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Designs On You

Designs On You



After Interior Designer, Sophie Middleton finds her fiance' in the arms of her boss, Patricia Van Horn, she quits her job and her life spirals out of control. Without a job and no prospects, she decides to open her own business. With no one willing to cross her former boss, she begins to question her decision. But when handsome Actor, Cal Jenkins gives her a chance, life begins to change for Sophie in more ways than one.

Chapter 1 On My Way

Sophie Middleton bought the tan Honda Accord to a stop in front of Chef Cecil Deville's mansion. She opened the driver's side door, exiting the car. With a Bluetooth headset in ear, she said in a professional voice, "Jamie, what do you have for me?"

"I'm sorry, Sophie. Miss Lee hasn't decided on who she's going to give the project to. I'm calling you back out of courtesy."

Sophie let out a small sigh. She really wanted to land the interior design contract. The owner, Dana Lee, was considering several companies to redecorate her estate. Van Horn Designs, where she worked, put in a bid, and she was willing to do what she could to win over Miss Lee.

"I appreciate you calling me back." She opened the backseat passenger door and removed the roller luggage bag. "Any idea of when Miss Lee may make a decision?"

"I have no idea," Jamie said. "When she makes a decision, I will let you know."

Sophie was disappointed. Her team gave a presentation several weeks ago. They should have heard something by now. "I know you will. I'm just trying to hurry it along."

"I'm sorry, I have to get going," Jamie said. "I have to go and stand in line to try to get John Legend tickets. You know it's going to be a long line."

"What if I can get you tickets?" Sophie asked.

"Can you get tickets?" Jamie asked in a hesitant tone. "That would be awesome, if you can get them."

"I can get the tickets," Sophie said. "But I need you to set up a follow-up meeting with Miss Lee so I can persuade her to give the account to Van Horn Designs."

"As bad as I want those tickets," Jamie said, "I don't know. Miss Lee has her own way of doing things."

"Look at it as both of us getting what we want."

"How so?" Jamie asked.

"You get a chance to prove just how much of a great assistant you are, and I get another chance to show why Van Horn Designs should get the project."

"Maybe she will keep me on permanently," Jamie said, thinking out loud.

"That's the way to think," Sophie said. "Own it. Believe it. Achieve it."

"Alright," Jamie said. "You convinced me. I will see what I can do. I can't promise anything."

"That's all I ask."

"Okay. Expect to hear from me." Jamie ended the call.

Sophie let out a sigh of release. A lot was riding on this project. Miss Van Horn announced that she was looking to add a partner to the group. Sophie wanted to prove she was more than qualified for the position. She had been at the company for ten years. She had bought in more business than anyone the past five years. No one deserved to be a partner more than she did.

Sophie headed for the front door. She looked up to see her team members, Rios and Les, headed in her direction. She smiled and waved.

Rios returned her wave with one of his own.

Les yawned. "It is too early."

"You owe me, "Rios exclaimed with attitude. "This is my day off. How many days off do I get? I can't begin to tell you the plans I had to give up."

Sophie pretended to look hurt. She poked out her bottom lip. "I'm sorry."

Rios waved her off. "Don't even try it."

"You made plans with Kenneth?" she asked as they approached the house.

"Yes, I did," Rios replied with a little attitude.

"Tell Kenneth, I will find some way to make it up to you guys."

"I didn't have any plans," Les said in a pitiful tone. "I just didn't want to come in."

Rios placed an arm around her. "Same old story, huh?"

Les made a face. "Sad but true."

"Look, I want to thank you guys for this. I know it was short notice, but I do appreciate it," Sophie said.

She grabbed the large lion-face knocker and banged on the iron door. "Les, are you ready to give your part of the presentation?" It was her first time giving an idea to a client. She looked nervous.

Les fanned herself. "I'm a little nervous," she said. "But I think Mr. Deville will be pleased with what we came up with."

"I think so too," Rios agreed. "I love the outdoor concept."

Sophie nodded at Rios. "It's my favorite too. It's okay to be a little nervous. We have all been there."

A moment later, a Hispanic female housekeeper answered the door. She flashed them a friendly smile. "Good morning. How may I help you? " She asked in a thick accent.

"We have a ten o'clock appointment with Mr. Deville," Sophie said. "We're from Van Horn Designs."

The housekeeper wiped her hands on her apron. "Of course. He's been expecting you. Wait a moment, I'll let him know that you are here. " She walked off, disappearing in one of the back rooms.

"Where's Kyle? Isn't he supposed to be here? " Rios asked when the coast was clear.

"Kyle couldn't make it," Sophie answered. "He's tied up with another project."

"Hmm," Rios said.

"Don't start, Rios," Sophie exclaimed. "I'm not in the mood today. This isn't the time or place."

Rios leaned back. "All I'm saying is that this is his project. He should be here; this is his client."

"Kyle is swamped," Sophie said. "I offered to help. We're all in this together."

Rios threw his hands up in a surrendering motion. "Not another word."

"For now," Les quipped.

"I may have some good news," Sophie said in excitement. "I spoke with Dana Lee's Secretary today."

"Jamie? " Les asked. "Did we get the project?"

"Miss Lee hasn't made a decision yet."

"I really hope we land that project," Les said.

"Well, all it is going to cost us is a pair of John Legend tickets." Sophie flashed Rios a smile.

"John Legend tickets?" Rios asked. "You didn't promise a perk again, did you?"

"Sorry," Sophie said.

"The cheapest tickets are one-hundred-twenty-five dollars," Rios said. "Those are the nosebleed seats.

"But you can get me a pair, right?" Sophie raised a perfect arched eyebrow. She was grateful that Rios was on her team. He had a knack for coming through with perks for the elite clients.

Rios let out a light sigh. "Alright, I'll reach out to my contact. But you already owe me for coming in on my day off."

"Come in. Come in," the short, heavyset man spoke, heading toward them. He clapped his hands together in excitement. "What happened to Mr. Dern?" Upon close examination, he resembled Tom Arnold.

"He couldn't make it," Sophie said. "I hope you don't mind if we give the presentation instead."

Cecil waved a hand in mid-air. "Not at all. You're much cuter."

"Thank you for that," Sophie said. "Let me introduce you to members of my team. You already know Les Griffin, and this is Rios Martinez."

"Good to see you again, Miss Griffin," Cecil said. "Nice meeting you Mr. Martinez. I'm excited to see what you guys have come up with."

Cecil led the trio to his private study. Sophie quickly set up the presentation. "I think you are going to like what we came up with. I got the idea from talking to and reading notes from Mr. Dern. He informed me that you like nature, so I figured we design your home in a greenery concept. "

Les began clicking through the slides.

"The texture of interior design can be just as important as the color pattern. We want to bring the greenery of the garden inside."Sophie explained.

Cecil took a seat on the loveseat. He crossed his short legs. "I'm listening."

"We are also going for a soft and inviting feel of various pallets," Sophie said. "This will give the home a more relaxed mood."

"That's what I want, a feel of Mother Nature. I want practical, you know, tranquil, warm, and inviting."

"Exactly," Sophie said. "That is why I was thinking of adding plenty of candles, plenty of plants, and even a small waterfall inside. Something with a natural nature inspired interior."

"What about the color schemes?" Cecil asked.

"Muted tones," Les replied. "I think that will fit the concept we are going for."

Sophie nodded in agreement.

"That would fit this house perfectly," Rios said, looking around the room.

Sophie looked out the window. "That would fit in perfectly with the surrounding garden."

"Okay. Okay," Cecil said. "My favorite color is green."

"Mr. Deville, can you give us a tour? Sophie said. "I would like to get a better feel for the concept."

"I'd love to," Cecil said, getting to his feet. "Follow me."

Sophie followed Cecil from room to room. She could see where the green could easily be transformed into the home. She would add neutral palettes so that the rooms flow into each other.

"We can easily add personality and character to each of the rooms," Rios said.

"Along with accessories, patterns, wallpapers, and flooring to give them their own feel," Sophie said. "We want the home to be nature inspired."

"I can't wait to see what you come up with," Cecil said as they made their way back to the library.

"So, Van Horn Designs get the project?" Sophie asked in excitement.

"Are you kidding?" Cecil said."No one has been able to get what I was going for until you. Yes. You get the job."

"I will have my office send over the contract," Sophie said.

"I will read it, sign it, and get it back to you as soon as possible."

Sophie extended a hand. "Great. I look forward to working with you."

Cecil accepted the handshake. "Same here."

Sophie quickly packed up the presentation.

"I guess I will see you guys at the Van Horn birthday party tomorrow night," Cecil said.

"Were you invited?" Sophie asked.

"Yes. I'm attending with a friend of mine," Cecil said.

"Oh, Sophie said. "I guess I will see you there then." She grabbed the handle of the roller bag and trailed Cecil.

They passed through a large kitchen area. An older woman and the housekeeper were crowded around a television.

"They must be watching the London Meadow Show," Mr. Deville said. "They never miss an episode."

"Shhh," the older woman said. "Cal Jenkins is speaking."

"Mother, did you just shhh me?" Mr. Deville asked.

"No one talks when Cal Jenkins is on television," his mother said.

"Mother, I thought you were a fan of his father, Oscar Erkshire," Cecil said.

"I was back in the day," she said. "But I like the son, Cal, better. I think he's a better actor. I loved him in Legion."

"I don't know," Rios said. "I never miss an episode of Bayside Hospital. Nobody plays a villain like Oscar Erkshire."

"I know what you mean," Les agreed. "Dr. Tobias Snead has got to be the most hated character on television today. Now that's acting."

"Bayside Hospital?" Sophie said. "Never heard of it."

"I'm not surprised. You don't watch much television," Les responded.

"No time," Sophie said.

Cecil's mother got off the stool. She walked over and placed a coffee cup in the sink. "Who are you?"

"Mother, these are the decorators from Van Horn Designs," Cecil said. "I told you they were coming today."

"You are finally going to get rid of this hideous furniture?"

"Mother," Cecil exclaimed.

She chuckled. "Look around. Do I need to say anymore?"

"Don't pay her no mind," Cecil said. He led them to the front of the house. I'm looking forward to working with you. I will see you all at the party."

"We'll see you there." Sophie hurried to the vehicle. "I'm headed back to the office." She unarmed the vehicle and replaced the luggage in the backseat. "Rios, I will talk to you later. Hopefully, you will have good news about the tickets."

"Consider it done," Rios said. "I will talk to you later."

Thirty minutes later, Sophie hurried through the double glass doors of the office. Her male secretary, Troy, was waiting. He ran over to meet her, notepad in hand.

"Go," Sophie said.

"Call from Tanner Brown."

"Call back."

"Missy Connors," Troy said.

"Call back." Sophie handed Troy her roller and Gucci bag. She removed her designer shades.

"Tell her I'll send someone over from the team to go over her concept. Now, did you arrange for a car to take me to the airport?"

"Yes, ma'am. It's all taken care of."

"Make sure that everyone on the team has my number in case they need to get in contact with me."

"I'll do it, but I don't understand why you would want someone to reach you in Hawaii," Troy said.

"I'm going to work," Sophie explained. "There could be an emergency. Now who else called?"

"Mary Furman," Troy said.

"Oh, can you get her on the phone for me?" Sophie said. "I'm going to step in a moment to speak with Miss Van Horn. I'll only be a moment."

"Yes, ma'am

"Oh, I'm expecting a call from Jamie from Dana Lee. Pass it through."

Troy turned to leave.

"Troy, can you get me a couple of Tylenols?" Sophie said. "I feel a headache coming on."

"Tylenol, coming up."

"Thank you." She knocked, then walked into her boss's office. She was on the phone and waved her in.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Patricia Van Horn asked on the phone. "Can I please speak to someone that has a clue of what's going on?"

Sophie took a seat across from her desk.

"Well, have someone call Patricia Van Horn. I will be more than happy to explain it to them." She slammed the phone down. "Idiots. I hate incompetence. They sent the wrong bathroom tiles to the Macklands. Mitch is all up in arms. I can't say that I blame him. I won't be doing business with them again. " She placed a clip earring to her ear.

"We got the Deville case," Sophie boasted.

"How did you manage that?" Patricia asked. "I sent several teams over with different concepts. He turned them all down."

Sophie shrugged. "It was easy. He likes the outdoors."

"Well, okay," Patricia said. "We will celebrate tomorrow night at my birthday party. Sophie, that is what I like about you. You're so much like me. I look at you and I see myself ten years ago. You get it. You know what it takes to make it in this business. Besides you, I don't know anyone in this office that really gets it, well, besides Kyle, your fiancé."

"Kyle is like me," Sophie said. "So, he gets it. He knows what it takes to make it."

"You are right," Patricia said. "Kyle knows exactly what it takes to make it. Well, keep it up. I'll be making the decision for a partner soon. You are at the top of the list. No one works as hard as you do."

Sophie grinned. "Thank you, Miss Van Horn. You won't be disappointed."

"No problem. You will soon get everything that you have worked so hard for," Patricia said.

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