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Rain and Tears.

Rain and Tears.

Ash_th 1921


I looked at him terrified, "W-What are yo-you d-doing?" I stuttered, he smirked and unfastened his belt, "What they do with a whore like you." Isabella Whites, a beautiful daughter of successful businessman Jason Whites. She was naive and kind girl not a brat like other billionaire's daughters. In her twenty-four years old life was longing for her father's love. She looked up him with hope in her eyes that one day he will look at her and smile like he did twenty years ago, but it never came. When one day her dad call her in his office for a talk. She was happy that finally god listened to her and gave her father's love back. But when she entered in the office, she came to know that her father had arranged the marriage to a businessman, Alexander Knights, who don't even know what is love. He never cared about anyone but himself. I thought my father forgave my mistake and again accepted me as his daughter. But I was wrong, he pushed me in this hell where I'm just getting punished, even I'm guilty or not. This story is for 18+ audience. This story contains mature content and mature language. If you are against these type of content in stories. Please, don't read it.

Chapter 1 1. Prologue

Isabella's pov

I was sleeping in my room, looking at the ceiling fan. The fan was sounding like it will at any moment. I turned my head and stared at the window, the raindrops were falling on the glass of window making the sound pitter-patter.

A drop of tear fell down my face following with more tears. For others, rain brings love and happiness, for me, it brings nothing more than grieves and tears.

My name is Isabella Whites, I am twenty-four years old. I live in New York with my dad and her wife and my stepmother with two step-sisters and one stepbrother. My father, Jason Whites is an owner of Eliza Fabrics and Co. He came forth of of top ten businessmen of America in Forbes this year. My stepmother, Olivia Whites had been famous model of Victoria Secrets, now she helps my Dad in his business. My both step-sisters Clara and June are twins, they are in fashion school. My brother, Charles is in primary school. Well, I'm teacher at Kindergarten, actually business is not my thing. I always liked to be a teacher like my mother. My mother Elizabeth Whites was a beautiful women with pale skin, beautiful blue eyes and silky black hair. Everyone says I inherited my mother's beauty except my hair, it is little bit curly and brown. I looked at the picture which was on nightstand. Dad clicked it on my third birthday, I was munching on candy and Momma was trying to make me look at the camera. We used to be a happy family. But after my forth birthday, nothing was same as before.


"Moma promised me, she will come before five o'clock." I looked at clock and pouted. "Maybe she got stucked in rain" my nanny, Haley Aunty tried to comfort me. Today is my forth birthday and my parents were not even at home. "Will she bring Mr. Teddy for my Lyala?" I asked her, she smiled at me and hugged me, "Ofcourse, she will bring him. After all you are her little flower." She pinched my nose lightly and we both giggled, she started tickling my tubby, I started laughing and begging her to stop. She stopped when the phone on started ringing. She picked up, "Hello?" She straightened up. "Yes Mr. Whites, it's Haley."

"Yes, she is with me."

"W-What?" Her eyes were full of tears. " Yes,Mr. Whites" and she hung up."What happened?" I went to her with Layla in my hand. She immediately wiped her tears, "Nothing sweety, your daddy got more work, so he will be late for your party. Let me take you in your room." She pick me up and carried me to my bedroom. "Baby, don't come out till I tell you. Okay?"

"But, isn't it my birthday?" She sighed, "Yes baby, it is. But we have some surprise, that's why I am telling you so." She putted her crooked fingers under my chin, "You are a good girl. Right baby?" I nodded, "Then you will sit here and wait for me."

"What if this good girl will get bored." She taped her finger her chin thinking, "What about watching cartoon." I nodded grinning cheekily.

It have been four hours, watching Tom and Jerry and waiting for aunt Haley but still there was no news about her. Even my Momma isn't back yet. "Where are everyone, I am hungry." I whined, my stomach was growling for food. I climbed down the bed and went out of the room. While passing through Momma and Daddy's room, I heard my grandma's voice I was terrified. She was always mean to me. "This is all that brat's fault. If she hadn't insisted on that crazy toy, my daughter-in-law would have been alive today." She started crying, the gate was cracked open. I ent to it and looked at them Dad's eyes were red with tears. He was standing near the window, his was facing Grandma. Why everyone is crying? "Now, what will you do, Jason baby." A blonde woman asked him. Who is that woman, maybe she came for my birthday party. Where is Momma? She was nowhere in the room. "What will he do? He will teach her lesson. I warned to you Jason that your unbounded love toward that girl will bring havoc See, what she did. She kill her own mother." I want to ak him where is Momma. So, I knocked the door, all three pairs of eyes snapped at me. "What are you doing here, sneaking in the room?" My Grandma asked rudely. "Did you see Jason, how much mannerless she became? You should teach her lesson that she will never repeat this again." I walked to Dad, "Dad where is Momma?" No answer, he didn't even looked at me. Daddy please tell me where is Momma? I tucked Dad's shirt, but he removed my hand. "HALEY." He shouted, I got scared of his behaviour. Aunt Haley came in, "Yes, Mr. Whites?" He glared at me, "take her to her room."

She nodded and gripped my hand gently, "ba-"

"No, I want to see my Momma. Please, call my Momma." I started crying, "YOUR MOM WILL NEVER COME BACK." He shouted, again. I got scared and hide behind Aunt Haley. He sighed and turned his back to me, just waved his hand in a dismissive way. I looked back to him with tears in my eyes hoping that he will call me and hug me but it didn't came. Aunt Haley tucked me in the bed and cover me with cozy blanket which Momma baught for me. She kissed my head and leaved my room to get dinner. I turned to window and thinking about my mother and cried, Momma please come back. I promise I'll be your good girl." With that I fell deep slumber.

Present day:

A lone tear fell from my eye. After that day I tried my best to make everything okay with my dad but he never spare a single glance to me. I found out my mother is dead when I was five. I stepmother told me and also blamed me for her death. It was truth, though. That day I went my Dad's office and tried to talk to him and promise him that I never do it again but he didn't even looked at me instead he called Aunt Haley and again waved his fingers in dismissive way like he did that night. I pleaded Aunt Haley take me to my mother's grave, she agreed. Since that day, I visit her grave every Sunday. Because, it was her favourite day of week.

That's how I lost my mother and father on my forth birthday.

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