Alpha ... Beta ... Gamma daughters ... that's just how it is for us. The burden we're stuck with. We don't have the luxury of choosing who we get to be with. We may wind up being stuck with a wolf we either have no feelings for ... or, loathe ... while, spending our entire lives being unable to be with the one we truly love." This is the 'irrefutable truth' that the Burke sisters have been expected their entire lives to abide by, as the daughters of the Rainier Pack's Gamma ... and now, the time is quickly approaching, when Helena will marry their pack's Alpha's son ,on his eighteenth birthday; while Pomona has been placed into an arranged marriage with the Stratus Pack's Alpha Casper Whitmore, in order to solidify an alliance between the two packs. Unfortunately, it's this same 'irrefutable truth' which may tear apart the sisters ... and; their family, friends, and possibly even packs ... apart; as brewing jealousies arise, and once guarded secrets are revealed. Soon; emotional barriers are formed, and wedged between the sisters and their lovers ... both present and former ... as all their lives tumultuously intertwine. And, while all of their relations' are thrown into a state of turmoil; conspiracies among and between various packs, along with attacks from insurgent rogues, threaten to weaken and destroy the Rainier and Stratus packs as the chaos ensues.
Installment 1
Prologue 1
**Pomona's POV**
My name is Pomona Burke. I'm the twenty four-year-old daughter of the Rainier Pack's Gamma Stephen, and his wife, Elaina; or, more precisely to say, the middle child of their five daughters ... and; the runt of the litter, in the Burke household.
I've just been abruptly awoken from, what as far as I could tell, a restless night's sleep; as I rapidly shoot up into a sitting position in bed, while being drenched in sweat. I'm breathing heavily; as my racing heart pounds within my chest. My body's trembling. ... At least this time, I didn't jump up screaming. I'm sure the twins are grateful for that; being how we share a bedroom.
This isn't the first time that this has occurred ... and, I'm pretty sure that it won't be the last.
But; why exactly is this happening to me? ...
It's that time of the day when twilight and dusk converge, and transfigure into a mystically, bewitching sight to behold; when off on the horizon, the darkening, imminent nighttime sky rests upon a layer of brilliantly reddish-orange, diminishing daytime sky ... as the setting sun gently kisses the rising moon, in passing. And, there's a noticeable hazy mist permeating the air; which makes the atmosphere almost surreal-like.
I'm feverishly charging across an immensely expansive field, in my wolf-form ... at least; I believe that it's me ... with a menacing pack of wolves, frothing at their mouths, not too far behind me, engaged in an arduous pursuit. And, although I'm not exactly sure if they're chasing after me, or trying to chase me away; I do know, for certain, that I'm desperately fleeing from them ... running for my life. I know this because of the intense fear and anxiety that I feel coursing through my my body as I run away.
This frequent nightmare has been hauntingly plaguing my dreams since childhood. And, whenever I think about it, this is an apropos symbolization for the real-life, belittling ridiculing and ostracizing that I face on nearly a daily basis from most of our pack; including even my own father, at times ... who's always viewed me as a failure and embarrassment; especially in comparison with my other four sisters.
All of this ill-will and aversion towards me, along with my insignificantly meager existence in our pack, is chiefly brought about and due to an indirect result of my rare, genetic condition ... or, perhaps affliction would be a more appropriate way of putting it ... which was discovered that I had after having what should have been a fatally, life-threatening accident when I was three-years-old.
I have the ability to heal and recuperate at a more increasingly rapid rate than the typical werewolf can. And, my blood also contains both complexly evolved, mutated strains of DNA and RNA elements that have highly regenerative and rejuvenation compounds which, if injected into another wounded werewolf, could also temporarily enhance and speed up their recovery process, as well ... at least, throughout the duration of time it takes for their wounds to fully heal.
And, while the few people who are fully aware of my entire condition often tell me that this is a special, blessed gift that has been bestowed upon me; if you ask me, it's more like a curse that's taken away any chance of me having a happy, nor even just content, life. Because, fact of the matter is, this condition of mine comes with a drastic price.
First of all, I've been diagnosed as being infertile; and, will be more than likely unable to give birth throughout my entire life. And, second ... and, equally devastating; if not more so ... I'm also incapable of shape-shifting into my wolf-form; meaning that Daphne, my inner-wolf, can never metamorphose into her physical wolf-being ... subjugating her to a lifetime sentence of imprisonment.
This is a double-whammy; where one the consequences costs me a significant part of my womanhood, while the other one cruelly suppresses half of my werewolf-being.
The latter, I'm figuring, is the main cause behind most of the negative, judgmental opinions that a majority of our pack members have of me; and, the primary driving force behind all of the ridiculing and bullying I've suffered from all these years. Of course; it probably would have been a heck of a lot worse had it not been for the constant protection of my sister, Bellona ... who's always been ranked among the top three elites of our pack's Defensive Security Detail.
As for my infertility ... which, over the years has been one of the reasons making me such an undesirable mate to all the males in our pack ... from what I've heard, was the only influencing factor in me recently being chosen to be placed into an upcoming arranged marriage with Casper Whitmore ... an individual whom I've never met before, who's not only a little more than ten years older than me; but also, already has two children.
My father keeps reminding me that I should be extremely grateful, and thank the gods that such a lowly and useless excuse of a she-wolf like myself would be picked as the bride-to-be for such a prestigious suitor. I've been told that he's the Alpha of the Stratus Pack ... one of the largest, most powerful packs in California ... and, CEO of the Whitmore Corporation ... a multi-billion dollar conglomerate; with its primary cash-cow being an extensive, multi-franchise of international luxury hotels and resorts.
And ... just like the few that know about my condition ... most everyone in the pack is saying that this is like some sort of special, blessed gift; and, jealously griping that I'm unbelievably fortunate in having been chosen to marry him. I myself, of course, am feeling a bit wary of this special, blessed gift; and, expect that there will also be an eventual price to pay for it somewhere down the line.
Prologue 2
**Bellona's POV**
My name is Bellona Burke; and, today I turn twenty six. I'm the second oldest daughter of the Rainier Pack's Gamma Stephen, and his wife Elaina ... and, have always been referred to as the warrior of the Burke household.
I'm recognized as being one of the elites in our pack's Defensive Security Detail; considered to be one of its most fiercest fighters, as I tenaciously hold onto remaining within the top-three ranked the detail. The reasoning behind me always vying so hard to justify myself as one of the elites, and maintain that honor is two-fold...
First of all; she-wolves in the DSD are a rarity ... not just in my pack; but, throughout all the packs in the entire werewolf community ... and, as a general rule of thumb, wind up having to put in, at the very least, twice as much effort as their male-counterparts to prove their worth within it. Those who refuse to constantly push themselves up to ... and, sometimes even beyond ... the farthest threshold of their potential limits and capabilities are bound to face many occurrences of belittling ridiculing and blatant discrimination during their time in the DSD.
The second reason ... and, one which can be considered to be a proverbial double-edged sword ... is that my father is our pack's Chief of Security; and, among his many duties, oversees to every facet concerning the operations of the Defensive Security Detail. So, in one aspect, I'm always doing my utmost best to stave off suspicions and accusations of nepotism and favoritism given due to his position; while, at the same time, falling under his constant scrutinizing, watchful eyes that are making sure I'm not embarrassing him, or his self-prideful reputation.
Of course, of the two, the latter is the more pressing issue; being how those occasional rising suspicions of me receiving preferential treatment is even rarer than the number of she-wolves in the DSD, since everyone's aware of the constant bickering and butting of heads between my father and me ... which seems to be done on practically a daily basis. And, this is usually on account of Pomona; or rather, more specifically, from the deplorably demeaning way he treats her.
Pomona is without a doubt my most beloved sister out of all my sisters; and, we share a close-knit bond and special connection ... an extremely strong affinity which highly annoys our father for some reason. Probably because I'm always stepping in and confronting him every time he tries berating her because of her condition; which causes her to be both infertile and unable to shape-shift into her wolf-form.
Recently, the pack leaders ... including our father ... have taken it upon themselves to set up an arranged marriage between Pomona and Alpha Casper Whitmore of the Stratus Pack ... who's ten years older than she is, and also a widower with two children ... in order to establish an alliance. Needless to say, I'm vehemently opposed to this arrangement; and, have been in virtually nearly non-stop heated debate ... along with one altercation after another ... over this with them. And, by them; I mainly mean our father.
I know for a fact that Pomona really doesn't want to be married to someone she doesn't know; and, hates the idea of being forced to leave our pack ... despite the fact that most of them often ridicule and ostracize her because of her shortcomings. As for me; I hate the idea of being separated from her. I've spent most of my life looking over and protecting her. She is indeed the one true, precious love of my life...
In other words; I have no qualms over confronting and taking on anyone who tries to hurt Pomona in any way ... even if that means having to go up against and defy our very own father.
**Helena's POV**
My name is Helena Burke; and, I'm twenty eight-years-old. I'm the oldest daughter of the Rainier Pack's Gamma Stephen, and his wife, Elaina ... and, have always been referred to as both the delicate flower and treasured beauty of the Burke household.
For as long as I can remember, I've always been regarded as the most beautiful and fairest she-wolf in our entire pack; renown and admired for my aesthetic beauty and refined mannerism. Please believe me when I say that I'm not trying to boast, or toot my own horn by saying this ... I'm just bringing up some of those things that the pack has been saying about me over the years.
Unfortunately, because of my looks, when I was ten-years-old; Alpha Gordon had informed my father that he had chosen me to be the future-bride of his newly arrived, firstborn son, Alan ... arranged to be wed to him when he turns eighteen; and, becomes of age to be eligible to assume the position of Alpha, once his father decides to step down.
Alan's eighteenth birthday is about four months away. Once we're married; I'll be in line to become our pack's next Luna ... however, I'm not sure that I'm up to the task; nor, am I looking forward to taking on that responsibility. I'm not wholly confident enough in my ability, yet; and, I'm hesitantly leery about assuming the role of the Rainier Pack's Luna. ... And, despite all my doubt; even that isn't the biggest concern I have with this arrangement.
The thing is; I have no feelings whatsoever for Alan ... but, still; that's not the real problem. The real problem is that I'm actually in love with his cousin, Walter Burns ... I have been since childhood ... and, he's in love with me. Which is why, ever since high school, we've been maintaining an undeclared relationship; having secret rendezvous' whenever we get the chance to.
Prologue 3
**The Twin's POV**
Our names are Raina and Rhiana Burke ... or, as we like call one another; Rai and Rhi ... and, we're twenty two-years-old. We're the youngest, twin daughters of the Rainier Pack's Gamma Stephen and his wife, Elaina ... the two 'baby girls' in the Burke household.
We are self-proclaimed quasi-socialites / party girls ... although; we try to keep that on the down low from our parents and pack elders ... actively partaking in the nightlife scene by frequenting bars and clubs; as well as, attending parties and the occasional rave. ... Whether it be paraphrased from Prince's song lyrics 'Tonight I'm gonna party like it's 1999', or from that 70's disco anthem 'I like the nightlife; I like to boogie'; that sentiment is the credo we like to live by ... at least, for as long as we can.
When it comes to pack edict involving the hierarchy of just about every pack within the werewolf community; daughters in the families of the three highest-ranking wolves ... the Alpha, Beta, and Gamma ... are expected, and reserved, to be placed into arranged marriages for the establishment of pack alliances or treaties. ... Currently, in our household; Helena and Pomona are both already obliged to be married off.
That's why, until the day comes when we're placed into an arranged marriage ... forced to be wed to some wolf chosen by someone else ... we intend on continuing to party hearty; sowing as many wild oats as we can.
**Pomona's POV**
Another typical, drearily overcast, gray Washington sky; providing the perfect ambiance to accompany my current melancholic mood ... because, next week I'm being shipped off to California to be placed into an arranged marriage with the Alpha of the Stratus Pack; to help solidify the impending alliance between our two packs. ... Although, it shouldn't really matter much to me, anyhow; being how it's highly unlikely that I would ever be chosen by any male in our pack to be their mate. This is an inevitability that I've come to accept years ago.
Well, there's no point in dwelling over that now; because, I'm here on a mission ... it so happens that today is Bellona's twenty-sixth birthday; and, I've come to the wharf district in search of her favorite delicacy, freshly caught Sockeye salmon, for her birthday dinner.
I left home earlier this morning, and have been laboriously working my way throughout the crowded, bustling fish market shops and stalls; meticulously canvassing the area with a scrutinizing eye, in order to find the Sockeye salmon. However; so far, I haven't come across any, yet. ... Please don't tell me that every vendor's sold out of it already; not today of all days. I must be able to purchase some before leaving to return home.
You see, although I love all of my sisters dearly; Bellona is most my beloved sister ... and, the one whom I'm closest to. And, I know Bellona feels the same way about me. After all, she's been the one who's always looked out for; and, protected me all these years. She's even gone as far as to defiantly stand up to ... and, quite often bitterly argue with ... our father, on account of me.
So; I need to find the salmon for her special birthday dinner ... I just have to. Failure is not an option.
A few moments later...
As I continue onward with the hunt; Daphne suddenly becomes restless, and seems to have fallen into an agitated state for some unknown reason. I can feel her anxiously stirring about within me.
What's the matter, girl; is something bothering you? What's wrong ... what is it?
She doesn't answer; but, there's no doubt in my mind that something's definitely troubling her ... causing her to restlessly stir about in this agitated state. You see; Daphne will usually maintain her composure unless provoked, and is incited to act up. ... I somehow feel that this is the case now; but, what is it? What's bothering her? What has her all worked up?
Shortly, it isn't just Daphne who's agitated; because now, even I'm starting to feel a bit unsettled ... and, for some strange reason, extremely horny. My nipples have suddenly become stiffly erect; and, there's a tingling sensation down in my crotch ... as a growing, heated moisture begins dampening my panties.
I feel that if I was all alone ... and, not stuck out here among the huge crowd at this busy wharf ... I'd probably tear off all my clothes; and, zealously fondle myself, and wildly masturbate until I couldn't take it anymore and passed out.
Trust me, this is something that I've never once thought about doing before in my entire life; and, I have absolutely no idea what's come over me. ... Maybe I'm just reacting in accordance with Daphne's whims; which would make more sense, and seems to be a reasonable explanation.
Can it be ... what I'm feeling now ...
Is it our mate; girl? Are you sensing our mate nearby?
Once again, Daphne fails to reply; but, she continues to be restlessly agitated.
As for me, I need to put these abnormally weird feelings aside for now; and, continue looking for some Sockeye salmon. I'm sure somebody's got to have some left ... I hope.
**Casper's POV**
My ire rises, as I loudly rant into my cellphone; drawing attention to myself while angrily pacing about midst the crowd ... not that I really give a damn what anyone thinks.
"How did that happen?! Don't tell me that easy, whorish slut of a nanny found another willing partner to fuck; and, was too busy screwing around, instead of paying attention to her?!"
No answer. My jaw clenches, as I grit down on my teeth; while fighting hard to keep my inner-wolf, Gilead, at bay. I'm drawing enough attention already from this call; so, the last thing I need right now is to fully wolf-out in front of all these on-looking humans.
"I'll take it from your lack of response that that's what happened; am I right? ... Alright then; get some of our Security Detail to go out and find Brianna ... now! ... And, make sure you fire that little slut's ass! I don't want to see her annoying face when I return to the hotel. Understand?"
From the other end of the call; I finally hear a meekly voice nervously crack out from the cellphone's speaker, "Y-yes; Alpha Casper ... I'll ... I'll take care of that; right away."
"You do that. ... Oh; and, also be sure to tell that horny, little slut that if anything happens to my daughter ... I'll personally rip off her head, myself."
I abruptly end the call there; and, stomp off in an extremely foul mood ... seething. I grumble aloud to myself...
"God damn it! What was I thinking ... why the hell did I give in, and allow Brianna to come along with us? I should have known something like this would have happened. It seems like that impetuous child is becoming harder to control as time passes by. ... She's becoming more and more of a nuisance for me; just like that no-good mother of hers was."
Speaking of that useless, former wife of mine; I still can't believe that she had the audacity to die off a few months after giving birth to Brianna ... leaving me behind, stuck with having to look after two troublesome children.
The firstborn, Brandon, is my sixteen-year-old son, who thinks of himself to be some sort of Casanova-type, ladies man; who's seemingly apathetic towards the idea of taking over the position of Alpha from me. When he's not out gallivanting, chasing girls; he's shut up in his room, online-gaming with his slacker friends.
Then, there's Brianna; my highly precocious, nine-year-old daughter, who's had the ability to shape-shift since around the age of five ... and, has a propensity of running off wild by herself, in wolf-form, if nobody's watching her. She's also fiercely tenacious; with aggressive ... and, even sometimes overly-aggressive ... behavior and tendencies, at times. And, from what I hear, if really provoked; she can be a little, demonic-like, wild beast of a child.
Actually ... as much of a headache as she can be for me ... I'm rather quite proud of her; for certain aspects of her quality traits. She truly is an Alpha's daughter; capable of fearlessly standing her ground, and holding her own. It's a shame she wasn't a male; because, she'd make one hell of an Alpha. ... Brianna's definitely more suited for taking over for me; even more so than Brandon ever could be.
And then, there's her other ability ... the one which I like to keep closely guarded; and, known about only among those within my closest inner-circle.
And now; I'm expected to take on yet another useless wife, again? What the hell. The things I'm stuck doing for this pack of mine. ... Oh well; at least from what I've been told about this one, she's incapable of having children ... so, that'll be one less burden I'll have to deal with during this arranged marriage.
Suddenly; Gilead exclaims, "Mate. I smell our mate. And, she's nearby ... let's go find her."
You've got to be shitting me. A mate ... really ... now? No fucking way. Bad enough I have to go through with this pain in the ass, arranged marriage to formalize our newly proposed alliance with the Rainier Pack ... but, there's no way in hell I'm going to tie myself down to another annoying wolf-bitch ... even if she's supposed to be my mate.
Gilead vehemently repeats, "Mate! I smell our mate! And, she's nearby ... let's go find her!"
I try to blow him off... Seriously; you smell our mate? Are you sure? ... All I can smell is stinking fish.
Impatient and riled up; Gilead persists, "I smell her! It's definitely our mate! Go find her; now!!"
It's clearly obvious that he's not going to drop this any time soon. I let out an exasperated huff...
Fine; whatever ... let's go look for this supposed mate of ours that you're smelling.
"Yes; mate. ... Hurry up; let's go and find our mate."
At this point; I reluctantly allow Gilead to instinctively guide me to the location of where he senses our mate may be.
Chapter 1 No.1
Chapter 2 No.2
Chapter 3 No.3
Chapter 4 No.4