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Remember You

Remember You



'It's him!' Isis Feng exclaimed inwardly when she saw her groom . She couldn't believe that the person she thought she'd never meet again was her fiancee. After knowing that Dylan Wen was 'Dan', Isis felt a little relieved as she knew Dylan was a good person Dylan was also shocked when he saw his bride. Before he guessed that Isis must belong to a rich family but he didn't knew that she was from the Feng family. After thinking about their previous meeting Dylan let out a soft chuckle. He seemed to be happy with this wedding but his friends were shocked because just yesterday he was against this marriage. At a restaurant Richard Ji was streaming Dylan and Isis's wedding live when he said to Alyssa Mu "Just forget him. Look how happy he is to marry that girl. Alyssa I love you more than him.." "Shut up you! Dylan just loves me. He is marrying that girl just because he was forced to. After sometime he will divorce her and marry me. Just wait and watch" Richard was cut off by Alyssa and she threw the spoon in her hand.

Chapter 1 First Acquaintance

At the International Airport of A city there was a crowd of reporters waiting for two people as they were coming back to their country after a long time but there was another reason for the crowd to gather. Recently a news was spreading in the city that the Feng's and the Wen's were forming an alliance through marriage.

This was a huge news as both companies were the top two which never stepped down from their positions once and were competitors. This news was spreading like fire in the whole business circle and elite class of the A city.

Moreover both personalities were the sole successors of their family and Isis Feng had never been seen since last 5 years as she went abroad for higher education while Dylan Wen completed his education in his own country and appeared in some gatherings of the elite claswas sent to handle their business abroad 7 months ago.

At the airport terminal when the plane landed and passengers started to come out no one noticed an elderly woman who was the first one to come out of the plane. After the old lady left a man with very long beard appeared and as expected he was also ignored because the reporters knew Dylan and they also had the photos of young Isis so they just waited for someone similar to appear

On the way to the parking lot the old lady dialed a number and asked

" Is the car there?"

" Yes young mistress. Your car is in the parking lot" the man replied from other side.

" Excellent!" she hung up the phone went to her car and removed her make up. Those wrinkles were now gone and a fair and soft skin can be seen. Then she removed her wig and untied her brown hair which were now hanging on her waist. Tender and pink lips could be seen. The old lady had transformed into a total beauty now.

She was none other than Isis Feng After fixing her face she drew away.

On the other hand the man with long beard also sat in a car which was waiting for him. After getting in he pulled of the beard and glasses and yelled

"Argh... I hate this!! Why do I have to do this??... "Dylan yelled "Let's go now. Hurry up!!" Dylan said after seeing the reporters wandering.

The reporters waited till end but the people they waited for didn't came out so they became suspicious and tried to look for them everywhere

In order to avoid the media, their families booked the night flights and it was almost 11 in the night and the roads were empty.

Isis liked to drive by herself so her car was parked in the parking lot before her arrival. She was on her way home when she saw a girl of about 16 years old being abducted and crying for help.

Although Isis didn't know how to fight she knew some self defense strikes so she got off from the car holding a spanner and pulled the girl over after hitting the middle aged bald man.

"Bi*ch how dare you?" The man groaned in pain.

"Don't worry you'll be fine" Isis tried to calm the girl.

" You crazy bi*ch how can you save yourself now? You should've stayed out of it" the man said approaching Isis and grabbing her hand

Isis trued to break free but failed.As she was about to get hit so she just closed her eyes hugging the girl tightly. As she was about to get hit a figure stepped in and punched the man right in the nose.

The man was beaten so hard that his nose started to bleed. Due to the immense pain he ran away.

This figure was none other than Dylan. As he turned around the streetlight falling on him dispersed and a handsome face was displayed. His black hairs were on his forehead with shining blck eyes, his fair complexion felt delicate. With a slight frown on his face as he asked "Are you okay?"

Isis was holding the girl tightly as she nodded "Yes" and looked at the girl. The girl was terrified. Isis asked

"What were you doing here at this time?"

The girl replied" I...I was going to get medicine fo..for my grandma but then...then suddenly he came a...and took my money and tri.....tried to..." The girl cried uncontrollably.

"Okay Okay its fine now right" Isis comforted the girl patting her

" Where do you live little girl?" Dylan asked squatting

"I..in the alley nearby" the girl replied trying to calm down

"Well Mr. thankyou for your kindness today for saving us. I'll drop this girl home after getting her what she needs " Isis said courteously.

"That's it? I saved you two and wasted my precious time yet you're just thanking me?" Dylan playfully asked.

Actually Dylan had seen Isis beforehand as both of them had the same route. At first he didn't see the highschool girl being abducted he just saw Isis stepping down from a luxurious car in the middle of the road holding a spanner in a suspicious manner so he asked the driver to stop and thought ' Is she silly? What is she doing? ' but later he saw what she was doing and when he thought Isis needed help he helped her.

"Then...what do you want?" Isis asked awkwardly.

"Let me help you drop her. I also saved her" Dylan said

"Well let's ask her who she wants to go with!" Isis stubbornly said

"Okay. Little girl who will you choose?" Dylan asked

The girl remained silent

"Okay then I'll let you come with us" Isis agreed as she thought that Dylan was not a bad guy as he just saved them

Dylan asked the driver to wait for him in the car and went with Isis. The girl was now at ease and started talking.

While walking Dylan asked " Little girl what's your name?"

"My name is Vivian you can call me vivi" The girl replied with a faint smile she now stopped stuttering.

Then she turned to Isis and asked "Pretty sister what's your name "

"You can call me Sisi" Isis was often called sisi by her mother and her friends

"Little girl you hurt me! You should've asked for my name first" Dylan teased the girl

"Then what's your name" the girl asked smiling widely

"You can call me Dan" Dylan said proudly

" Beother Dan and sister Sisi thankyou for today if it were not for you.." the girl started tearing up

"Doesn't matter Vivi. Don't bring that up." Isis held Vivi's hand and tucked her hair

After buying her medicine and reaching Vivi's house Isis said

"Here's my number you can call me anytime if you want to or ever need anything" Isis said holding her hand

" And here's mine. Feel free to call me" Dylan also gave her his number

"But we don't have a phone" the girl said

Isis remembered something " Wait for me here" She ran over towards her car

"Where is she going? " Vivi asked

Dylan shrugged his shoulders

After a while Isis came with a box in her hand and handed it to vivi.

"What's this?" Vivi asked

"Open it and see yourself" Isis said smiling

It was a latest smartphone and Isis was going to gift Alya Bai her best friend

"I cant take this its too expensive" Vivi refused

"I've given this to you now I cant take it back" Isis said

"Just keep it or she'll feel bad" Dylan added

"Fine then I'll keep it. Thankyou so much sister Sisi and brother Dan for today" Vivi said bowing to them

"It's my pleasure sweetie. " Isis and Dylan said in unison and then looked at each other awkwardly

After this Vivi went inside and the adults went over to their cars

"It was nice meeting you. Thanks again for helping us and let's part our ways now. Goodbye" Isis siad gratefully

"It was nice meeting you too. Don't know if we'll meet again" Dylan uttered. He knew that they'll meet sooner or later because there were many gatherings and banquets in the the elites class and from the looks he could tell that she was a member of the elite class

Isis just smiled and left after that Dylan also left

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