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Beauty Tames The Beast

Beauty Tames The Beast



Seep in the new world of sweet romance with our beauty taming beasts. Diana, a human child found by an unknown lost soul grew up mortally inside the supernatural society. With the beauty that rivaled the many alone was enough to sweep every living soul off their feet. Although to grow among the people whom are way dissimilar to her, the older she gets, the more Diana found herself out of place. Learning the traditions and belief of the were society especially when it comes to mates, always fascinates her mortal mindset. But more than she did already know, a mere human like her could only dream of having one. That knowledge soon did her both right and wrong when she faced her infamous other half, the son of the alpha from the strongest pack in the South, Ethan Lachlan; who rejects her at first sight for being the human she is. The rejection alone was enough to awaken the same unknown soul who have been lingering since Diana's birth of beauty. Before she knew it, the strangest of desires overpowers her senses as two broken souls came calling for her body and own soul in resonating voices. *** "I yearn for the one who'll love me for who I am, and for who I've yet to become." ~ "If I'm the only one in the world who'll love you, would you still be sad?" ~

Chapter 1 ONE

Unknown POV


My life had always been like this, the moment I learned to cherish life itself.

Since then, the only thing I could see was red, the only thing I could smell was blood, the only thing I could hear were screams, and the only thing I could taste were iron flesh. All my senses are heightened to kill, but the only thing I'm hesitant to touch was...


Unfathomable depths of unfilled spaces hovering over my line of sights, until one mere moment, sparks of lights speckled over through the abyss of my senses. It was still faint, as if, it just currently sprang to life, but I was sure it was coming from someone near.

My vision slowly cleared as I took in the source of crying in front of me. Something wrapped inside a basket with masses of rags topping it. I quickly, yet carefully unwrapped the clothing covering it as it cries seems muffled. As I did, something in me stirs, the beast in me is on the edge and both our attention was focused on what's inside the bundle.

An infant?

The little thing cried louder and I'm tempted to end its life right here right now, but I can't seem to. I finally moved up to leave it, while having a mental conflict over my beast for control. He wants to hold it and I don't, though I know part of me wants to.

"Fuck it!" I snapped, sitting back down and glaring at the little bundle. I leaned down closer to it and sniffed it's scent. Vanilla...

I haven't even realized I've leaned in too close, until its little hand touched my nose. Sparks erupted from where it touched, causing my eyes to jolt open in surprise. What's this? It's almost pleasurable to hurt, and I've never felt something like this before...

My beast purred at the sensation, and the longing itself had made me bury my face in the tiny figure. I only snapped back to reality, when it started stirring and talking gibberish.

I huffed and sat back, frowning as the little creature now had a huge smile on its sweet face.

"So, you're a girl, huh?" I mumbled, lightly poking her as she struggled to crawl on her knees, out of the object she's in. "Rest assured, you're going go die here, sweetie." I laughed out harshly, which sounded like I've been choked.

Hearing this she turned towards me, her blue orbs widened in curiosity as she titled her head sideways. I'd say its too adorable that even I can't hide the smile creeping up my face.

I growled in attempt to scare her, though she just giggled me off. What a weird cookie.

I finally decided to move up once more due to the footsteps approaching from a mile away. And no, I can't take that kid even though most of me wants to just keep it under my pocket my whole life. Though, likely, I can't.

Realizing my movement, she started to cry, and not a even a second had passed, I found myself kneeling back down to her.

"Damn it!" I cursed, balling my fist in irritation. I've never been attached to beings like her before, to be exact I've never been attached to anyone for hundreds of years I've been living. But, the only thing I know is that I can't take her with me, I can't let her die either. Knowing the fact that she's outside a pack's territory and she's human, she'll likely end up dead the moment I turn my back away from her.

The footsteps approaching fastened and a plan immediately creeps its way to my head.

I took the little thing on my arms, making sure I'm only touching the basket, not the body, and wrap my aura on both of us to hide in our presence. It's sort of a superficial thing, since I have a beast in me, not a wolf.

I hid behind a tree to watch my two pursuers. If it wasn't for this child I'm holding, I should've just end their lives for stepping onto my territory. Both me and my beast don't like it when somebody's stepping over what's ours, and I've claimed this land centuries ago!

"Alpha, are you sure you heard something?" A nervous looking boy with spiky hair asked.

"I'm sure." The other one with charming appearance mumbled, sniffing his way amidst the trees. Well, that's kinda surprising, who in their right mind would let their little future heir roam around the beast's den? Not like I'm complaining having this one here.

"Um, I think we're not in the pack grounds anymore." The spiky dude gulped. "I think we're in the beast's purgatory." Yeah, that's what they call my loving sweet home.

Just as I was about to do something to scare them off, more paws rummaging through my territory sounded from afar. Not a minute later, figures of about three more wolves appeared.

"Daniel!" A woman's voice cried the moment the three of them shifted.

"Hear me out!" The little Alpha, Daniel, spoke in defense. "I heard crying, it could be a child!"

"Do you even know where you are!?" The man boomed from behind the woman, whom I think was the real Alpha. I don't know, since in my sights, I'm pretty sure they're all the same flies.

The little kid must've heard shouting as she started to cry once more. Having finally enough of their presence here, I made my own presence known towards my pursuers. And who in their right mind would came shouting around my territory anyway?

Once I stepped out of the tree, all heads were snapped towards me. I can't miss the horror their faces plastered as the took in a defensive stance. The moon goddess should've think twice before cursing me, since we both know that no one could literally defeat me.

"Step back." The Alpha instructed, and I couldn't help but make a tauting step towards them, my eyes slowly blinded with red once again.

I was about to lunged when the infant began to cry louder. "Damn, girl, you're annoying!" I growled, yet she just gurgled and squeaked at me. I found myself calming down before snapping back to the souls before me.

Without saying another word, I bent on one knee, lowered the basket down, and left a small tap on the child's forehead. That way, I could prevent her away from harm and recognize her soul whenever she might be. I then stood up and slowly backed away from them as they're quite wary of my movements.

"Take her and I'll spare your lives." My voice came out as demanding as it seemed. "Raise her with care, spoil her with love and if I ever see a single scratch on her, consequences shall be applied."

The woman walked closer to the basket, together with Daniel on her heels, even though the Alpha's looks of disapproval, he can't help but shut his mouth and walk beside her, cautiously with the other man and kid behind them.

"Such a sweet soul." The lady cooed. "What shall be her name, your highness?"

I cringed at that title, though I ignored it and proceeded on thinking a name. I've got lots of it, I don't know where it all came from but it didn't help when my beast interrupts with my thoughts.

So, it is either Charlotte, Amanda, Claire, Sylvia, Audree... Goddess!

"Diana." My mouth absentmindedly spoke. "Call her Diana."


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