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🌷HIS MAID🌷 (He's cold😬,she's crazy 😅)

🌷HIS MAID🌷 (He's cold😬,she's crazy 😅)

Authoress joy


🌷HIS MAID🌷 (He's cold😬, She's crazy😅) Synopsis Meet Isabelle Fredrick, she's the real definition of craziness and beauty with a body that can make any man crazy but life doesn't go easy on her as she comes from a poverty stricken family with two younger sisters to cater for and a mother to look after, with no means of survival she makes the ultimate decision....... a decision to become a maid to the most ruthless guy ever and did i mention that they hate each other........ well they do😑😑 Then there's Alexandro montengro one of the most popular and wealthy businessman in the country just one look at him can make any girl drool🤤🤤 but his coldness and ruthlessness drives fear into the heart of many except for one girl and he plans on making her suffer by employing her as a maid in his mansion...... Will they continue the hate.. Or will love come into the equation ❤❤ Grab your popcorn🍿guys, it's gonna be epic😁😁

Chapter 1 The meeting


( He's cold, She's crazy)



Isabelle!! Isabelle!!......ahrgggh! i groaned as the voice of my two sisters linda and ivy echoed through my room

Goshh ''can't they be less loud''

Well thats the price you have to pay for being the elder sister......



Okay; so I'm Isabelle Fredrick, i live with my two sisters and mom.

My mum does laundry services in the house and my dad, well he's late but he was able to acquire the house we live in before he died and I'm glad he did because we wouldn't have a place to live if he didn't...........

What! what do you want i asked staring at them squarely

''Well big sis''...... they drawed (drama queens😒)

"We need money for our upcoming project at school" they both said simultaneously

Jeez i totally forgot about their project money, ''not like i have it anyway

Uhh... linda, i think you guys should head on to school I'll give you the money when you're back from school okay?

Okay!! Thank you sis they said smilling as they skipped happilly out of my room

My face broke into a small smille as I watched them go, they might be very stubborn and mischievous but i love them with my life and I'll do absolutely thing for them

Okay! I have to get ready for work, did i mention that i work at a cofee shop "well i do", the pay isn't much but hey! atleast i can provide money to put food on our table and pay for my sisters tuition fees .........

Uhhh... i sluggishly moved to the bathroom to do my business 😎

I got out after a few minutes, put on my slightly worn out jeans and shirt I'm not a makeup person so i only put on some lip gloss as i made my way to the living room

"Morning mom" i said as i kissed her on her right cheek

Morning baby how was your night? "she asked"

It was good mom, I'm off to my boring job....

"Don't call it boring honey try and get along with your boss trust me it would be fun", she said

Oh mom!!

"Byee mum love you" I said

But baby you haven't had your breakfast yet, your gonna get sick if you don't have your breakfast

No mom I can't do that now am getting late and i don't want to get fired..... okay goodluck dear she said still looking clearly worried

Don't worry mom I'll get something to eat at work byee* (as if i had the money to do that.... I was definitely going to starve)

Bye "she muttered" ........

Hi mandy i said to my co worker and close friend at the counter, she has always been there for me since dad died..............

Well let me give you a little bit of how dad died..

Life was very blissful while he was alive, we weren't too rich but we weren't poor either until one day he got sick, the doctor diagnosed him of cancer

It was one of the worst days of my life but it was just the beginning of our suffering

The sickness ate into all our finances we had literally sold all we had except for the house but dad's condition still got worst

At night I would always see mum cry helplessly.....

One faithful day my fears came to past... dad died, he had lost the battle to the cold hands of death, everything changed for the worst for us but i vowed to ensure that my family would not suffer any more which is why i work my ass off daily to make sure my family lives well

Isabelle!!! Your late, do you wanna get fired "she half yelled bringing me out of my reverie"

Am sorry mandy i kinda woke up late

"Well quickly get to work before our grumpy boss finds out you just arrived"

.... i chuckled, don't let him hear you calling him grumpy mandy or you'll be the one getting fired " i warned grinning"

Whatever; just get to work

Kk byee, i said as i began serving cofee to the customers...........


Uhhgh.... finally my shift is over, My annoying boss found out that I came late and he literally trippled my work load, he has been making sexual advances at me but i bluntly refused hence he doesn't miss any slight chance to punish me and make the job a living hell for me

Sometimes I feel bad for his family, having such an annoying person and a pervert as well sharing the same roof with them ...

I only work the morning and afternoon shift so am going for a job hunt where i can work in the evenings and make extra money.

My mind drifted back to Linda and ivy's project money, if I'm gonna give them the money I'll definitely have to get a job to earn extra money

I was walking down the street when a black car with tinted windows drove pass me splashing the mud from the floor all over my body .....

And worst the driver just got out of the car checked the tires and got back into the car

But me being me would never let that slide (like who the he'll does he thing he is splashing mud on me and just running off like that!) so i walked up to the car before they could drive off

Hey!! Hey!! I yelled as i knocked on the car window

The driver came out of the car, completely ignoring me, he made his way to the back seat where i had been knocking

He opened the door and the most handsome man.. scratch that the most ugly man i have ever seen stepped out of the car

Jeez he looks could kill , from his manly flawless face to his beautiful lips and oh my God his physique, his muscles were literally trying to rip - off his shirt... gosh i think he's a greek God

Who the fu***ing hell are you " his sexy voice brought me outta my trance"

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