now she wanna buy me a mask??


"Sophie"Mrs Lee called and I nodded. "just follow me"She said and I saunter behind her.

"This is your room,i'll explain more about this mansion to you"She smiled.

Who else can think that I can even started living with this rich,famous people.

I opened the door and I let out a gasp.It was a big nice room with no many furniture's.

"We didnt put more funitures here before but now that you're here,we'll have It fixed"she muttered as if she was reading my mind.

She walked out and I polp on the soft bed.

The rest of the day I had a nice rest.


The next day meeting with Mr Lee himself was quite nice.I thought he's gonna hate me not until he flashed me a smile."I like her already,well you are welcome hers little cutie,I hope you do as we says and you're good"He muttered.

"Sure sir"I bowed.

So about the mask for issue... Haven't gotten one yet.

Later after Mr Lee traveled out Mrs Lee got me a mask which was pretty but I fucking hate it.

Why must I bored my face behind mask??

What is Ryan reason?.


Few days later ruby came into the house trying her possible best to frustrate me and get me out of the house.

Ryan also warned me sternly not to cook his food.

I guess he is a spoilt brat and being the only son too.His mother never reject what ever he wishes for and it's getting on my nerve.

"If you love yourself in this house and if you want to stay here,try your possible best not to show your damn face,I don't even care if you are ugly or not,I don't wanna see it too as far as much as I am with Ryan too.Dirty girl's like you are gold diggers wanting the best.Ryan is mine!"She scrawl and walked out in anger.

I nibbled my lips and started crying.I was once rich too!!

So for me not to take her cute boyfriend I was told to wore mask!!!

Few weeks later I was admitted to a pretty nice government school.That was kinda my idea.I want to go to government school.I want no to h problem.

Staying in the house and maintaining my lane is what I did.

I even wore the mask in the house except for school and my own privacy.

Meeting a new friend after losing contact with my former friend's who look up to me.

Her name is Eunice and being the kind of crazy fan girl she is,I loved her like that.

She commented about my beauty,my long hair and so on.

Soon after I started boring my life,my time into books more to be the kind of girl The Lee's Family gonna be proud of.

I was Excelling in my studies,Teachers at school loved me.

Student started calling me study bug and so on but I cared less.

Soon after I started feeling like I had a thing for Ryan maybe because he dissed me I don't know.

But fuck it's dangerous.

Now A year passed already and this is My new beggining of a Grade six girl too.

Staying with them is quite nice too..Mr Lee always traveling around.

Synopsis :

Being a girl who once knew love,who once had a family,who once live richly with a blessed parent.

Sophie Kim is just a young teen who lost her parent at a young age leaving her to struggle to meet end meet.

Her father died in a terrible accident which left her and her mum in sorrow and pain.

They lost their richness,money and property into the loaners hand.

Her dad is a debtor.

Broken by this.Her mum who was a singer and also kept her singer only into her life.She sang for her husband only.

But since he died and to live was unbearable.Her mum started singing on the street.

One day her mum died and she was taken in my Ryan mum the billionaire wife.

She felt her life will be in mysery not knowing she was going into the hand of people who will cherish her.

She was happy not until Ryan the billonaire son started dissing her and always finding fault in whatever she does.

In the long run they both fell in love and their life changed when Ryan father died and his girlfriend ditched him for another guy.

What will happen when She fell in love with the billionaire son that got ditched by his girlfriend?


Find out!

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Other books by Kinnat marnie writes

A kiss at first

A kiss at first



Lovies!! How will you feel when the only one who can make you stop crying is the one who made you cry? And when you realized he made your heart ache? How many times can your heart break until there no more pieces to break? Bullied by many Already because of her poor family Background,mostly no one wants her there,yet shin woo was captured by her beauty,he acted like the black knight and saved her. Of course she'll be blushing and her heart will be soften by his's.She fell in love but was broken. Broken by the one she loved,Angel Billy is a young Teen of Eighteen (19) Though she look's young,And like every other girl she dreamed of attending the prestigious university.A school to achieve her goals and talent. What will happen when Angel got admitted into the school and uses less than a month in the school to fall in love with a play guy shinwoo who like's to make out with any girl? Shinwoo is a playboy who likes to lay with any beautiful lady,well he took his tricky way into Angel life. Angel was a beautiful girl and she is single,has no experience of love yet she decided to try her luck only to get hurt and heartbroken by the play guy. She was so lost and sad not until she met with the new handsome guy of their school cherry curtis. Cherry Curtis is always known for his cuteness,richnesss and for his Parents richness. He is cute,he is gentle and nice,he always try to smile not like he wished to be Sad but mearly his father never understood him. He believed everything is all about money,money and money. He never cares about his happiness,all about money. What will happen when he got admitted into this talent high against his dad wish? Will his goal be achieved? What happened when a kiss at first is requested?He was attracted by her and he kissed her well that was a mistake. What happens when cherry curtis falls for angel and angel hates relationships due to her experience? Angel common words is “How can I love again when I can’t stop loving the one that hurt me so much?” Will she give in? What happened when she fall in love with him and Cherry parents rejected her? Why?because of her poor background! What will Happen when Shinwoo felt treathened about this and he want his angel back at all cost? Will he succeed?Or not? Angel who still love him,will she blinded by this and ignore her happiness? You can only find out in this story This story is about a secret romance novel ,about love ,music, revenge,hatred.

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