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"Not you're typical werewolf story" Anabeth 18 years old and the strongest pack member of her old back the blue moon pack. She had to move after she dueled with the current alpha and he lost. The rules of a pack is easy never be stronger than your alpha. But with her weird condition she can never stay in one pack for more then 2 years. Every year she has to duel her alpha once she wins she needs to go..... She's getting stronger and stronger everyday. He is the strongest of them all. The question is can she stay?

Chapter 1 Mate.

I watch the trees pass by as I sit in the car slumped. "Why did we have to leave?" I ask again for the 1000time hearing my mother sigh ."because you're getting stronger" she replies for also the 1000 time. That can't be the reason I think to myself but it was true even though I kept denying it.

I sighed and closed my eyes for a bit hoping to fall asleep and i did after putting my earbuds in and listening to some music.

I feel the car slow down indicating we are getting off the highway and i huff opening my eyes as i sit up straighter. i look around and see a small road and so many trees unbelievable. We pass a sign reading 'dark moon pack' and licked my lips 'perhaps our mate will be there' my wolf Janet says making me chuckle 'who would want us Janet be honest we could kill them with just a handshake' i reply making her shut up.

It didn't take long before we got into town and to our new house and i nod when i see it liking it instantly . I smile as i get out and look at my parents "Mom, dad can i have the front room?" I ask grinning. My dad chuckled and nodded "alright sweetie whatever makes you happy" my mom just nods in agreement as she starts to take some bags out of the car.

The movers came here yesterday while we packed our clothes and last necessaries and some pack members my parents knew decorated the house for when we arrived so there was apparently no surprise for my parents when i asked for the front room, these two knew me so well.

After i helped unloading the car i took my own bags and started carrying it upstairs easily not even getting out of breath while my dad struggled. "don't worry dad just help mom i got this" i smiled and he nodded relieved making me chuckle.

once everything was upstairs i opened each bag and box to make sure it's all in the right room or in the bathroom. It took a while before we got settled in but we had a hurry because of the official pack ceremony to welcome us in the pack and then a ritual to get the pack's mind link and to delete our old pack's mind link.

I took a shower and got ready in a white dress with nude heels which had some slight gold in it. I do some light make up as required and take one last look in the mirror before going down stairs.

I get greeted by my dad who was also dressed in white. the rule of this pack was when you get welcomed you have to wear white as does everyone else it had something to do with equality and respect. my dad and i chatted as we waited for my mom. I had my back towards the stairs and i see my dad mouth drop so i figured my mom was there. my mom and dad had known each other since they were 14 and married at 18 they were mates so there were no frowns not long after i came now 18 years later he still falls in love with her over and over again i guess that's typical about being mates. I turned around and smiled at my mom her long brown hair in a bun and a long but tight fitting dress fitted her perfectly she was beautiful i can see why dad falls in love with her everyday.

"Close your mouth sweetie you're drooling" my mother laughed and kissed my dad's cheek "Honey you look wow" he smiles and i see the twinkle in his eye i always see when he sees my mom. i coughed letting them know i was still here and my mother looked at me "oh Annabeth you look amazing god you're becoming such a beautiful woman" my mother exclaims and hugs me softly before looking at my make up "you should teach me it seriously you're good" she compliments me and i laughed. we got out and drove to the pack house passing the college in this town i made a note to remember this road seeing as i will start college in a few weeks. i look up at the moon and smiled it's so beautiful really.


i looked up and this time my mouth fell wide open holy shit this pack house was huge! i gulped as my dad parked the car and we got out following people inside. We walked into a large room full with tables and found our name cards. we looked at each other and nodded before sitting down ignoring all the stares we got from being the new ones. I look around curious and see some people my age and smiled a bit at them i knew they knew about me so their heads turn quickly making my eyes roll and i focus back in front of me. I took a deep breath and my eyes widened i smelled this amazing mint smell my wolf starts getting excited until i hear her scream in my head 'MATE'

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