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The Ceo's Mistress

The Ceo's Mistress

Daii MO


Haley Mighty is a little narcissistic (self-loving). When it comes to beauty, she believes she's on a whole other level compared to everyone else. However, on prom night, Layla Crawford unexpectedly steals her boyfriend and manages to flee out of town the next day. Four years later, Layla moves back into town with her newfound husband; Jason Wellow, thinking that everyone had forgotten about her embarrassing past as the 'boyfriend thief'....but she was wrong, Haley remembered it all and she's out for revenge. ...Sleep with Jason and break their marriage...It was the perfect revenge scheme, but there were two things that she didn't plan for: falling in love with Jason Wellow and getting pregnant.

Chapter 1 The Boyfriend Thief

My eyes fluttered open and almost immediately flickered over to the phone on my bedside table. That right there...is my lifeline. It's the only thing in this entire world that's worth looking at for a whole freaking day! The reason is simple: attention.

Smirking slightly as it buzzed with new messages, I reached out and grabbed it before rolling over on the bed and stuffing my pillow underneath my chest to get comfy.

I rubbed my eye a bit, attempting to rid myself of drowsiness when a call from my mom suddenly popped up as my ringtone blared. I glared at the screen. She's been calling me nonstop since three days ago. I didn't want to hear her rant on and on about me not contacting her so I texted her yesterday and told her that I'd be coming over today, hoping that it'd soothe her. But it seems like she's dead set on tormenting me...This is what I get for leeching my family.

Rolling my eyes, I declined the call then unlocked the phone and quickly tapped on the Instagram icon. I scrolled through all the new comments on the photo I posted yesterday with a pleased smile...the endless compliments I receive every second of the day is most likely the reason why my ego keeps getting bigger and bigger...but who cares? A flawless person like me should know my worth.

Around an hour later, I finally managed to climb out of bed. I tidied my room, brushed my teeth, took a shower and then made my way over to my walk-in closet. I pulled it open and looked around slowly, letting my eyes take the pleasure of roaming over the vibrant red that adorned almost everything residing in there...clothes, shoes and purses all included.

Stupid enough, I believe wearing red adds to my otherworldly beauty. If it wasn't such an outrageous act, then I'd even paint my house in crimson red....that's how far my obsession goes.

I put on a tight fitted dress and matched that with a simple red heel before walking out of the room and down the stairs. As I descended, I couldn't help but notice that it was unusually quiet. If I remember correctly, my bestfriends; Katie and Harry spent the night here. They wouldn't leave without telling me.

My thoughts quickly evaporated when I reached the bottom of the stairs and low voices filled my ears. I turned in that direction.

"...at the party."

"What party?" I waltzed into the dining room and took a seat on one of the chairs, crossing my leg over the other. I looked at Harry expectantly but his lips remained pursed as he stiffened. I shifted my gaze to Katie (Harry's girlfriend) and rose a brow. "Care to fill me in, Katie?" She moulded her lips together and averted her gaze elsewhere.

They were obviously hiding something big.

"So you won't tell me huh..." I nodded in agreement with my words and stretched across the table, grabbing the wine glass that someone had apparently been drinking from. Wine in the morning?...Best thing ever.

I twirled the glass a little then took a sip. "I guess you're finally tired of having a third wheeler..." I forced a sad look unto my face.

Harry was the first one to speak up, "My mom's throwing a birthday party next month, I was inviting Katie." He rushed through his words.


He nodded and I sucked on my teeth, annoyed. I knew he was lying. I could see it on his face. If they thought they could have fun without me then they had another thing coming. I never miss out on a party...never.

"Do you think I'm stupid?" I drank the rest of the wine in one gulp then noisily settled the glass down on the table, discontinuing my act. "Come on, just tell me the truth...what's the big deal?!" I pleaded frustratedly.

"I don't think you'll be very happy to hear it," Katie told me, "It's about Layla Crawford."

My face immediately hardened. "You mean Layla...the boyfriend thief?"

Katie hesitated a bit. "...Well, yeah."

I scowled. After all these years, the mere sound of her name placed me in a VERY bad mood. "What does she have to do with anything?"

Harry answered this time. "She's moving back to Satoya and Nathalie's throwing a welcome party for her. We..." He gestured to himself and Katie. "--got invited."

I clenched my jaw, my nails unconsciously digging into the table cloth that covered the table. "She's moving back here? Why?!" They shrugged and I wrinkled my nose in disgust. "She's probably here for the guys...that wench!"

"She's not that type of person anymore." Harry vouched, a tiny pinch of irritation in his eyes that anyone could've missed. Why is he getting so worked up?

I shook my head, pitying him for naively thinking that. "People don't change, my friend...they only get better at hiding their true selves."

He sighed. "This time it's different...she's married."

I did a double take. "I didn't quite catch that..." I leaned over the table and attempted to clean my ear with my pinky finger. "Say what now?"

He rolled his eyes. "She's married, Haley."

I snorted, flopping back down on the chair. "Married? That's so damn ridiculous that it doesn't even count as a joke." I expected them to show some sort of reaction...anything to put my mind at ease, but they didn't. I instantly knew that they were being serious. "You're serious?! To who?!"

"We don't know that yet...but I hear he's rich," Katie informed. "She definitely hit the jackpot."

I straightened up, eyes widening at her words. Rich? Where did Layla snatch a rich guy? I can't believe this. Layla's nothing but a petty, jealous bitch! She doesn't deserve anyone!

"How rich is he?" I squeezed through my teeth with a deep scowl.

"Rich enough to be buying the largest house in Satoya."

I squinted. "The largest one?" The wheels in my head began turning until everything clicked and my eyes widened in horror. "Don't tell me it's the one next door!?"

"That's the one!"

My mouth dropped.

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