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Kiss in the Shadows

Kiss in the Shadows

Mar Mojica


In the hidden shadows, their lips met in a kiss that ignited their souls, brimming with passion and daring. But as Miranda Forbes opened her eyes, she was stunned to find the man she despised entwined in that intimate moment. It was meant to be Fiore Ilarde, her devoted partner for three years, her first love. Yet fate twisted their encounter, and it was Xylon Diaz, Fiore's closest friend, who unknowingly claimed her innocence. Fiore's fury doused any hope of future vows. Miranda's loathing for Xylon seeped into her very being. Yet circumstances forced them to share a place, stranded in a secluded country house nestled in the heart of the woods. As time passed, a strange metamorphosis took hold of Miranda, shifting her feelings for her sworn enemy. She yearned for Xylon's touch, longing to relive that one passionate night they had shared. With Fiore's return, Miranda faced an agonizing choice. Should she stay loyal to the man who held her heart or surrender to the desires her body craved, embodied by Xylon?

Chapter 1 Deceived

I lowered my head, pressing my palms against my face. Choking and sobbing, I felt no shame in my disheveled appearance. Despite the desperation in my words, I knew this wasn't the end of the story for me and Fiore.

"Please, Fiore, listen to me," I pleaded, dropping to my knees, hoping he would hear my sincerity.

"Are you serious, Miranda? Do you think I'm foolish enough to forgive you after everything?" Fiore's disbelief stung.

Standing up again, I yearned to embrace him, but I was merely insignificant in his furious grasp. Meanwhile, the culprit responsible for all this stood idly by the window, even finding time for leisure. Fueled by anger, I lunged forward, attacking Xylon with a flurry of punches aimed at his slender back.

"This is your doing, Xylon! You're a monster! I hate you!" I shouted in rage.

To my dismay, Xylon's eyes remained closed, showing no signs of pain. He pretended as though he experienced it all, unaffected by the havoc we wreaked on his childhood friend. It became clear that he had orchestrated this wicked plan. Tears streamed down my face as I realized he had no intention of explaining the truth to Fiore. Once again, I fell to my knees, this time at Xylon's feet.

"You're a fool, Miranda! Are you truly desperate enough to submit to your enemy?" I scolded myself.

"Miranda, what are you doing?" Xylon's eyes widened in surprise at my actions.

"P-Please, Xyle. I beg you. Tell Fiore it's not my fault. I had no idea... that it was you... that you had taken..." I choked on my words, unable to utter the truth. I couldn't fathom how this jerk had taken my virginity instead of Fiore, my fiancé.

Tears streamed relentlessly down my cheeks, like rivers with no end. They symbolized a rainstorm devoid of a rainbow, an ocean devoid of hope.

"Stand up, Miranda," Xylon commanded firmly.

"Please, X-Xyle, I beg you..."

"Stop it, Miranda."

Already deafened by Fiore's words, I heard him say, "I will never forgive you, no matter what you and Xylon say. You lied to me. You and my best friend. Miranda, you're such a w---."

"Fiore!" Xylon admonished him, yet Fiore remained unaffected by anything I said.

Unprepared for such words, Fiore exploded with certainty, "I've made my decision. I won't marry you, Miranda."

My heart sank to the depths of the ocean. All my dreams had crumbled before me.

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