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What is Love "YOU"

What is Love "YOU"

Ms Bee


"Come on Amie you think I will marry Dominic, there is no way, I never do that. What ever happens I don't care and I'm not going to marry Dom that's final" Bethany argue with Amie. "Please Beth we don't have other choice you have to marry him than only we can be free from this problem otherwise we both will be in danger, I don't care about me Beth but I need you to be safe, I don't want anything happen to you because of me" Amie cried. What will happen if Bethany marry Dominic and what if she not? Did Bethany find her true love? Join Bethany's journey through danger, hate, trust and love to see what happen.

Chapter 1 no. 1 Pilot

P.S - I would also like you guys to comment and tell me what you think about the book and what you would like me to change to make the story better. It is my first book guys, so please go easy one me:)

"It was a night like any other when Forsythe Pendleton Jones III or Jughead, affectionately, went to a school party in the woods. But unlike his peers, Jughead never came home. A few days later, his body was discovered at the bottom of a ravine." she turn off the TV and took the remote from me.

I was annoyed by her act" what's is that Amie Johnson" I ask her with my annoyed face. "you obsessed with this TV show Bethany!!!" she snapped back. I bring my hands near to her and start to tickling her until she burst out laughing and throw the remote away.

I took the remote" you got interview tomorrow Bethany go to bed early" she mumbled and went to bed. "OKAYYY" I rolled my eyes and went to bed.

I and Amie were meet at middle school and become best-est friend. Its happen so fast. Her round sea green eyes and puppies look, she just cute. We when high school together, college and we graduate together. Now she grown obviously to a pretty women and she work as general manager in one of the famous company.

Amie parents own a textile company which is Johnson's Textile. She is the only child for them but she didn't want to burden her parents and did everything to her own.

'beep beep beep beep!!!' I turn off the alarm and pull my blanket to my face. "Wake up you lazy bud, you're gonna be miss the interview" Amie mumbled and get ready for her work.

I look at the time it's almost 8.15am. I got interview at the famous Lanister's Corp. I jumped off the bed and run to shower. It's 8.20am, Amie left for her work before that she wished me luck for my interview. I comb my wavy hair into ponytail and put a bit lip gloss, took my spectacle for my brownies eyes and run to my car with my CV in my hand.

I reach the Lanister's Corp at 8.50 am. The building almost hit the clouds. I took deep breath and step into the building. "Are you for the interview, it's at the 15th floor" she give me a warm smile and directed to the lift. I nodded and took the lift. When I enter the hall I saw some nervous faces.

That's make me nervous, I search for a seat but" Ms. Bethany Davis, please follow me" a red hair female asked me to follow her and "good luck, Mr. Lanister is waiting for you" she added. I nodded with smile and knock twice the door before I enter in. I saw a man from his late fifties sat beside the corner of the desk. He look at me with warm smile and ask to take a seat.

I let my CV to him, "so Ms Davis why you choose this company?" he asked politely. I about to answer but "we choosing employee not they choosing my company" a hard boiled voice come from behind me.

I looked behind , there is no way I seeing him. He right in front of me, Ethan Lanister the handsome eligible bachelor and arrogant to described his personality. His gray stormy eyes took my CV, start flip the page.

It's makes me little more nervous and shock.

The man beside him noticed me and" Ethan don't scared her, she might be nervous" he compliment me. "Scared of me, it should be respect not scared uncle" his eyes meet mines. Time pass I answer all the question he asked.

Outside the building, I took deep gasp and walk to my car. My phone rang, I saw the caller id and immediately answer the call.

"hey mom, how are you?, "hi sweetie, I'm fine how is the interview, what happen?" she asked with worried tone.

"Mom I cannot sleep until 11 now, I should wake at seven to get ready to work" I sighed. "owh dear you got the job, I'm so happy for you sweetie" she excited and shared the happy news to my dad," my Bethany baby got the job, I'm so happy for you darling my dad joins mom.

My parents owns a small bakery and my sister Natalie doing her nursing. After I graduate I work at a shop as waitress until I get a permanent job. And today is the day, I made it in Lanister's Corp.

Amie hugged me and congratulated me. "you know what, who interview me today Am" I asked her with excitement," who your Riverdale hero Jughead or Archie she answered with joking tone.

"Ethan Lanister" I shot. And I saw her face expression changed. Her smiling face turn into worried and shock.

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