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It all starts with a lie for Stephanie and that lie leads her to live two lives. Her story is full of pretences, heartbreak and love.

Chapter 1 Touchdown.

Stephanie opened her eyes and she saw white faces moving around. "Am I in heaven?" she mumbled closing her eyes.

"No" the person sitting beside her replied. "You're in Seoul" he said with a smile and got up.

Stephanie yawned and rubbed her eyes. "I must have been very tired" she said behind her palm and carried her bag pack. "Remember Stephanie just do what you need to do and get out of here. Resist the temptation" she told herself.

After getting her luggage and clearing up her passport and everything else she made her way outside. "No time for sightseeing, in an out" she told herself. Just then she felt a vibration in her back pocket and she stooped to take her phone out still admiring her new phone case. It cost a lot and she wanted to make it last.

Someone bumped into her and her phone went flying.

"Naruto!!" She yelled as it fell on the beautiful tiled floor. She ran towards it and inspected her phone case. She sighed in relief and hugged to her chest. Her smile disappeared and she turned her phone and there was a crack on her screen guard. She furrowed her brows in anger and looked to the culprit who didn't look sorry.

She could tell her cheeks were red with anger as she walked up to him and got all up in his face. Though he was taller, you still couldn't tell. "Can't you watch where you're going?" she asked. "You literally bumped into me. It's not like you didn't see me or you did see me and you decided to bump into me" she said without stopping to breathe.

She gasped. "You did see me but decided to bump into me and ruin my phone" she said with a frown. "You're rude" she whispered. She looked him in the eye and he looked confused. "Don't pretend you can't speak English because I'll be so angry and you don't want to see me angry".

The man shook his head. "You misunderstand, I really didn't see you" he said sincerely.

Stephanie pushed out her lips in disbelief. "Liar".

"I'm not I swear it and why would I bump into you for no reason. I even wonder how I didn't see you, a beauty like you is hard to miss" he said with a smile showing his teeth. His perfectly straight white teeth.

Stephanie shook her head. "Avoid temptation" she whispered.

"What was that?" He asked leaning closer.

Stephanie shook her head. "Nothing!" She said taking a step back and pocketing her phone. "Don't think by sweet talking me that you're getting off the hook" she warned.

"Anything to be in your beautiful company" he said with that obnoxious smile.

"Please stop that. You are going to pay for my new screen guard" she said in a no-nonsense tone.

"Of course Ms., My name is Kim Sung-min" he said stretching his hand out.

Stephanie exhaled. "I'm Stephanie and I need to go" she said with her wide fake smile and held her travelling bag.

"Wait we need to exchange numbers so I can buy you a screen guard" he said with that same obnoxiously cute smile.

Stephanie sighed and held out her hand for his phone. He lay it on her palm and she put her number. "There! Now I'm leaving. Good day" she said stepping past him and walking quickly to the door. As she stepped out, she spotted a taxi and ran towards it.

"Take me to the nearest hotel" she said hurriedly.

Few hours later, Stephanie found herself in the most beautiful hotel she had ever seen. Well it was her first time travelling outside her country. She unpacked and went to the counter and set her phone there. She opened her WhatsApp and made a video call and took off her shirt instantly getting goose bumps from the cool breeze from the air-conditioner. She closed her eyes enjoying the tingling feeling on her skin and her mind went back to Sung Min and his perfect everything, until her phone beeped.

"What were you doing?" The person on the screen asked. "Don't tell me you were about to.....

"I wasn't about to do that!" Stephanie quickly cut in.

"Then why are you on your underwear?" Another party asked appearing on her screen.

"She wants to seduce all those Korean boys" another girl said appearing on the screen.

"How was your flight?" the screen now separating into four.

"I arrived safely. Thank you for asking Eunice" Stephanie said with a smile.

"So did you seduce a Korean boy!?" Precious asked with an excited squeal.

"I am so touched to hear you care about me" Stephanie said with enough sarcasm that said friend lost her smile.

"Temi, Precious, Utibe and Eunice I arrived safely thanks for asking. But you know what the plan was" Stephanie said in a low voice.

"Go to Korea, get your surgeries and come back home" they all said in a robotic voice as if they memorized it.

"But Stephanie this has always been your dream" Temi said all dramatic.

"It was a fantasy and now I'm all grown up" Stephanie said all proud and confident and with her chest out.

"Please I don't need to see those" Utibe said.

"Stephanie, you're only nineteen and this is your chance to do it. Live why you're young" Precious said.

"No!" Stephanie screamed. "I won't fall into temptation and besides my mind is already set on a Japanese men. With curly hair, black eyes, straight white teeth, cute smile, tall and built and has a cute a....

"Spare me the details please" Utibe cut in.

"Stephanie" Eunice called getting everyone's attention. "Your explanation was very vivid. Are you sure you haven't met anyone?" Eunice asked in her soft voice.

Stephanie sighed closing her eyes, trying hard not to blush, but failing miserably.

"So you met someone!" Precious shouts.

Utibe groaned. "Precious you're shouting".

Stephanie uncovered her face. "In fact all of you are making a hell of noise and I'm tired" Stephanie said with a sly smile.

"But is there a boy?" Temi who had been suspiciously quiet asks.

"No there's no boy, and she ended the call. Stephanie sighed. There's a man" she said in a whisper. She licked her lips slowly and walked to her bedroom in the mood for a cold shower.

After her unnecessarily long shower she came out and grabbed her phone first. She needed to call her family first and tell them she arrived safely. First, she would call Daddy, then Mummy and then her siblings.

After talking with them, she puts on her pajama and is ready for bed. She's peacefully drifting off, until her phone has an alert. "There goes my sleep" she said turning on her side trying to call back her sleep, but her phone wouldn't let her have it. She tried blocking it with her pillow, but whoever was texting her didn't want to be ignored.

When she opened her phone expecting her brother to be the one texting, but it was an unknown number. She opened her WhatsApp and it was in weird figures. She quirked her brow in confusion. "I'm not in the mood for games" she grumbled.

'Who is this?' She typed in.

'Sung-min' the person typed back.

'Who?' She typed.

'The guy you met at the airport'.

Stephanie was surprised that he texted. Normally when she was younger, 17 to be exact she had come in contact with foreigners, but most only texted back once or just wanted one thing. She shook her head on the past experiences and looked down at her phone which couldn't stop with the alerts because the man wouldn't stop typing. She brings the phone up to her eyes and reads the last text.

'I would like to come pick you up tomorrow so we can go and buy your screen guard'

Stephanie sighed.

She flops down on her bed and types in 'Lotte Hotel'

'Are you sure tomorrow is convenient for you?'

'Now he asks?' Stephanie thinks rolling her eyes.

'Yes' she replies.

'Good, see you then' and that ends the conversation.

Stephanie sighs and places her phone on her chest. "You didn't come here for friends just do what you need to do and get out" she whispers to herself. She keeps whispering that until she falls asleep. Sleep brings many things that night and a peaceful dream isn't one of them.

Stephanie wakes up the next morning with a frown. She gets up from the bed still with that same frown and does everything that needs to be done with that frown. While getting dressed, someone knocks on her door. "Who is it?" she called out and there was no answer. She took a deep breath and she stomped towards her door.

She was mad and whosoever was at the door was going to get it. She opened her door. "What?" she yelled and looked at the person who wasn't intentionally irritating her. Her anger disappeared with her words when she saw the person at the door. A guy probably around her age or maybe a year older holding balloons and a teddy bear. He had light brown hair in that hairstyle she loved on teenage celebrities.

Stephanie looked at him and he just kept staring with a sheepish smile. "Why do you just keep staring?" Stephanie asked looking him straight in the eye and he averted his. "I'm pretty sure you understand English so answer me!" she demanded.

"Well, I came here to drop off something for someone, but it looks I have the wrong room" he said softly.

"I could barely hear you!" Stephanie snapped. "Why are you here and why do you keep averting your eyes?" Stephanie asked. His mouth moved, but no words came out. "If you don't speak up I'm going to call security" she threatened folding her arms touching her cold skin.

He averted his eyes and she looked down and she screamed as she was in only her bra. She covered herself and looked at the guy who was looking away. "You perv! You knew all this while. You were looking and you didn't say anything".

The guy looked back at her. "Don't look at me!" she yelled.

"I tried to tell you, but I thought you knew with the way you came out all confident".

"Are you trying say I came out shirtless intentionally?" She asked angry all over again.

"Yes" he replied quirking his brow.

"You must be stupid" Stephanie deadpanned.

"There's no need for insults" he said looking hurt, trying to play the victim.

"Leave before I call security" and she slammed the door in his stunned face.

She ran to her room and got a shirt. She finally convinced her mother to get her crop tops. Now she could wear it. She put her boots on, and wore her jacket and her phone pinged. She looked and wasn't surprised when it was from her WhatsApp.

'I'm outside, can you come out?' the question bold on her screen.

Stephanie felt her heart drop to the pit of her stomach. 'Why am I so nervous all of a sudden?' She debated internally. He just wants to buy my screen guard and then we'll never see each other again. Her heart just sank deeper. She carried her purse.

She spied through her peep hole and the jerk was no longer there. She walked out and made her way to the elevator and went to the ground floor. She made her way outside and she saw him. She stopped in her tracks and just stared. He hadn't not noticed she was there. He was so handsome not like any guy she had seen. He was different and she liked it. She never fancied boys normally. Her tastes were always in the unique category.

He finally noticed her and he smiled. Her spit went down the wrong pipe. She went into a coughing fit in the middle of the sidewalk drawing a lot of attention. He walked up to her and rubbed her back. She calmed her breathing and held his arm, stopping him from rubbing her back and pushing it back to him. He adjusted his glasses.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm alright, good morning" she greeted.

"Good morning" he greeted back.

"So which store are you taking me to?" Stephanie asked.

"Any that is close, I really don't want to stress you" he said holding his arm out for her to take.

Stephanie smiled at the gesture but she pushed it down. She didn't want him to think she actually enjoyed his company. She took his arm interlocking his with hers.

The walk to the café was silent. She didn't say a word and he didn't talk at all. She felt kind of bad, but she didn't know why. She brushed it off as they entered the café and she was led to a table. Her mouth opened in awe. "It looks so cool" she said with a wide smile shaking his arm.

"Really?" He asked looking round. "It just looks like the way it always is" he said with a shrug.

'That's right' she thought. 'He's used to this'. She watched in utter fascination as the two Koreans conversed. At least she thought the worker was Korean.

Sung-min turned towards her and she stood there just looking into his eyes. His glasses are in the way. "Stephanie" he called softly.

"Yes" she replied.

"Your phone" he said holding his hand out.

"Oh!" Stephanie exclaimed. She handed him her phone with a smile. He turned to the man and he placed the guard on her phone. He handed it back to her and she tapped it with her fingers. 'Glass?' she thought. He paid and they left.

"How much was it?" Stephanie asked.

"There's no need to ask" he replied.

"There's a need if it was too expensive. We can return it and get a cheap one from roadside shops" she said stopping him from walking.

Sung Min smiled which made her frown. "I broke your screen guard and I was meant to pay so don't worry about the price". The look on her face told him she wasn't going to let it go. "Think of it as my gift to you" he said pulling her along effortlessly.

He laughed. "Seriously Stephanie there's no need to overreact. I'm sure many guys has given you gifts. Stephanie stopped walking causing him to stop walking also.

Stephanie looked away. "You've bought me my screen guard and I would love to go back to my hotel now".

Sung-min's jaw went slack. "Did I say something wrong?" He tried to look at her face but she kept looking away. Stephanie refused to look at him.

Obviously she was embarrassed. She always acted like words didn't get to her, but they always did even though it was a lie. But what he said really hit home. She didn't have good experiences with boys which caused her to distance herself, which caused boys not to approach her. She had never had a boyfriend, no first kiss, no romantic dates and no gifts.

"I'm sorry if you didn't like what I said" he apologized and Stephanie could hear the sincerity in his voice and she didn't want her conscience eating her up. She looked at him and tried to smile. She took his arm again.

"What you said made me remember something so please forget about it' she said it in a whisper but her tone indicated she didn't want to talk about it again.

"So are you hungry?" He asked. Stephanie wrinkled her nose in disgust.

"If you think I'm going to even let your food come close to my tongue, you thought wrong" she said with a smile.

"My food isn't bad and if not local food, what did you think you were going to eat during your stay?" He asked.

"I'm sure they should be McDonalds here or something" she replied not so sure.

"You aren't going to eat that for breakfast. I'm taking you to a nice and healthy restaurant" he said pulling her along.

"You're lucky I don't know my way if not I would have left you long ago" she said but she still followed him.

In the restaurant Sung-min watched as she talked to the waiter.

"You're such a handsome man, she began. I don't want to hear your recommendations because I won't understand. I hate noodles so please don't bring that I won't eat it. I detest fish and tofu so none of that. Please just bring me something I would enjoy" she ended with a smile.

"I'll just have a bowl of ramen" Sung-min said to the waiter who had lost his smile.

Stephanie just kept looking at her menu and after a few seconds she dropped it. "Why couldn't you guys just create a language in actual words instead of figures then maybe I would have an idea of what your menu said" she complained as she rest her head on the table.

She sat up quickly. "You keep staring at me, why?" Stephanie asked playing with her shirt.

"You're different" he replied simply. Which caused Stephanie to roll her eyes.

"Sorry, but flattery doesn't work on me". 'That came out rude' she thought.

"Not just your skin color, or your eyes, or your face, but your character" he replied leaning closer and brushing her bangs away from her face and tucking it behind her ear. "Your personality is different from women I've met and I like it. You seem like you know who you are and not what others say you are".

Stephanie looked away. "Is that a smile I see?" he teased. Stephanie put her menu in her face. "You're eccentric and I like how you speak your mind. You seem like a woman who won't let anyone put her down and it's good to try something different in a while".

'There's something hidden in that sentence' she thought.

"Different food, different environment, and different guy" he added in a whisper but Stephanie heard it. She smiled to herself.

"Maybe you're right" Stephanie whispered still not removing her menu from her face. She smiled a little when he heard him whisper a tiny yes to himself.

Their food arrived and Stephanie looked down at her plate. A bowl of rice and a weird looking sauce and barbeque pork. She said a quick prayer and dug in. She didn't want her ulcer getting worse. It didn't taste completely weird like the time she tried Chinese food. She enjoyed it and she was looking forward to more of Korean dishes.

After their plates were cleared, Sung-min decided he wanted to talk. She kept slurping her fruit juice and looking away. She was nervous and the way he was staring so intensely wasn't helping.

"So what's your full name?" he asked.

"My name is too hard for you to pronounce so just keep calling me Stephanie" she said dismissively.

"Why are you in Seoul?" He asked getting comfortable hinting they were going to be in the restaurant for a long time.

"I came for medical reasons, but don't worry about it, it's not anything serious" she said with a smile. It wasn't sincere.

"What about your family?" He asked.

"I have a family and they know that I'm here" she answered bluntly.

Stephanie noticed his smile was no longer on his lips and to irk him more, she smiled innocently like nothing was happening.

"Why are you being mean?" Sung-min asked resting his back against his chair and crossed his arms. He looked pissed.

Stephanie opened her mouth to retort, but the look in his eyes shut her up. She couldn't place the emotion, but it was making her stomach twist in guilt.

"Sorry for sounding childish, but I'm being nice to you and I'm being treated like trash. Do you hate me? Does being around me disgust you? If you feel that way, you know you can tell me and I won't bother you anymore".

Stephanie was confused. She was just teasing. 'Am I that good of an actor?' she asked herself.

"I don't hate you, she began. I was just teasing and I'm sorry if I came on too strong. Sometimes people can't tell when I'm joking and when I'm serious.

Stephanie looked up to a smirking Sung-min. 'It was a trick' she thought. He played the stupid guilt card. He had guilt tripped her.

"Yeah I thought so, I just wanted to be sure" he said then he took a sip of his coffee.

"And you said I was mean" Stephanie said furrowing her brows in anger and confusion.

"Yeah you were" he said all smug.

Stephanie sighed and got her purse out and dropped some money on the table and stood up. "Thank you".

"Do you know your way back?" He asked looking so relaxed. Not even bothered that she was leaving.

Stephanie smiled. "I have the google map" she replied with a smug look and she left.

'The nerve of that guy, who does he think he is? He just tricks me like that and he doesn't act bothered. She took her phone out and tried looking at the map and it wasn't working. She rolled her eyes and tried to retrace her steps and she bumped into someone and her phone flew from her hand. Serious dejavu.

She waited to hear the crash on the stone sidewalk but she didn't hear it. She didn't even know she had closed her eyes and made a very stupid pose. She opened her eyes and dropped her leg that she had raised and she dropped her arms she used to shield her head.

A guy was holding her phone. She gasped in relief and wanted to thank her savior but she remembered those lips. Those were the same lips that moved and words didn't come out.

"You again!" Stephanie sneered and she reached for her phone and he took his hand behind his back. Stephanie was pissed and he was making her pissed the more.

"So, not only are you a pervert but a thief" she said reaching for her phone which he put in his pocket. Stephanie groaned in frustration.

"Are you ready to listen?" He asked folding his arms and looking into her eyes.

"What do you want?" She asked slumping her shoulders.

"This morning I'm sorry for what I said, obviously you didn't come out without a shirt and it was wrong of me to assume" he said.

Stephanie rolled her eyes and groaned in annoyance. When she was done, she turned to him. "I've heard you and if that was an apology, you really need to work on it". She held her hand out her lips in a tight line. He smiled at her and shook her outstretched hand.

"My name is Lee Jin-soo, and you are?"

"Angry" she replied.

"Nice to meet you angry" he said indifferent.

She didn't have time for this and she tried to kick him hard in his shin, but he took a step back. She tried to kick him again and he jumped back. She tried to grab him and he grabbed her by both her wrists and pulled her close. She tried to free herself, but his grip was tight. 'I thought this only happened in fanfiction' she thought scared. She didn't know this guy and he could be a thief, murderer or a kidnapper. She was in trouble.

"If you don't let me go, I'll scream" she whispered.

"Just tell me your name" he whispered.

"My name is Stephanie" she replied shaking in his tight grip.

He let go and he walked away like nothing happened. Stephanie rubbed her burning wrists and glared at his retreating back. She looked up to the sky. "Why are they so weird?" She looked down and people were staring at her. It was embarrassing and she looked into her bag, and she couldn't find her phone.

"That snake!" she hissed and ran in the direction she saw him go.

A few minutes later she was panting in front of an ice cream truck. She was blessed with a fit body, but she really needed to exercise and rehydrate.

She stood up straight and an ice cream cone was grazing the bridge of her nose. She looked at the hand offering the cone. She took the cone and if she didn't really need it, she would have thrown it in his face.

"Would you like to sit down?" He asked pointing to a bench under a tree. She was tired and just wanted to go back to her room and sleep but something was against her today. She walked towards the bench and sat down licking the frozen treat before it decided to melt.

He sat down beside her a little bit too close but neither said anything.

He put his hand in his pocket and gave her phone back to her. She took it without any comment.

"Sorry I took your phone, but that seemed like the only way you would come to the park" he said with a sheepish smile.

"You need to stop assuming" Stephanie said as she rest her back.

"I'm not sure I was wrong. You look like a girl who can't be convinced and you also don't seem like you love going out".

"I won't lie, but you're correct. Now that you know that I'm leaving" Stephanie said standing up. Her hand was empty showing she was done with her ice cream.

"You must have a really large appetite" he said standing up after her. "Today was kind of nice, when can we see each other again?"

Stephanie stopped in her tracks. "Are you mad?" She deadpanned. "Since you already know that I don't like to go out, get it into your pretty head that I'm not interested in going out. Bye" she stormed off.

'I can't believe him. Seriously the nerve of that guy. Just because he's cute, does he really think I'd agree to see him again?' "He's so proud" she murmured. She looked at her phone and it was already midafternoon. She had been out for a long time and she could afford to spoil herself.

"Taxi!" she yelled.

Sitting at the back seat she couldn't help but feel that she was forgetting something. It was on the tip of her tongue but it refused to come out. Maybe it was unimportant. 'Who cares anyway?' She was going to the mall and she was going to spoil herself and take some pictures and make friends jealous.

Stephanie made it to the mall and bought some clothes. She bought casual wear and she bought some cute clothes that she could take some cute pictures. Short skirts and fluffy boots. People were actually willing to take pictures with her. Two guys kissed her cheeks in one picture and she couldn't stop blushing. She was so elated, that she didn't know that it was already getting dark. When she noticed, it was 8:00pm.

She called a cab quickly and instructed him to the Lotte Hotel.

She gets there fifteen minutes later because of the traffic.

She got out after paying with her many bags and walked to the door with a spring in her step, when she heard her name.

Stephanie turned and saw Sung Min. Then it hit her. She left him in the restaurant without telling him where she had gone.

She was surprised when he hugged her. A little too tight and the iron in her bra was digging into her skin painfully. She shook in his arms.

"How long have you been standing here? You are cold and your lips are turning blue".

"I thought something bad had happened to you" he began. "After you left I felt so bad, but when I got outside you weren't there. I thought the worst had happened to you" he whispered.

"I can take care of myself, so you don't need to bother about my wellbeing or anything" she said trying to lighten the mood, but his arm tightened around her.

"Seoul isn't a fairy tale land. People still get kidnapped and murdered, and you are a guest who doesn't understand our language. You're a lady and you could easily be kidnapped. Why didn't you call me or something? I was so worried.

Stephanie felt bad. She hated being in this situation and she had made him worry over her, for nothing. She could only apologize. Though it was small and couldn't replace the guilt at least it would make him feel a little better.

"I'm sorry. I was mad at you and I really wasn't sure why. I left and decided to go shopping. I am so sorry I didn't call I really forgot. I didn't know you'd be worried. You barely know me and all so I thought......" she trailed off.

He let go of her and adjusted his glasses. "I just want you to be safe. You are a foreigner and if anything were to happen to you, it'd be my fault".

Stephanie had learnt a lot of things growing up and gratitude was one of them. She smiled at him. "Thank you".

He smiled back at her. She could tell he was still cold and the jacket wasn't doing any justice. "Would you like to come in and get warm or something? I could order tea".

"There's no need to worry about it, I really need to get home now" he said looking at the street.

"No! She yelled. I mean I insist for making you worry" she pleaded. She knew she had won when she saw him smile.

Adjusting her bags in her hands, she felt odd. Kind of free. She looked down and it might had been the cold that was playing tricks on her, but her chest looked bigger. The band of her bra wasn't digging into her skin anymore. 'It must have come undone when he hugged me. 'I hope he doesn't notice'.

"Is something wrong?" He asked.

"No" she lied simply and hoped her jacket was doing a good job at concealing her odd looking chest. They both walked in silence towards the door and as they entered the elevator.

"So how was the mall?" Sung Min asked.

"It was nice and I met a lot of interesting people" she replied trying to look normal. 'I always thought you guys were snubs'.

The elevator stopped at her floor and she walked out slowly. She got out of her key card. 'Of all days to wear a strapless bra' she thought annoyed.

"Are you okay?" Sung-min's voice startled her and whatever force was struggling to keep her bra in place stopped and it slid down to her stomach. She dropped her bags and clutched her stomach. She just stood there not sure of what to do.

Stephanie closed her eyes in a silent prayer that Sung-min wouldn't bother her. Her heart dropped to her stomach as she felt strong hands on her shoulders and she was spun around. She looked at him with wide eyes. Fear and embarrassment were the only emotions she was feeling.

Sung-min let go of her and he picked up her bags. "You know you could have told me if you were having an underwear malfunction. I have a sister and also a mother, so it's not a new thing.

Stephanie turned around and pushed her door open and ran to her room. Sung-min walked inside at a much slower rate. He dropped her bags on the couch and went back to close the door. Her room was warm, so he took off his jacket and sat down waiting for Stephanie to come out. 'To be honest, she gave me quite a scare but she looks like a woman capable of taking care of herself'.

Stephanie paced round her room. 'I'm not sure he saw my boobs, maybe my bra but he said it was normal'. She stopped thinking and looked into her wardrobe. Sung-min was outside and she needed something to wear. Not that she wanted to impress him, no. She just wanted to show that she wasn't a little girl and she couldn't go prancing around in her baby doll.

Something finally caught her eye and she threw it on with a black pair of socks and a headband. She quickly ordered tea for two and opened the door slowly to peek at what he was doing. He was on the phone. She tried to walk out, but her feet wouldn't move. She was shy.

She rest on the frame of her door and played with the hem of her shirt. 'Will he like it?' 'What will he think of this?' Stephanie was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't know Sung-min was now looking at her. She bit her lip and stood up straight. Her eyes connected with his and she would have ran back into the safety of her room, but her socks made her slide forward and she almost fell.

She regained her balance and saw that Sung-min had a small smile on his face. She walked towards him and took her place beside him. "Yeah I already ordered some tea, it'll be here any second now".

"Yeah" he replied and looked through his phone.

Stephanie was nervous. 'What do adults like to talk about?' she thought. Technically she was an adult according to the law, but she could tell he was more advanced and talking about anime wasn't going to help matters. The silence was suffocating and she needed to keep him talking so he wouldn't think of her as boring and maybe he would want to spend more time with her. That put a smile on her face.

"So who were you talking to?" She asked getting up to answer the door. A waiter pushed in a trolley and he dropped the tray with a tea set and some scones. When he left she sat down by his side and poured him a cup.

Sung-min took the offered cup and sipped quietly. He closed his eyes savoring the taste and sighed in relief. "I was talking with my sister" he replied simply.

"I didn't know you had a sister. You strike me as an only child" she said placing her cup on the tray not really caring for the hot beverage at the moment. "Is she younger?"

"No she's older than me" he replied. He held up his phone and Stephanie's eyes went wide in shock when the flash came on. "I told her about you and she said she wanted to see a picture of you" he said with a smile.

"You can't send that picture!" she yelled trying to get a hold of the phone. Sung-min leaned back, keeping the phone far away from her as possible.

"Why?" he asked leaning back further as she was literally on him trying to get the phone and delete the picture.

"I don't look good, I look ugly!" she whined trying to get the phone. "Please don't send it" she begged.

Sung-min quirked his brow in confusion. "You look just the same like the way you were in the morning". "I really don't know why you would call yourself ugly".

Stephanie blushed and then she realized that she was on his lap. She made a move to get up, even though his laps were more comfortable than the couch they were on. Sung-min grabbed her. She fell against him, her chest against his.

"I already sent it to her and she said she would like to meet you" he explained. "She's been away for a long time because of business and we decided to spend time with each other. I would like you to join because she seems very excited to want to meet you".

Stephanie sighed. "Fine, but only because of your sister" she replied sitting up, ignoring the warm and tingly feeling in her chest and stomach. He stood up and put on his jacket.

"Thank you for the tea it was so delicious" he smiled.

'He really loves smiling'. "So where is the outing taking place tomorrow?" Stephanie asked arranging the tea set.

"After we pick her up from the airport, we're heading to her favorite café" he replied as he walked towards the door. Stephanie followed and opened the door for him.

"About today, please never scare me like that ever!" he said in a serious voice losing his normal playfulness. Stephanie nods in a silent promise.

They just stood there staring at each other not really saying anything. Stephanie, to her utmost surprise didn't find it weird. Not anymore.

He was leaning closer very slowly. Stephanie gripped the door in panic. She wasn't ready for it and she whispered a hurried goodnight and she slammed the door in his face.

She slid down against the door and got on her knees clutching her chest. 'What did I just do?' she thought. She was too scared to open the door and look through the peephole to check if he was still there. What had happened had happened and she would deal with the awkwardness later. Now there were more pressing matters. Like what she was going to wear tomorrow.

She dashed to her room and looked through her suitcase. Everything looked too teenager. She ran back to the sitting room and got her bags and ran back to her room sliding to her bed and dumped the clothes on the bed. She didn't want to look like a child, neither did she want to appear overdressed and underdressed. She got out her phone and typed 'How to dress more mature'.

She just looked through the suggestions quickly. "Clothes that fit, dark pants, clothes that cover......... whatever blah". When she was done tossing her clothes around, she lay on her bed exhausted. Her back and her right shoulder blade hurt.

She took out her phone and for the first time, she wasn't sure of what to do. 'Call Sung-min' she thought. 'Call friends?' No too noisy and she couldn't keep things from them. She stood up. She decided to just watch TV until she couldn't keep her eyes open.

She turned on the TV and kept surfing, until she stopped in a music channel. It looked like fun. They weren't that good looking, but they were tolerable. Even though she didn't understand their language and only liked one of the many songs. She got bored in the next ten minutes.

She turned the TV off and walked to her room and flopped onto the bed. She kicked the clothes to the other side and as she closed her eyes, she was out like a light. Tomorrow was going to be a stressful day and she needed all her energy to face it.

Sung-min sighed as he flopped onto his bed. "How can I be so stupid?" he groaned into his palms. "Now I'm sure she'll think I'm a huge pervert who just wants to get some. I need to apologize". He got out his phone and dialed her number, but he hung up. "It's already late and I'm sure she'll yell at me". He dropped his phone and his glasses on his nightstand. He rubbed his eyes sleepily.

"Till tomorrow" and he turned off his lights.

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