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Given to a Fairy Prince

Given to a Fairy Prince



Alex, a teen girl, is a fighter and a lover. She finds those who need a little help, or perhaps a lot of help, in their lives and gives them the chance to better themselves, to find happiness. She isn't afraid to stand up for anyone; her only fear is for the day she turns 18. The life that was chosen for her is definitely not what she wants, however until that time comes that she is expected to follow through with the choice her parents made, she will play every part to help anyone she can and to protect those fools from a fairy prince's wrath.

Chapter 1 Pixie Farts


I slowly shuffle my way from the bathroom to my bed. Just as my hand touches the blanket to pull it back I hear a noise outside. It sounds like someone is rattling a window. At 3 in the morning. Shit. I move silently to the window and peek out of the edge of the window. It's dark as there are no street lights down this street, but I can see a silhouette of a person crouched down at the basement window of the neighbors house.

"Damn it mothersucker." I whisper harshly to myself.

I don't bother adding any extra clothes or shoes as I dash out of my room on my tip toes. Careful on the stairs to avoid the squeaking spots, I make it down to the front door quickly. Before I turn the handle I stop and realize this door will give me away. Mom has that annoying Halloween wreath on the door. It'll scream like a horror movie queen with any movement. Alright, the garage door would be better for sneaking up on this mothersucker. So instead I head down the entry way hallway and take a left to the garage. I leave both the house door and the side garage door open as I head around the house to the next door neighbor's.

Pausing behind the maple tree that sits between the two houses, I watch the silhouette. Definitely a guy. His large frame is still crouched down at the window and he's slowly tapping it while muttering, "Just open up. Just let me in now. You damn window!"

I walk up behind him and stand there with my arms crossed and one leg bent out so that my hips are angled out giving the female version of don't mess with me. From here I can actually make out his details. He has dirty blond hair pulled back into a bun with a single braid running down the middle from the front. His shoulders are wide and his back long. From the way his black shirt hugs him, he either is sporting muscles or he doesn't know how to pick the correct size shirt. I'm betting on the former.

"Hey buddy are you lost or something?" I ask disrupting his talk to the window. He stops muttering and after a few seconds he ever so slowly turns around while standing from his crouch.

That was smooth has heck. I'll have to practice that move, I note to myself.

"Who are you?" He asks in a buttery smooth voice. I quirk an eyebrow at him. I mean really? He's going to ask who I am when he's breaking into someone's house? Not that he's doing a great job of breaking in if that is in fact what he is doing.

"I live here." I state coldly while pointing back at my house, my arms still crossed.

He crosses his arms, mimicking me before responding. "No you don't. I live here."


"Are you sure you do?" I ask skeptical. "Normally a person would use a key to enter their house, not ask the window to open for them."

He glares at me. His silver blue eyes piercing to the soul. I bet he has many girls swooning with one good look from those babies. "Go home little girl." He all but growls at me.

I scoff. "Ooooo so scary." I uncross my arms, March up to him and jab a finger to his chest. "This little girl isn't going anywhere. Now do I need to call the police or are you going to skidaddle?"

"This. Is. My. House." Even though I can taste the alcohol that clings to his breath, I can tell that he isn't actually drunk.

" I don't know you." I cross my arms again, but this time it's from the cold breeze that rolls in. "What is your relation to this household?"

The Aldersons moved in about three weeks ago- just the husband and wife. They mentioned having a son, but in all our conversations, which there have been many as they are lovely, talkative people, they never said that he would be arriving anytime soon. Also, they left to go back to their previous home to finish the loose ends there. Why would their son show up when they left?

"That is none of your buisness!" He snaps at me, his eyes sparking with anger. "Go home little girl!"

Sighing, I release the hold on my arms, dropping one hand to my hip. "Look here buddy 'ol pal, I know you think you're all scarry and intimidating, that I will scamper off with my tail between my legs, HOWEVER I'm not going anywhere until I know this house is safe from the likes of you."

He began glaring at me as I called him buddy 'ol pal, and it only intensified as I continued. If his eyes could kill I would be twenty feet under. He tries cutting in, but I cut him off.

"Oh no, no, no good sir. Let me finish. You have two choices. I obviously have no way to verify who you are at this moment so we can either a- call the police, wait out here freezing for a couple hours before they show up and take you to the station to sleep off your drink OR b- we go back to my house, where it's warm, and figure this out when the owners are awake."

He doesn't need to know they aren't home, just in case he really isn't related to them. Hopefully he chooses option 2 as my skin is about numb from this chilly morning.

I realize I've been staring at his shoulder, almost exactly eye level for me, with no response for a few moments now. I ask with my eyes, 'are you going to answer me or what?'

Uncertainty laces his next words. "Let me get this straight... my options are the police or going to your house? Alone."

"Yes!" I snap. Hot damn I'm freezing not to mention beyond tired. What was so difficult to understand? I rub my arms trying to get some warmth back, but it isn't really helping. "Here's the deal. It's after three in the morning. If we call the police it will take atleast two hours, atleast, as they have many drunks out at the moment. Why wait out here when we can be inside my nice warm house sleeping? I really don't think this is a difficult choice, you know?"

"Yeah... but..." He trails off and then suddenly exclaims, "Girl I could kill you or something!"

My hands fly to my chest, my eyes wide. "Damn pixie farts! You almost gave me a heartattack you jerk face!"

His curvy lips curl up into a smirk at my reaction. His soft blue eyes sparkle with victory. He must think my reaction is from his words and not from his suddenly loud outburst. I sure hope none of the other neighbors heard it. Especially Ms. Baker. I can barely tolerate her during the day with sleep under my belt- if I had to do it now... no, no, nope. We need to get inside.

"No victory smiles yet sweetcheeks." I hiss out while linking my arm through his and moving us back to my garage. He tries to resist. I pull harder. Just as we make it to the threshold of the door the sound of another door opening can be heard.

"Who's out there? I demand you show yourself this instant!" The weird mix of a shrill and husky voice floats through the silent morning. As quiet as a spider I shut the door and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"That was damn close. Count your lucky stars wolf boy that Ms. Baker didn't catch us outside." I whisper as if she could hear us.

Tugging him behind me, we make it into the house. His stomach chooses this moment to let out a loud and long grumble. I snicker while moving us to the kitchen.

Without turning around I task him with turning on the lights. When they don't turn on I pause opening the drawer and turn towards him.

"Hey butterknuckle, turn on the lights please. Just reach out your hand to the left and wall-la!"

He finally does as asked after I raise my brow and give a what-the-heck partial shake of the head. I continue grabbing pots and pans from the drawers, adding them to the giant eight burner flat top. I then move to the fridge drawers and pull out an assortment of food. As I'm starting the food, the feeling of his eyes burning into me finally makes me turn around.

"What is it? Go on and spit it out my dear sweetcheeks."

It takes a moment, but finally he speaks. His voice is low, just above a whisper. "Why did you call me wolf boy?"

I can tell it's really bothering him that I know his secret. All weres, shifters, fae, vampires- heck all 'story book' beings don't like being known. Since I smell basically just like a human it's worse.

"Come on over and give me a big 'ol wiff." I state instead.

He takes three steps and hesitates a moment before leaning down into my neck. He takes a deep breath, exhales and repeats a few more times. His warm breath tickles across my skin sending shivers down my spine.

"You smell human... but something more. I can't place it." He finally says confused. He stands back to his full height causing me to take a couple steps back. I lean back against the counter and give him a small shrug and matching smile.

"You and everyone else candycane. Short story: I'm apart of the secret society of storybook characters. One of my gifts is being able to tell what any being is." When he doesn't respond I sigh and add, "your secret is safe with me. Trust me I won't break."

I move back to the food and wait for his next set of words. "This is a crazy kitchen."

Alright. Not what I was expecting.

I turn and inspect the kitchen with him. It's large. Very large. The counters are a beautiful swirling of grey, black and silver white. It looks like some expensive stone, but in reality the contractors did it up with paints. The cupboards are a metallic black silver with silver handles. You can't see it, but all the drawers and cabinets have a soft open/close mechanism.

The cupboards above the counters have a glass center with a very light frost on them so that the inside shelving can still be seen. The fridge matches these cupboards and everyone of them has a beautiful display of dishes or food within them. The island is wide, three black stools sitting on the far side and a large sink in the center with one of those fancy no touch faucets.

"It's the best money could buy. My parents feel the need to be the most sparkling in the group." I tilt my head in thought. "Yeah... they pretty much extended high-school into their adult lives."

After dishing up the food onto serving plates I quickly wash the dishes. Like a pro waitress, I balance the plates upon my arms and go to leave the room when I remember drinks.

"Hey can you grab a couple of drinks?" I ask. He moves to the fridge, but I stop him. "Oh that's just for looks. Look over in the big drawer over there." I nod to the side of the stove.

He gives me another confused look. "You have a fridge that doesn't work? Why?" He grabs a couple of sodas and we head out of the kitchen.

He even turns the lights off.

As we climb the stairs, heading to my room, I explain the weirdness of my house. "Eh, it works. Everything in this house is 100% functional. My parents just don't allow it to be used as they want to keep it looking 'lit'. Their words not mine. Like I said, they made their adult life high-school, minus the stupid homework. Everything has to be top line and they always have to have everyone's attention."

"Oh... okay. That's not weird at all..." I laugh at his attempt to hide how he really feels.

"It is weird." I inform him while entering my room. "I haven't come across any other adult who puts on such a show like them, but it is their life and their lifestyle isn't hurting anyone so whatever."

I ease myself to the floor, sitting cross legged and then realize my dilemma. The floor is too low for me to get the dishes off my arms without spilling them. I shift around trying to see if there is a way for this to be managed. I finally huff out and send a loose strand of my hair flipping around.

His deep laugh surprises me. "Want some help with that?" He asks while sitting across from me.

"Yes please." I relent easily. He removes the dishes from my arms and places them between us.

"So," I begin asking by drawing out the so. " What is your name?"


"So," the strange girl sitting before me, draws out the 'o' in so. "What is your name?"

I stare at her for a moment while I take her once again. For some reason my brain just can't comprehend her. Her pale red hair is such a light color it's almost white and it hangs in loose curls down to her mid back. She doesn't have bangs, but where they would be is shorter than the rest of her hair. That part is straight and frames her face. Her skin has a sweet peach tone with a spray of freckles across her shoulders. She has eyes the color of fresh grass that turn up slightly and a cute little nose. Her lips, that look softer than silk, are tinted like she's been eating strawberries.

"Look, I can keep calling you all these fun pet names if you want, but my inner brain really would like a name to call you."

I refocus and decide, why not answer. "Name is Leo."

"Alex. Now dig in before I eat it all." She instructs while placing a bite of steak to her lips.

She made a ton of food. There is a steak a piece, chessy broccoli, Alfredo, crispy potatoes with a white sauce, greenbeans with onions and shrimp. I know as a were wolf I have a huge appetite, but this is still a lot for me. I look over to her plate and notice it's already piled high, her steak nearly finished.

Man, I need to focus. What is happening? I'm not usually this zoned out. She, Alex, has really messed with me tonight. This girl is brazen. Coming out at to confront a complete stranger in just shorts and a tank top while everyone is sleeping. She thought I was someone trying to break into her neighbors house, but that didn't phase her. Confidence I've never seen with a girl had her facing up to me- an intimidating wolf- as if I was a mere child being caught in the act of doing something naughty. She shows no fear.

I pile food on to my plate, taking some of everything. We eat in silence, which oddly isn't uncomfortable. I watch Alex dish up a second plate as I savor the bite of steak in my mouth. It's so juicy and tender, full of flavor. The food is nearly cleared out, much thanks to her as I really haven't made it far into my first plate. All except the shrimp.

"Do you not like shrimp?" I ask noticing she hasn't had a single piece.

She hums out a hmm as her mouth was full. When she swallow, she picks up her soda and takes a drink. "Honestly, I hate the smell of all aquatic life. Plus I'm allergic to shrimp."

"Then why the hell did you make it?" I ask flabbergasted.

She shrugs like it's no big deal. "You seemed like the type of guy who does like it. Was I wrong sweetcheeks?"

"No..." Such an odd, odd girl.

We finish with the food shortly after. She takes all the plates and stacks them efficiently onto her desk. She then stretches her arms above her head, her tank top rising up to show off her stomach. Her 5'6"/5'7" body is curvy and toned. I can't help but have wondering eyes.

Lowering her arms, she rolls her neck and shoulders before walking into her bathroom across the room. I get up off of the floor and begin exploring her room.

Her walls are littered with pictures of her and a ton of different people. And I mean a TON. There has to be over 200 different people, almost all smiling into the camera. There are a few guys who just glare, but those guys do have a slight lift to their mouth as if they're trying to hide that they're happy.

I come across one picture where Alex is standing in a group of nine men. They all are wearing black gear with what looks to be bullet proof vests on except they're littered with straps that have several knives and throwing items like needles and stars attached. Her hair is pulled up into a tight bun, a helmet under one arm while the other rests on the guy kneeling next to her. She has black smeared under her eyes and like the rest of the group she's covered in mud splatter.

She has a single book shelf that is filled with weird books. None for pleasure reading I'm sure as they a look to be research books. As I look closer they're all by the same author: A. Jonna. Guess she doesn't venture from what she likes.

Across from her window is a queen four poster bed with teal see through curtains dropped around the beams. The comforter is a deep, rich purple. Laying between the matching pillows is a fairly large grey hedgehog stuffed animal.

As I move to look out the window a picture catches my eye. I stop a hand reach away from it. There's a man with her in this one and not just any man. It's fucking James Taylor. The richest, biggest play boy anyone could know.

His family is generations rich, but he himself is a tech wiz. He started his own buisness line at like the age of 13 and had it grossing at 20.5 billion dollars just in the first year. Of course it's sky rocketed since then, but this dude is loaded. So loaded he was known for throwing the most epic parties two or three times a week. He would be seen with a minimum of three girls in a single day, never the same ones either.

Then about a year and a half ago his parties became less frequent. Tabloids had less to say about the string of girls. Then boom! He was gone. Well not gone gone, but the party play boy was never seen again.

"I sure miss that hooligan." Alex states softly from a step behind me. "Here's a tooth brush."

I turn to face her, even more confused about her then I was before. "You know him? Was that before or after his playboy ways?"

"Um, both actually." She answers nonchalant. I know my eyes are as wide as saucers at this point.

"Come again?" I ask flabbergasted. "How did you know him? Did you date him? Wait he never dated anyone. Were you his main hussy?"

I can't believe I just asked her that. She can't either. Her eyes narrow angrily at me.

"Don't EVER call me a hussy again. And while we are at it, any other name you may come up with to call me a slut!" Her words come out heavy with command. I swollow the lump that lodged itself in my throat. I laugh nervously while rubbing the back of my neck.

"No wonder why you had no fear coming out after a suspected house invader." I state still feeling uncomfortable as hell. Her eyes bore into me. "Sorry, I shouldn't have said that. It's just everyone knows how shameless the girls who kept him company were. NOT that that is an excuse!" I rush to add as her demeanor gets more frigid.

"I'm sorry! Real sorry!" I plead to her. "Sometimes I have a problem filtering before speaking."

Actually that's a lie. I never have this problem. Usually I don't give two damns what anyone has to say or how they feel about what I say. For some reason I do with Alex. I'm not sure if that's because this girl is scary as fuck when she's angry or something entirely else.

She looks away and takes a deep breath. A few heartbeats later, she turns back to me with a sad smile. "Yeah okay. You aren't entirely wrong about him so I guess I can see why you would jump to that conclusion. Here, take this toothbrush. Toothpaste is by the sink." She forces the toothbrush into my hand and leaves the room with the dishes.

I rush into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. I lean onto the counter, staring myself down in the mirror.

"What the hell Leo? Get yourself together!" I hiss at my reflection. Fuck. I am not drunk enough for this.

I hear her return the room and quickly brush my teeth. When I return to the room she's laying down under the covers, her eyes closed. I stand there staring at her, unsure where I'm supposed to be sleeping. Maybe I'll just go back home and see if there's another window I can get through. I'm not even sure why I'm here anyways.

Before I can move though she stops me in my tracks. "Come lay down sweetcheeks."

In her bed? With her? Is she a slut?

She opens her eyes and stares at me. I feel my cheeks warming up. What the hell is wrong with me tonight?

"Come on and get into bed Leo. I need to make sure you aren't bailing on me during the night so no guest room for you and the floor really isn't comfortable. Trust me I've done that before." She follows up with. When I still don't move she continues, "It's just sleeping. I'm not trying to bed you Leo. If you're that uncomfortable with the idea of a sleeping body next to yours I'll make you a protection barrier."

I laugh, but even to me it sounds strained. "Me? ncomfortable with sleeping next to a girl? No. What makes me uncomfortable is your parents walking in and misunderstanding."

Oh my goddess what was that! I've never been worried about parents nor have I ever been caught by any.

"You've never slept with a girl before." She states with a short laugh. "Eh figures as much. And before you rebut, I mean actually sleep and not finding a home for you little friend."

She tosses the covers to the end of the bed, slips off and disappears out of the room. She comes back a moment later with her arms full of pillows. She places them in a line down the middle of the bed, stacked 2 high. She climbs back in and suddenly hangs her head before shaking it slowly. She rocks herself forward onto her knees and reaches for the blanket. Her fingers just reach the material, skimming over it as she tries to ruffle it closer to her.

I step forward, grabbing the edge of the blanket and pulling it up for her. I give her a look when she doesn't move to lie down.

"Can't tuck you in if you're sitting like that Alex." I say the obvious. She says a quiet thank you and sits back. She stays sitting so I pull the blanket up over the mound of pillows and lay it at her lap.

I grab the edge of my shirt and pull it off. Expecting a gasp or atleast her staring, I'm left perplexed as I don't get a reaction.

Fine. I move to my feet, pulling off my shoes and then to my pants. I unbutton them and have them pooling at my feet in a matter of seconds. When I look up to her, a smirk plastered on my face, she's looking out the window with a hard scowl. She's shaking her head and mouthing 'no'.

Now I made her uncomfortable! Perfect! I stretch purposefully to really show off my muscles, but she's still not looking at me.

"Please tell me that's how you sleep- in your boxers- and not you trying to make a move." She asks still not paying any attention to me. It's almost like she is talking with someone outside her window.

"Why yes it is princess." I reply, feeling more like myself. "But if you want-"

She whips her eyes to me so quick, if she had moved her head I'm sure she would have whiplash. The green of her eyes glow like there's a fire behind them. I think I may have taken it to far.

"It was a joke! I swear just a joke!" I backtrack quickly, hands raised in surrender. "I promise this is just the way I sleep. I find clothes constricting and hot."

"If we cross paths again Leo, you can never joke like that again. Do you understand me?" She questions seriously.

I nod my head quickly. "Yeah sure. I understand."

"Good." She nods to the empty side of the bed. "Now get into bed before someone kills you."

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Given to a Fairy Prince

Chapter 1 Pixie Farts
