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"Please you can't do this, this is a sin in the eyes of..." She tried saying as he slapped her. Being a Nun has some holy do's and don't, but at same point, temptation could be much. Havilah Corer a young Nun of 21 See's herself in the vague of a sinful act after a hard decision. York Bush couldn't stop thinking of her and lustfully wanting her, not until a painful promotion surprise was given to him. WHAT COULD THAT SURPRISE BE! ©Pop Precious

Chapter 1 1

"May the spirit of God lead you safely" the Rev father said as everyone started tropping out, The Nun walked to the Nun home.

At times I wonder how I got to this place, I hate the treatment I get as a Nun, we never get the chance to see men or people in general.

It is believed that if a Nun meets a man she dies and won't be buried, so all Nun's avoid men like plague.

Rumors has it that I got picked up from an orphanage home and that was how I got to this bondage!, I know I am speaking blasphemy, but this is not a place for me, I want to explore the world, I want to go to school and I want to be with a man and have a beautiful ever after with my cute kids.

But sad enough, those are just wishes that will never come through.

"Nun vih!" Nun blessing said snapping me out of my thought's "you have been lying down here ever since we came back from the morning mass staring at the ceiling without blinking, hope all is good with you" she said as I signed.

" I am Good" I simply said and faced the wall

"Okay if you say so..." Nun blessing said and stood up "I actually came to tell you that mother Mariam wants to see you" she said making me turn to face her immediately.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked, a little bit scared as Nun blessing looked at me weirdly.

" Did you do anything wrong?" She asked back as I fell to the wall " quickly go, she is waiting for you at the chapel.

Mother Mariam is just like a mother to me here, and according to her, she picked me and raised me, Mother Mariam might be all sweet and caring, but no one wants to see her strict side.

I am just scared of going to answer her for a reason I don't understand.

"Hope all this turns out well though" I signed as I walked into the chapel to see her praying.

After some minutes of prayer she turned to see me sitted.

"Havilah you are here" she said as she sat beside me and held my hands... after some minutes of silence, she finally spoke" havilah I have watched you grow into the beautiful woman you have become, and ever since you started growing, I noticed that you do not have passion for being a Nun and I get you, trust me when I say I understand you, but their is nothing better than serving God you know?" She said as she signed.

I would have ran away from the Nun home a long time ago but I don't even Know my way around.

"But mother Mariam I want to go to school at least" I said as I could feel tears dropping down my cheeks.

"No way Havilah, no way!, School is for sinful people and it's going to make you meet men that will only lust over your body and will want nothing serious with you" she said as I stood up in tears.

" Mother I don't believe you!, I see couple come to church happy with their kids, I see young girls of my age who go to normal school that isn't like the Nun school, all this people come to church too!, Why can't I be what I want to be!" I said in tears.

" We are done discussing this Havilah, get your stuffs ready and get dressed we are going to the new parish they assigned me to at Ireland" mother said and walked out of the chapel.

Now you see how bad it is being me?, I never get to do what I want, Mother Mariam makes everything hard for me by helping me make my decisions, now she is making me go with her to a new parish.

I cleaned my tears and walked back to my room to get ready for my unwanted trip as some other Nun's walked up to me.

"Havilah why are you packing your stuffs?" Nun grace asked I signed.

" I am going to the new parish at Ireland with Mother Mariam" I said sadly.

" Don't tell me that you are sad?, You really should be happy to go to a new place dear" Nun Maria said as she patted my back.

" Coupled with the fact that Ireland has handsome men!" Grace said as we turned to her in shock as she shrugged" just saying"

"Grace stop speaking blasphemy, remember your vows, the thought of men is a sin!" Maria said as I signed getting irritated and continued arranging my stuffs.

I don't ever want to here any of the Nun rules, I am so tired of hearing them!.

"Havilah mother..."

"I am coming!" I said as I pulled my trolley bag.


We are to go to the parish priest first for his blessings before leaving the parish.

"May the spirit of the Lord be with you" He said as he poured the holy water on us " Go safely" he said as all the Nun's and rev sisters came out to give us a good bye hug and led us out of the parish.


The drive to the airport was so quiet and I could see that Mother Mariam had something to say to me but was finding it hard to spill it out so I decided to help.

"Mother how many minutes remaining to get to the airport? " I asked.

" It's about 30 minutes..." After some minutes of silence " uhmm Havilah I have something to tell you that you really want to hear" she said which made me sit up.

" Please tell me mother"

"Okay... Havilah, Nun's do go to school" she said making me confused.

" What do you mean?, Do you mean a real school!? " I muttered as she nodded slowly.

" Yes, but the Nun rules follow them to school, you still have to keep your vows in mind" she said, I smiled for hearing that I could still going to school, a real college.

"Then I want to go to school!" I said as she smiled

"Yes I know and I have already made an arrangement for you, tomorrow we will go to the intended school" Mother Mariam said as my heart jumped.

" Can I wear a normal outfit to..."

"Never Havilah!, Your garment is your pride and you should be proud of being a Nun!, Please Havilah Don't make me regret sending you to school... We will continue this discussion later, let's head to the departure.

Gosh! I am so happy! Like seriously now I get to mingle with other people aside the Nun, I can't just wait to get there, I don't mind wearing my garment .


It's another day, we are now fully packed into our new home inside the parish compound.

"Havilah hurry up!, We are late" mother said as I trailed down the stairs "come on! We've got no time, I have things to attend to aside your school" she said as we entered the car and drove off.

" Mother Mariam, please can you tell me the name of the school again?" The driver asked

" Ireland college"

" Oh we are close" he said as he drove inside a Street.

I could see young girls entering the big Gate of the school with their nice short outfits and miniskirts and also displaying their beautiful hair.

I never got the chance to show my skin to the sun neither has my hair been seen.

"This is the school Mother Mariam, it's actually a good school, one of the best college in Ireland if I must say" the driver said as he packed at the packing lot.

" Then it's a good choice" mother Mariam said as we came down from the car.

I could see the students looking at us weirdly, I would obviously be the only Nun in school and I wonder how I will cope.

I could see the student whispering to themselves which made me uncomfortable.

"Hello dear, please where is the school management office?" Mother Mariam asked a very fat girl who pointed towards the management building " okay thank you" mother said and tapped her head which means "bless you".


we where done with the required registrations and I was asked to stay back to know more about the school and the course I am to study "fine arts", I was feeling really weird to do this all alone with this garment, I am the only different girl in the whole school and I don't feel good about it.

I worked sheepishly around as the student kept giving me my way, I hate the fact that they are giving me much respect instead of seeing me as one of them.

I walked around with my books in my hand until i hit a very huge manly body as my books feel off my hands.

"Ohh, please I am sorry, I wasn't really looking... I will help with the books" he said with the sweetest voice I have ever heard which made me to look into his face.

That's a man!!, A very handsome one.

@Pop Precious

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HOWL TILL DAWN (His weakness ) . PROLOGUE Have you been in a situation where you wish you where other people, you hate your personality because everything seems to turn against you as if the world rejected you. ** ** They came into different worlds full of regrets, hate and anger… they seemed rejected and not in control of their life's. She was so innocent until her parents died in an accident, the news went round the country saying she was the one behind the death of her parents. Imagine a kid of 10 with that kinda emotional torture, she was sent into the prison for that believe. She wasn't accepted by any organization not school, she was avoided by all, she was called a bad luck. Not until she was welcomed to WOLFRIES ★★★ Born by a human but with a mysterious Gene, he wasn't what he wanted to be, he got the money, the cars and lived a luxury life as the mass would say, but to him, he lived in frustration and bondage. A life he wished he could switch to better human life. He couldn't associate for numerous reasons best known to him, he was an introvert for this reason but wished he could explore more. No way… he can't be exposed, he is just so innocent but dangerous. He met her and things seemed to be turning back for good. HE IS A WOLVE SHE IS HIS WEAKNESS ★★★ NB/ all characters, events and places are all fictional in case of any stricking resemblance. this book should not be copied without the writers permission. ©Pop Precious

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