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Will you hold me?

Will you hold me?



She love him for as long as she can remember He hates her for as much as she love him

Chapter 1 If only he know me

My name is Vivian Rosales, I am a 16 years old girl living in the maid quarters with my mom at the Collison Mansion. My mother is Martha Rosales she is a single mother and currently working as Mr Samuel personal cook. He really loves her cooking as her dishes reminded him of his late mother cooking. My mother has been working here for almost 10 years but we just moved in to maid quarter 3 years ago after my nana passed away. I am just a petite girl with a long black hair, a simple girl who dont have much passion except for cooking and taking photos.

I usually spent my time either reading romantic novel or with my mother in the kitchen.

Today is the day that I first saw him. I was walking back from school and today I did not use the service door like every other day. Collison's family was on holiday so theres only servants left in this huge mansion. I briskly walked through the garden beside the mansion since that is the quickest path to the maid quarters. I heard a loud laughter coming from the pool which situated beside the garden. No one suppose to be here but it seems like a party being held since the music was playing at full blast. I stopped my track and hide behind the trees in the garden to take a peek on what is happening. There I saw the pool was full of people. Girls were dancing in their bikinis, some couples were making out in the pool, they definitely look older than me like a college students. So this is how rich kids partying, I thought to myself.I was thinking to take a different route but my eyes fell on a guy sitting on the lounge chair playing with his phone while his beautiful blonde girlfriend on his lap looking frustrated trying to get his attention. He was fair, almost pale white. His unfathomable, deep blue eyes contrasted exceptionally with his light toned face. His eyes were as deep and expressive, where you could get lost if you stared long enough. He had a chiseled jawline and a devilish smirk that can melt any heart. He is by far the most gorgeous boy I have ever seen.

I take out my phone turned on the camera zoomed in and took his photo secretly, such a stalker right.

I am not creepy but I like what I like. My phone gallery are full of photos of things and people that I like but he is the first guy, a stranger that I took photo of. Little did I know, this gorgeous guy will be the only guy that will fill not just my gallery but my heart too.

I keep my phone in by backpack and start walking towards the maid quarters. I reached the small room that I shared together with my mother feeling excited with the photo I have taken today. I put aside my hearing aids, oh did I told you I am deaf for both ears. I loss my hearing 6 years ago due to high fever that caused cochlear damage, but it is quite okay I am not mute I can still hear normally with the device. Most people do not aware I am with this disability since I will always cover both my ears with my hair. I dont even learn how to read sign language and I still go to school with normal kids . Coming back to my story, so I take a quick shower, changed to my comfortable pjs and put on my hearing device. Then I quickly take out my phone from my backpack. I transferred photos of the day into my laptop. I took a lot of photo today and the most special one is the handsome stranger. I smiled to myself thinking how nice if I know his name.

So I waited for my mom to come back from her shift, she is not the only cook but she will specifically prepared all the dishes for Mr Samuel. Hence when Mr Samuel is not around she will only be working for half day.

It was 4 in the evening when my mom came back. I kissed her cheek when she put a jar of cookies on my desk. She always bring baked goods for me since she knew how much I love them. I never step in the huge mansion so mom will bring back food for me and I will be eating the room.

"Hi mom, its quite late today. I thought you are working til 12noon today." I asked her.

"Oh dear, Mr Samuel grandson is throwing a party for his friends today so I helped a bit in the kitchen." My mother replied while kissing my forehead as she sat beside me. I love it when she kissed my forehead. She was stretching her back and both her arm. I naturally help to massage her neck and shoulder seeing how tired she was. I want to ask her about the handsome guy but I think I will ask her another time. He must be the grandson after all he almost has the same features as Mr Samuel. I open my phone and try to read more about Collison family. They are the most influential family in the country so it was not hard to read about them. Mr Samuel has a son named Jacob whose wife has passed away and Jacob has a son name Keith currently studying in Harvard in Bussiness and Economics. I searched more for Keith Collison and yes he is the gorgeous guy that I saw. He is just 20 years old but he was named as the most influential bachelor. Keith was previously known a child prodigy, he is genius, he excel in sports, studies and he can speak multiple languages. As he grow up, his prince like features automatically increased his fame. I wonder how come I just read about him. I shrugged, he is someone that I can only adore from afar. If only he knows me.

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Other books by qisya

Her Protector, His love

Her Protector, His love



Claire Johnson Daughter of Derek Johnson and Mary Johnson, a very wealthy man in country S in fashion and retail industry. She has been living in a sheltered and unrealistic life. Her father was overprotective since he lost his wife due to heart failure, she suffered from a Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy a disease which hereditary and Clair has inherited the same condition. She cannot be stimulated, tired, she cant drink alcohol, she cant do excessive work and she regularly fainted. So Derek is very protective of his dear daughter, she has to take a lot of medicine and vitamin since tender age. But all this attention to his daughter he forget to take care of himself. It only need a sudden heart attack to make his daughter lost her protector. Alex Anderson A handsome man and a billionaire in country A that can melt any woman. He is a notorious playboy, He did not believe in love as he has been with a lot of woman and he think there is no pure girl in this world. He hates emotional attachment with anyone but his family and his 2 bestfriend.He is born in a loving family and they are very much his everything. His parent still love each other so much and he have 2 nosy twin sister Mia and Sara. And he despises women who are pretentious and weak. For him kind is weak, gentle is weak. His parent was the opposite of him and he believe people will take advantage when you show kindness and thats how he built his own empire despite coming from an `old money`. His wealth even surpasses his family wealth. Can Alex be Clair new protector? Does Clair need a new protector? Let see

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